Total Drama World Tour Rewrite - BlazingPyro55 (2024)

Chapter 1: Walk Like an Egyptian - Part 1


The campers climb a pyramid (Egypt)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The episode began in front of a bus. “Season three of Total Drama, folks! The world is gonna be mine, sea to shining sea. Sadly, I'm forced to share my world with a free-range travelling teen freak show. They'll be competing all around the globe for two million dollars. So, let's meet our players. Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Justin, Leshawna!” Chris said as everyone he mentioned got out as Gwen ended up bumping into Heather.

“Ugh, are there reserved seats? I.E. Can I have one not behind Heather's phony hair ponytail?” Gwen asked.

“Um, my extensions are human hair.” Heather angrily responded.

“You learn something new every day.” Duncan said as Gwen chucked and Heather glared at him. Courtney saw this and glared at him.

“Lindsay! Owen, DJ, and Harold.” Chris said as Lindsay got out but the other three didn’t. “Guys?” he asked.

“Sweet strawberry preserves! No!” Owen yelled as he was held by DJ who got him out of the bus.

“He's afraid of flying, remember?” DJ said.

“Aerophobia, from the latin, as opposed to aeronausiphobia, the fear of air sickness.” Harold explained as he got out.

“Keep up the fascinating facts and I'm going to be aeronauseous all over you.” Noah mocked as he got out alongside Cody and Eva.

“And returning favorites, Noah, Eva, Cody, and…” Chris said as he was suddenly interrupted.

“Yo, yo, yo! This year's winner is in the house! Er... bus. I mean... runway! Where's the plane, eh?” Ezekiel asked as he got out of the bus.

“I know, right? Let's fly! Whoo!” Izzy said as she jumped on Ezekiel.

“Watch out, ooh!” Ezekiel grunted as he collapsed with Izzy on him.

“Oh!” Izzy grunted.

“Yup. Izzy's back. Also returning this season, Tyler.” Chris said.

“Alright, let’s do this! Argh!” Tyler grunted as he jumped out the bus and fell.

“And the co-host of Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette.” Chris said as Bridgette got out.

“Whoa! Oof!” Bridgette grunted as she tripped and fell on the ground where Ezekiel, Tyler and Izzy were piled up.

“Yo, Chris, you forgot to introduce me.” Ezekiel said.

“And Ezekiel.” Chris sighed. “And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding two new competitors. He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species. Alejandro!” Chris said as Alejandro got out of the bus.

“Perhaps I can assist senoritas?” Alejandro said as he helped Izzy and Bridgette up.

“Wow…” Bridgette said in shock.

“I-I-I have a Big-O!” Izzy blurted out.

“And amigos, please, allow me.” Alejandro said as he helped Tyler and Ezekiel up.

“Wow, eh.” Ezekiel said in shock.

“I like girls.” Tyler blurted out.

“And she's a sugar-addicted super fan with sixteen Total Drama blogs, Sierra!” Chris said as Sierra jumped out of the bus.

“Oh my gosh, I love you guys and this is the greatest day of my life and Anybody got a paper bag I can breathe into? Oh my gosh, Cody! I've dreamt of this moment. Only you weren't wearing a shirt.” Sierra said as she approached Cody.

“Uh… do I know you?” Cody said in shock.

“Here’s the damn plane you’ll be flying in!” Chef said inside the Jumbo Jet as he drove over with it while it shook.

“What the…” Duncan said in shock.

“That thing looks like it’s one punch away from collapsing.” Eva said.

“Excuse me, but I'd like to express some concern about the safety of our plane.” Courtney said.

“Relax, it's perfectly safe. Now boarding.” Chris said as a part of the plane fell off.

“No! I can't ride in that! Call the United Nations! Call a cab! Call my mom! No! I'm not doing this! I'm out! This is unethical! Mommy...” Owen screamed as Chris hit him with a pan.

“Anybody else got a problem with it?” Chris asked.

“No.” Cody said.

“Love it!” Lindsay said.

“Almost as hot as me!” Justin said.

“Dibs on the window seat!” Bridgette said.

“Now boarding on a voyage to a million big ones! We're saving you a first class seat for all the action right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris said, dramatically singing the World Tour part.

“Seriously?” Duncan said.

(Theme song, Changes: Instead of Tyler, Justin is driving the carriage with Cody in it and with the scene with Lindsay looking at Tyler’s picture, she is instead talking with Tyler before polar bear Izzy interrupts them. Eva is with Leshawna and Noah and the seagull does not hit DJ.)

Cut to everyone in the plane kitchen. “Singing? Really? I thought Chris was joking about that.” Gwen said.

“Well, I don't have a problem with it.” Courtney replied.

“Yeah, 'cause you like singing.” Leshawna said.

“Well, I don't! Girls sing. Little birdies sing. Ha ha. Duncans do not sing.” Duncan replied.

“For once I agree with you, singing is for weaklings!” Eva said.

“Think I'll get to beatbox?” Harold asked.

“I'll beat you if you try.” Eva replied.

“Why are you doing this to us?” Heather asked Chris.

“Singing reality shows are huge and the worse the singing, the higher the ratings, which is why on this show, there will be no vocal coaches or rehearsals or warning!” Chris said as everyone complained. “Anywho, this is the dining area where you'll enjoy in flight meals.” he said.

“Not for long, eh. Prepare to lose to the Zeke.” Ezekiel boasted.

“Okay, it’s cool that you believe in yourself and all, but you do know you got voted out first last time, right?” Gwen said.

“Word. And I spent every minute since making sure that don't happen again. I'm stronger, faster, smarter…” Ezekiel boasted.

“Chattier, blabbier, can't-shut-up-ier. Now zip it and let me finish the tour so we can get this bird in flight!” Chris said.

“Is there a toilet in this dump?” Leshawna asked.

“Just through there.” Chris said as he pointed at a toilet door.

“Good, 'cause I gotta make a deposit.” Leshawna said as she entered.

Confessional: Leshawna

“There's a camera in the potty? Again?! Ugh! Can't a sister get a little privacy on this program?” Leshawna complained as she realized that the toilet was the confessional.

Confessional: Eva

“This shouldn't be legal. Anyway, this time, maybe instead of boasting about my strength, I should lay low so I don’t get targeted.” Eva thought.

Cut to everyone in a room with crappy seats and a luggage area. “Losing teams will enjoy luxurious economy class accommodations between destinations.” Chris said.

“Okay, well, where are our beds?” Lindsay asked.

“Owen, care to demonstrate?” Chris asked as he pointed at Owen sleeping while tied to the wall on a seat.

“Plane... No…” Owen mumbled in his sleep.

“That does not look comfortable.” Heather said.

“No comfort for losers. Safety harnesses and an emergency exit. But no comfort here, here, or here.” Chris replied.

“OMG, Chris, I am just LOL.” Sierra laughed.

“Stop making me feel old.” Eva said.

“We should hit the winner's compartment, eh? 'Cause I ain't never gonna sit back here. Ha, never!” Ezekiel boasted.

“Is "never" your policy on mouthwash too, home school?” Noah replied.

Cut to a fancy room with comfortable seats. “This is the first class cabin. The domain of each week's winners.” Chris said.

“Now this is the kind of accommodation ladies deserve.” Alejandro said.

“Oh, uh, wow. Thanks!” Bridgette blushed.

“Wow Tyler, that guy is like super duper hot! Is he like a super duper omega male model or something?” Lindsay said.

“Yeah, Uh-I-mean-I uh-like girls and I-Lindsay uh-balls-” Tyler struggled to form a coherent sentence.

“What? Why are they all swarming toward him? I’m the hot one! They should be drooling over me!” Justin complained.

“Sorry man, you used to be as smooth as Momma’s gravy, but that guy? That guy is as smooth as Momma’s peanut butter!” DJ said.

“Hmph, you’ll see! Hey girls, look at this!” Justin said as he ripped off his sweater.

“What was his name again? Jalapeno?” Lindsay said while looking at Alejandro.

“It was, uh, I… well, bro, man, oof, uh…” Tyler struggled to form a coherent sentence.

“Alejandro. And do not forget it, or pronounce it wrong.” Alejandro replied.

“Sure, Alfonso!” Lindsay said as Alejandro rolled his eyes.

“Told you dude.” DJ told Justin.

“Ugh, you people just have bad taste!” Justin said as he stormed off while Heather looked suspicious of Alejandro.

Confessional: Justin

“Ugh, why do they all like him so much? I bet he doesn’t have any modeling experience at all! He’s like, a 6/10 at best while I’m a 12/10 at my worst!” Justin complained.

Confessional: Chef & Heather

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“I can see right through that guy. You know, this extra confessional is a thousand times nicer than talking in the toilet.” Heather said.

“Maybe for you. I'm trying to prep for a flight here.” Chef replied.

“Hello, venting! Shh! Anyway, new guy is so transparent, so fake, so–” Heather tried to say but was interrupted.

“Deliciously seductive?” Chef said.

“That is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to say!” Heather replied.

“Pretty good looking guy to boot. I'm just sayin'.” Chef said.

“Ugh! Forget this!” Heather said as she stormed off.

“Stupid kid, bothering me at my job…” Chef complained.

Cut to luxury room with a lot of stuff. “Whoa... where are we now? A grand piano? Wood burning pizza oven? Four-person hot tub with LED light show and dancing waters?” Cody said in shock.

“How do I win this? My fair Leshawna loves a hot tub.” Harold asked.

“You wish, I’m the only one who’s going to win this!” Eva replied.

“Easy, tigers. These are my quarters, and they're off limits! Clear?” Chris said.

“Crystal.” Harold replied.

“Whatever.” Eva rolled her eyes.

“Oh, Chris. I heart your limits.” Sierra chuckled.

Confessional: Heather

“Anyway, with Beth gone, Lindsiot, Izzy being insane as usual, and Ale-whatever looking like a real threat, my only strategic option is to make friends with the new girl. But pretending to like that is gonna be hard. I do not heart the new girl.” Heather said.

Cut to everyone in the kitchen. “And that's pretty much it. I skipped the cargo hold and galley, but I'm sure you'll find those exciting destinations later, when I "accidentally" lock you in them.” Chris said when the plane started moving, accidentally causing Bridgette to fall in Alejandro’s arms.

“Whoa!” Bridgette grunted.

“Señorita, are you okay?” Alejandro said.

“Is the Earth moving?” Bridgette said in shock.

“Nope. We are! Whoo!” Izzy cheered.

“It’s a plane, why the hell is this so unusual to you people?” Eva said.

“Planes usually don’t make this sound when they fly.” Noah said, talking about a weird metal rusting sound.

“Fair enough.” Eva replied.

“One more thing. I'm sure you all remember a little something called the elimination ceremony? Takes place right in there, my friends.” Chris said as he pointed at a door.

Cut to everyone in the elimination room. “If you don't receive a barf bag full of airline issue peanuts–” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“I got a peanut allergy, yo. Er, more like a sensitivity.” Ezekiel said.

“You will be forced to take the Drop of Shame.” Chris continued, annoyed by Ezekel.

“Okay, I just don't like–” Ezekiel tried to say but was suddenly grabbed by Chris.

“Kinda like this.” Chris said as he opened a door and they Ezekiel out, causing him to fall on the floor outside the plane.

“Oof! Hey! Aw, good one, eh! Now, slow down and let my bling back in!” Ezekiel said as he ran after the plane.

“All eliminations are final, bro!” Chris said as he looked out the door.

“That hardly seems fair, eh?” Ezekiel said.

“Life isn’t fair, get used to it.” Chris said as he shut the door.

“Wait! Let me in dawg! Oh no! Help!” Ezekiel yelled as he held onto a tire as the plane started flying, causing him to be dangled in the air.

Cut to everyone in the dining hall. “Every second, we're getting closer to adventure and further from mama.” DJ sighed.

“Uh, haven’t you done this twice before?” Cody asked.

“Yeah, but I didn’t see Momma in between, now just randomly being separated from her makes me feel sad.” DJ sighed.

“Don’t worry big guy! I can help by-” Cody tried to say but was interrupted.

“Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson. I also happen to know that your birthday is April 1st. You're my very own April fool.” Sierra told Cody.

“April 1st? Now I just feel sympathy.” DJ said as most people laughed.

“Ugh, why did you say that!?” Cody sighed when suddenly a bell sound played as a bell icon popped up on the screen while Chris came with a suit under the spotlight.

“Whenever you hear that friendly little bell, it's musical number time! So, let's hear it.” Chris said.

“But... what are we supposed to sing?” Courtney asked.

“You have to make it up as you go. Wouldn't be challenging otherwise, would it?” Chris replied.



[She sang happily as she got up.]

[Courtney and Izzy]


[They sang as Izzy got up.]

[Courtney, Izzy, and Sierra]


[They sang as Sierra got up.]

[Courtney, Izzy, Sierra, and Lindsay]


[They sang as Lindsay got up.]



[He sang as he got up.]

[Harold and Cody]


[They sang as Cody got up.]

[Harold, Cody, and DJ]


[They sang as DJ got up.]

[Harold, Cody, DJ, and Tyler]


[They sang as Tyler got up.]

[Heather, Courtney, Leshawna, Izzy, Sierra, Bridgette, and Lindsay]

We're flying!

[The girls all sang]

[Harold, Alejandro, Justin, Cody, DJ, Noah, and Tyler]

And singing!

[The guys all continued]


We're flying and we're singing!

[They all sang as the view switched into showing the plane, then showing Sierra pushing Cody in a kart in first class]


Come fly with us!

[She sang as she pushed the stroller.]

[Sierra and Cody]

Come fly with us!

[They sang as the scene switched into economy.]


We got a lot of crazy tunes to bust, ha ha! Oof!

[She grunted as she fell out of the luggage while the scene switched into first class again.]


Come fly with us!

[She sang as she got on a chair.]

[Bridgette, Tyler and Lindsay]

Come fly with us!

[They sang as Tyler and Lindsay got on chairs.]

“It's a pleasure and an honor and a must.” Alejandro said as he helped them down while they giggled.

Cut to the dining hall. “Dudes, this is messed. You're singing in a plane.” Duncan said.

“What did you expect? Chris is freaking insane!” Harold said as he swung his nunchucks.

“Doesn’t mean you should give into his wishes!” Eva said as she took the nunchucks from him and threw them away.

“My nunchucks!” Harold yelled.

“Yeah, and guys, you're singing on TV!” Gwen said.


Haven't you always wanted to? It can't just be me!

[She sang as she passed by them while doing ballet moves.]

“You disgust me.” Eva said as the scene switched into first class.


Come fly with us!

[He sang as he, Justin and Leshawna danced.]

[DJ, Justin and Leshawna]

Come fly with us!

[They sang when the plane suddenly shook.]

Cut to the co*ckpit. “Do you know how to steer this thing?” Heather asked.

“I try.” Chef replied as the scene switched into the luggage.


They thought they could leave me and depart! But this stowaway's got winning in his heart!

[He sang as he got out from a bag while the scene switched to economy.]


Come fly with us! Come die with us!

[He sang as he looked out a window.]

“We're flying? I hate flying! Stop the plane!” Owen yelled as Chris hit him with a pan while the scene switched to the dining hall.

[Sierra, Cody, DJ, and Heather]

Come fly with us! Come sing with us!

[They told Gwen, Eva and Duncan while singing.]

“No!” Duncan, Gwen and Eva replied.

“Would anyone care for a copy of the season three rules? Because in order to escape instant elimination…” Chris said as he showed a piece of paper which was grabbed by Bridgette


Contestants can’t refuse to sing if the host specifically wants them to!

[She read the paper while singing.]


Duncan do it, let's go!

[She told Duncan while singing.]


Come on Eva, it’s fun trust me!

[She told Eva while singing.]


Gwen, sing it, don't go!

[He told Gwen while singing.]

“Well, I don't wanna go home.” Gwen thought.


Come fly with us! Come fly with us! Come and fly with us!

[She finally sang as she got up.]

“Duncan, come on, please?” Courtney told Duncan.

“Ugh, fine.” Duncan sighed.


I hate this stupid show and this stupid plane and everything!

[He yelled while singing]

“Come on Eva, your turn!” Izzy told Eva as she sighed.


This sucks!

[She yelled while signing extremely badly]

[Everyone but Owen and Ezekiel]


[They said as they all posed.]

“Wow, that was way too off-key!” Izzy told Eva.

“Hey, I didn’t want to do this either! Shut it!” Eva replied.

Confessional: Eva

“For some reason, everyone hates my singing! And now I have to do it for an entire season? Screw you, McLean!” Eva angrily said.

“Enough singing, fruitcakes! Strap yourselves in! We are now beginning our descent into Egypt. Musical numbers. Worst idea ever. Chris is such an idiot. Hey, why's the PA light still on? Oh sh–” Chef said from the PA and turned it off as Chris gasped.

“We'll be right back.” Chris said.

Cut to everyone in front of a pyramid. “You guys ready for a little fun? Huh? Wow. It's a scorcher out here, huh? I call today's challenge... Pyramid Over-Under!” Chris said.

“An eleven-hour flight, Chef's in-flight cuisine, a forced musical number, now we've got a challenge?” Eva complained.

“Don't you love this game?” Chris replied.

Cut to everyone on a start line. “It's like we're being cooked in a giant oven.” Harold said as he wore a tin-foil hat.

“It might help if you weren't dressed by a giant baked potato.” Leshawna replied.

“Aluminum foil means the aliens can't read your brains. It's a real problem in this area.” Harold explained.

“You’re a darn fool.” Leshawna chuckled when suddenly Chris rang a gong while dressed in a pharaoh outfit.

“Man, that's satisfying! All right, Pyramid Over-Under means you choose how you'll get to the finish line. Either over or under the pyramid. Got it? Ready, set…” Chris said when suddenly Ezekiel came.

“Wait up, yo! You guys, wait up! I told you I wasn't gonna lose this time, eh!” Ezekiel said.

“Didn't we leave you in like, Halifax or Whitehorse or whatever?” Chris replied.

“It's called landing gear, homie. I climbed it and hid with the cargo.” Ezekiel explained.

“Impressive. But you're still out.” Chris replied.

“No way! I'm in it to win it! Word!” Ezekiel said.

“Hey, it's your funeral. Set... go!” Chris said as he ran a gong while everyone but Ezekiel, who looked confused, ran toward the pyramid.

Cut to Owen, Noah, Izzy, Eva, Heather, Cody, DJ, Leshawna and Harold inside the pyramid when they suddenly ran into differing paths.

“Sweet mother of mirth! What is this?” Owen said in shock.

“Oh, great. Our friendly neighborhood host dude failed to mention that there are different paths.” Noah said.

“Hey, Sierra, which way do you think we should go?” Heather asked Sierra.

“Me? Um, uh, uh…” Sierra stuttered.

“How do we know which way is right?” Owen asked.

“I think we should just go on a random path.” Eva said.

“No, I have a way better idea! Okay, I saw this in a spy movie once. You lick your finger and hold it up to find the air flow! Mm, the sand really crunches in your teeth. Fun! Okay, DJ, give me your hand.” Izzy told DJ as he licked her hand. DJ was going to do it but was stopped by Leshawna.

“Don't do it, DJ! You might catch a case of crazy! Come on, Harold.” Leshawna told DJ as she, Harold and DJ went into a door.

Confessional: Izzy

“Hmph, she’s just jealous of my actress knowledge!” Izzy scoffed.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh! Let's take the scary mummy door!” Izzy said as she went into a different door.

“Should we follow her?” Eva asked Noah.

“Got nothing better to do.” Noah shrugged.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go, woo-hoo!” Owen cheered as he grabbed Noah and went into the door Izzy went as Eva followed them.

“I guess us three should take the other one.” Cody told Sierra and Heather.

“Whatever.” Heather replied.

“Oh yay Cody! We’re going together!” Sierra said as she grabbed Cody and went in the door as Heather followed them.

Cut to Tyler, Lindsay, Justin and Bridgette in front of the pyramid. “Is it too late to go under instead?” Tyler said.

“Alejandro's doing okay. He's like, the super-cutest mountain goat in the world!” Lindsay said as she pointed at Alejandro perfectly climbing the pyramid.

“Yeah I love goats! Wait that sounded wrong- I uh, well…” Tyler stuttered.

“Wait! I can be a goat!” Justin said as Alejandro climbed down.

“May I be of assistance?” Alejandro told Lindsay, Tyler and Bridgette as he helped the three up.

“Oh sure!” Bridgette said as the four climbed.

“Look at me! I'm a hot goat! Baa!” Justin made goat noises under the pyramid, being left behind.

Cut to Courtney and Duncan climbing while tied to each other. “Rock climbing was the team building challenge when I was a CIT. And if Tiffany Prisslebewski hadn't been such a lousy partner, I'd have won.” Courtney said as Duncan rolled his eyes.

“I always said Tiffy was overrated.” Duncan replied.

“Mock all you like, Duncan, but my superior belay skills are going to assure our victory.” Courtney said when Duncan noticed Gwen struggling to climb.

“Hey, Gwen! Are you going over, too?” Duncan told Gwen.

“Working on it! Ah, crap! Oof!” Gwen grunted as she ended up falling off the step she was on.

“I think Gwen could use a hand.” Duncan winced.

“Fine. But only because a three person belay is stronger.” Courtney replied.

Cut to Izzy, Eva, Noah and Owen walking inside the pyramid. “This was a bad idea.” Noah said.

“That became apparent about 200 steps ago.” Eva replied.

“Are you doubting me?” Izzy chuckled as Noah and Eva looked nervous.

“Oh come on guys, be more optimistic! I bet the exit is just a few miles away!” Owen told them as they ran into some wraps.

“Oh, look. We're in a nurse's office!” Izzy said as she ran toward the wraps.

“It's a pyramid, not a high school.” Noah replied.

“Costume party! Mummy me!” Izzy said as she threw Noah, Owen and Eva some wraps.

Cut to Alejandro, Bridgette, Lindsay and Tyler climbing the pyramid while Justin followed after them. “Guys! Wait up! Ow, my sexy hand! Ah! My face!” Justin yelled as he fell off the pyramid while hitting his face multiple times.

“Should we help him?” Bridgette said.

“Don’t bother, we’re so near the top, going back would be detrimental.” Alejandro replied.

“G-good idea! I never l-liked that guy anyway!” Tyler stuttered as they continued climbing.

Cut to Heather, Sierra and Cody walking when Sierra suddenly stepped on a switch, causing some arrows to fired at them.

“Ah!” Heather, Cody and Sierra grunted as they ducked.

“Oops. Sorry, Cody. And Heather.” Sierra said as Heather looked like she was about to snap.

“Honest mistake. Could've happened to anybody.” Heather replied.

“Uh? Whatever, let's go!” Cody said as they continued.

Confessional: Cody

“Honestly, I was just expecting her to fully snap at her. I wouldn’t have minded it honestly, she creeps me out.” Cody said.

