SLICE OF BREAD OF BREAD Monthly Newsletter ... Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in June, ... Brianna Smith, Isabel Drevecky, Julie Mosser 13 Dayne Hiller 14 Justice Nerad - [PDF Document] (2024)

SLICE OF BREAD Monthly Newsletter of Bread of Life Lutheran Church 1415 17th Avenue Southwest, Minot ND 58701 (701) 838-3360

Web Site: ~~ Email: [emailprotected] Pastor Taryn Montgomery Pastor Alex Hoops

Holy Week / Easter Celebration March 20, Palm Sunday ~ Worship 9:00 am and 11:15 am Thursday , March 24 ~ Maundy Thursday ~ 7:00 pm Service with communion “Welcome to the Table” For Communion students Friday, March 25 ~ Good Friday ~ 7:00 pm Service

Saturday, March 26 ~ 5:00 pm Easter Worship Sunday, March 27 ~ Easter Sunday 8:00 am and 10:30 am ~ Easter Worship 9:00 am - 10:00 am ~ Easter Breakfast

March 2016

Lent at Bread of Life Our theme for Lent this year is “Animate!” Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 for a meal hosted by our ministry teams, and then worship together at 7:00pm – where we are exploring different practices of the Christian faith.

Along with our “Sweet Deal for the CAR”, our Wednesday evening offerings will go towards Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota and the various programs they (and we) provide across the state.

. Join Us For Dinner March 2 Taco Bout a Party! March 9 Pasta Perfect March 16 Breakfast for Dinner

The Burlington Community Choir will be our guests for the Lenten service on Wednesday, March

9, 7:00 PM. The theme for the musical is “The King Is Coming.” Invite your friends to come with to enjoy some great music and hear the Lent/Easter message they bring.

Also, remember, supper at 6:00 pm.

Welcome to the Table March 9th @4:30 and March 12th 10 am-12 Communion is central to our worship life together at Bread of Life. We gather at the table and we are fed by the living God. If you have a young person in your household who is asking about communion or would like to receive communion, consider yourself invited to

our Welcome to the Table events!

Welcome to the table is for anyone who is interested in receiving communion. Perhaps you have taken it before, perhaps you haven’t, whatever your situation, you are invited to learn more about this incredible means of grace! Children and their families are invited to come to Bread of Life on March 12th from 10-12 for a whole family time of activities and discussion surrounding the Lord’s Supper.

.Also, on March 9th you are invited to go to Margie’s Art Glass Studio on Main street at 4:30 pm to make your very own communion cup!

From Pastor Taryn

Caring Conversations, Caring for Each Other Part Two

For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. - 1 Corinthians 12:13 In last month’s newsletter, I wrote about two “caring conversations” that the council is hosting during the month of March concerning the marriage policy at Bread of Life. The intent of that article was to give you some back-ground on why these conversations are taking place and how we, as people of faith, are invited to discuss our thoughts and feelings around same-gender weddings. This month I want to outline for you the process these conversations will follow, so you have an idea of what to expect. You are invited to attend either conversation - Sunday, March 6th at 6:30pm or Sunday, March 13th at 12:30pm (childcare provided at both). The platform is the same for both gatherings, so please come to the one that best suits your schedule. At these meetings you will be invited to sit around the table with other BOL members. Our hope is to have a mixture of people at each table, representing different ages and per-spectives. A council member will facilitate the conversation at each table, however their primary role is to lis-ten. The caring conversation will focus around 4 guiding questions, and everyone at the table is encouraged to respond according to their own thoughts, experiences, and beliefs. These conversations are less a discussion of the topic, and more a sharing and listening opportunity where everyone’s voice can be heard. The intent is that everyone is given both the opportunity to speak, and to hear where his or her neighbor is coming from. All of this will of course begin, continue, and end with prayer. Following these conversations, the council will revisit the question of whether to allow weddings of same-gender couples within the ministry of BOL. This will likely be an on-going conversation, not one that the council must decide immediately. But this is exactly why your input in these gatherings is critical. Your council lead-ership needs to hear from you as they further engage the conversation. Let me be clear – neither Pastor Alex nor myself have been asked to perform a same-gender wedding, either within Bread of Life or outside of it. Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in June, I was first asked about this by a BOL member who wanted to know how we as a congregation might re-spond. This is when the seed for this conversation was first planted. Our WND Synod is likewise encouraging congregations to engage it, and we are among several churches (including right here in Minot) that are having the discussion. I cannot stress enough the IMPORTANCE of having everyone join us for one of these caring conversations. Whether you are 65+ or a millennial, or whether you are in support of same-gender marriage, against, or un-sure – we want to hear from you! Your presence and thoughts are imperative in this conversation, so please make arrangements to attend. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. As I wrote last month, and as we have been praying, we are in this together as a community, a united body of Christ. We won’t all agree on any given issue, and that’s okay. But as followers of Christ, we have been called to engage one another with mutual love, respect and care as we share our thoughts and feelings on this particular topic. I look forward to seeing you on either March 6th or 13th. And again, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to speak with a council member, Pastor Alex or myself.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Taryn