Confessional: Heather

“I realized being overly bitchy isn’t helping, so I’m going to try and be… nicer… to people from now on so they don’t fully despise me and try to get me voted off first.” Heather said.

Cut to Duncan, Gwen and Courtney climbing the pyramid. Duncan looked annoyed while Gwen and Courtney were arguing.

“And your form is appalling.” Courtney told Gwen.

“Gee, thanks, Courtney! I was just wondering about that!” Gwen replied.

“You know, you're only here because I'm feeling nice today.” Courtney replied.

“Wow! This is you being nice? My sympathies!” Gwen told Duncan.

“Are you hearing this, Duncan? You're not gonna let her get away with that.” Courtney told Duncan as he rolled his eyes.

Cut to DJ, Leshawna and Harold walking under the pyramid when DJ suddenly saw a mummified dog. “That's a real dog! Poor little guy.” DJ gasped.

“DJ, we do not have time to cry over a stuffed dog! That’s not even real!” Leshawna told DJ.

“Hey there, little buddy. Wish I had a biscuit to give you.” DJ said as he pet the mummy dog, accidentally breaking it and causing the pyramid to shake.

“DJ, what have you done!? You’ve doomed us all!” Harold yelled dramatically.

“What did I do? What did I do?” DJ gasped as scarabs started filling the room.

“Scarabs! Run!” Harold yelled as he, DJ and Leshawna ran out.

Cut to Owen, Noah and Eva in the pyramid.

“Izzy?! Izzy!” Owen yelled.

“Dude, she's lost. We've gotta go.” Eva told Owen.

“Aw, poor Iz.” Owen sighed.

“"Poor Iz"? She kept insisting we go in circles because she "smelled something lucky".” Noah said.

“Uh, I think that might've been my fault. Airplane food smells bad.” Owen said as he patted his stomach.

“Ugh, we should just continue. Izzy’ll find a way out, she always does.” Noah said as he, Owen and Eva walked away.

Cut to Ezekiel in a room in the pyramid when he saw an intercom. “Guys? Anybody? An intercom? What the shizzle? Yo, playas! Is this thing on? Oof!” Ezekiel grunted as he pressed a button on it, causing wraps and a cross to fall on him.

Cut to Alejandro, Bridgette, Lindsay and Tyler on top of the pyramid. “It's too steep for me to carry you down.” Alejandro told them.

“Maybe we can just run like a football player trying to tackle someone?” Tyler thought.

“There’s no way we do that without falling off, there must be a less painful way. I'm a surfer! I can surf!” Bridgette said as she looked at a signpost.

“Then let’s do it! Aw right!” Tyler cheered.

“Yeah, I’m so hot, right? Oof! Oh no! Not the face!” Justin grunted as he showed up but got hit in the face with the bottom of the sign, causing him to fall off again.

Confessional: Justin

“Usually that takes at least… 4-7 episodes to happen, and now it’s happening on episode 1!? Can’t I catch a break for once?” Justin complained.

“Oops.” Lindsay said as the four got on the sign and slid down the pyramid.

Cut to Leshawna, DJ, and Harold running out the pyramid. “Good work, guys!” Chris told them.

“We're first? We're first!” DJ cheered.

“Wicked.” Harold said.

“Go stand behind the number one.” Chris told them.

“In Egyptian, it's wahed!” Harold replied.

Cut to Sierra, Cody and Heather running away from a mummy Izzy while screaming.

“Guys, guys, guys! How 'bout another musical number? Oh. A pyramid's just a triangle with room inside! I would be awesome as Frankenstein's bride!” Izzy sang.

Cut to Noah, Eva and Owen walking in the pyramid when Noah suddenly noticed a mummy. However, it was Ezekiel and not Izzy.

“Hey, brickhouse. I found your girl.” Noah told Owen.

“Iz! Say, you do make a cute mummy. Oy, you got a kiss for old Big-O…” Owen said as he tried to kiss Ezekiel while he screamed under the wraps.

“Oh crap!” Eva said as she and Noah realized that it was not Izzy.

“That's not Izzy! Run!” Noah said as he, Owen and Eva ran away screaming.

Cut to Lindsay, Bridgette, Alejandro and Tyler sliding on the sign as they reach the bottom.

“Killer ride, dudes!” Tyler gave a thumbs up.

“Oof. Yeah!” Lindsay grunted as she fell off the sign.

“Yeah, awesome!” Bridgette agreed.

“Ladies… After you.” Alejandro told Lindsay and Bridgette as they crossed the line. However, Alejandro and Tyler were stopped by Chris.

“Not so fast. This season, three teams! Bridgette and Lindsay round out team one. Alejandro and Tyler, you're the first two members of team two.” Chris told them.

“In Egyptian, it's etneen.” Harold said.

“Ugh, why can’t I just be on the same team as Lindsay for once?” Tyler complained.

“If it's any consolation, you do get…” Chris said and pointed at Justin screaming and falling off the pyramid.

“That’s not a consolation!” Tyler said.

“Uh, Tyler, is it?” Alejandro said.

“Yep. And you also get…” Chris said as Owen, Noah and Eva ran out the pyramid screaming. “ Congratulations.” he said.

“That's... wonderful.” Alejandro replied.

Confessional: Alejandro

“(massive censor beep) que dio das... incompetentes!” Alejandro complained.

Sierra, Cody and Heather ran out the pyramid. “Hey, we finally got out!” Cody said.

“I'm so happy we found the exit! Heather, aren't you so happy?” Sierra asked Heather.

“I'm so happy, I could scream.” Heather replied as Sierra crossed the line, followed by Heather and Cody.

“We did it! Group hug! Come on, Heath, you too.” Sierra said as she hugged Cody while Heather reluctantly joined.

“And... hug's over. Sierra, get behind the number two. Heather and Cody, you'll be on team three.” Chris told them.

“I’m not on the same team as Codykins!?” Sierra gasped.

“Phew.” Cody sighed in relief.

“In Egyptian–” Harold tried to say but was interrupted.

“No one cares, Harold.” Chris said.

“So we’re on the same team?” Cody told Heather.

“Consider yourself lucky, dork.” Heather replied.

“Uh, ok. Where's Gwen? N-N-Not like I care, just curious.” Cody said.

“If you’re looking for Weird Goth Girl, she’s up there with the toxic couple. Ugh, am I really going to be in the same team as her for the third time?” Heather complained as she pointed at the top of the pyramid where Gwen was with Courtney and Duncan.

“I'm telling you, we need to untie!” Gwen said.

“And I'm telling you it's unsafe! I'm in charge, and–” Courtney tried to say but was interrupted by the bell pop-up.

“Oh, kids! Recognize that sound? It's time for whoever's not finished yet to give us a little musical reprise!” Chris said with a megaphone.

“You said one song per episode!” Duncan replied.

“Yeah, and this is a reprise! Not a new song. So if you don't sing, you're out! Now let's hear it!” Chris replied with the megaphone.

“You know what? No.” Duncan said as he walked down the pyramid while dragging Gwen and Courtney with him, causing them to tumble off the steps.

“No no no no no no no. Three hours of these two squawking on this stupid pyramid in this stupid heat, and you want me to sing? Forget it! I’ve had enough of this (censor beep)ing show, and all the (censor beep)ing sh*t I went through for your sick entertainment! I’mnot going to sing your (censor beep)ing song, and if you have a problem with that you can shove a stick up your ass!” Duncan angrily told Chris.

“Dude, you have a contract. You have to sing to stay.” Chris replied.

“Screw your sh*tty contract, McLean! If you need me, I'll be in the plane waiting for a ride home because I'm out. Done. I quit.” Duncan said as he cut the rope and stormed off as Gwen and Courtney gasped.

“I think you finally broke him after two seasons.” Harold said.

“Whatever, we can have a season without Duncan! Who needs that punk anyway?” Chris said.

“Hi. Looks like we're teammates.” Cody told Gwen as he helped her up.

Confessional: Cody

“Well, that was shocking. I never expected Duncan to snap like that! I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with that douche on my team, he’d probably just give me wedgies all day. Ugh.” Cody shuddered.

Izzy suddenly ran out the pyramid, still covered in wraps while carrying mummy Ezekiel. “Izzy, no!” Owen yelled.

“You're carrying the undead!” Noah said.

“Throw it away before it tries to attack you!” Eva said.

“Cool! Bite me and I can be your undead friend like Frankenstein.” Izzy told mummy Ezekiel as he jumped off her hands.

“Thanks for all the help, you knobs.” Ezekiel said as he unwrapped himself.

“Zeke?” Noah, Owen, Tyler and Eva said in shock as Izzy crossed the line.

“Izzy, go join team–” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“Talata, or three.” Harold said.

“Come on, guy. After all this, you gotta let me back in the game.” Ezekiel told Chris.

“Fine. But only 'cause we're down a man thanks to Duncan McQuittypants. Go ahead and join team one.” Chris replied as he showed him away.

“Oh, yes!” Ezekiel cheered.

“Okay, teams! Talk amongst yourselves and determine a team name. You have three minutes while I enjoy this ice cream cone.” Chris said.

“Team Victory!” All the members of the first team said at the same time.

“Team Amazon!” The girls of the third team said at the same time.

“I never agreed to this!” Cody protested while the second team argued.

“Team number one, and team number two!” Tyler suggested.

“Uh… what? I say we name it something like-” Noah tried to suggest but was interrupted.

“Team Power?” Eva suggested.

“Got it! Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot!” Sierra suddenly blurted out.

“What?” Alejandro, Tyler, Owen, Noah and Eva said in shock.

“Can we make it Team Justin is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot instead?” Justin asked.

“All right, best team name ever. I mean Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot, not Team Justin is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot by the way. And here are your rewards. Team Amazon, you win a camel.” Chris said as he a camel walked toward the Amazons.

“Ha ha! Cool!” Izzy laughed as Courtney gasped.

“Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Hot…” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“I think there were only four "really"s.” Alejandro said.

“You win a goat!” Chris replied.

“Oof!” Tyler grunted as a goat rammed into him.

“And Team Victory, here you go.” Chris said as he tossed Harold a stick.

“Stick? Nice! Now if I got two rocks, I can craft a sword for combat!” Harold said.

“So the guys who come in last get a camel and we get a stick?” Leshawna asked.

“All will be explained if I feel like it. Next time right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris sang as the episode ended.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Ezekiel, Harold, Leshawna, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
19. Duncan
Finally, the long awaited WT fic is here! Duncan still quits, you'll see if he comes back later. Hope you guys enjoy this fic and thx for the support on the TDI and TDA ones!

Chapter 2: Walk Like an Egyptian - Part 2


The camers race to the Nile (Egypt)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Let's take a few moments to review some of the features of our aircraft.” Chris began the recap in the co*ckpit where Chef was flying the plane. “Safety is our number one priority, so please remain seated with your seat belts fastened at all times. And the plane has one exit located here! As we explore our exotic destinations, take time to familiarize yourself with the local architecture. The world is our playground. But remember, refusal to sing will lead to immediate disqualification. When divided into teams, be sure to give your crew a catchy handle. Upon arrival at our final destination, one lucky competitor will receive a parting gift to remember. Two million dollars! So stow that carry-on baggage and lock those tray tables in the upright position. We're taking off on one crazy ride. Right here on Total. Drama… World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to a line where Team Victory was on a yellow mat, Team Amazon was on a pink one and Team Chris was on a blue one. “Ooh, look. Team colors!” Izzy said.

“I would have preferred purple or red, but pink is fine I guess.” Heather said.

“Well, I think the blue is cool!” Owen chuckled.

“Why the heck is our mat yellow? We're no cowards!” Harold asked.

“Relax, sugar. The map's gold 'cause Team Victory's in first place!” Leshawna replied.

“Yeah, that’s the spirit! Let’s win this thing!” DJ said.

“I can't believe Duncan got disqualified just 'cause he won't sing.” Gwen said.

“Maybe he can't sing.” Heather replied.

“Oh, he can do anything he sets his mind to. A-And now he's stuck on the plane, waiting for a ride home. Poor thing. He must be miserable.” Courtney sighed.

Cut to first class where Duncan was humming Come Fly With Us when Chris came. “Did I just hear you–” Chris tried to ask but was interrupted.

“No.” Duncan immediately replied.

“'Cause it sounded like you were–” Chris tried to ask again but was interrupted.

“But I wasn't and I never will.” Duncan said as Chris shrugged and left while he drank his drink. “Ahh…” he grunted in satisfaction.

Cut to the teams. “Duncan and Courtney fans will be devastated, but I think you and Owen have a shot at becoming fav Total Drama Couple on my fan site.” Sierra told Izzy.

“Owen's magic. When he breathes, his nose whistles the national anthem!” Izzy replied as Owen did that.

“Do you always do that?” Eva asked.

“Only when I’m happy!” Owen replied.

“Super cute! But he's no Cody. Did you know Cody slept with a stuffed emo named Jerry until he was... well, okay. He still does.” Sierra said.

“And you know this how?” Noah asked.

“I called his aunt once. I pretended I was a telemarketer.” Sierra replied.

“Ooh, stalker-licious.” Noah mocked as Chef hit a gong.

“Listen up you worthless brats!” Chef said while dressed as a pharaoh.

“Thanks Chef! Mm. Oh. Don't know about you guys, but I am loving Egypt! Mm. And I'm gonna love it even more watching you enjoy your second challenge. The Amazing Camel Race!” Chris said as he laid on a chair.

“Where are the other camels?” Harold asked.

“There are no other camels. It's a camel race. Not a camels race.” Chris replied.

“Yes!” Heather cheered.

“What?” Alejandro said in shock.

“Are you kidding me!?” Eva angrily said.

“We won last time! But they get a camel, they get a goat, and we get a stick?!” Leshawna asked.

“Each reward has its advantages. Trust me. You'll be racing to the world's most infamous waterway, the Nile. Teams must bring their rewards all the way to the finish. You have sixty seconds to strategize.” Chris replied.

“Move it, people. It's a race.” Heather said as Team Amazon got on the goat.

“Uh, hello? It's Team Amazon, not Dictatorship Amazon.” Courtney said.

“Great. Well, I'll stop being bossy when you start doing things right.” Heather replied.

“Great.” Gwen rolled her eyes.

“Hey, yeah! I get the throat!” Izzy said and jumped on the camels neck while making some weird noises. “I just introduced myself in Camelese.” she explained.

“I bet you did.” Gwen replied as Cody got on the camel.

“Oh. Hey. Fancy meeting you here Gwen. How are you? We didn’t get to talk much after I wasn’t allowed to be in season 2.” Cody told Gwen.

“Cody, hey. Listen, I still really appreciate you setting me up with Trent that time.” Gwen said.

“Nice, right? Well, too bad about how that ended though, it got really messy.” Cody replied.

“Yeah, don’t remind me.” Gwen replied.

“Uh, are you finished with your pointless argument? Get on the camel!” Heather said.

“Okay, sheesh.” Cody replied.

Confessional: Cody

“Well, to be honest, I still like Gwen but I’ve gotten over my crush on her. I’ve realized that there are plenty of fish in the sea. Not that fangirl though, she scares me.” Cody said.

“We need no camel! We have each other. And we are unstoppable! We have the will and the strength and together, we will triumph!” Alejandro told his team.

“Yeah!” Owen and Tyler cheered.

“You got it!” Eva cheered.

“All right!” Noah cheered. However Sierra and Justin looked upset.

Confessional: Sierra

“Look, I'm the number one Total Drama super fan. It says so right in my blog. But Alejandro? He's never even been on TV before. I've never seen him in QT Monthly. I do not know what these girls see in him. They're loco.” Sierra said.

Confessional: Justin

“That guy thinks he’s so cool, thinking he can control everyone with his mediocre abs. That’s supposed to be my thing! He’s a rip off of me, if he’s going to be manipulative, he should at least do it in an original way!” Justin said.

Confessional: Bridgette

“So far, all the people in my team are pretty cool aside from Ezekiel. And Alejandro seems to be really sweet, not to mention extremely hot. But I don’t know if I feel comfortable entering a relationship after I just broke up with Geoff. I really miss running my fingers through his thick, dark... blond! Blond hair!” Bridgette corrected.

“Hoowah! Hi-yah! On the bright side, I can use this stick to defend us from deadly sand snakes. They could be anywhere.” Harold said which scared his team.

“Eee!” Lindsay squealed in fear.

“Ah! No way!” Leshawna said as she jumped in Harold’s arms, making him struggle to stand up.

“Fear not. I will protect you. Hi-yah!” Harold said as he trusted the stick, accidentally hitting Ezekiel in the eye.

“Ow!” Ezekiel said in pain.

“Whoa. Cool it before you really hurt somebody! We need a plan!” DJ said as he took the stick from Harold.

Confessional: Chef & DJ

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“Every team needs to be organized. If everyone keeps being stressed out like that there’s no way we’ll win the challenge! We need to keep all our members.” DJ said.

“Even the hobo?” Chef asked.

“Almost all our members.” DJ corrected.

“Sierra, Justin, Owen, up, up!” Alejandro told his team as they got on the goat.

“This is so cool, Ale-handout! Or Alakazam. Ah, I'm just gonna call you Al, okay? Woohoo! Go, Al!” Owen chuckled.

“Yeah. This is gonna work.” Noah scoffed.

“Have faith, Noah. Believe in us.” Alejandro said as he jumped on his team, balancing them.

“Wha-? How did you do that?” Justin said in shock.

“Whoa. We're perfectly balanced.” Tyler said.

“Okay. Color me impressed.” Noah said.

“Now there’s no stopping this team!” Eva said.

Confessional: Alejandro & Chef

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“It's basic weight distribution. Anyone with degree in engineering or an IQ of 133 or higher could figure it out. By the way, you're doing a magnificent job flying this plane.” Alejandro told Chef.

“Who, me? Finally some respect!” Chef replied.

“Now now, don't be shocked. It's true.” Alejandro replied.

“A'ight. Nile's that-a-way. Kinda big, blue, and watery. Can't miss it. Or I guess you can, but then you'll die. Probably get killed by the local scarab beetles. It's mating season and they get all... kill-y when they're in heat.” Chris explained.

“I am glad there aren't any out here. Those things are nasty!” Leshawna said.

“I'll tell them you said so.” Chris replied as Chef pushed over an urn and released tons of scarabs, making everyone scream.

“The stick will save us! Hop on, guys! Go, stick!” Lindsay said as she jumped on the stick while the music popup appeared.

“Ooh! Time for a song! Think of it as a mini challenge. Music can soothe the savage mate-seeking scarabs, so make up a good song and maybe they won't kill ya. Or don't and get disqualified like Duncan.” Chris explained.

“Yay!” Izzy cheered.

“Aw…” Cody, Courtney, Heather, and Gwen awed.

Cody, Noah, Tyler, DJ and Alejandro lined up as slow music started playing.


No need to get crazy, It's lovin' time at last!

[He sang as they all danced]

[Cody, Noah, Tyler, DJ, and Alejandro]

You don't wanna eat us up!

[They sang as they danced]


We're mostly full of gas! No, no!

[He sang as scarabs climbed his gut]

[Heather, Courtney, and Gwen]

It's mating time for scarabs!

[They sang as they danced]


So what you waiting on?

[She sang as she pulled two scarabs together]


Just ignore us humans!

[She sang as she held a scarab]



[He whistled]

[Everyone but Ezekiel]

And make out 'til the break of dawn! Yeah!

[They sang as they all made a circle]

[Alejandro and Cody]

It's lovin' time!

[They sang as some scarabs cuddled]

[Heather, Courtney, and Gwen]

Lovin' time, lovin' time!

[They sang as some scarabs cuddled]


Scarab mating season!

[He sang as some scarabs cuddled]

[Alejandro and Cody]

It's lovin' time!

[They sang as Cody looked worried]

[Heather, Courtney, and Gwen]

Lovin' time, lovin' time!

[They sang as they danced]

“Scarabs, get busy now.” Alejandro told the scarabs.


It's lovin' time!

[He sang as scarabs looked at each other with hearts in their eyes]

[Heather, Courtney, and Gwen]

Lovin' time, lovin' time!

[They sang as scarabs looked at each other with hearts in their eyes]

[Everyone but Courtney, Ezekiel, Gwen, and Heather]

Scarab mating season!

[They sang as scarabs looked at each other with hearts in their eyes]


It's lovin' time!

[He sang as they snuck away]

[Heather, Courtney, and Cody]

Lovin' time, lovin' time!

[They sang as they snuck away]

[Everyone but Courtney, Ezekiel, Gwen, and Heather]

Scarab mating season!

[They sang as they snuck away]

“Seasonal, eh? Whoa, no, wait!” Ezekiel messed up the song as everyone screamed while the scarabs got mad again and attacked him.

Confessional: Chef & Ezekiel

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“Okay, how should I have known what to sing, eh?” Ezekiel said.

“I’m not even going to respond to that one.” Chef replied.

“Nice one. Go!” Chris said as he blew an airhorn.

“Whoa!” Team Chris said as they fled on the goat.

“Wait up!” Cody said on land as he chased the other Amazons who were walking away on the camel while Team Victory ran away on land.

“Who's gonna die? And who's going buh-bye? Find out after the break on Total. Drama. World Tour. Cha cha cha.” Chris said as the screen faded to black.

Cut to the Amazons on their camel in the middle of the desert. “Come on. Come on, camel. Faster!” Courtney told the camel.

“That is not how you talk to a camel. Ahem! Freakin' move it!” Heather yelled at the camel.

“Much better.” Gwen rolled her eyes.

“Shh, guys. Keep it down, okay? I'm trying to tell her a fairy tale. Princess. Heh.” Izzy said as she rolled her eyes.

“So, how's it going back there, Cody?” Gwen asked.

“Oh! Great, heh. Thanks for -oh!- asking! As long as it doesn't, ah, go number three! And don’t worry ladies, I’ll protect you if any scarabs come!” Cody said as he hung on the camel's tail.

“Hear that? It's the sound of girls all over the world running and rushing just desperate to... lock their doors!” Heather mocked as Gwen, Courtney and Izzy laughed.

Confessional: Cody

“I'll get a hot girlfriend eventually. It's just a matter of time. And persistence. And humiliation. And I was born to be humiliated.” Cody explained.

“Hey! There’s the Amazons!” Eva said as the goat caught up with the camel.

“We're gonna go win the race now. See ya!” Heather blew a raspberry.

“Eat sand, losers!” Courtney taunted.

“Try not to be so slow! It’s no fun just winning with no challenge!” Izzy said.

“Very mature.” Noah rolled his eyes.

“Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women. I'm both humbled and intrigued.” Alejandro said.

“Nice try, but I'm with Duncan.” Courtney replied.

“And what a pity it is that you should give yourself to a quitter who doesn't deserve you.” Alejandro said.

Confessional: Heather

“Oh, he's good. Too good. Seriously, what is his deal? He is just so... perfect. Ugh!” Heather said.