A Slice of Bread

A Slice of Bread

I would like to thank the members of Bread of Life for your continued support in my pageant journeys! I am very happy to share that I have been chosen to represent Ward County as Miss Ward County North Dakota in the Miss North Dakota Teen United States pageant in Fargo, North Dakota. The pageant will take place the weekend of April 22-23. I will be ushering and sharing special music during both services on Sunday, March 20, as well as providing sweets for fellowship with a free will offering. After each service, I will also be holding a bake sale that will take donations as well. The money raised will help fund this amazing road I am travelling to experience another pageant. I am so excited to represent Ward County, Minot, and Bread of Life during this

event and ask for your prayers and support. God bless! ………. Samantha Redding

Caring Conversations - BOL Marriage Policy As the definition of marriage has changed nationally to include same-gender couples, churches are also discussing their marriage policies and whether those policies might change to include same-gender cou-ples wishing to get married. Bishop Mark Narum is inviting WND Syn-od congregations to engage this conversation. The council is hosting two "Caring Conversations" - Sunday, March 6th at 6:30pm and Sun-day, March 13th at 12:30pm. We encourage EVERYONE to attend one of these gatherings and share your thoughts. Childcare will be pro-vided for younger kids, and youth are invited to be a part of the conver-sation. Your voice is important, as the council discusses this top-ic. Please plan to attend.

Spring Cleaning As you are cleaning the house, it is time to fill the box to go to the church for the annual rummage sale to be held in April. All those discarded items may be a treasure to someone else. Anything clean, and working is wanted. Bake sale items and workers will also be needed for the day. So watch for more details.

“The Gospel Begins with GO”, based on Joshua 1:9, “For the Lord your God

is with you wherever you go”, is the theme for the Western Prairie Women’s spring gathering. All ladies are invited to Bowbells Bethlehem Lutheran on April 16. Roll Call will be LWR baby care kits or a monetary gift for the quilt and kit shipping fund. Marlene Grabow, Stanley, will speak on the mission trip to San Marcos, TX, in January. It was an exciting time for all who responded to the Invitation to GO! Ask a friend and spend the day with your sisters in faith. Interested in car pooling, let the office know.

Centering Prayer You are invited every 3rd Tuesday from 5:30-6:30pm at the church. (March 15) Explore different spiritual practices, largely through Centering Prayer. This is a great way to unwind from the chaos of life, and find refreshment and centering through prayer, meditation, and meaningful conversation with others. Any ques-tions, please see Pastor Taryn.