“That's not... Duncan is totally… You're just... will someone hurry this camel up?” Courtney asked.

“I don’t think camels are the same as cars.” Tyler said.

“Maybe not camels, but I know a way on how to speed up goats. Owen, pinch it’s neck!” Alejandro told Owen.

“Better not damage my skin!” Justin said.

“Ah, gee, I sure hope this works! Oh!” Owen said as he pinched the goats neck, making it scream and speed up, slightly passing the Amazons.

“What the?- Ugh, whatever. Can you see the Nile, Izzy?” Heather asked.

“Nope, not yet!” Izzy replied as she made goat noises.

“It's got to be around here!” Courtney replied.

“Hold on, everyone, I'm changing our route!” Alejandro said as he saw the Nile in a different direction and made the goat go there.

“Hey, where are they? Oh no. Please don't poop! Please don't poop! I beg you!” Cody said as the camel farted.

“Oh, that's gross!” Courtney said.

“Ugh…” Gwen groaned.

“Fun!” Izzy said.

Confessional: Cody

“I still can’t believe I didn’t puke once while riding that camel.” Cody said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Perhaps it would've been kind to show the girls' team which way to go. But you've seen my team. We need all the help we can get.” Alejandro said.

“Uh, guys? The other team is gone. We're all alone out here!” Gwen said as Izzy stopped the camel.

“Does anyone know where we are?” Heather asked.

“Planet Earth, silly.” Izzy laughed.

“We're lost!” Courtney, Gwen and Heather complained.

Cut to Team Victory running in the middle of the desert. “Yo... we're so far behind, we can't even see the others anymore, eh.” Ezekiel said.

“Didn't we pass that cactus like... ten minutes ago?” Bridgette said as they passed a cactus.

“Oh, yeah. Hey, pointy!” Lindsay said.

“We've been running in circles!” Leshawna gasped as they stopped.

“Gosh!” Harold said as everyone complained.

Cut to Team Chris arriving on the Nile. “There's the finish line!” Tyler said.

“Yeah, on the other side!” Noah replied.

“Welcome to the third challenge!” Chris said on the other side.

“What?! Speak up!” Owen asked as Chris said it again, however they couldn’t hear it due to being far away.

“Uh, did you guys get any of that?” Justin asked.

“Nope, not at all.” Eva replied.

“Sounds like a pizza party to me.” Owen replied. Chris snapped his fingers and made Chef give him a megaphone.

“I said, welcome to the third and final Egyptian challenge, basket cases!” Chris yelled with his megaphone, making the team hear him.

“Ah!” Owen grunted in shock.

“Each team must weave a basket of river reeds. Your basket has to be big enough to hold your whole team, including your reward from the last challenge. A.K.A. Goatface over there.” Chris said with his megaphone.

“Hey!” Tyler angrily responded.

“I believe he meant the goat.” Alejandro told him.

“Oh. Cool. Heh. Thanks.” Tyler chuckled.

“Then you're gonna use the baskets to get away with those oars to row yourselves across the finish line. First team across flies first class to our next destination!” Chris explained.

“This is perfect!” Sierra said.

“What, the fact that we're hosed?” Noah asked.

“I'm a fourth generation basket weaver!” Sierra replied.

“Huh, that’s lucky. I guess you are going to be useful for some things.” Justin said.

“Yeah! Let’s get weaving!” Owen cheered.

“We're gonna need a lot of reeds.” Sierra said.

Cut to Team Victory in the middle of the desert. “Lost in Egypt. Ain't that a kick in the pants?” Leshawna complained.

“Well, at least things can’t get any worse.” DJ said.

“From first place to last. Gosh!” Harold said as he broke the stick on his leg, making it shake.

Confessional: Harold

“Of course, how could I forget? This is the number one rule of desert survival! If you have a stick, break it so you can turn it into-” Harold explained.

“It's a divining rod!” Harold gasped as he held the stick.

“I don't wanna be struck by lightning!” Lindsay said.

“A divining rod helps you find water.” Leshawna replied.

“Chris said each reward had its advantages. That stick can lead us straight to the Nile!” DJ said as Leshawna and Lindsay cheered.

“That is so awesome!” Bridgette said.

“Follow my lead! I’ll get us to the Nile in no time!” Harold said and ran where the rod was pointing as his team followed him.

Confessional: Harold

“I’m obviously the ideal leader choice, I mean, who else won a season and knows many different things about different countries? With me on the team, we’ll never lose, and definitely never go on a horrible losing streak!” Harold cheered.

Cut to Gwen, Heather and Courtney arguing on the camel.

“Hey, guys. Why don't we ask Ruby?” Izzy said as she made camel noises.

“Did you tell her where to go?” Cody asked.

“Yup! There. Shouldn't be long now.” Izzy said as the camel started walking again and changed directions.

“Oh, please. It's just a coincidence that the camel changed directions.” Courtney replied.

“Probably looking for a place to die.” Heather replied.

“What's that?!” Gwen said as they saw the Nile.

“The finish line!” Courtney and Heather gasped.

“Weird. I asked Ruby where we could get some lemonade. But this is okay too, I guess. Want me to tell her to hurry up? Okay.” Izzy said and made more camel noises.

Cut to the Amazons arriving at the Nile where Team Chris were weaving a boat. “Basket weave a boat?! Ugh!” Heather complained.

“Sorry you guys are so far behind. Our basket's nearly done already thanks to my speed weaving.” Sierra replied.

“Plus, you got Owen on your team. Lucky.” Izzy replied.

“Aw, thanks Iz!” Owen chuckled.

“Owen! Focus!” Eva angrily told Owen as she weaved a boat.

“Oh, sorry.” Owen said as he helped her.

“But you have Cody. I know, Cody. I wish we were on the same team, too.” Sierra said as she hugged Cody.

“Heh. I have to... do something.” Cody said and ran away.

“Aw, you guys are so cute together.” Izzy said.

“Maybe we could swap teams!” Sierra offered.

“I don’t think that’s a good ide-” Cody tried to say but was interrupted.

“Trade a basket case for a basket weaver? Fine. Sierra, you're with us. Izzy, go play with the boys.” Heather replied.

“What?!” Alejandro said in shock as Sierra squealed and quickly weaved a boat.

“Wow. She's amazing.” Courtney said.

“Great! Now how will we finish ours?” Eva asked.

“Don’t worry guys, we can still do it without her! Let’s do this! Whoo!” Tyler cheered as he, Eva, Owen, Noah and Justin continued weaving the boat.

“Ugh, this still is getting under my nails.” Justin complained as he weaved.

“Maybe you should think about listening to me a bit more this time around, hm?” Heather said as Courtney and Gwen laughed.

“It'll take a lot more than this to earn our trust. A lot a lot more.” Gwen chuckled.

Confessional: Heather

“Being in the same team as Weird Goth Girl isn’t going to be easy, but getting the new girl and Mr. Creep to vote against the annoying brunette probably won’t be that hard. After that, I could get rid of Sierra but that leaves me at a 1-2 disadvantage.” Heather thought.

“Where's Chris? He won't allow this.” Alejandro said.

“'Scuse me, did somebody-- ugh!” Chris said as he arrived on a boat while Sierra hugged him

“Today's officially the best day of my life. So I really hope you allow me and Izzy to swap. But of course you'll make the best decision! 'Cause you're the best decider ever!” Sierra told Chris.

“And that's why I'm gonna allow it.” Chris replied.

“Smiley face! Ah!” Sierra squealed and continued weaving as Chris left.

“As you wish.” Alejandro sighed.

“Mm!” Heather blew a raspberry at Alejandro and he responded by blowing a kiss at her. She gasped and grunted “Hm.” as she turned away.

“Ta-da!” Sierra said as she finished the boat.

“Team Amazon rocks!” Courtney, Heather, Gwen and Cody cheered.

“Not cool!” Owen angrily said.

“You stink!” Eva angrily said.

“So unfair!” Tyler angrily said.

“Don't give up, we still have a shot!” Alejandro said.

“Al's right! Thanks, Al.” Owen said, making Alejandro shudder.

Confessional: Alejandro

“I have no problem being called "Al". Uh, that wasn't... It's just... chilly in here.” Alejandro shuddered.

“Come on, we're not too late!” DJ said as Team Victory arrived on the Nile.

“Weave a basket boat out of reeds, row to the finish, yadda yadda yadda.” Chris said with a megaphone on the other side.

“You heard the man, yadda yadda!” Leshawna said as Team Victory gathered reeds.

“Cody, let's go!” Courtney told Cody as all the Amazon’s except Cody were in the boat.

“Come on, pal! Just... get in the boat. Maybe if I push. Ugh. No dice.” Cody said as he tried to push the camel into the boat to no avail.

“Cody!” Sierra said.

“Izzy, tell Ruby to get in the boat!” Courtney said as Izzy began making noises but was stopped by Noah.

“Whoa, whoa. Izzy's on our team now, not yours. Not a word.” Noah told Izzy.

“Ooh, fun!” Izzy clapped.

“Fine. We'll do it ourselves. Come on.” Courtney said as they all got out.

Cut to the Amazons trying to pull the camel with a rope. “Come on!” Cody grunted.

“Ha! Who's happy to have just a stick now?” DJ said.

“And who's happy Leshawna knows her way around a weave?” Leshawna said.

“You have some mad weaving skills!” Harold complimented.

“To the water!” Alejandro said as Team Chris finished their boat and got in the water with it.

“It floats! Awesome!” Owen chuckled as Alejandro whistled as he got the goat and got in the boat with it.

“This is totally unfair. If it wasn't for that stupid swap, we'd be halfway across the Nile by now.” Heather complained.

“We probably wouldn’t have even managed to build a boat if she wasn't here.” Cody replied.

“Oh, Cody, thanks for defending me!” Sierra said as Cody shuddered.

Confessional: Cody

“Yup, I’m officially creeped out.” Cody said.

Team Chris were in the water. “We're gonna win fair and square. But to make sure you believe that... talk to the camel.” Alejandro told Izzy.

“Yeah, okay!” Izzy said as she made camel noises, making the camel get in the Amazon boat.

“Finally!” Heather said as they got in the boat and began rowing in the water.

“Well, if we lose, it’s your fault!” Justin told Alejandro.

Confessional: Noah

“Is it wrong that I kinda hope we lose so that we can just get rid of him?” Noah said.

Team Victory finished their boat and got in it in the water, except for Harold. “ Come on, Harold!” Leshawna told Harold.

Harold pole-vaulted into the boat with the oar, and accidentally ripped off the front half with his legs. “Ah. Whoops.” Harold said.

“Paddle!” Leshawna said as they all paddled when suddenly some crocodiles appeared.

“Ah! Killer crocs!” Justin said in fear.

“Well now. Clearly this part of the challenge isn't hard enough. So… Time for a musical reprise!” Chris said as the music popup appeared.

“Aw…” Everyone sighed.

“Hey, if you'd finished the song the first time, you wouldn't be here now. Zeke! Start singing! And put your backs into it!” Chris said as everyone glared at Ezekiel.


Mm, mm, Crocodile amigos, What you swarmin' for?

[He sang as he held the goat while the crocodiles tried to attack the boats]


We don't mean to bug you!

[She sang as she rowed]


Please let us reach the shore!

[She sang as she rowed while the camel honked]


These crocs are gettin' killy!

[She sang as she rowed]


Just bop 'em on the nose! I learned that in Muskrat Boys, it vanquishes all foes!

[He explained as he sang while Ezekiel hit the crocodile with the stick, accidentally make it eat it]

“No!” Ezekiel said in fear.


It's rowin' time!

[He sang as he held the goat]

[All but Alejandro]

Vanquishin', vanquishin'!

[They sang as they rowed]


Crocodile season!

[They sang as they rowed]


It's rowin' time!

[He sang as he rowed]

[All but DJ]

Crocodiles, crocodiles!

[They sang as they rowed while the crocodiles bit off the front and back parts of Team Victory’s boat]


Tell me I'm not sinkin'!

[He sang as their boat began singing]


Yeah, it's rowin' time!

[He sang as The Amazons passed Team Chris]

[All but Cody]

Sinkin' in, sinkin' in!

[They sang as they rowed]


Crocodile season!

[They sang as they rowed]


It's rowin' time!

[He sang as he held the goat]

[All but Alejandro]

Rowin' time, rowin' time

[They sang as Team Amazons reached the shore]


'Til the Amazons…

[She sang as Team Amazon crossed the line]

[Team Amazon]


[They finished as they posed across the line]

“Ugh, we got second! Good job!” Justin told Alejandro as Team Chris reached the line, upsetting him.

“Congrats. You're alive. And as long as you all brought your rewards across the finish line, there will be no elimination tonight.” Chris told them as Team Victory reached the end too, making everyone but Ezekiel cheer.

“I lost the stick. Heh. Heheh.” Ezekiel told his team as they glared at him.

“Wow. Sucks to be you.” Chris chuckled.

Confessional: Ezekiel

“So, we lost? I wonder who’s gonna be voted off, eh?” Ezekiel thought.

Cut to the voting ceremony where Duncan was also there, leaning into the door leading outside. “Team Victory, you came in last and lost your reward on the way. Zeke. So, it's vote time! Up in the loser class bathroom, you'll find six passports.” Chris told them.

“Unless Zeke already fed them to a crocodile.” Bridgette angrily said.

“I said sorry, homes!” Ezekiel replied.

“Yeah, Idiot Farmer boy, you cost your team the challenge! I’m not even going to call out anyone else due to how obvious this is!” Chef said.

“Stamp the passport of the team member you'd like to send home. Got it, Lindsay?” Chris told Lindsay.

“Of course. I so get it.” Lindsay replied.

Confessional: Lindsay

Lindsay stamped all the passports and her head.

Confessional: DJ

DJ looked confused on who to vote for when Chris entered the confessional as he touched his pocket watch.

Confessional: Leshawna

Leshawna glared at Ezekiel’s passport and then stamped it.

Confessional: Ezekiel

Ezekiel stamped Bridgette’s passport.

Confessional: Harold

“Cha-cha-cha!” Harold grunted as he dramatically stamped Ezekiel’s passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

Bridgette angrily stamped Ezekiel’s passport.

“I've got the results of your vote right here. Those staying in the game will get in-flight snacks. Mm! Barfy. The following players are safe.” Chris said as he began tossing barf bags.

“Leshawna.” he said as he tossed her a bag.

“Harold.” he said as he tossed him a bag.

“DJ.” he said as he tossed him a bag.

“Lindsay.” he said as he tossed her a bag.

“And the last bag of peanuts goes to…
































Bridgette. Zeke, time for you to go first. Again.” he said as he tossed Bridgette a bag while Ezekiel looked shocked.

“What?” Ezekiel said in shock.

“You got five seconds to strap this on or the Drop of Shame will become the Drop of Pain.” Chris said as he showed a parachute which Ezekiel took.

“Yo, that's unbelievable. Some team. This is garbage, eh? You guys are all a bunch of-- whoa!” Ezekiel grunted as Chris shoved him off the plane.

“I knew that would be satisfying.” Chris said.

“I'm not goin' anywhere! This game's mine, eh. Mine!” Ezekiel yelled as he held onto the plane wing.

“Sucks to be Zeke.” Duncan whistled.

“Last stop for non-competitors.” Chris told Duncan as he gave him a parachute.

“Yeah, right. You're supposed to give me a ride home.” Duncan angrily said.

“Yeah, but... we're going the other way, so... see ya.” Chris said as he shoved Duncan off the plane.

“Whoa. Ahh!” Duncan screamed as he fell.

“Happy landings!” Chris said as Duncan continued screaming.

“Are they going to be okay?” Harold asked.

“Eh, probably. You can all leave.” Chris told them and shut the door. as they left.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Losing Sierra to Heather? Eh, tragic. But I still have the upper hand. The President of Cody's fan club doesn't know a thing about me. No one does. And I intend to keep it that way. Because compared to me, Heather's a saint.” Alejandro said.

Cut to Chris and Chef in the co*ckpits. “Whoa. What a plot twist.” Chef said.

“Oh, finally. A real competitor. Where will our next destination take us, and…” Chris said as Owen screamed. “Will Owen get over his fear of flying? Find out next time on an all new episode of Total. Drama. World Tour!” he said as the episode ended.


Confessional: Harold

“Zeke is the entire reason why we have to get rid of someone, it’s only fair.” Harold said as he stamped Ezekiel’s passport.

Confessional: Leshawna

“That boy is just strange.” Leshawna said as she stamped Ezekiel’s passport.

Confessional: DJ

“Sorry Zeke, but you shouldn’t have been so ignorant if you wanted to last longer.” DJ said as he stamped Ezekiel’s passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I won’t miss him.” Bridgette said as she stamped Ezekiel’s passport.

Confessional: Lindsay

“Uh, I guess I want that hobo guy gone, so him?” Lindsay said as she stamped Ezekiel’s passport which she had already stamped multiple times before.

Confessional: Ezekiel

“She’s really pretty in this image, eh?” Ezekiel said as he stamped Bridgette’s passport.


Duncan’s Drop of Shame

“Stupid old Chris and his stupid old-- ah! He's so dead when I see him next! Downside of quitting, no more two million and no more gameplay action! Upside, I'm off that armpit of a show, and I got out with my dignity intact! Huh? Ah!” Duncan complained as he opened his parachute and got stuck in a tree as scarabs crowed the tree while he sighed.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Harold, Leshawna, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
Zeke is still gone. He wont go feral but he just didn't have anything to do in the plot rn. (This isn't the last time we'll see him btw)

Chapter 3: Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan


The campers play pinball with pandas and make a commercial (Japan)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Last time on Total Drama World Tour…” Chris began the recap. “Egypt. Land of pyramids, land of hot, land of sweaty. Our contestants had loads of fun on the run in the sun. And they still managed to find time to dust a dog, chat up a camel, feed the crocs, and whack a bird. Showing the style on the Nile, Team Amazon managed to pull off a win. Zeke found a way to lose, un-lose, and lose again. And as the sun began to set on the sandy... sands of Egypt, we found out what happens when someone refuses to get along and sing a song. This week, who's gonna sing, who's gonna dance? Who's gonna sell out their friends for a chance at two. Million. Dollars? Welcome to Total. Drama. World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

The episode began in economy class. “Ah! I'm too young to die!” Owen screamed.

“Why are you so scared Big-O? I think this is fun!” Izzy said.

“Uh, aren't you scared of flying too?” Eva asked Izzy.

“Oh, that. I lied about my fear, I knew they’d probably make it a challenge so yeah. I’m not really afraid of anything!” Izzy replied.

“Uh-huh…” Eva said, weirded out.

“Help me! I’m gonna die! Mommy!” Owen yelled.

“Stop sweating, lunchbox. Air travel is like the fifteenth safest mode of transportation. Unless you're in a death trap.” Noah replied when suddenly a part of the plane broke off, causing people to be sucked out. “This one, for example!” he screamed as people held onto their seats to not be sucked out.

“This is not the way Leshawna is leaving this world! Ah!” Leshawna grunted as she let go of her seat but was caught by Alejandro.

“Such beauty will not fall through giant airplane holes on my watch.” Alejandro said as Owen screamed and got sucked into the hole, blocking it due to his size.

“I could've done that. I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more.” Harold said.

“She wants more, all right. More Alejandro.” DJ said.

“Ha. DJ, you know nothing about women.” Harold replied.

“This is nice and all but uh, you gonna put me down now?” Leshawna asked Alejandro.

“Oh, my apologies.” Alejandro said as he put down Leshawna.

“See, I told you.” Harold told DJ.

“If that was me, she would have begged me not to put her down!” Justin said.

“Uh-huh…” DJ replied.

“Not that this isn't fascinating and all, but help! My butt is being sucked out of a plane!” Owen screamed.

Cut to first class. “I happen to like winning and being in first class, which happens to make me an ideal leader.” Courtney said.

“Pretty sure all of us like winning and luxury, why should you get to lead just because of that?” Heather replied.

“Who says we need a leader to lead us anyway? We're winning guys, come on.” Gwen said.

“And I have plans to keep it that way. So think about me as leader.” Courtney replied.

“You're like, not the only person on the team, Courtney. There is my friend Sierra to consider.” Heather said as Sierra looked through luggage.

“Um, your friend is going through Cody's stuff like a starving raccoon goes through a dumpster.” Courtney said as Sierra took a shoe and sniffed it, causing a shoelace to go in her nose and making her choke.

“I think his shoelace just went up her nose.” Gwen said.

“That was my favorite one too…” Cody sighed.

“Are there more barf bags around?” Heather gagged.

“This is your captain speaking. It's time for everyone to join me in the common area. And I mean everyone!” Chris said from the PA.

Cut to the dining hall. “Welcome to today's challenge. It's–” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“Is it a reward or elimination challenge?” Harold asked.

“Good question, Harold. And... like I'm gonna tell ya.” Chris replied.

“Two of us got booted out last time. So today has reward written all over it.” Tyler whispered to Lindsay.

“I could use a reward. Oh, I hope it's candy. Or a whole bunch of shoes! Or shoes made of candy!” Lindsay said.

“And I hope you all brought your giant radioactive monster repellent, because we are about to land in... Japan!” Chris said as Chef came with a kimono.

“Hai!” Chef grunted as he pulled out a sword.

“Gosh, you guys. That's totally a Chinese outfit.” Harold complained.

“Thank you, Harold. Now remember, I want everyone to sing so anyone who doesn't sing–” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“It's just, you really think you'd work harder to get it right.” Harold complained.

“Harold. Anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified.” Chris said.

“Your cultural insensitivity is just... gosh. I mean, gosh!” Harold complained.

“Let’s just get on with this before I get to hear more of this dork’s whining!” Chef said as he sliced open the door, causing everyone to be sucked out screaming while he and Chris held on the door.

“Or we could've just landed the plane!” Chris said.

“Nah, too boring!” Chef replied.

Everyone screamed as they fell when suddenly the music popup appeared. “Seriously? I mean, seriously?” Noah complained.

“Sing, and I might think about saving your musical buttocks! Maybe you'll try harder this time! Eh?” Chris said with a megaphone.


We're singing as we're falling!

[She sang as she fell]


Well, some are cannonballing.

[She sang as she fell]

“Yeah!” Izzy cheered as she cannonballed down.


Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!

[He sang as she fell]

[Noah and Owen]

We might just go kablooey!

[They sang as they fell]

[Harold and Tyler]

Get smushed and become chewy!

[They sang as they fell]

[DJ, Leshawna, Eva, Bridgette, Justin, Tyler, Harold, Cody, Gwen, Sierra, and Lindsay]

'Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die

[They all sang as they fell]

“Billionairess!” Leshawna said as she fell.

“Billiards champion!” Cody said as he fell.

“Make it home to see my mama!” DJ said as he fell.

“Attend 1000 fan conventions!” Sierra said as she fell.

“Catch a barrel!” Bridgette said as she fell.

“Be an actress in a drama!” Lindsay said as she fell.

“Corporate lawyer.” Courtney said as she fell.

“Prom destroyer!” Gwen said as she fell.

“Be a ninja with throwing stars!” Harold said as he fell.

“Weightlifting champion!” Eva said as she fell.

“Lion tamer!” Alejandro said as he fell.

“Number 1 model!” Justin said as he fell.

“New food namer!” Owen said as he fell.

“Repairman for the parallel bars!” Tyler said as he fell.


But first we must cease dropping! Our goal here would be stopping!

[He sang as he fell]


Before we smash into the ground from the sky!

[She sang as she fell]


Flat into little pieces!

[He sang as he fell]


Heads merged with our feetses!

[He sang as he fell]


That would really suck and here's why!

[She sang as she fell]


We'd like to keep on living

[She sang as she fell]


So Chris, we hope you're giving

[He sang as everyone formed a circle by holding hands]

“Some wings!” Sierra said as they fell.

“A jetpack!” Courtney said as they fell.

“A rift in time!” Gwen said as they fell.

“Parachute!” Heather said as they fell.

“Cushion!” Justin said as they fell.

“Waterbed!” Noah said as they fell.

“Pogo stick!” Eva said as they fell.

“A trampoline!” Tyler said as they fell.

“Springy shoes!” Izzy said as they fell.

“Rocket boots!” Alejandro said as they fell.

“Flying squirrel!” Lindsay said as they fell.

“Bubble bath!” Leshawna said as they fell.

“I change to bubbles too!” Lindsay said as they fell.

“Mama!” DJ said as he fell.

“Pizza! No!” Owen said in the middle of the circle as he fell.


Chips and some dip will do!

[He sang as the scene switched to the bottom view of the contestants]


'Cause there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah, we said it! There's still so much to do! There's still so much to do! There's still so much to do before we die! Yeah!

[Everyone sang as they fell in a giant rice pit]

“Japan! Yes! I know everything about this place.” Harold said.

“What you know just sent us free-falling out of a plane!” Eva replied.

“But I went to Sensei Steve's Feudal Japanese Summer Camp.” Harold said.

“Oh yeah? I speak Japanese too. Leshawna, hana no youni kirei.” Alejandro said.

“Uh, what does that mean?” Leshawna asked.

“I said you are as beautiful as a flower.” Alejandro replied.

Confessional: Chef & Harold

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“Hmph, that guy is so annoying, flirting with Leshawna even when she doesn’t want it. I, of course, would never do that!” Harold said.

“Uh, do you want me to point out your blatant hypocrisy?” Chef said.

Cut to everyone on a giant pinball machine. “Okay, your first challenge is inside a Japanese game show studio. Bow down before Super Human Mega Pinball Smash!” Chris explained.

“I love Japanese game shows! Woohoo!” Tyler cheered as he high fived Harold.

“Sweet! My favorite is Human Ichi My Car Go-Go, where you have to throw a banana into a car window using a–” Harold began.

“Giant shrimp fork! Awesome!” Tyler finished.

“I also like Ninja Warrior Challenge: Ultimate Obstacle Quest!” Harold said.

“Is that the one where they compete in challenging obstacle courses inspired by the legendary feats of ninja warriors?” Tyler replied when Chris suddenly rang the gong.

“Oh, look. My own personal geek gong. 'Kay. I'm gonna need one volunteer from each team to climb into these giant hamster balls. Then, your teammates are gonna beat you around the game board scoring points by bouncing you off bumpers and pubs. Most points wins. And I have a special local surprise for each of you to share your little ball-shaped paradise with. So teams, select a ball guy, or gal. Victory?” Chris explained.

“DJ, do you wanna do it?” Leshawna asked.

“Sure, why not?” DJ replied.

“Coolio. Here's your pinball buddy.” Chris said as he gave DJ panda

“A panda? Aww, well, aren’t you the cutest little critter there ever was-Ow! Ow! Ow!” DJ said as the panda started beating him up.

“Wow. That looks like one mean panda.” Lindsay said.

“Aw... cute. Team Chris is Really, Really, Really Hot?” Chris said.

“I'm uh... I'm allergic to panda dander. I get hives.” Noah said.

“What he said.” Tyler said.

“Uh, according to my modeling contract I cannot touch wild animals.” Justin said.

“I'll do it. For my team.” Alejandro said.

“Wicked. Incoming!” Chris said as he threw Alejandro an angry panda.

“Well, hello, handsome creature. May I scratch your ears or get you a tasty cookie?

“Aw…” Lindsay, Tyler, Owen, Bridgette and Izzy awed.

“Help! Angry panda attacking me!” DJ screamed as he was beaten up by the panda.

“Hmph, I can do that too! Give me the panda, ow! Okay nevermind.” Justin said as he took the panda from DJ and was punched by it, causing him to give it back.

“And Team Amazon?” Chris asked.

“Gwen's face could use some remodeling.” Heather said.

“Nice. I hate to tell you, but we're on the same team! So you might wanna flip the witch switch back to off.” Gwen replied.

“Would you girls like some leadership? I'd be glad to choose–” Courtney tried to say but was interrupted.

“Stop bickering! I'll do it!” Cody said.

Confessional: Cody

“Ugh, why did I have to be on the team with my stalker and 3 girls that just argue all the time?” Cody complained.

“You might wanna bring a toothbrush, Cody. Because the beast you'll be sharing your space with is... Sierra.” Chris said.

“Oof!” Cody grunted as he was tackled by a squealing Sierra.

Cut to everyone in their pinballs in the machine. “It's human pinball time!” Chef said as he puled a lever, launching the balls.

“Ow! Ah! Bad panda! Ah! Bad panda! Bad panda! Bad panda! Bad panda!” DJ yelled as he was beaten up by the panda in the ball while they hit bumpers.

“Ahh!” Cody screamed in the ball.

“Whoa!” Cody and Sierra screamed in the ball.

“Hold me!” Sierra said as they hit some bumpers.

“Thanks, Ting-Ting. That's a great idea.” Alejandro told the panda he was holding as it guided him while he perfectly controlled the ball.

Meanwhile Team Victory expect were holding a bumper. “The paddle must connect with the ball at a perfect thirty-three point seven degree angle to maximize the impact.” Harold explained.

“Uh, can you say that in english?” Lindsay said as the ball DJ hit the bouncer, knocking them off.

“Ow! Bad panda!” DJ yelled in the ball.

Meanwhile, the Amazon ball finally stopped as Cody fell out. “Ugh. Did you have to hug me through the entire ride?” Cody asked Sierra.

“This is a once in a lifetime moment!” Sierra replied.

“Ugh, you two barely got any points!” Heather complained.

“Sorry for being distracted by the stalker hugging me!” Cody replied.

Confessional: Cody

“Is this her gum? Ewww!” Cody said in disgust as he pulled gum out of his ear.

Team Victory’s ball stopped as DJ got out while the panda hopped out. “Ugh. remind me to never play pinball with a panda ever again!” DJ said.

“Well, at least you got a higher score than Team Amazon.” Harold said.

Confessional: DJ

“Why was that panda so angry? Man, I love animals! This never would've happened back home!” DJ said.

Team Chris’s ball stopped and Alejandro exited it as his teammates cheered. “Nice job Al!” Owen clapped.

“You were amazing! We’re totally gonna win! Whoo!” Tyler cheered.

“Why thank you, my friends.” Alejandro replied.

Confessional: Alejandro

“While my team may be 85.7142857143% incompetent, I can easily carry a team by myself.” Alejandro boasted.

“With a score of 462,000, Team I Am Really, Really, Really, Really, Hot takes the Super Human Mega PInball Smash and wins a leg up in the next Japanese challenge.” Chris said as Team Chris cheered.

“Ugh, I wanna go home…” DJ mumbled.

“Will we let him? Will Sing-Sing the Panda give DJ an unplanned claw-cut mohawk? Stay tuned. There's more wacky, cappy, macky, Teriyaki action after the break.” Chris said as the screen faded to black.

Cut to a TDA commercial. “Welcome to Total. Drama. Action! Where there will be crazy action and kooky filming. And somber eating.” Chris said as clips of TDA played.

“Very nice food. I like it.” A voice dubbed over Owen as he patted his stomach in the confessional.

“Hey there, way oh-so-cute monster.” A voice dubbed over Izzy as she was dropped by the monster.

“This will be a battle for the ages!” A voice dubbed over Noah as he and Justin fought on the monster.

“Total Drama Action! Coming soon! Pears and apples of fun!” Chris said as the trailer ended. Everyone was watching it on the plane.

“Um... what?” Noah asked.

“That piece of cinematic gold is the Japanese promo. Total Drama is huge here!” Chris replied.

“Okay, but that was in English. So why are they dubbing our voices?” Courtney asked.

“Turns out the locals just don't like the sounds of y'all. Sorry.” Chris replied.

“No, you're not.” Eva said.

“True. Ready for the next challenge? I hope you paid attention, because you'll be writing, directing, and producing your very own Japanese commercial. There's a brand new candy hitting the Japanese market. It's Chef's Total Drama Yum-Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails. I call this the Total Drama Yum-Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails challenge. Of celebration fund.” Chris explained.

“Mm, you said we were gonna pay a real Tokyo ad firm.” Chef said.

“Oops. I did, didn't I? As props, you'll be allowed to use anything you can find in the airplane storage area. Since Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot won the first challenge, they get to choose their props first.” Chris explained.

“All right!” Owen, Izzy, Noah, Eva, Justin and Alejandro cheered as they high-fived. Tyler tried to high-five as well but ended up tripping.

“With Team Victory choosing second and Team Amazon stuck with... whatever dreads are left.” Chris said.

Cut to Team Chris in the storage. “Hmm. I'm seeing a tiny Tokyo. A giant radioactive monster.” Alejandro said as he looked in the boxes.

“Oh, yes! Big O can be the monster! Huh? Big O, please?” Izzy asked.

“Oh, Al, you're a genius.” Owen said.

“Super Japanese idea, Al. Nice!” Tyler said.

“Well, as long as it works.” Eva said.

“Noah, what say you?” Alejandro asked.

“Meh. I guess.” Noah said as Alejandro put a helmet on him.

“Uh, what about me?” Justin asked while Alejandro looked away to see someone hiding behind a box.

“Oh. Were you supposed to be on our team?” Alejandro replied as Justin looked shocked.

Confessional: Justin

“How can he not notice the hottest person on his team!? That guy needs to be taught a lesson.” Justin complained.

Cut to Team Victory exiting the storage while Team Chris exited it. “Good luck, honorable opponent.” Alejandro told Harold.

“I don't need your luck.” Harold replied.

“Of course you don't. You have superior leadership skills and vision. Your team is lucky to have you.” Alejandro said as he made a camera shape with his hands.

“I know, right? They are! Right?” Harold replied.

“Come on, let’s get going!” Eva said as Alejandro followed his leaving team.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Harold won last season, he is a threat that needs to be dealt early before he lasts too long. Luckily, I can exploit his ego to my advantage.” Alejandro explained.

Cut to Team Victory in the storage. “I have an idea. Last time I went out for Japanese, I had this huge bowl of Pad Thai, and it was–” Lindsay tried to say but was interrupted.

“Pad Thai is Thai!” Leshawna said.

“Are you sure? That doesn't sound right.” Lindsay replied.

“Fear not, Leshawna. I have a dramatic vision. It mixes Kurosawa's Pathos with Miyazaki's Sense of Wonder!” Harold explained.

“Uh… what?” Leshawna asked.

“I think I ordered that at the Japanese place, too.” Lindsay said.

Cut to Team Amazon in the storage. “A pathetic pile of stuff nobody wants. Ugh. Goodbye, first class.” Courtney complained.

“Well, maybe we can still find something?” Heather said as they saw a shadowy figure taking a box.

“Was that…” Cody said in shock.

Cut to Noah, Tyler and Eva building the set while Owen stomped in the monster costume. “Owen stomp! Owen stomp good!” Owen yelled.

“Hold on there, chubby buddy. Let us finish the tiny city first.” Noah told Owen.

“Can you hand me the Eiffel Tower?” Tyler asked Eva.

“I don’t think the Eiffel Tower is japanese.” Eva replied. Meanwhile, Alejandro tried to eat a fish tail but immediately spat it out.

“Ugh!” Alejandro said in disgust.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Like, rotted fish intestine with a side order of fermented squid and dirty hockey equipment!” Alejandro said as he puked.

Cut to the Amazons in the storage. “We have the candy fish swimming in the fish tank, then it breaks out and plays basketball. Like, duh.” Heather explained.

“Too Dr. Seuss. Spinning masks. We toss candy into their mouths and–” Gwen tried to say but was interrupted.

“Insane! Flashing lights and fireworks! Chef wants to be dazzled!” Courtney said.

“You guys, they're all good ideas and–” Cody tried to say but was interrupted.

“Overruled! Fish tanks!” Heather said.

“Hello? The only way we are winning is with the spinning heads! And lots of them!” Gwen replied.

“You people are impossible!” Courtney said.

“Guys! We need to cooperate, so stop your bickering!” Cody said.

“Cody’s right! Listen to Cody!” Sierra said.

“What, does he have a plan?” Courtney asked.

“Yes! I do! We can try to combine all the ideas together! Would that make you guys happy?” Cody asked.

“That just sounds dumb.” Heather said.

“Yeah, how are we gonna do all three?” Courtney said.

“It’s worth a shot I guess.” Gwen said.

“Thank you! Now, listen, I know how we can do this.” Cody said.

“Ooh! This is so exciting!” Sierra said.

Confessional: Sierra

“One of the few things I didn’t like in season 2 was the lack of Cody. However, he’s now in this season and I’m witnessing his journey with my own eyes! I hope he’s going to be the protagonist.” Sierra said.

Cut to Harold on a donkey in a samurai suit in front of a background as Bridgette carried a bucket next to him.

“More rain! Much more. This whole thing needs to be somberer!” Harold said.

“Yes, Harold.” Bridgette sighed.

“It's Sensei. Call me sensei.” Harold replied.

“Why does it matter what I call you?” Bridgette replied.

“It’s important for the atmosphere!” Harold replied as Bridgette rolled her eyes.

Confessional: Bridgette

“Harold, no offense if you’re watching this, but your idea of a good commercial is seriously wrong.” Bridgette said.

“You have five minutes left to film your act! Then it's Happy Fish Yum... w-whatever! we'll be watching them in five minutes!” Chris said as he came.

Cut to Team Amazon beginning to film. “You guys readied the stuff?” Cody asked Heather, Gwen and Courtney who held the things they wanted.

“Yes! Now are we starting?” Heather asked.

“Sierra, do you know what to say?” Cody asked.

“I have no idea and it's thrilling!” Sierra replied.

“Okay. Stand by. And... we're rolling.” Cody sighed as he began to film.

“This better work.” Courtney sighed.

Cut to everyone in front of a screen. “We're done shooting, Owen. You can take the suit off.” Tyler told Owen who still wore the suit.

“I got really sweaty and now it won't come off.” Owen replied.

“Ew.” Noah said in disgust.

“All right, now that you're done filming, it's time to see if your hard work has paid off. Chef?” Chris said.

“Low-budget, no ad agency, rip-off, cheese ball, cheap show…” Chef mumbled as he got the remote.

“First up, Team Chris is Really, Really, Really Hot with Monster Rampage!” Chris said as Chef pressed a button.

The commercial began with a giant Owen stomping in the city while the rest of Team Chris looked scared as they wore helmets. “Monster noises!” Owen said as he crushed some buildings.

“Oh no! The large out-of-shape monster!” Alejandro said.

“We must run!” Tyler said.

“I will crush him!” Eva said.

“Think of the children!” Noah said in the most monotone voice possible.

“He's so hot!” Izzy said.

“Not as hot as me!” Justin said.

“Wait! We shall stop him this way!” Alejandro said as he tossed a fish tail which Owen ate.

“Oh, delicious!” Owen said.

“Total Drama Yum-Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails! Better than no, yo! Total Drama Yum-Yum Happy Go Time! Tastes so good, wash your face!” Team Chris except Owen, who was dancing, sang as their heads appeared while the commercial ended.

“Next up, Team Victory with A Samurai's Lament.” Chef said as he opened the next commercial.

The commercial began with Harold riding a donkey in a harsh climate in a samurai suit when he saw the rest of his team. “Great samurai!” Lindsay said.

“Please, do you have food?” Leshawna asked.

“We can’t take this any longer!” DJ said.

“The hunger! The hunger! The hunger!” Bridgette dramatically said as he walked forwards while a beach ball bounced and was popped by Harold holding a sword as he laid on the ground.

“Duty. Honor. Total Drama Yum-YumHappy Go Time Candy Fish Tails. Eat them fast. Time is fleeting. Gosh.” Harold said as he ate a fish tail while the commercial ended.

“Yeah. That was... interesting.” Chris said as the commercial ended.

“Maybe your Pad Thai idea wasn't so bad.” Bridgette told Lindsay.

“See, I told you.” Lindsay replied.

“It was art! A metaphor! A commentary on the Earth's sorrow and it's crying out for mo–” Harold tried to say but was interrupted.

“Next up, the Amazons.” Chef said.

“Ugh, Cody, is the commercial gonna work?” Gwen asked.

“Like you said, it’s better than nothing.” Heather replied.

“Chris, as the leader of Team Amazon, it falls to me to tell you that our team–” Courtney tried to say but was interrupted.

“Come up with an amazing title for our awesome commercial!” Cody said.

“Hey!” Courtney said, annoyed that she was interrupted.

“Let's just call it... Huh?” Cody said.

“Uh, ok.” Chef said as he played the commercial.

The commercial began with fish tails flying, killer masks, an aquarium bowl and exploding donuts. “Yeah! Total Drama Yum-Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails! Eat them now, eat them then! Eat them anytime! Just eat them, yeah!” Sierra sang with a megaphone as a seagull ate a fish tail.

“You ate it!” Cody said as the commercial ended.

“Okay... Well, Chef?” Chris asked.

“Chris, I think I gotta go with Team Amazon. I don't know, I just love exploding donuts.” Chef said as Team Amazon cheered.

“We won again!” Heather said.

“Cody, that was amazing!” Gwen said.

“Totally amazing!” Courtney agreed.

“Oh, isn't he? Group hug! Back off!” Sierra said as she hugged Cody and refused to let the other three join.

“Congratulations, Team Amazon. But Chef, I also have to know. who bit the biggest?” Chris asked.

“Um, those guys with that sad donkey thing. You lose! You're sending someone home! Tonight!” Chef said as he pointed at Team Victory

“I got beaten up by a panda just for us to end up losing again due to a wrecked ad?” DJ said.

“Hey! It was not wrecked! You’re all just uncultured!” Harold angrily said.

“Wait. It's not a reward?” Leshawna asked.

“Well, I'm sure enjoying it.” Chris replied.

Cut to Harold sighing as he sat on an economy bench. “What’s wrong, friend?” Alejandro asked as he approached him.

“I thought my commercial would be good, but it cost us the win! I really let my team down.” Harold sighed.

“It could just as easily have been me. We still have our honor, and girls. Especially those of Leshawna's majestic caliber. They love guys with honor.” Alejandro replied.

“Like samurais?” Harold asked.

“Like samurais.” Alejandro replied as Harold looked deep in thought.

Cut to the voting ceremony. “Let’s get this over with. Dumb Blonde, your ideas are just lacking.” Chef called out Lindsay who looked confused.

“Geek Boy, your commercial cost your team the challenge! Will it be your samurai butt that gets sent home?” Chef called out Harold who looked worried.

“Finally, Momma Boy. You got beaten up by a panda which was kinda funny.” Chef called out DJ who looked upset.

“It's vote time. Up in the loser class bathroom, you'll find five passports. Stamp the passport of the team member you'd like to send home. Got it... Lindsay?” Chris said.

“I know. I get it.” Lindsay replied.

Confessional: Lindsay

“This is a really good picture of me.” Lindsay said as she hugged her passport ang left.

Confessional: Bridgette

She stamped Harold’s passport.

Confessional: Leshawna

She sighed as she looked at Harold’s passport and then stamped Lindsay’s.

Confessional: DJ

He looked upset as he stamped Harold’s passport.

Confessional: Harold

He stamped a ball and then realized what he did and switched to stamp his passport instead.

Confessional: Sing-Sing

The panda angrily stamped DJ’s passport.

“Those staying in the game will get in-flight snacks and if you don't get one, you'll be taking the Drop of Shame. The following players are safe.” Chris began tossing peanut bags.

“Leshawna.” he said as he tossed Leshawna a bag that hit her in the arm.

“Ow!” Leshawna grunted in pain.

“Bridgette.” Chris said as he tossed Bridgette a bag that hit her in the arm.

“Oof!” Bridgette grunted in pain.

“Lindsay.” Chris said as he tossed Lindsay a bag that hit her in the arm.

“Oof.” Lindsay grunted in pain. DJ looked uninterested while Harold looked worried.

“And the final bag goes to…






































D–” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“Wait. It was I who brought dishonor to our team. Only one thing can preserve the balance!” Harold said as he stabbed himself with a toy lightsaber and grunted as he walked and spoke japanese. “Leshawna! I think I will miss you most of all.” he said as he collapsed dramatically.

“Harold? That's a toy lightsaber–” Leshawna tried to say but was interrupted by Harold getting up and continuing to grunt as he jumped out the plane without a parachute. “You might need this! Good luck, Harold!” Chris told Harold as he tossed a parachute out while Harold screamed as he fell. “He's yelling something back at me! Oh, no. He's just screaming for his life!” he said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Getting the winner of last season out is just the beginning. I already had many plans, but after what I found today, I’m even more untouchable than before.” Alejandro said.

Cut to the co*ckpit. “Sayonara from Japan. Where will our travels take us next? Will Team Amazon be able to keep their fragile peace? What other products to Chef want to sell? All these questions and many more. Probably won't be answered on the next episode of Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris ended the episode.


Confessional: Harold

“I cost the challenge, I must leave to restore my honor!” Harold said as he stamped his passport.

Confessional: Leshawna

“Eh, Harold cost us but I don’t wanna vote for him. I guess Lindsay, I like the others more and she’s as dumb as a brick.” Leshawna said as she stamped Lindsay’s passport.

Confessional: DJ

“Harold’s the obvious choice. Sorry dude.” DJ said as he stamped Harold’s passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

“Harold’s the reason we lost.” Bridgette said as she stamped Harold’s passport.

Confessional: Lindsay

“I forgot to vote-Oh never mind.” Lindsay said as she walked in the confessional and left when she saw DJ’s stamped passport.


Harold’s Drop of Shame

Harold was gliding down with a parachute in his samurai costume.“This was really for the best. I was starting to get a little claustrophobic in the plane anyway. There's only so many cubic feet of air in the average airliner, and so I-- ugh!” Harold grunted as he landed in a sumo wrestlers diaper. “I will miss Leshawna. And seeing the world. And– Ugh! Gosh! What did this guy eat? Oh my gosh, it wasn't... was it... Total Drama Yum Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails?” he asked.