Enjoy eating out, having breakfast or supper with friends? Want to meet some new friends!? You are invited to join Bread of Life family when you are able:

Sat , March 5, 8:30 Breakfast at Dennys

Sat, March 19, 8:30 Breakfast at Bread of Life

Sat., March 26, 6:30 supper at Ruby Tuesdays

A Slice of Bread



2 Dustin Dahlien 4 Ethan Mathews 5 Kym Reiter 6 MaryAnn Rowe 7 Fred Beuchler 8 Lonnie Ellis 10 Desiree Nett 12 Melissa Godejohn, Bryn Roos, Brianna Smith, Isabel Drevecky, Julie Mosser 13 Dayne Hiller 14 Justice Nerad 15 Sarah Holm 16 Lee Lien, Alexis Sundby, Chris Reuer 17 Maxine Juelich, Darwin Hedstrand 18 Megan Kielman, Konnie Nelson, Sandy Bostow 19 Chad Sherven 22 Jordan Sveet 23 Terry Ebach, Natalie Mosser, Harvey Hoops, Tom Lambrecht 24 Jacob Lauckner, 26 Lezlie Beuchler 27 Jeannine Schrum, Hutson Schrum, Kitty Ol-son, Bryn Wall 28 Erica Reeve, Benjamin Beuchler 29 Jason Juelich 30 Tom Warman, Evolet Kielman, Sara Ander-son 31 Kaitlin Walker, Misty Weed, Audrey Brendsel

Wedding Anniversaries

3 Mike & Carolyn Morey

4 Jerry & Kristine Walker

19 Derald & Beverly Larson

20 Robert & Stacey Magandy

22 Dennis & MaryAnn Rowe

27 Rolan & Donna Bye

Ladies - Opportunities of Bible Study and Fellow-

ship for you -

Evey Circle - March 1, 7:00

pm in the fellowship hall.

Merry Circle - March 2, 1:30 pm in the fellowship


Come and be a part of Fellowship and the Bible study (both groups use the monthly study in the ELCA Wom-en’s magazine “Gather”.)

BOL Women will meet March 28, 7 pm at the Classic Rock Coffee Shop. Come, meet some new faces, and be a part Of happenings at BOL.

High School

Youth Each Wednesday

evening the Bread of

Life Youth have an opportunity to meet with

Pastor Alex. High school youth are challenged to be a part.

A variety of events, conversations, service projects happen. Bring your friends.

A Slice of Bread

Wednesday Night Faith Formation for March

Easter Choir

Any body, every-

body ~ you are in-

vited to come and

be a part of the

Easter Choir. The

choir will probably

sing at least Palm

Sunday and Easter (we realize not everyone will be

available for both days so don’t let that stop you from

coming.) Think you can’t sing? Come and do your

best to make a “joyful noise.” All God’s people

have a place in the choir! Practice Tuesday nights

beginning March 1, 7 pm.

BOL Book Club - The next

meeting Monday, March 21st at Michaela Huber’s home, book is The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

Wednesday Mar 2 Lenten Supper 6 pm, Worship 7 pm

Wednesday Mar 9 Lenten Supper 6 pm, Worship 7 pm

Wednesday Mar 16 Lenten Supper 6 pm, Worship 7 pm

Thursday, Mar 24 Maunday Thursday, Worship/Communion 7 pm


ON SALE Special event coming up, need a tempting dessert, a delicious homemade cheese-cake is the answer. Pick up an order form—they are on the desk in the church narthex. Each cheesecake is $30 and all sales help support expenses for youth trav-eling to Haiti for a mission experience work-ing with summer education projects.

Flavors are: Turtle, White Chocolae Raspberry, Almond, Key Lime. Does that not make your mouth water?

Thanks for your Help! ……


We are again asking for Easter Lilies for our Easter services. The plan is to order the plants and have them delivered to the church. Cost for a plant is $10.00 and payment must accompany this order. Please make checks paya-ble to Bread of Life. Orders must be to the church office NO LATER THAN March 21 .