“Yum! Where?!” The sumo asked.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Leshawna, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
17. Harold
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
R.I.P. Harold. I thought of pushing him further, but he already moved from 13th to 9th in TDI and 5th to 1st in TDA so I thought this was a fair place to boot him. Can't think of any story for him anyway.

Chapter 4: Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better


The campers pull sleds through icy lands (Yukon)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Last time on Total Drama World Tour…” Chris began the recap. “Steeped in a tradition, Japan's modern allure is as fascinating as its rich history. Here, our competitors experienced Japan's innovative entertainment. And Harold celebrated Japan's role in the world of martial arts, which resulted in one of the longest eliminations in Total Drama history. Harold's sacrifice means we're three warriors down, sixteen to go with two million big ones up for grabs on Total. Drama. World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to Heather sleeping in first class while Courtney and Gwen relaxed on chairs as Cody was given a foot rub by Sierra in his sleep. “Uh... wha?! Sierra, what are you doing?” Cody asked as he woke up.

“Everyone loves a foot massage.” Sierra replied.

“Yeah, normally. But uh, I don't like having my feet touched.” Cody replied.

“Well where do you like being touched? Your knee? Your armpits? Your neck? Your teeth? Oh! I know! Your teeth!” Sierra said.

“Um, cool, I’m just gonna go now.” Cody said as he ran away.

Confessional: Cody

“Never fall asleep around a stalker. That's rule number one, heh. Where do you get those shoes with locks on 'em?” Cody said.

Cut to economy where Leshawna looked at a numb-yo. “Harold's num-yo? Where'd you find that?” DJ asked.

“Dang fool wanted me to have it.” Leshawna said.

“I'm really sad that he's gone. Sorry for voting him off.” DJ replied.

“Nah, it’s okay. He did cost us.” Leshawna replied.

Meanwhile, Izzy was talking with Eva. “High in orbit, the Gitraktmaet motherships descend upon the Earth. They prepare to enslave the world and mine it for all its salt, but the scanners detect an abnormally high concentration inside a tiny shack in Greece. The invasion won't be necessary. "Lock onto him with the RNG disruptor," says the captain, greedily. "Soon we shall have all the salt we need."” Izzy explained.

“Uh… that sounds very interesting.” Eva replied.

“Hey, don’t interrupt! I was just getting to the good part!” Izzy replied.

“Are you just like this all the time or are you some kind of secret super genius?” Noah asked.

“Whoa, that sounds cool.” Owen said. Meanwhile Alejandro glared at the four and then saw Tyler sitting alone and went to talk to him.

“How are you doing amigo?” Alejandro asked.

“Oh hey Alejandro! Uh, I’m fine as long as I still have a shot to win!” Tyler replied.

“Speaking of that, I wanted to talk to you about forming an alliance.” Alejandro replied.

“R-Really? An alliance with me?” Tyler said.

“You’ve seen how close Eva, Izzy, Owen and Noah are. They’ll probably get rid of Justin before us but after that it’s one of us. We need to work together to survive.” Alejandro replied.

“Huh… you’re right! Alright, I’m in!” Tyler replied.

Confessional: Tyler

“Wow. No one’s ever wanted to ally with me before! I’m glad someone on the show aside from Lindsay finally appreciates my skills!” Tyler said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Tyler may be one of the worst players in the game, but I need to ally myself with someone to take on that four person semi-alliance.” Alejandro explained.

“And how is everyone back here? That is what I'd ask if I cared. Coming through, make way.” Chris said as he entered economy.

“Where are you taking us next? Can it please be someplace where there's no pinball of any kind?” Leshawna scoffed.

“Or angry pandas.” DJ said.

“Or cheap plastic swords.” Eva said.

“Or candied fish tails.” Noah said.

“Huh? What? Fish tails? Where?” Owen asked.

“Our next destination is everything you've just asked for!” Chris replied as Sierra secretly watched from first class and gasped.

Confessional: Sierra

“Thanks to my extensive viewings and reviewings and re-reviewings of seasons one and two, I can safely say with no uncertainty that if Chris says one thing, he means another. Ah, classic Chris.” Sierra chuckled.

Cut to the plane shaking as everyone screamed. The shake caused Leshawna to hit her head on the roof.

“We got some nasty air bumps. Lock your butts to a seat! Over!” Chef said from the co*ckpit into the PA.

“You don't need to say "Over".” Chris said.

“I like saying it. Over!” Chef replied.

“We're gonna die!” Owen screamed when he was pinched by Alejandro in the shoulder while Bridgette and Lindsay made prayer poses. Noah tried to put his seatbelt on but it snapped.

“Perfect.” Noah complained. Meanwhile, some rats jumped out as a shadowy figure looked at them.

“Should we stop messing with them and level out?” Chef asked in the co*ckpit.

“Um... nah.” Chris replied as the plane crash landed.

“Ahh!” DJ screamed as he opened a door as everyone fell out of it and landed in the Yukon.

“Ha ha! I'm alive!” Owen cheered.

“Welcome to the Yukon! Ha ha ha!” Chris laughed from the PA.

Cut to everyone shuddering as Chris and Chef wore coats. “Um, hello? Where are our jackets?” Heather asked.

“Relax, I ordered coats for everyone.” Chris replied as everyone cheered. “They won't be ready for weeks, but as soon as they arrive, I'll be sure to hand them out.” he continued.

“Aw…” Everyone awed.

“Maybe we should huddle for warmth?” Courtney said. Sierra immediately hugged Cody while Justin tried to flex to get people to cuddle with him but failed as Lindsay and Tyler hugged Alejandro. Noah tried to hug Bridgette but he was hugged by Owen before he could.

“You can cuddle me, buddy!” Owen said.

“Ooh, fun!” Izzy said as she and Eva joined.

“Little chilly without mittens.” Chris told Chef.

“Cocoa?” Chef said as he gave him a coffee.

“Don't mind if I do. Ah. Much better.” Chris said as he took a sip.

“You know it!” Chef replied.

“Are you gonna finish that?” Owen sniffed.

“Of course he is, it's Chris' favorite drink.” Sierra said.

“Wrong! My-” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“Second only to tomato juice.” Sierra explained.

“That's not on the fan site, how did you…” Chris asked.

“I went to your high school and interviewed all your old teachers for the unauthorized biography I'm writing.” Sierra said as Chris gasped. “They said–” she tried to say but was interrupted.

“Okay, okay, moving on!” Chris said.

Cut to everyone in front of an icy river. “Crossing the icy river in Canada's frozen tundra used to be easy, back when the river was frozen solid. But thanks to global warming and Owen, Earth is finally becoming a lot more interesting. By which I mean... deadly!” Chris explained.

“Ha! Yay!” Izzy cheered as everyone looked weirded out.

“Today's challenge is called Total Drama: The Icicle! Teams must make their way across this watery chasm by jumping from ice flow to ice flow. First team member across must make their way to the dogsleds on the far shore and become the dog, pulling the sled all the way to the finish line as you grab the rest of your team along the way at marked meeting points. Sleds are first come, first serve, so move fast. Don't worry, if you fall into the water, we're legally required to save you. So, we've got two divers downstream ready to pull you out.” Chris explained. The divers were frozen in ice blocks.

“You guys ready for some mad ice flow jumping? 'Cause this guy is kicking it into high gear! Hoo!” Tyler boasted.

“Whoever doesn't land near the sled heads straight for the finish line. That way we won't lose time stopping at every meeting point.” Leshawna told her team.

“Cool.” Bridgette said.

“Okay.” Lindsay said.

“Got it.” DJ said.

“What is the reward for this challenge?” Heather asked.

“Did I say "reward"?” Chris asked.

“We have already had three eliminations. We're overdue!” Heather said.

“Yeah, my butt is tired from trying to not get eliminated all the time.” Justin complained.

“It's gotta be a reward. There aren't enough of us for Chris to cut someone in every episode.” Noah said.

“Yeah, but we found teams try harder during elimination challenges, so this year, there's no set routine. Every challenge could mean an elimination! Ha ha.” Chris replied as everyone complained. “That's the spirit! On your mark, get set... go!” he said while Chef blew a trumpet as everyone ran toward the pool and started jumping on the ice blocks. Tyler jumped on one but slipped.

“Whoa!” Tyler grunted as he fell in the water.

“Oh no Tyler, are you okay?” Lindsay asked as she jumped on an ice block.

“I-I’m fine! You keep going!” Tyler said.

“Alright, see you at the end! Bye!” Lindsay said as she jumped on another ice block.

Confessional: Tyler

“Man, Lindsay is so sweet! I’m lucky to be her boyfriend!” Tyler said.

“Alright guys, this is easy! Watch and learn!” Izzy told Owen, Noah and Eva as she started jumping through multiple ice blocks.

“If Nutsy can do it, we can do it. Come on!” Noah told Owen and Eva and jumped on an ice block, however he landed on his face.

“Uh, that doesn’t look good.” Eva said.

“Noah, hang on, buddy!” Owen said as he jumped on an ice block, launching Noah backwards.

“Nice going.” Eva said as she jumped on ice blocks.

“So, uh, I'll just go on ahead, okay?” Owen told Noah as he mumbled. “Okay, cool.” he said and continued.

“Hah, dragging the team down as always. Keep going like this, and you’ll be gone today if it’s an elimination!” Justin told Noah as he got up.

“I’d like to see you do better!” Noah replied.

“Alright, then watch me jump expertly with my extremely buff legs!” Justin said as he jumped on an ice block and slipped into the water.

“Told you!” Noah said.

“It was just a warm up!” Justin said as Alejandro passed by while jumping on ice blocks.

Confessional: Justin

“Man, I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I just know it has something to do with that guy! I need to get rid of him as soon as possible!” Justin said.

“This is easy!” Leshawna said as she jumped on an ice block.

“Wow. So far so... oh, oh, whoa… Ahh!” Gwen said as the ice block she was on broke as she fell in the water.

“Hang on, Gwen!” Cody said as he tried to go to help her, but ran into Owen as they saw a polar bear approaching them and screamed as it twisted their platform and got hit with an ice block thrown by Sierra.

“Bad polar bear! I am not about to post an obituary on my Cody blog, got it?!” Sierra said on another one while the polar bear collapsed, causing it to not hold on Owen and Cody’s platform and making them fall in the water. “Ah! I'm coming, Cody!” she said as she paddled the ice block toward them with a fish.

Bridgette almost slipped, but was helped by Alejandro. “Whoa! Oh, thanks. You know we're on different teams, right?” Bridgette said.

“My mother raised a gentleman. Teams are irrelevant.” Alejandro replied.

Confessional: Bridgette & Chef

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“When Geoff's around, we were always making out, but now that it's just me... I kind of miss that?” Bridgette thought.

“That’s kinda creepy, not gonna lie.” Chef said.

Owen and Cody were still freezing in the water when Owen suddenly relaxed. “Ah…” Owen grunted in satisfaction.

“Hey... why do I feel warmer? Oh. Oh! You peed! Come on, gross! Ahh! Ooh, it's following me!” Cody said as he swam away from the pee water.

“Don’t run away, it’ll make you warmer!” Owen said.

Confessional: Owen

“Looking back, I guess telling someone else to get in your pee is kind of weird. Huh.” Owen thought.

Meanwhile, Bridgette and Alejandro were on different ice blocks. “It's too far!” Bridgette told Alejandro.

“You can do it, just jump! Quick!” Alejandro replied as Bridgette jumped and landed on Alejandro.

“Ah!” Bridgette and Alejandro grunted as they accidentally kissed.

“Uh... thank you for catching me.” Bridgette said.

“Mm, thank you for kissing me.” Alejandro replied.

“That was an accident.” Bridgette said.

“One woman's accident is another man's treasure.” Alejandro replied.

“Uh, I kinda don’t want a boyfriend.” Bridgette said.

“You don’t want a boyfriend or you, eh, kinda don’t want a boyfriend?

“I kinda-- I don’t want a kind of a boyfriend! Kinda.” Bridgette replied.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I got flustered. But I'm not falling for him. Mark my words. Mm.” Bridgette said.

Cut to DJ at the end. “Not too far from the sleds. Sweet.” DJ said as he ran toward the sleds.

“Can't... arms... f-freezing.” Cody mumbled in the water.

“Oh dear Cody, if one of us drowns, I want it to be me!” Sierra said as she got Cody out of the water.

“Me too.” Cody said.

Meanwhile, Bridgette was still with Alejandro. “Ooh! Wait, are you trying to make a secret alliance with me? How can I know how to trust you?” Bridgette asked.

“Alliance? Aw! Bridgette, for me, this is so much bigger than a game. You can trust me.” Alejandro replied.

“Oh, uh…” Bridgette thought.

Confessional: Bridgette

“Huh… maybe I am too paranoid due to what happened with Geoff.” Bridgette thought.

Cut to Cody blue on the ice block with Sierra. “Oh, uh, you need to get to shore fast!” Sierra said.

“Wait, what are you... whoa-oh-oh!” Cody said as he was grabbed by Cody.

“Go, Cody! Cody?” Sierra said as she tossed Cody onto the snow on the shore.

“You just gotta go with the flow.” Leshawna said as she reached the end.

“Nice. And, lucky you. DJ got here first. He's on dog duty, so you get to kick back and enjoy the ride.” Chris explained.

“Mm, cozy. What's wrong with you?” Leshawna asked a crying DJ while she took a seat.

“Sorry. Being back in Canada makes me miss my mama. All this ice, it's just like her freezer.” DJ replied.

“Well, just try to forget her so we can win ok? You’ll have plenty of time to see her later.” Leshawna replied.

“Alright then!” DJ said.

“Yeesh. Courtney. First Amazon to arrive. Grab a sled, start pulling.” Chris said as Heather and Courtney arrived.

“Heather got here at the exact same time, we should both pull the sled!” Courtney said.

“Yeah... no. In the event of a tie, we go alphabetically. I also hate you more.” Chris replied.

“That’s so unfair! Heather, help me out here?” Courtney said.

“What can I do, Courtney? I didn't make the alphabet. Now get moving!” Heather replied.

“Ugh.” Courtney said as she began pulling the sled while Tyler arrived.

“Oh no!” Tyler said.

“'Fraid so.” Chris replied.

“Whatever, this’ll be a great way to show my athletic skills!” Tyler said as Eva and Izzy arrived.

“Whoo! Oh look, a speaker! Ours must play music!” Izzy gasped as she jumped in a box with a radioactive sign on it.

“Is that box radioactive?” Tyler gasped.

“Eh, what isn't radioactive these days?” Chris replied.

“I can't find the radio anywhere. I think someone stole it!” Izzy said as she popped her head out the box.

“How are you not dead yet?” Eva asked.

“I have no idea!” Izzy replied.

“Whatever, Tyler, get going! At least try to go half as fast as what I could go.” Eva said.

“You’ll see, I’m a master sled puller!” Tyler said.

“Ah, there! Finally!” DJ said as he put on the harness.

“Yes! Team Victory takes the lead!” Leshawna said as DJ pulled the sled.

“Wait! How does this harness work?” Courtney asked. DJ tried to say something but was stopped by Leshawna.

“Not a word, DJ! Just keep moving!” Leshawna said.

“Nice sportsmanship! Try not to be inconvenienced by any animals out there today!” Heather said as DJ cried while she got a whip and whipped Courtney

“Ah! Hey! You can't just-- ah!” Courtney grunted in pain as she was whipped by Heather while she put the harness on.

“Mush!” Heather said as Courtney began pulling.

“Will anyone survive the coldest challenge in Total Drama history? Place your bets and cross your fingers. The results, after this.” Chris said as the screen faded to black.

Cut to Cody walking while shuddering when Sierra suddenly popped up. “Ah! How did you find me?” Cody asked.

“Followed your footprints. Pretty easy, really. You're a size seven and your right foot really pronates.” Sierra replied.

Confessional: Cody

“Ugh, I’m freezing and I have to deal with a stalker at the same time? This day sucks so far.” Cody said.

Cut to Courtney arriving at a flag where Gwen was waiting. “Whoa, Courtney! Whoa!” Heather said as she whipped Courtney while Gwen got on.

“Ah! Stop?” Courtney said.

“I would love to, but it makes you go faster!” Heather replied and whipped her.

“Ah!” Courtney grunted in pain.

“Sorry!” Heather replied and whipped her.

Confessional: Courtney

“Whipping? With a whip? Oh, when the time comes, she is so going to get it.” Courtney complained.

Cut to Tyler pulling the sled. “If you see anyone, call out!” Tyler told Izzy and Eva.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh! There's Tyler!” Izzy said as she pointed at Tyler.

“Other than me!” Tyler replied.

“Well, there’s Eva!” Izzy said as she pointed at Eva.

“Call out people who aren’t on the sled already!” Eva angrily replied as Noah came and got on the sled.

“Ooh, there's Noah! Noah! Someone stole our radio!” Izzy told Noah.

“Uh… that sounds… bad???” Noah replied.

Confessional: Noah

“That girl creeps me out. I do not see what Owen sees in her.” Noah said.

Cut to Lindsay waiting at a flag. “Hey guys!” Lindsay said as DJ arrived with the sled.

“Lindsay! Now we just need to pick up Bridgette and get to the finish line. We're finally gonna win one!” Leshawna said as Lindsay got on the sled.

“All right, home free!” Lindsay said as DJ cried.

“Would you forget your mama's freezer?” Leshawna said.

“I did. 'Til she said... ooh!” DJ cried.

Cut to Alejandro and Bridgette arriving at a flag. “Look, a meeting point. Let's wait here.” Alejandro told Bridgette.

“I should k-keep going to the finish line.” Bridgette replied.

“Our teams will find us here. Save your strength. Cold? Take my shirt.” Alejandro said as he took off his shirt.

“Oh!” Bridgette said in shock as Alejandro gave her his shirt.

“I can't freeze. My Latin blood won't allow it. And if you get sick and your team votes you off, I won't get to know you better. Which would make me very, very sad.” Alejandro said.

“I don't wanna make anyone sad.” Bridgette replied.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I mean, who gives away their shirt in the arctic? Oh he's just... so… Snap out of it Bridgette!” Bridgette told herself.

Cut to DJ pulling the sled. “Heh, so Harold's all, "You're a goddess." And I'm all "Oh, I know."” Leshawna told Lindsay.

“Uh-huh. Okay. Yeah?” Lindsay replied.

“Uh, seriously you guys, I can't–” DJ tried to say but was interrupted.

“I don't see any signposts! Do you?” Lindsay said.

“That's weird. Where's the path to the finish line, DJ?” Leshawna asked.

“I have no idea! My tears froze my eyes shut about ten minutes ago!” DJ said.

“Why didn't you say so?!” Leshawna said.

“I tried, but you kept interrupting me!” DJ replied.

“Oh. whoops. Our bad.” Leshawna said.

“Oh, look out!” Lindsay said as she saw a baby seal in their bath.

“Ooh, baby seal!” Leshawna said as DJ hit it, sending it falling down an ice cliff.

“Did I just hit a baby seal?!” DJ said.

“Yeah! He fell down a crack in the ice!” Lindsay said.

“What?! We gotta help it!” DJ said.

“Uh, oh, look! He's climbing back up!” Leshawna said.

“I-I can't hear him!” DJ said as Leshawna hit Lindsay with her elbow to get her to do something.

“Oh, uh bark bark!” Lindsay made seal noises, making DJ think the seal was climbing.

“There, see? Now let's get moving!” Leshawna said.

“Well, that’s a relief.” DJ said as he continued pulling while the seal climbed the cliff and growled.

Confessional: Leshawna

“My team has had pretty bad luck with animals so far, it’s kind of weird honestly.” Leshawna said.

Cut to Alejandro and Bridgette. “Well, looks like this is my ride. But I can't leave you here all alone.” Alejandro said as he saw Tyler approaching with the sled.

“Go on, I'll race you to the finish.” Bridgette said.

“Alright then. I hope we can see each other soon.” Alejandro winked as he got on the sled while Bridgette blushed. However before Tyler got going, a shadow leg popped out from under a box in the sled, tripping Bridgette into the flagpole.

“What the? Oof! Mm... mm! Aw, crap!” Bridgette said with her tongue now stuck to the pole.

Cut to Courtney arriving at a flag that Cody and Sierra were waiting on.

“Need a lift?” Gwen asked.

“And a restraining order.” Cody said as Sierra got on.

Cut to Tyler arriving at a flag that Justin and Owen were waiting on. “What took you guys so long? This cold is cancelling out my hotness!” Justin complained.

“We get it, now just shut your useless trap!” Eva replied.

“What's the matter, Big O?” Izzy asked an upset looking Owen.

“I haven't eaten in hours. Ah, I wish we were in Russia right now. They're building the world's largest cake.” Owen replied.

“Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! What flavor?” Izzy asked.

“Who cares? It's cake!” Owen replied.

“Okay, Tyler, time to get moving.” Noah said.

“I am moving!” Tyler said as he moved in place.

“No. You're miming.” Noah replied.

“Aw, it's my court shoes. They're no good on ice! If the contest was pulling a sled across a volleyball court, we would've already won!” Tyler said as Team Amazon passed them while cheering.

Cut to Chris arriving at the pole Bridgette was stuck to with a snowmobile. “Oh dear. How did this happen?” Chris asked.

“I was with Alejandro, and somehow I tripped and the pole got in the way.” Bridgette explained, however, what she said was not understandable due to her tongue being stuck.

“This all sounds very heartfelt. I bet it would be an amazing song!” Chris said as the music icon popped up.

“What?! Aw…” Bridgette mumbled as Team Amazon arrived.

“Whoa! Hello, backup singers.” Chris said.

“Aw…” Sierra, Gwen, Heather and Gwen awed.

“Crap! I thought you'd forgotten the music challenge this time!” Heather said.

“As if! It's my favorite part!” Chris replied.


The strings of my heart are a tangled mess!

[She sung while stuck to the pole]

[Gwen, Heather, and Courtney]

Ooh, mess!

[They sang on the side]


It’s beating so hard, jumping out of my chest!

[She sung while stuck to the pole]

[Gwen, Heather, and Courtney]

Ooh, chest!

[They sang on the side]


I tried to fit another guy in my soul!

[She sung while stuck to the pole]

[Gwen, Heather, and Courtney]

Ooh, soul!

[They sang on the side]


I ended up stuck to a pole!

[She sung while stuck to the pole]

[Gwen, Heather, Courtney]

She got stuck, should've ducked, worst of luck! Stuck, stuck to a po-o-ole!

[They sang as they held the pole]


When I closed my eyes, he jumped on a sled!

[She sung while stuck to the pole]

[Gwen, Heather, and Courtney]

Ooh, sled!