Number of plants ______ at $10.00 each = _________

In loving memory of (deceased) _________________________________________________

In honor of (living) ______________________________________________

Or a gift to the glory of God ______. Given by ____________________________________

From Molly, BOL Vocational Intern… As a student in the MSU Special Education program, I am required to complete a service learning project in order to earn credit for a course on leadership. For my project, I want to step out of my comfort zone, while pursuing two of my passions; the world of disabilities and ministry. I've created a project that contains two parts. I will spend time at Kalix, where I'll shadow staff, get to know the residents, and learn the ropes of the organization.

Where you come in… I'm inviting Bread of Life to join me in the second portion of my project. Three events are planned to create the opportunity for Bread of Lifers and Kalix residents to create connections through fun activities. My goal is to create disability awareness within our community, as well as design influential experiences for both groups. My hope is that you'll take the leap out of your comfort zone and join me in my own learning experience.

* March 30th @ 4:00-5:30 pm. You're invited to Margie's Art Glass Studio for small group conversation while painting your very own pottery piece!

* April 6th @ 4:30-5:30 pm. Come out for sunshine and fresh air as we take a nature walk through Oak Park, including devotions and popsicles!

* April 13th @ 6:30-8:00pm. The Faith Formation team is partnering with me on a Disability Awareness presentation for everyone. Come and listen as we gain perspective of what it's like living with a disability.

All are invited to these events! Bring a friend and join me!

A Slice of Bread

Memorial Gifts In memory of Velda Schwede from Janice Hewitt

In memory of Gloriann Roteliuk from Jeanice & George Officer, Ole & Laurie Honadel, Donna & Larry Herslip, MaryAnn Fitchner, Lon & Sandy Drevecky, Kevin & Tracey Lawson, Joylea Knutson

Other Gifts In appreciation of the handbell music on his birthday by George Officer

In memory of Delores & Dale Zieman on their 60th wedding anniversary Which would have been February 12 from Susan, Pam, Jon, Carolyn and Families

Pastoral Act Baptism

August Ryan Myers

All you guys!! This invite is for you…. Join Bread of Life Men, and share some buffalo wings and rings,

conversation, inspiration, meet someone new . Wednesday,

March 30, 6:00 pm at Buffalo Wings and Rings (Dakota Square Mall)

Worship Assistants ~ March 2016 Mar 6 9:00am Ushers ______________ Worship Assistant ______________ Fellowship Shirley Quigley & Myrna Stromberg

11:15am Ushers Doug Berg

Worship Assistant ______________ Fellowship Michelle/Donna_

Mar 13 9am Ushers ______________

Worship Assistant Sharon Johnson Fellowship Steve & Deanna Engstrom

11:15am Ushers Doug Berg

Worship Assistant ______________ Fellowship ______________

Mar 20 9am Ushers ______________ Worship Assistant Juliana Schlecht

Fellowship Samantha Redding 11:15am Ushers Troy Langmaack

Worship Assistant Linda Langmaack Fellowship Samantha Redding Mar 27 Easter 8:00 am Ushers ______________ Worship Assistant McKade & Aiden Wall

Breakfast 9 am—10 am 10:30 am Ushers ______________

Worship Assistant Tammy Hamm

If you cannot serve for some reason please find someone to take your place. Your assistance in worship and fellowship is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

If your household would like to help out, sign-up sheets for next month are in the narthex.

Just find a time that works for you.

A Slice of Bread

The Early Bird Gets the worm… For special discounts at

Metigoshe and Camp of the Cross, register before April 1 and receive Early Bird discounts and rewards. You can get further information on line or pick up a registration form in the narthex. Reminder—BOL Women pay 1/2 of the camp registration fee. Scholarship forms are in the narthex.

Day Camp (at Bread of Life) - The dates for Day Camp at

Bread of Life with the Metigoshe staff are May 31—June 3. Keep those days on the calendar clear for a “Adventure in Christ” experience. Invite the friends and spread the word.

Summer Employment - (College Youth) Summer camp may be the place!! Staff is now

being recruited. If interested, call the camp.

Gospel Seeds… March 2016 A Monthly Update from the Western North Dakota Synod Office

The Daily Walk…

Part of what I know from traveling across this synod is we have faithful, generous people. I also know many are looking for ways to connect their faith in Christ with their daily lives. I recently had a simple revelation.

It was Sunday morning worship at Metigoshe Lutheran, Pastor Carol announced a sign-up sheet was being passed for those who would be willing from time to time to cook a meal. The meals would be taken to people who were sick, just had baby, had a loved one die or a whole host of other reasons. The congregation calls it “Just for the Love of It” and has been carrying out the ministry for a while, the sign-up sheet was a way to update their list of willing cooks. The list is kept by the Evangelism Coordinator so that whenever a need is no-ticed the list of self-identified willing cooks is consulted.

As I think about this, I wonder in what other ways such a simple process could be used in a congregation. What about keeping a list of people willing to help others with simple home repairs, especially elders who live in their own homes but have no family nearby to call on.

I am awe struck by the simplicity of this project which allows people to as Jesus called us to do, love our neighbor. It is a way for the church, the gathering of God’s people, to connect need with resource.

Rural Plunge…

Churches of our synod once again hosted seminary students for the Rural Plunge during January. There were three students from Wart-burg Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa and one student from Gettysburg Seminary, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. They spent their time with people, learning about rural ministry and the connection between life and faith.

The students wrapped up their time impressed by the way people cared for one another and spoke deeply of their faith and by the vibrant community life they witnessed.

Resolutions – A Conversation Piece...

If there is a topic you would like discussed and acted upon at synod assembly, now is the time to submit the resolution. The deadline is

March 31st. Rev. Lisa Ahlness is available to help with questions.

Tilling the Soil…

We want to spark your imagination! What creative, new ministries is God calling us to engage? That is a big question but to engage it takes a first step. We will take that step on Saturday, April 9th from 9:30AM to 3:00PM in an event call Tilling the Soil. We will wel-come Rev. Ruben Duran the director of New Starts within the ELCA and Rev. Keith Zeh who serves as Director of Evangelical Mission for the NW Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota.

Together we will talk about how the larger church can help identify, explore and possibly launch new ministries. Often this does not mean building a new building – instead it means letting your imagination flow freely. We invite you to grab a couple of people from your congregation to come learn more and see what kind of creativity might begin to well up.

Synod Council Actions…

Your synod council, a group of elected lay and rosterd leaders gathered February 5th and 6th at Zion in Minot. Here are a few of the actions:

-Heard that Mission Support congregations shared with the synod increased by about $4,000 compared to the previous year and took ac-tion to disperse additional funds to Mission Partners including ELCA Churchwide, Campus Ministry and Luther Seminary.

-Approved a revision of the 2016 Budget and set a budget for 2017 which will move on to synod assembly for discussion and action.

-Approved the 2017 Compensation Guidelines for Rostered Leaders in the synod which include a 2.5% increase – action on this proposal now goes to June’s synod assembly.

-Approved passing on to June’s synod assembly a change in a bylaw which would remove term limits for the Office of Bishop.

-Heard from Minot State Lutheran Campus ministry that a $100,000 grant has been received from the Lilly Foundation to engage students in vocational discernment.

-Appointed a task force to help create a Comprehensive Mission Support Strategy in the synod aimed at creating sustainability for the synod’s ministry.

If you would like to know more about any of these give me a call, I would be glad to chat.

God Bless - Bishop Mark Narum

A Slice of Bread



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MINOT ND 58701

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SLICE OF BREAD OF BREAD Monthly Newsletter ... Following the Supreme Court’s ruling in June, ... Brianna Smith, Isabel Drevecky, Julie Mosser 13 Dayne Hiller 14 Justice Nerad - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.