[They sang on the side]


When I opened them, I was suddenly here!

[She sung while stuck to the pole]

[Gwen, Heather, and Courtney]

Ooh, here!

[They sang on the side]


He's moved on, I messed up and I'm still stuck in this place!

[Gwen, Heather, and Courtney]

Ooh, place!

[They sang on the side]


Would somebody poor warm water down my face?

[She sung while stuck to the pole]

[Gwen, Heather, Courtney, and Sierra]

She got stuck, should've ducked, worst of luck! Stuck, stuck to a po-o-ole! Stuck, stuck, stuck to a pole!

[They sang as they posed]


And I’m about to freeze!

[He sang while shivering]

“Very nice.” Chris said.

“Uh, I mean it. Pour water... on my face.” Bridgette said.

“Amazons... be gone!” Chris said.

“You gonna help her?” Gwen asked.

“Sure, whatever.” Chris said as Courtney continued pulling the sled while she was whipped.

“Wait! Water. My face?” Bridgette mumbled.

“Wish I could, but I only have the one bottle. Sorry. Ahh.” Chris said as he drank a large amount of water from a bottle and then threw it on the ground. Bridgette got it and tried to pour it on her tongue, however only a single water drop fell.

“Good luck!” Chris said as he drove away while Bridgette glared at him when DJ arrived with the sled.

“Bridgette? What happened?” DJ asked.

“I’m stuck! Do you have water?” Bridgette mumbled.

“Uh, what did she say?” Lindsay asked.

“Does anybody have water so we can free her?” Leshawna asked.

“I don’t think so. We’ll have to leave her, maybe Chris will ignore that we didn’t get her!” DJ said.

“Can you guys try to free me?” Bridgette mumbled.

“Uh, I don’t know what you’re saying, but hang on! We can’t do anything, the production crew will save you later.” Leshawna said as DJ left.

Confessional: DJ

“Honestly, the last thing I was expecting to see today was a teammate stuck to a pole.” DJ said.

Cut to Tyler pulling the sled on an ice bridge. “Dude, get moving already! I need to hit a john or another river fast!” Owen said as he jumped in the sled.

“Stop jumping, you’re gonna-Ah!” Justin screamed as the ice bridge broke, causing everyone to scream as they fell. However, Tyler held onto the bridge, saving them from falling.

Confessional: Tyler

“Yeah, I've got wicked strong fingers. Docs can't explain it. My first piano lesson, I broke the piano. Got into sports after that.” Tyler explained.

Cut to Team Victory running toward the finish. “Look! Something that isn't snow!” Lindsay said as she saw the finish.

“That's the finish line! Man, we really took the long way around. Straight ahead, DJ!” Leshawna said.

“I don't see any other sleds! We're gonna be first! Whoo!” Lindsay said.

“Thank you, mama!” DJ said.

Cut to Tyler holding onto the cliff while his teammates climbed on him. “Yeah, Tyler. Go, Tyler!” Izzy cheered.

“Yeah!” Owen said as Tyler pulled the sled up and ended up tripping, sending the sled flying down forward as his teammates got on it while he was dragged behind,

“Whoa! Ow!” Tyler grunted in pain as he was dragged by the speedy sled.

“Owen, lean forward!” Noah told Owen.

“Whatever you say buddy!” Owen said as he did it, increasing their speed.

“Whoa, oh!” Tyler grunted as all three teams were approaching the finish as Team Chris passed Team Victory, making them get first while Victory got second and Amazon got last.

“Yes! We finally won!” Eva said.

“All right, whoo!” Noah said as Alejandro, Izzy, Eva and Owen cheered.

“Woohoo.” Tyler mumbled as he gave a thumbs up from under the snow.

“Last place?! I can't believe I did all that work for nothing!” Heather complained.

“Actually, Team Victory crossed the finish line without Bridgette, so they come in last.” Chris said.

“Aw…” Lindsay and DJ sighed.

“Dang it! I thought that wouldn’t matter!” Leshawna said.

“Which means Team Amazon is in second place and Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Crazy Hot takes first!” Chris said as Team Amazon and Team Chris cheered.

“Phew.” Courtney sighed in relief.

“Yes!” Izzy and Noah said.

“Awesome!” Justin said.

“Al! Buddy, Al! Don't leave me hangin'! Al! Al? Al! Al! Al! Al! Al!” Owen said as he offered a high-five to Alejandro who walked away, annoyed.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I have no idea how that happened. I know I’m clumsy, but I’m pretty sure I couldn’t trip while standing up! Something's up… Ugh, I guess I’m going to get voted out now.” Bridgette thought.

Cut to the elimination. Bridgette was no longer stuck to the pole. “Victory, I have peanut-filled barf bags for the three of you who get to stay.” Chris began the ceremony.

“Momma Boy! You cried the entire time you pulled the sled, making your eyes freeze and then you ran over a baby seal!” Chef called out DJ who looked guilty.

Confessional: DJ

“I mean, a baby seal!? And what was it doing alone without it’s parents!?” DJ said.

“Loud Girl, your plan of trying to trick us into making us give you second place failed!” Chef called out Leshawna who bit her lip.

“Finally, Surfer Girl. You somehow made out with a pole, which cost your team the win!” Chef called out Bridgette who crossed her arms.

“Wait, I didn’t think before, but if we're both here, who's flying the plane?” Chris asked.

“I have it covered.” Chef replied.

Cut to the co*ckpit where Chef and Chris balloons were there. “I repeat, butchered air craft, this is a no fly zone, over! Hello?” The communicator said.

“Barf bags go to…” Chris said as he began tossing the bags.

“DJ!” he said as he tossed him a bag.

“Leshawna!” he said as he tossed her a bag. Bridgette and Lindsay both looked worried.

“The final barf bag goes to…





































Lindsay!” he said as he tossed the bag at Lindsay’s face while Bridgette sighed.

“Yay, I get to stay! Uh, I mean, sorry Bridge.” Lindsay told Bridgette.

“No, it’s okay. Sorry I cost us.” Bridgette said.

“It’s cool, it’s my fault too.” DJ replied.

“I guess kinda mine too.” Leshawna said.

“Bridgette, I’d ask if you had any final words before taking the Drop of Shame, but this is a non-elimination! You get to stay!” Chris said.

“What, really?” Bridgette said.

“Yes! Team Victory is still as strong as before!” Leshawna said.

“Hopefully we actually don’t come last next time. Hell, I’d be fine with 2nd.” DJ said.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I’m not gone! And the first thing I plan on doing is finding out what the hell happened there!” Bridgette said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Ugh, I was hoping that Bridgette would go but whatever, I can still work with this. I can get her out any time. That goes for them all. Some will prove to be more challenging than others. But one by one, they'll all go down.” Alejandro said.

Confessional: Tyler

“Well, I totally rocked it today! I saved everyone's lives with my bare fingers! Everyone's gonna know who Tyler is now! Hoo! Mission accomplished!” Tyler cheered.

“Will Jockless ever do anything relevant ever again?” Chris said as he entered the confessional.

“It's Tyler!” Tyler angrily replied.

“Find out next time on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris said as he ended the episode.


Confessional: Leshawna

“Sorry girl, you shouldn’t have made out with that darn pole.” Leshawna said as she stamped Bridgette’s passport.

Confessional: DJ

“I have no idea what she was thinking.” DJ said as he stamped Bridgette’s passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I guess Lindsay, she’s dumb and I like the other two more. I’m probably going anyway.” Bridgette said as she stamped Lindsay’s passport.

Confessional: Lindsay

“Sorry Brianna, kissing poles is bad!” Lindsay said as she walked in the confessional and left when she saw Bridgette’s stamped passport.


Chef at Law

“Is your Total Drama World Tour official website being sabotaged by an annoying insider blogger claiming to have the real scoop? Do you wish their blogs could be crushed into legal pulp? Then scramble to the pan like this egg. Well then, you need me! Chef at Law. So come on, call me. I lose, you still pay. I win, you buy me dinner. That's Chef at Law. 1-800-LAW-CHEF. Or 1-800-BUT-KICK. No one makes a fool of me! No one. Gah!” Chef said.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Leshawna, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
17. Harold
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
Surprise! Bridgette's still in. I still don't get why tf the writers had her in a season without Geoff only to boot her in EP 4. She never got to shine and just became "Geoff's gf" unlike Geoff who got the chance to shine outside his relationship. Anyways, for fun, try to guess who will be eliminated next/will anyone be eliminated when I post a chapter in the comments from now on! And you'll see id got it right or wrong the next day.

Chapter 5: Broadway, Baby!


The campers race through the city (New York)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“The Yukon! Canada's frozen gem.” Chris began the recap. “Here, our competitors discover the thrill of ice flow jumping, the chill of dog sledding and the buzzkill of frigid romance. The Yukon! Live the adventure! Where will we dump our remaining competitors this time? Find out right now on Total. Drama… World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to Team Chris in first class. “Oh, man. First class rocks!” Tyler said as he ate breakfast alongside Alejandro and Izzy.

“Today, we eat the breakfast of champions.” Alejandro said as he ate.

“Can’t believe what we’ve been missing out on! It’s time we had some proper food, I’ve had enough of eating Chef’s slop.” Eva said.

“Oh, yeah… That's the spot.” Izzy said as she got a massage alongside Justin.

“Be sure to focus to not hurt my neck, ok? That happens way too often for my liking.” Justin told the person who was massaging him.

“Do the opposite of what he wants! Aw, looks at Big O. His fear of flying is so adorable.” Izzy said as he looked at Owen sleeping on a couch.” Izzy said as she looked at Owen sleeping on a couch as he fell, revealing that he was crushing Noah.

“Ah! Finally! Thanks for not noticing I was missing all night! What am I, Tyler?” Noah said.

“Hey! Oops.” Tyler said, accidentally spitting his food on Alejandro’s face.

Confessional: Justin

“Okay, I’d like to get rid of Alejandro, but Noah’s little group and Tyler all disliking me, I need to lay low. I’ll plan to get Alejandro out in a way he definitely does not expect.” Justin said.

Cut to economy class. “Stupid economy section. What is that horrible smell?” Heather complained.

“Defeat.” Gwen replied.

“I could've pulled the sled faster is someone wasn't whipping me.” Courtney angrily replied.

“We both know that's not true.” Heather replied.

“Oh!” Courtney said in anger.

“First chance we get, I'll totally help you vote her off.” Gwen whispered to Courtney.

“Gladly. Can we whip her off?” Courtney replied.

Confessional: Gwen

“All my experiences with Courtney have been… not the best so far due to Duncan. But hey, she also hates Heather so hey, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Gwen explained.

Confessional: Heather

“"Whip me off?" Ha Not if I can prove my worth to the team. Or manipulate Sierra and Cody into slavishly obeying me. Whatever works.” Heather said.

Cody was in a blanket while Sierra rubbed his feet. “This'll warm you up in no time! And from now on, whenever you get cold feet, you'll think of me.” Sierra said.

“Ugh... no kidding.” Cody replied.

“Hey buddies! Have I said enough how much I value your friendship?” Heather said as she came to talk.

“You've only spoken to me like, three times, ever. Including this one.” Cody replied.

“Well, I value you too, Heather. Hug?” Sierra asked.

“I think just saying it is enough.” Heather rejected.

Confessional: Heather

“Ugh, even the thought of that disgusts me. She probably just puts her hands in Cody’s shoes all day, no way am I being touched by that.” Heather said.

“How's our team ever supposed to win if we just keep losing all the time?” DJ asked.

“Enough downie talk, you guys. We aren't quitters. We're fighters! And we're winners!” Lindsay said.

“That’s the spirit! We can still stay in this!” Bridgette said.

“Mmhmm! Girl's got fire in her eyes!” Leshawna replied.

Confessional: Lindsay

“I packed a season's supply of lip gloss, and I've barely finished one tube! No way am I going home yet.” Lindsay said.

“Ladies, I took the liberty of smuggling a few things out of first class.” Alejandro said as he came with snacks.

“I better not. I might break ou-- oh! Is that a Snuffers bar?” Lindsay squealed as she ate one.

“Bridgette, do you want one?” Alejandro said as he offered Bridgette one.

“No thanks Alejandro, I’m good.” Bridgette said.

“Oh but I insist, please do take it. It would make me happy.” Alejandro replied.

“I said no, but thanks anyway.” Bridgette said as she walked away while Alejandro looked upset.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Ugh, why did Chris need to make that round a non-elimination? I guess I shouldn’t bother with Bridgette now, I can take her out later.” Alejandro thought.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I can’t let myself get distracted by Alejandro, I almost got out yesterday due to that!” Bridgette said.

“Sierra, my former teammate. I smuggled this one out just for you.” Alejandro said as he offered Sierra a cookie.

“Well, she doesn't want it. We never trust the enemy, especially the accessibly, disgustingly flirty ones.” Heather said as she pulled Sierra away.

“No thanks... enemy.” Sierra laughed.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Of course Heather's bonding with Sierra. She's Chris' favorite due to being his fan. And if that manipulative minx gets Sierra, she'll get Chris too! Oh-ho, she's good.” Alejandro said.

Cut to everyone in a boat in the cargo. “Take a seat, grab a handle and I'll tell you where we're going.” Chris said.

“Oh, sweet boat, guy. Right, Lindsay?” Tyler said.

“For sure! I always wanted to be in a boat!” Lindsay replied.

“Why are you wearing a life jacket?” Noah asked.

“'Cause there's sixteen of you, and only one valuable me. Hit it, Chef!” Chris told Chef.

“Hope you enjoy the fall!” Chef said as he pulled a lever, opening a hatch and making everyone scream as they fell in the water below.

“Welcome to the New York City! How was the fall?” Chris asked.

Confessional: Lindsay

“New York, New York?! Do you know how many stores there are here? I'm gonna buy like, ten seasons worth of lip gloss without even trying! Ahhh!” Lindsay squealed.

Cut to everyone in front of the Statue of Liberty. “Your first challenge is a carriage race to Central Park, which I like to call "Liberty or Death!"” Chris explained.

“Oh, I've always dreamed of riding a horse-drawn carriage!” Owen giggled.

“I should be the one pulling, I’m the strongest!” Eva said.

“Don't even think about making me the horse... Heather.” Courtney told Heather.

“Oh I don’t know, you do kind of look like one.” Heather mocked as Courtney growled.

“Slow down, conclusion jumpers. It's a baby carriage race.” Chris said.

“So, where are the carriages?” Justin asked.

“Yeah. Hope you brought your climbing gloves.” Chris replied and pointed at three steel ropes hanging from the statue that had the carriages on it’s crown as everyone complained.

“LOL, Chris. I think your mischievous spirit makes the game.” Sierra said.

“Thank you, Sierra. It's nice to be appreciated.” Chris replied.

“Appreciated? I love you! I always did. Even way back when you were making those terrible movies about talking cats.” Sierra said.

“Uh…” Chris thought as everyone laughed.

“I was even going to call my first fan club "The Christians", but that name was already taken.” Sierra explained.

“Okay! Ha ha. Less chatter, more splatter. Er, climbing. More climbing. We'll leave the splatter to fate. Anywho, once you reach Lady Liberty's crown, pull up your rope to bring up your team faster. Once everybody's up, your team grabs the correct carriage off the spike, races back down to your boat and follows the buoys to your next exciting destination. Central Park!” Chris explained.

“Um, so when do we go shopping?” Lindsay asked.

“You don't.” Chris replied.

“Noooo!” Lindsay yelled.

“Don’t worry Lindsay, we can go shopping later! If you want!” Tyler told Lindsay.

“Aw, thanks Tyler!” Lindsay replied.

Confessional: Tyler

“Seeing Lindsay sad is the worst feeling in the world! I would never allow myself to let her stay like that!” Tyler said.

Confessional: Lindsay

“Tyler is so sweet and caring, he’s the best boyfriend I could ask for! I hope he makes it to the merge this time.” Lindsay thought.

Chris blew a whistle as everyone started climbing. “Look! I'm a rabid monkey! Ay-ay-ay-ay-ah!” Izzy yelled as she climbed.

Bridgette touched the rope and recoiled. “Ow! What are these ropes made of?” Bridgette asked.

“Steel wool. Strong and rough. Just like the Big Apple.” Chris replied as Bridgette climbed.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” Bridgette grunted in pain as she climbed.

“Keep going, we need to reach the top before the others!” DJ said as he climbed.

“Why don't I go first and make sure it's safe for you ladies?” Cody told the other Amazons.

“I know exactly how we should climb!” Courtney boasted.

“You're not gonna suggest we belay again, are you? 'Cause that worked so well in Egypt.” Gwen replied.

“But... no. I... never mind.” Courtney sighed.

“I think Sierra should decide.” Heather said.

“OMG. I thought I knew everything about everyone on this show. You're really nice, Heather.” Sierra said.

“Of course! You can trust me.” Heather replied.

Confessional: Sierra

“Of course I know Heather's playing me. I've seen every episode like, fifteen times. Hello! I'm playing Heather.” Sierra explained.

“No way am I losing this challenge!” Heather grunted as she, Gwen and Courtney climbed.

“After you. I insist.” Sierra told Cody as he began climbing. “Best view in New York City.” she chuckled as she looked at his butt while climbing.

“Seriously!?” Cody sighed.

Confessional: Cody

“Oh come on, my butt isn’t even that big! Not that I’d ever admit something like that when hot girls are watching. Wait…” Cody thought.

Cut to Chris and Chef on top of the statue. “It's been twenty-five blister-busting minutes and nothing! You guys are bumming me out!” Chris said.

“Get your lazy buts in gear now soldiers, now!” Chef yelled.

Meanwhile, Alejandro swung over to Sierra on his rope as they climbed. “I'm worried about Chris. Do you ever get the feeling he misses his glory days, back when he was a huge star? That he feels like no one remembers... or cares?” Alejandro said as he swung back.

“Poor Chris. I remember! I care!” Sierra said.

“What were you two talking about?” Noah asked Alejandro.

“I just asked her some stuff about the show, she knows a lot and that knowledge can be useful.” Alejandro replied and continued climbing. Noah raised an eyebrow but then shrugged and then continued climbing.

“Oh, making me sweat. Okay, I got it, I just... oh, come on!” Owen tried to climb the rope but was wrapped around it when a shadowy figure swung the nose as it popped up from the statue’s nostril.

Cut to Chris on the top. “Hurry it up, people! I'm officially bored!” Chris said.

“You are pure evil.” Alejandro said as he arrived.

“Why are you so surprised about that? I thought you watched this show.” Eva said as she arrived as well.

Cut to Tyler, Noah and Cody climbing near the statue's boobs. “Look at those.” Tyler said, making Cody notice them.

“Hey, what's going on? Oh!. Whoa, whoa-oh!” Cody grunted as he was in awe but then ended up falling in between them.

“Nice.” Noah snickered.

“Whoo! Ten point landing, dude!” Tyler cheered.

“Ah. uh-oh! I'm getting sucked in. Aaaah!” Cody yelled while stuck.

“I'll save you, Cody!” Sierra said as she swung toward Cody, biting his leg to free him.

Confessional: Cody & Chef

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“For a second, I actually thought I was gonna die in there.” Cody said as he wrapped some bandages around his legs.

“But what a way to go, am I right?” Chef snickered.

“True that. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Cody cheered.

Cu to the top of the statue. “Ugh! Let's go! I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I gotta pee.” Chris said.

“First!” Courtney said as she arrived.

“Yeah!” Gwen said as she and Heather arrived.

“Sweet!” Cody said as Sierra arrived while holding him.

“I'll get the carriage! Which is something only a really valuable teammate would do!” Heather said as she went to get the carriage.

“Hey, Chris. Know what? I own every one of your TV appearances on DVD, even your cooking show, "Keep it Plain with Chris McLean". Your recipe for white rice is so great. It's totally unfair you got cancelled after only one episode.” Sierra told Chris as everyone laughed while Alejandro grinned.

“I was... going through a phase. Huh.” Chris replied.

“Ta-da! Like I said, valuable!” Heather said as she came with the carriage.

“Team Amazon takes the lead.” Chris announced.

“How do we get back down?” Courtney asked.

“Firemen's pole, anyone? It's only a thirty story drop.” Chris said as he pointed at a pole.

“Ladies first.” Cody said nervously.

“Um, eh…” Sierra mumbled.

“Well, someone's gotta do it. Here goes.” Gwen said as she slid down and landed with a massive thud as the other Amazons winced. “I'm okay!” she mumbled in pain at the end.

All the others slid as well. “Cody!” Sierra yelled as she slid.

Meanwhile, Lindsay, DJ and Bridgette were helping Leshawna up. “Hallelujah.” Leshawna grunted as she collapsed when she reached the top.

“I'll get the carriage!” DJ said and walked with perfect ballet moves as he got the carriage and came back.

“Yes!” Bridgette cheered.

Confessional: DJ

“I always walk on the edge of the curb, never on the sidewalk. Can't risk stepping on a crack and breaking mama's back, know what I'm saying?” DJ explained.

Cut to Team Victory sliding down the pole while screaming.

Cut to Team Chris pulling their rope to help Owen up. “Pull!” Alejandro yelled as he pulled.

“Heave!” Tyler yelled as he pulled.

“Ah!” Owen grunted as he hit his head on the statue’s nose due to the pulling.

“Heave!” Tyler yelled as he pulled.

“Ah!” Owen grunted as he hit his head on the statue’s nose due to the pulling.

“Heave!” Tyler yelled as he pulled.

“Ooh!” Owen grunted as he hit his head on the statue’s nose due to the pulling.

“Heave!” Tyler yelled as he pulled, and ended up getting Owen stuck in a nostril.

“Ah, uh... where am I? Echo! Hey, what are you doing here?” Owen said while stuck in the nostril as his voice echoed.

Cut to Team Amazon arriving at the boat. “There's the boat!” Courtney said as they all arrived. She began the engine and rode the boat, accidentally causing Cody to be launched.

“Ahh!” Cody grunted as he fell in the water.

“Cody!” Sierra yelled in worry.

“Turn around!” Gwen told Courtney.

“What?” Courtney replied, unable to hear her due to the engine.

Cut to Team Chris finally managing to pull Owen up. “Ugh, finally!” Justin said in relief.

“I get the spy, called it!” Izzy said as she ran to get the carriage.

“Nice one, Izzy!” Owen complimented.

“Vroom, vroom! This is awesome!” Izzy yelled as she slid down with the carriage, hit the pole and slid down while laughing maniacally.

“Extreme!” Tyler yelled as he slid.

“Look out below!” Eva yelled as she slid while Noah and Justin just screamed.

Owen jumped and got stuck as he giggled. “Think you could give me a push, Al? Oh, great Big Apple!” Owen screamed as Alejandro hit him with the carriage, sending him falling down as he slid as well.

Cut to Cody in the water when Team Victory arrived. “Hit it!” Leshawna said as DJ rode the boat.

“No, wait! Hey... Hey!” Cody tried to call out to them as they rode away while Team Chris came and Alejandro rode their boat over him. He grabbed onto a rope tied to the boat to ski and then crashed into a buoy.

“Come on, drive faster! We need to catch up!” Eva told Alejandro.

“I’m going as fast as I can!” Alejandro replied.

“Well, maybe we can get an opportunity to pass them later! That’s what the team coach always tells me when I fail, I hear it about fifty times a day!” Tyler said.

“Seriously? You’re pathetic.” Eva rolled her eyes.

“Great! We've gone from first place to last. Nice work, Courtney!” Heather complained as Courtney drove the boat back.

“What?” Courtney said, unable to hear her as Sierra got Cody from the water while they changed directions.

“We're totally in first place!” Lindsay cheered on the victory boat.

“Awesome!” Bridgette cheered.

“Yes!” DJ cheered.

“Mmhmm! But taking a boat to Central Park doesn't make a lick of sense. The park's in the middle of Manhattan.” Leshawna said.

“Ooh, there's the next buoy!” Lindsay said as they entered the sewer while they complained, only to be followed by Team Chris and then Team Amazon.

“A sewer? Ugh! Sometimes, I hate Chris. Okay, all times.” Heather said in the sewer.

Chris: Who will survive? And who's taking a dive? Find out when we return on Total. Drama. World Tour!

Cut to Team Victory in the sewer. “Ugh! There better be a killer reward at the end of this challenge.” Leshawana complained.

“I wouldn’t mind a long, hot shower or disinfectant.” Bridgette said. Suddenly they heard some alligator noises.

“Was that an alligator?” Lindsay asked.

“There aren't any alligators in the sewers. That's just an urban myth. Right?” Bridgette.

“Huh, that noise sounds very familiar somehow…” DJ thought.

“Do you hear that? It sounded like a–” Tyler said on the Team Chris boat as an alligator appeared, causing everyone to scream as Team Victory drove out the sewer followed by Team Amazon. “Woohoo, yay! Let's go again!” Izzy laughed.

“You need therapy.” Justin said.

“We're alive!” Bridgette said.

“I love you guys!” Lindsay said.

“Where's Heather's boat?” Alejandro asked as the alligator came and got stuck at the sewer exit and coughed up the Amazon boat into the finish.

“Whoa-ho-ho-ho! Nasty! That's the kind of stink that never comes out. Make the gator sign a waiver so we can show it on TV.” Chris said.

“Stupid show. Mm…” Chef mumbled.

“Wait Chef, I’ll do it!” DJ said as he took the contract and went in the water to swim toward the crocodile.

“Is that boy crazy!? He’s gonna get himself killed!” Leshawna said as DJ reached the crocodile.

“Vince! You’ve really grown! Can you please sign this?” DJ said as the crocodile signed the contract. “Thanks! See you later!” he said as he swam back.

“What was that!?” Bridgette asked in shock.

“That was my old pet croc Vince! I accidentally flushed him down the toilet, he must have ended up in the sewer that way!” DJ said.

“How did he get from Canada to New York!?” Justin asked.

“Chris, you are such a brilliant commander. That's why you always stood out in your boy band.” Sierra told Chris.

“Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, Chris was in a boy band?” Owen said.

“Moving on.” Chris said.

“Back in the eighties, he was. Making trouble is easy to do, but making you love me is painful!” Sierra sang.

“You were in fame town?” Justin asked.

Confessional: DJ

DJ was laughing.

Confessional: Owen

Owen was laughing.

Confessional: Courtney

Courtney was laughing.

Confessional: Chef

Chef was laughing.

“I really admire the way you never let mockery get to you. I'll have to include that in your obituary. I already have a draft. Wanna hear? Chris McLean was born in 1978-” Sierra began.

“That is it. Zip it! Permanently! Ugh!” Chris interrupted.

Confessional: Heather

“Sierra could've been Chris' pet all season, but she threw it away! Which makes her way less useful. How could this have happened? Wait a minute. That smile. Alejandro. That sneaky jerk! It's really on now. Just you wait.” Heather chuckled.

Cut to all the teams on mats in the middle of the forest. “All right, focus people. Welcome to the second half of the challenge. Bobbing for Big Apples, NYC style. Here's how it's gonna go down. Teams must push their carriages along one of the three paths to Central Park's Fabled Turtle Pond. There, one member of each team will bob for some very special apples using only their mouths, no hands. Once they get it to shore, the rest of the team must load it into their carriages and race to the finish line in the heart of Central Park. And what's a baby carriage without a baby?” Chris explained.

“Ooh, ooh! A shopping cart!” Owen said.

“It was a rhetorical question.” Chris replied.

“Oh, Chris. That is so–” Sierra tried to say but was interrupted.

“Zip it! One member of each team must ride in their carriage and stay there all the way to the finish line.” Chris explained.

“Cody.” Heather, Courtney, and Gwen imminently said.

“Ugh, fine.” Cody rolled his eyes.

“I'll do it.” Noah said.

“I couldn’t think of a more perfect fit.” Justin mocked.

“Oh, and I'll do it for Team Victory. I love it when people call me "baby".” Lindsay said.

“Make a mental note of that, bro.” Noah told Tyler as he checked his tracksuit.

“I don't have a pen.” Tyler replied.

Confessional: Noah

“I guess the only person who can love an idiot, is an idiot.” Noah said.

“Victory got here first, so they get the shortest path to the pond. Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot gets the longest path on the left, and Team Amazon gets the longest path on the right. Oh. And... a little travelling music, please.” Chris explained.

“It's always been a dream of mine to dance in New York City!” Courtney said.

“So we're really doing this music part every single time?” Eva asked.

“Fun, huh?” Chris replied as the music popup appeared. “Now, move it. We only have permits to corner off this section of the park for another hour.” he said as the campers went on their way while shots of New York were shown while everything changed into different colors.


What's not to love about New York City? The taxis honk out a New York ditty! The crime is high, the pigeons fly, what's not to love about New York?

[She sang as in front while bird poop covered the screen]


The lights are brighter, the fun is funner, the bagels are bagel-er and the bums are bummer, the dirt and grime make every alley shine, what's not to love about New York?

[He sang as he ran through the city and then crashed into a piano]

“Oops.” Owen chuckled.


The stores and the fashion, big shows where stars cash in, It's crazy 'cause the city never sleeps!

[She sang while wearing a fancy dress in front of a building]

“Dance break!” DJ interrupted and then started dancing with Bridgette as Leshawna came and did her cringe dance.

“For the love of dance, stop!” Lindsay yelled as she came in from the side, getting Leshawna to stop with DJ and Bridgette glared at her.

[Heather, Courtney, Cody, Sierra, and Gwen]

Subway trains and the hustle bustle!

[They sang as they ran while Sierra drove Cody]

[Bridgette, DJ, Leshawna and Lindsay]

Cappuccinos while the mobsters tussle!

[They sang as they ran while DJ drove Lindsay who had a coffee]


And pretzel stands for all us pretzel fans!

[He sang in front of a pretzel stand as he got a pretzel and threw it at the carriage Noah was in]

“Whoa, hot, hot, hot!” Noah grunted in pain.


What's not to love?

[He sang as Noah glared at him]

[Owen and Lindsay]

What's not to love?

[They sang while Lindsay was driven by DJ]


What's not to love about New York?

[They sang as they ran while the song finished with all the shots of the city]

Cut to everyone in front of a pond that had giant apples at the end. “The other teams are here, too? I thought we got the shortest path!” Leshawna said.

“Maybe, but your dancing took the longest to recover from!” Lindsay replied.

“And look at the size of them apples!” DJ said as he saw the apples.

“Remember, no hands.” Chris replied.

“Who’s up for this?” Eva said.

“I've totally got this, guys!” Tyler said as he jumped in the water and belly-flopped.

“Well? Who’s doing it?” DJ asked.

“Uh, not me for sure.” Leshawna said.

“My lip gloss will get wet.” Lindsay said.

“I guess I’ll go, I’m a surfer.” Bridgette said as she jumped in the water.

“Thanks, Bridge.” DJ said as Bridgette swam.

“Go show that apple who's boss!” Leshawna cheered.

“My perfect ballet leaps closed the gap. Now someone dive in before we lose the advantage!” Courtney said.

“Ooh! Last year, I broke my leg in the egg-and-spoon race in the Chris McLean Fan Club picnic.” Sierra replied.

“Hold up. There's a Chris McLean Fan Club picnic?” Gwen asked.

“It's awesome. There were like, six of us. Anyway, I had to stay off it for over a month and I took this seal training course online. Handy, huh?” Sierra said as she barked like a seal.

“I repeat. Dive in!” Courtney said as Sierra jumped in.

“Central Park is so romantic, don't you find?” Alejandro told Heather.

“Whatever. I know you've been messing with Sierra's head, so back off or you'll wish you had.” Heather replied.

“My wish doesn't involve backing off.” Alejandro replied.

“Ugh! Just go play with your stupid team and leave us alone!” Heather angrily replied.

“You're beautiful when you play hard to get.” Alejandro said as Heather growled. “I'm going.” he said as he walked away.

“You bet you are! Right out of the game!” Heather said as she saw Noah sleeping in the carriage. She took advantage and drove away with it somewhere and switched Noah with another carriage that had a baby in it while it’s mother was distracted.

Meanwhile, Tyler had reached the apple as his teammates cheered. “Uh, it's not working!” Tyler said as he blew at the apple to try and move it but couldn’t.

“Come on, man! Use your head!” Alejandro said as Tyler started moving the apple by hitting it with his head.

“Oh.” Tyler said as he began hitting the apple with his head to move it.

Meanwhile, Bridgette reached the apple and began moving it back by carrying it on her back when she suddenly saw turtles blocking her way. “Ah! Snapping turtles!”

“It's called Turtle Pond for a reason, bro.” Chris chuckled as Bridgette swam away screaming while she was attacked by turtles.

“Go, Sierra!” Gwen said as Sierra swam while holding the apple with her teeth.

“Hurry!” Courtney said.

“You are so weird.” Cody said.

Meanwhile, Tyler had finished getting the apple and collapsed in the water but was helped up by Eva. “Quick! We're barely in the lead!” Alejandro said as Eva got the apple and put it in the carriage without noticing that it was swapped. “To the finish line!” he said as Team Chris ran toward the finish while Bridgette got out of the pool with a turtle biting on her foot.

“Whoo. Okay, little turtle. Back to your home.” Bridgette said as she tossed the turtle in the water.

“Alright, you got the apple! Now let’s go, we can still be second!” DJ said as he got the apple and put it in the carriage with Lindsay as Team Victory went away while Sierra arrived with the apple and Courtney put it in the carriage with Lindsay.

“Hurry!” Heather said as they ran toward the finish.

Cut to Chris and Chef at central park. “It’s got a lot of military weapons, you know.” Chris told Chef.

“For real? All right, I guess we can go see it, man.” Chef replied.

“Oh, hold on. Here they come.” Chris said as Team Chris arrived.

“Yes! First place again!” Eva cheered.

“Woo-hoo! We won, yeah!” Izzy cheered.

“Nice! More massage time!” Justin cheered.

“We're awesome!” Owen cheered as the baby showed its head from the carriage.

“Noah regressed into a baby!” Izzy gasped.

“And he ate all my pretzels!” Owen gasped.

“You know, I prefer it this way. Now he can’t make any more rude comments.” Justin said.

“Wait, this isn't our carriage.” Tyler said.

“What!? How did we mix up the damn carriage!?” Eva said.

“No Noah means no first place.” Chris said.

“We have to go back!” Alejandro said as he went away with the carriage.

Cut to where Noah’s carriage was. “Okay,now. Who gets a big kiss?” The mother said as she looked at the baby carriage to see a sleeping Noah, causing her to scream as Noah screamed with her when Alejandro arrived and slammed the apple in the other carriage on him and went away with him as the baby made noises.

Cut to central park where Team Amazon arrived first with Team Victory being second and Alejandro coming last. “Woohoo!” Cody cheered alongside his team and Team Victory.

“What? We lost?!” Alejandro said.

“Ah! I’m gonna lose it!” Eva said as she tore up a bench and threw it away.

“And the winner of the New York challenge is... Team Amazon!” Chris said as Team Amazon cheered.

“Team Victory, congrats on not coming in last.” Chris said.

“Whoo!” Leshawna cheered.

“And Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot, you're facing elimination for the first time.” Chris said.

“We lost because you got lost, I’m voting you out!” Justin told Noah.

“Whatever, enjoy your last day here.” Noah replied.

“But you won't have to go through with it, 'cause this is really a reward challenge. Psych.” Chris said as Team Chris sighed in relief while the others complained.

“Hmph.” Heather scoffed as Alejandro winked at her.

Cut to the elimination room where there were three apples. “So I shouldn't talk to Chris for a while. W-Well, how long a while?” Sierra asked.

“Long enough for him to forget how creep-- um, special, you are.” Heather replied.

“As the winners of this reward challenge, Team Amazon gets to keep or dump the surprises contained in the apples. So, have at it, ladies.” Chris said.

“Hey!” Cody complained.

“Sorry. Have at it, ladies... and baby.” Chris said as he tossed Cody a hammer.

“Hey!” Cody said as he broke an apple, revealing that there tons of candies. “Candy!” he chuckled as he immediately started filling his pockets with a huge amount.

“Hey! Why don’t you leave some for the rest of us!” Heather angrily said.

“Of course. No prob. Sure thing. Come to papa!” Cody said as he continued filling his pockets while Sierra punched an apple from the top, breaking it in half to reveal some apples.

“Yay! Apples! Can I thank Chris for the apples?” Sierra asked Heather.

“Not right now.” Heather replied. “I think I deserve the last one, all things considered.” she told her team.

“The carriage swap did help us win.” Gwen replied.

“But we wouldn't have lost either way. So don't get all big headed.” Courtney said as Heather scratched the apple with her nails, cutting it into multiple different pieces to reveal a meat grinder.

“What the? A meat grinder? Ugh! This must be the booby prize, forget it!” Heather complained.

“Oh oh, maybe we should keep it. Just in case.” Courtney said.

“Whatever, who am I to stop you from fulfilling your weird fetishes with this thing.” Heather said as Courtney looked upset.

“Will Heather ever manage to earn the respect of her teammates?” Chris said.

“Um, I'm standing right here.” Heather replied.

“Find out next time on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris ended the episode.


Sierra's Apple Game

Sierra was with multiple apples. “One of the bloggers on my website taught me this great game! You call out a letter for each twist of the stem, and when it falls off, that's the initial of the person you're going to marry! Like this. A, B... Uh, wait, uh, okay, A, B, C, D– Why can't I get a C? Okay, one more time. A, B-- Gah! Gimme C! C, C, C, C!” Sierra said as she snapped multiple apple stems.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Leshawna, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
17. Harold
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
Non-elimination again!? I couldn't think of anyone to eliminate here. Maybe Izzy or Justin could have been booted but I'm content with their eliminations later on. This is one of my fav episodes in the season tbh. Next is the aftermath.

Chapter 6: Aftermath: One Harold at a Time


The first aftermath.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(WT Aftermath intro)

(Flashback) “Yo, that's unbelievable. Some team. This is garbage, eh? You guys are all a bunch of-- whoa!” Ezekiel grunted as Chris shoved him off the plane.

(Flashback) “I’ve had enough of this (censor beep)ing show, and all the (censor beep)ing sh*t I went through for your sick entertainment! I’m not going to sing your (censor beep)ing song, and if you have a problem with that you can shove a stick up your ass!” Duncan angrily told Chris.

(Flashback) “Wait. It was I who brought dishonor to our team. Only one thing can preserve the balance!” Harold said as he stabbed himself with a toy lightsaber and grunted as he walked and spoke japanese. “Leshawna! I think I will miss you most of all.” he said as he collapsed dramatically.

(Theme song)

Cut to Geoff and Blaineley on a stage sitting on a couch and Momma DJ, Brody, Beth, Trent, Katie and Sadie were sitting next to them on another while there was a big audience watching them. “Who's ready for some totally dramatic aftermath? I'm Geoff.” Geoff said as the audience cheered.

“And I'm Blaineley Stacey Andrews O'Halloran. I'm sure you recognize me from such entertaining programs as Celebrity Manhunt!” Blaineley said.

“But... today, we're here to talk about Total Drama World Tour!” Geoff said.

“We've got the juiciest dirt and the dirtiest juice. Everything you've ever wanted to hear dished about season three.” Blaineley said.

“Plus special guests and wicked surprises. But first, let's introduce my friends.” Geoff said.

“You mean the other sad bystanders who can't even play this season?” Blaineley asked.

“Easy. Please welcome the Total Drama Peanut Gallery, Momma DJ, Sadie and Katie, Trent, my bro Brody, and Beth!” Geoff said as the audience cheered.

“So... how does everybody feel about the fact that it's Geoff's fault you're all out of the game?” Blaineley said.

“Hey! I tried to organize us into a rescue party for the Bus of Doom.” Geoff gasped.

“And now your rescue party has to sit and watch everyone else play for two million.” Blaineley replied.

“I threw a great consolation party. With a piñata.” Geoff replied.

“Yeah, that was my guitar. I kept telling you.” Trent said.

“That show looked kind of too harcore for me, man.” Brody said.

“DJ’s already competing, it would be pointless for me to be there.” Momma said.

“But what about the free trip around the world?” Blaineley asked.

“With Chris and Chef torturing us? No thank you.” Beth replied.

“But what about watching all your old friends hang out without you?” Blaineley asked.

“We have each other.” Sadie said as she hugged Katie.

“Guess they're just being honest. But what about you? Any regrets?” Blaineley asked.

“Pff. You kidding? I'd way rather host this Aftermath than suffer through more drama.” Geoff replied.

“Care to prove it with a game of Truth or Hammer?” Blaineley said as the Truth or Hammer intro played while the hammer came.

“Sure. Uh, why not? Couldn't be happier. Whoa! Hey.” Geoff said as he dodged the hammer that swung at him.

“Nice moves, Geoff. Almost nicer than the moves Alejandro made on Bridgette.” Blaineley mocked.

“Happy, happy, happy! Happy hap-- ah! Ahh! Ahhh!” Geoff said as he jumped away from some falling anvils.

“What’s wrong? Upset you lost your girlfriend to a hotter guy?” Blaineley mocked as Geoff looked upset.

“Look at the time, game over. Ha! We better get on to our first segment, huh? We'll be spending time with everyone who's left the show since the season began.” Geoff explained.

“Everyone we could find, at least. Because two ex-contestants have gone AWOL, which leads us to our new segment, as designed by moi.” Blaineley explained.

“Total. Drama. Fugitives!” Geoff said while the Total Drama Fugitives intro played as the audience gasped. “After refusing to sing, Duncan was the first contestant in Total Drama history to quit.” he continued as clips of Duncan began playing on a giant TV.

“Only Duncan would throw away a chance at two million. Idiot.” Trent said.

“But what's weird is... Duncan didn't come home.” Blaineley said.

“He was last seen hanging from a arch-fruited bush willow in Africa. But since then, nothing. Duncan's totally disappeared.” Geoff explained.

“So we spread the word and our viewers responded like never before! With some seriously incredible sightings and photos.” Blaineley said.

“Let's have a look at some videos captured by Hamish McTavish from Loch Ness.” Geoff said as a photo of Duncan in the water was shown.

“Real sighting? Or fake?” Blaineley asked.

“Total f–” Geoff tried to say but was shushed by Blaineley.

“We sent a roving reporter to interview our eyewitness. Roll it!” Blaineley said.

Cut to a clip of Momma DJ in front of a short Scottish guy. “So, you have to tell me what you saw. They wanted me to do this stupid interview.” Momma said as she held a microphone as the guy responded with unintelligible talking. “What did I say about speaking gibberish!? Whatever, I’m done!” Momma said as she threw the microphone on the ground and left, hitting the guy in the groin as he winced in pain.

Cut back to the aftermath. “The sighting was clearly a massive fake.” Geoff said.

“Fine, don't believe. But just days later, we had another sighting from Trollhättan, Sweden.” Blaineley said as a clip of a shadow of Duncan about to be run over by a bus, only to jump away while censor beeps played.

“What about that one? Real? Fake?” Blaineley asked.

“Tough to tell. There wasn't a single non-swear in there that we could play.” Geoff said.

“But it really bleeped like Duncan. Who can fake that level of profanity?” Blaineley said.

“The question remains. Where is Duncan now?” Geoff said.

“Nobody can find him! Not even everyone's fav host, Chris McLean.” Blaineley replied.

“Chris is looking for Duncan?” Beth asked.

“Chris has the entire Total Drama Machine looking for Duncan.” Blaineley replied.

Cut to a giant Drama Machine looking around in a city as the people there screamed. “Duncan. Duncan.” the machine said as it tore off the roof from a house.

Cut to the aftermath. “So keep those Duncan sightings coming. He can't hide from us forever.” Blaineley said.

“Time to talk about our other missing cast member! Also acting camera shy, everyone's favorite home school kid.” Geoff said.

“Camera shy? So not cool, Ezekiel.” Blaineley said.

“You just said "Ezekiel" and "cool" in the same sentence. That just sounds way too wrong.” Trent said.

“No dude, this is kinda cool. And by cool, I mean mega creepy.” Geoff replied.

“That's right, Geoff. Because even after Ezekiel took the early Drop of Shame, our cameras captured this footage.” Blaineley said as a clip of Owen sleeping in first class during a thunderstorm, only to wake up and look out a window to see a shadowy figure holding onto a wing as he gasped. Then, a clip of Chris in his hot tub with a shadowy figure played. Chris got a bat to attack the figure but before he could, the figure faded away.

“What do you think? Real or fake?” Blaineley asked.

“Ghost!” Katie said as Sadie screamed.

“So, the manhunt was great, Geoff. But you know who I'm really excited to spend time with?” Blaineley said.

“Today's Aftermath guest, Harold!” Geoff said.

“That’s right! Now get him over here.” Blaineley replied.

“Uh, don’t I get a cool introduction? That always happens when a guest comes.” Harold said as he came on stage while the audience cheered.

“Welcome to the show, Harold, who is our first guest. Please. Sit. Then we’ll show your journey video, kay dude?” Geoff said as he took a seat.

“Alright, sweet! Time to see my mad skills!” Harold said as he took a seat.

“Let's take a look at the dramatic events that brought Harold to this moment. Geoff said as clips of Harold played on the TV.

Cut to a clip of Harold in front of the plane. “Awesome.” Harold remarked.

Cut to a clip of Harold in the co*ckpit with Chef. “Sweet.” Harold remarked.

Cut to a clip of Harold in the desert with a stick. “Lame.” Harold remarked.

Cut to a clip of Harold in the economy class as the plane shook. “B-B-B-B-Bogus!” Harold remarked.

Cut to a clip of Harold looking at the giant pinball machine. “Cool.” Harold remarked.

Cut to a clip of Harold falling from the air in his samurai suit with a parachute next to him. “Help! Gosh!” Harold remarked as he failed to catch the parachute.

Cut back to the aftermath. “It's over? I was on the show for three seasons, even winning a season, and all I get is a nanosecond?” Harold complained.

“Yeah. Sorry you got booted, dude.” Geoff replied.

“Uh, correction, Geoff. I booted myself. But where's that in the recap? Where are all my wicked skills? Cha-cha! Booyah!” Harold said as he swung nunchucks.

“Well then, Harold, have we got a recap for you!” Blaineley said as clips of Harold started playing.

Cut to a clip of Harold next to a tree that Justin was peeing on with his back turned. “When your bladder is full, it's roughly the size of a softball. Oof!” Harold grunted as Justin punched him in the arm.

Cut to a clip of Harold next to bald Heather. “The world's longest cricket match lasted fourteen days. That's a lot of googlies. Oof!” Harold grunted as Heather kneed him in the kiwis.

Cut to Harold next to Noah. “In Alaska, it's illegal to talk to someone when they moose hunt. Ah!” Harold grunted as he was rammed into by the moose.

Cut to Harold on a tree branch. “Squirrels only blink one eye at a time. Like this. Huh-huh-huh.” Harold said as blinked one eye at a time. Then he noticed a squirrel that he smiled at. It replied by slapping him.

Cut to Harold in a cabin. “111,111,111 times 111,111,111 equals 12,345,678,987,654,321, which is a numerical palindrome. How cool is that?” Harold explained as Chef, Justin, Beth and Heather looked angry and were about to attack him with different weapons while Leshawna rolled her eyes.

Cut back to the aftermath. “Yikes. Even Leshawna? Oh, Harold.” Blaineley said.

“Pfft. She rolls her eyes all the time. Maybe she has an eye tick.” Harold replied.

“One that only happens when you talk? Right. Or maybe she's just not that into you. Hey, it's time for Harold to sing.” Blaineley said.

“You're gonna do that to him now?” Trent said.

“A reunion of your band, The Drama Brothers right here on the Aftermath? Great idea, Trent.

“Wha?” Trent said in shock.

“I know you're a huge fan, but this might be over the–” Geoff tried to say but was interrupted.

“Guys, it's cool. I could use some backup for this. What about Justin and Cody? They’re part of the band.” Harold asked.

“Already covered.” Blaineley replied.

“Alright then. I'd like to send this one out to Leshawna.” Harold replied as the scene cut to pictures of him showing as he sang.


You might think I know it all, and maybe I'm headed for a fall. I'm just that brainiac guy, left alone to sit and cry…

[He sang in the images]


Honey, I've some questions for you first. Girl, take some time to school me! Quench my thirst... for knowledge… 'Cause... gosh! I just gotta know…

[He said as he walked behind a dresser]


How'd you get so hot?

[He said as he showed himself from behind with his rapstar clothes]



[He sang as he played instruments with Sasquatch and a bear]


You're so smokin' hot!

[He sang as he walked]



[He sang as he played instruments with Sasquatch and a bear]


My physics know-how ain't got a hope, of explaining why your butt's so dope, you bend my space-time continuum! Then you shake what your mama gave you-em, I don't even hardly know my name!

[He sang as clips of Leshawna dancing played]


'Cause when you walk in the room, nobody lookin' the same!

[He sang as he danced with Trent, the bear and Sasquatch]


Baby! Baby!

[He sang as he showed his head]



[He ended as he showed his head and then beatboxed while Beth, Katie and Sadie quealed, started dancing, and then fought]

“Uh, you think we might need to get some security out here?” Geoff asked.

“Ahh! This is awesome!” Blaineley said as she collapsed.


I demand a scientific investigation, to see whether you're even from the human nation! I swear, you're changing my molecular structure, with all your sexy ions, you make my heart rupture!

[He sang as he moonwalked and then landed on the ground]

“Can I gain control of the seriously messed up situation? Stay tuned and see if we'll even be back with more Total Drama: The Aftermath.” Geoff said as the screen faded to black.

Cut back to the aftermath where Blainley and Geoff were sitting on the couch as Blainley held an ice bag on her bandaged head. “Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the Total Drama Aftermath.” Blaineley said.

“As in, the Aftermath of Blaineley losing her mind over a boy band.” Geoff said.

“I was demonstrating enthusiasm. It's part of my job. As we've just proved, Total Drama is the most dramatic show in the history of drama!” Blaineley replied.

“And Blaineley just proved she's not as cool as she thinks she is.” Geoff said.

“In entertainment news, the Drama Brothers just caused a minor riot here.” Blaineley replied.

“They were last seen on foot, running for their lives pursued by... huh? A-A yellow school bus?” Geoff said as someone said something to him from an earpiece.

“Let's go to the scene and see what we can find out! Momma, can you tell us what you saw?” Blaineley said.

Meanwhile, Momma was backstage with a janitor. “None of your business! Just a whole bunch of whippersnapper girls chasing that nerdy kid and the one with the green hat.” Momma explained.

“A-And what do these girls look like?” Blaineley asked in the studio.

“Like whippersnappers. They wore a bunch of dumb plaid skirts, like kilts.” Momma replied.

“Kilts? A school bus? Could be a private girl's school! Momma, what color were the kilts?” Blaineley asked.

“How should I remember? Y’all need to learn some manners!” Momma said as he threw the microphone she had on the ground, accidentally hitting the janitor in the kiwis.

“Uh… That reminds me, it's time for my very favorite Aftermath segment, That's Gonna Leave a Mark!” Geoff said as the That's Gonna Leave a Mark! intro played while the audience cheered.

Cut to a clip of Justin on top of the pyramid. He posed a few times before slipping and tumbling down the pyramid.

Cut to a clip of Lindsay looking at the stick in the middle of the desert before accidentally poking herself in the eye with it.

Cut to a clip of DJ about to enter a confessional when the panda came out when he opened the door and stamped him in the face.

Cut to a clip of Tyler on an ice block. “Whoa, oof!” Tyler grunted as he slipped on it multiple times while a polar bear covered its kid’s eyes.

A clip of Courtney driving the Amazon boat in the sewer player. She ducked under a pipe that almost hit her in the face but was too distracted to duck under another one.

“Remember earlier when you asked if we wished we were back in the game?” Geoff laughed.

“I'm getting a headache here.” Blaineley rolled her eyes.

“Watching that makes it all worthwhile. I would totally rather be here, chilling like a villain, partying and chatting.” Geoff said.

“Oh, "chatting"? I have something planned, can we get to it now!” Blaineley said.

“Wait, I have a new That’s Gonna Leave a Mark segment! And this one is so special, it gets its own segment. I call it "Geoff's Favorite Random Act of Violence of the Week in Random Violence"! Interested?” Geoff said as the audience cheered.

“Ugh.” Blaineley rolled her eyes.

“Watch it up, boys.” Geoff said as he played a clip on the TV.

Cut to a clip of Chef walking toward the camel with a pan. “Hey! My friend is not a falafel! Ah! Uh! Oof!” Izzy said as she came and ran toward Chef and kicked him, however her kick was blocked by the pan, sending her away. “Egyptian style!” she yelled as she banged her chest and then punched the pan chef held multiple times.

“Come on, girl! Gah! Oof!” Chef said as he was sent back by a kick and was then sad on by the camel as the audience ewd.

“Gitchee gitchee, who's Ruby's best friend now?” Izzy laughed.

“Lady! I was just trying to give her some oats!” Chef angrily said.

Cut back to the aftermath. “And look at Chef's face right here. And listen, huh? You hear that, huh? Play it again! Hear that? Ha ha ha. Crackity crack crack crunch-a! Chef's old bones can't take too much more of the Izzy.” Geoff chuckled as he played back the clip and circled Chef’s face.

“Whatever. Now Geoff, let’s talk about Bridgette.” Blaineley said.

“Uh, what’s there to talk about? We… we broke up.” Geoff replied.

“Yes, we all know. She seems to have replaced you with someone hotter.” Blaineley said.

“Uh, can we end the show now?” Geoff said.

“No! Now it’s my turn to play some clips!” Blaineley said. She then played clips of Bridgette swooning over Alejandro.

“Ugh, I get it! Stop pouring salt in the wound! Let’s just end the episode!” Geoff said.

“We still have a guest.” Blaineley said as she opened footage of a nerdy looking boy on the TV.

“Hidey-ho, this is Willy from Wireton. I'm Bridgette's biggest fan!” Willy said.

“Aw, isn't that cute.” Blaineley said.

“Sure! What did you wanna know about Bridge, Willy from Wireton?” Geoff asked.

“Like, I don't wanna be too obvious, so I'm not asking about vegan footwear or catching waves.” Willy said.

“Alright then, what do you want?” Geoff asked.

“There's just one thing I really, really, really wanna know.” Willy said.

“Just say it already!” Geoff said.

“Would she kiss this pole?” Willy said as he showed a pole.

“Ugh!” Geoff scoffed.

“What’s wrong Geoff? Can’t handle seeing how you lost Bridgette to a hotter guy? Truth is, you’re just a pathetic loser who can’t even keep a girlfriend.” Blaineley mocked.

“I… I need a moment.” Geoff said as he went backstage.

“Whoa, what was that harshness for?” Brody said.

“Shut up! Now that he’s gone, I’m taking over this show!” Blaineley said.

“What!? You can’t do that!” Beth said.

“Oh yes I can! If you try to say anything again, I’ll force you to play Truth or Electrocution!” Blaineley said.

“Um… can we leave?” Katie said.

“No way, we still have more time. We’ll start with…” Blainley thought as the scene cut away.

Cut to Geoff in a room backstage when Harold came. “Dude, what’s wrong? Shouldn’t you be on the show right now?” Harold said.

“Ugh, I don’t wanna be there.” Geoff said.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Harold asked.

“I guess I can tell you.” Geoff sighed. “Blaineley just reminded me of how much I screwed up the Bridgette situation by rubbing in videos of her with Alejandro in my face. I know she deserves better than me after what I did in TDA but it still hurts.” Geoff confessed.

“Dude, I felt the same way about something once. But then I realized that no matter what happens, life still goes. You shouldn’t let anything hold you down.” Harold said.

“Really? But, I don’t know if I can do this job without Bridge…” Geoff replied.

“Of course you can! Are you gonna sit here and let Blaineley take over? Get out there and show her who’s boss!” Harold replied.

“Alright! Thanks for the advice dude!” Geoff said as he left the backstage.

Cut to the stage where Blaineley was playing clips of herself when Geoff came. “Bro! You’re back!” Brody said.

“Took you long enough!” Momma said.

“Oh, look who decided to show up.” Blaineley scoffed.

“This show is mine Blaineley! You can’t take over my job!” Geoff said.

“We’ll see about that. I'll make a deal, if you can do the segment I give you, I’ll let you host. If not, you have to give the position to me.” Blaineley replied.

“Alright, bring it on!” Geoff said.

“Now this? This is a show. Finally, I am proud to intro our biggest, baddest, newest segment ever! Total Smack Down!” Blaineley said as the Total Smack Down intro played. “Who's ready for the first sanctioned beat down in Aftermath history? Pull up a chair and hit record on your PVRs, 'cause it's time for our main event! The Geoff and Alejandro Total Smack Down!” Blaineley said as Geoff was shown against a Drama Machine with Alejandro’s face on it.

“Alright, I can do this!” Geoff told himself.

“Now, begin!” Blaineley said as she rang a gong.

Geoff took a deep breath and punched the Drama Machine, leaving a dent. “Yes! Woohoo!” Geoff cheered as he beat up the Drama Machine.

“W-What!? No, no, no, you can't do this. What's wrong with you people?! This wasn’t supposed to happen! Can't you just be depressed? It's Total Drama, not Total Confidence!” Blaineley angrily said as two interns approached her. “Ugh! I hate this show! Ugh, get off me! They better give me my job back. I'm never doing this show again! Never! Ever! I'm off!” Blaineley said as she kicked them while she was dragged away by them.

Meanwhile, Harold was watching this. “Nice, my advice worked!” Harold said next to a pole. “Huh? You and Bridgette? Sorry. I don’t think you guys just weren't meant to be. So... what are you doing later? Heh.” he said as he approached the pole.

“I don't know why you would, but they want me to tell you to tune in next time, got it? There's gonna be more crazy action on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Momma sang on the stage as the episode ended.


Trent Talks About the Drama Brothers

Trent was strapped to the front of a bus. “The Drama Brothers back together again? Man, it's possible. We had our artistic differences. One time, Justin threw a tambourine at me. That kinda hurt, and was noisy. But otherwise, there's no drawbacks. I'm not gonna be one of those famous people who complains about the fans. It's nice to know there's people who really care. You want there to be an us, So you tie me to the front of a bus!” Trent sang as the bus crashed.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Leshawna, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
17. Harold
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
Aftermath. Without Bridgette here, there's less conflict but eh, the thing in the OG ep was bad anyway imo. This was originally gonna end after the Izzy vs Chef part but I wanted to do more.

Leave your guesses on who goes next in the comments!

Chapter 7: Slap Slap Revolution


The campers ride down in sausages and compete in a slap-dance battle (Germany)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“New York! The city that eats the other cities for breakfast.” Chris began the recap. “Here, our competitors went to great heights to discover New York's finest, to the bosom of Lady Liberty to the Big Apple's rotten and stanky sewer core. In the end, Team Amazon claimed victory and surprise rewards, which meant no one got booted off, except the meat grinder. We have lucky number sixteen competitors still in the running. And ve shall see who vill vin ze two million bucks zoon on Total. Drama. World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to economy class. “Man... I'm just so sick of losing all the time! It’s like we’re cursed or something.” DJ said.

“Okay, now you’re just talking trash. We just got unlucky, I bet we’ll start winning in no time!” Leshawna told DJ.

“Really? Wow. Maybe you're right.” DJ replied.

Confessional: DJ

“It could just be bad luck, but I feel like our team losing has more to do with than just "luck".” DJ explained.

“Six episodes and no eliminations! If we were a steak, we'd be a thirty-two ounce Porterhouse! And you guys would be a tiny slice of bologna. Ha ha ha!” Owen laughed as Team Victory looked upset.

“Need I remind you all that we lost the last challenge?” Alejandro replied.

“But with you as our leader, nothing is impossible!” Owen replied.

“Hey, who made him leader? I should be the leader!” Justin said.

“You’re kidding right?” Noah replied.

“At least he’s not a lazy douchebag.” Eva said as Justin looked upset while Alejandro grinned.

“Come on guys, we’re still all here so we have the numbers advantage! The seven of us are going to dominate this game! Heck, I'm not even afraid of flying anymore. Check this out! Ah-na-na-na-na!” Owen said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and started doing ballet moves when suddenly the plane started shaking, causing everyone to scream.

“Turbulence!” Chris yelled from the co*ckpit.

“Ah!” Owen yelled as he was flung back.

“Wha? Oof!” Tyler grunted as Izzy hit him while a patch in the wall opened, causing a suck wave that sucked everyone out as they tried to hold onto stuff.

“Spoke. Too. Ah! Soon! Help! Al, give me an Ale-hand, bro!” Owen said as he was sucked as held onto the patch while Alejandro looked upset.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Ugh. How dare he pervert the name of Alejandro Burromuerto?” Alejandro complained.

Lindsay, DJ and Bridgette helped Owen out while Leshawna blocked the hole with a box, ending the suction. “Oof!” Tyler, Noah, Izzy, Justin and Eva grunted as they fell while Owen looked traumatized and was cuddled into a ball as a seagull was on his shoulder.

“What the hell is a seagull doing this high up!?” DJ said as the seagull flew onto his lap.

Cut to first class. “Winning has its privileges.” Courtney said as she drank some tea that a waitress gave her.

The waitress went past a sleeping Cody, accidentally waking him up. “Ah! No more foot rubs, Sierra! Huh? Ah... no more foot rubs, Sierra…” Cody mumbled as he went back to sleep.

“And that's how I became the president of my fifteenth Total Drama fan club.” Sierra said as she presented stuff to Heather on a board.

“Great. So, you must have some idea of who's going next.” Heather replied.

“Yep. According to my stats, no team avoids elimination six times in a row without getting O.C.T.B.I. Syndrome.” Sierra explained.

“What?” Heather asked.

“Over-Confident, Then Blowing It Syndrome.” Sierra explained.

“So, what you're saying is we’re on the chopping block?” Heather replied.

“Duh. I am H.O. For a TV reg, you're a major noob.” Sierra replied.

“Uh... thanks. So we should get ready to target someone, can you get Cody to vote Courtney?” Heather replied.

Confessional: Sierra

“I'm already prepping souvenirs for my post-season online charity auction. Like, everytime Heather thinks she's using me, I make a little notch in my belt. See?” Sierra said as she took off her belt, accidentally showing her underwear.

Cut to Sierra in front of a sleeping Cody. “There, there, cutie pie.” Sierra told Cody as she stood next to him.

“Ah!” Cody said in shock as he woke up.

“Ah!” Sierra mimicked.

“Ah!” Cody said in shock again.

“Ah! Oh, you're so cute when you're terrified.” Sierra giggled.

Confessional: Cody

“Ugh. What does it take for her to take a hint!?” Cody complained.

Confessional: Sierra

“Cody is so into me.” Sierra chuckled.

Cut to Noah looking out a window to see an icy land. “Whoa. Aren't those the Alps?” Noah said.

“Velcome, my veinerschnitzels! In preparation for landing, please unbuckle your seatbelts and head to the cargo hold.” Chris said from the PA as he and Chef chuckled.

Cut to everyone in the cargo hold. “Now what?” Leshawna asked as the hatch beneath them opened, causing them to fall as they screamed.

“Ah!” Owen grunted as he fell in the snow below alongside multiple people.

“Ah!” Heather grunted as she fell in the snow below alongside multiple people.

Alejandro saw Leshawna falling and caught her. “Whoa! Oof! Oh, thanks, Alejandro.” Leshawna told Alejandro.

“No problem. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Alejandro replied.

“Well? Don’t keep me waiting!” Leshawna replied.

“It’s about Harold. I think I know why he botched the challenge. It’s because of Heather.” Alejandro replied.

“Uh, how? Harold got out because he messed up the challenge.” Leshawna replied.

“Well, I was going to tell you this before but I didn’t get the chance to. Before your team made the commercial, I overheard Heather and Harold talking. She was manipulating him by playing into his ego, probably to make your team lose so you’d vote him off.” Alejandro replied.

“What!? I thought those two were friends!” Leshawna said.

“You might think that, but in reality she was manipulating him. I saw it with my own eyes. You know what Heather did in season 1. You shouldn't trust her.” Alejandro replied and left as Leshawna looked angry.

Confessional: Leshawna

“Man, can’t believe I ever called that nasty skan* a friend! Harold, if you’re watching this, I’m going to make her pay, don’t you worry!” Leshawna said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“And with that, it’s just a matter of time before she causes her own downfall due to her new grudge.” Alejandro said.

“Bird, no! This place is too cold and dangerous for you!” DJ said as the seagull came.

“It’s freezing in here!” Lindsay said.

“You can use my jacket to keep yourself warm if you want!” Tyler offered.

“Aw, thanks Tyler! You’re sweet.” Lindsay replied as Chris came with a parachute.

“Guten tag, und wilkommen in Deutschland. A.K.A. Germany. We're in avalanche territory, so you might wanna keep it down.” Chris explained.

“What?! There's a sale at the Khaki Barn?!” Lindsay yelled before Tyler and Cody shushed her.

“Welcome to today's musical challenge.” Chris whispered as the music icon played. “Avoid the song-alanche. To avoid a potentially fatal tumble down the mountain, and a suck-tacular climb back up, you better keep the singing nice and not loud.” he explained.

“You’re just asking us to get hit by an avalanche.” Noah replied.

“Yup! That’d be great for ratings!” Chris replied as the song began.


Keep it down so I can win the loot!

[He sang to Owen]


Try I will, but I still gotta fart! No, toot!

[He sang in response]

“Shh!” Noah and Heather shushed him.


Toot on, but you're still out of luck, You suck the lemon chuck.

[She sang as she walked away]


Wait 'til you're voted out for being such a lout!

[She angrily sang]


I'll dance a jig when Chris shoves you off the plane!

[She sang as she bopped Heather’s noise]


When you don't hold back and lead the pack, truly there is nothing stopping you from getting revenge!

[He sang to Leshawna]


You’re right, there’s nothing I can do and I’m going to make them all pay!

[She sang in response]

“This is for you Harold!” Leshawna said.


Don’t worry Lindsay, I’m going to protect you from the avalanche!

[Tyler sang to Lindsay]


Tyler, are you taking me to the mall? This is the best day ever! Im so happy I’m gonna!

[She sang as she screamed, accidentally causing an avalanche that hit them]

“That’s not what I meant!” Tyler yelled in the avalanche.

“Ahh!” Noah, Owen and Courtney yelled while they were in the avalanche.

“Ah! Ah!” Owen yelled as they reached the end of the avalanche in the bottom of the mountain.

“Awesome!” Chris laughed as he passed by them in a parachute.

Confessional: Heather

“Alejandro talking with Leshawna? I would throw up, but he is not even worth the puke. Did you hear him back there? Even his singing is up to something. Ugh!” Heather groaned.

Cut to everyone walking in the ice. “Great news guys, we’re going shopping!” Lindsay told her team.

“What? Mm-mm. Girl, no way.” Leshawna replied.

“Yeah, can you believe it?” Lindsay replied.

“It's easier to just go along with it.” Leshawna whispered to DJ and Bridgette.

“Huh? I smell... food. Food! Oh, it's beautiful!” Owen cheered as they arrived at a place with three giant grinders with piles of raw meat next to them.

“Easy, tiger. Don't think of this as raw meat, think of it as raw building materials. Over fifteen hundred species of sausage call Germany home, hence the theme of our most efficient challenge yet…” Chris began explaining.

“Shut Up Und Stuff It!” Chef said.

“Danke, Chef. Each team must make a giant German sausage by shoveling meat into the grinder. Push it down and grind the mixture out into an oversized sausage casing, all without losing a finger or toe.” Chris explained.

“What about thumbs, are they cool?” Owen asked.

“I'm sorry, sausages? This is the most disgusting challenge yet!” Heather said.

“Count yourselves lucky you're not making hot dogs. No beaks, hooves, or butts in this meat pile.” Chris said as Bridgette hurled. “You'll have to shovel fast or risk getting stuck with an incomplete sausage, which will be a lot harder to ride down the hill.” he continued as the camera panned over to a smooth hill. “Uh, no. Not that hill. That's the spot.” he said as it panned over to a more dangerous one, making the campers scared. “Of course, if you had a shiny new electric meat grinder, just plug her into our portable generator and voila! Sausage stuffed in seconds!” he continued.

“I knew keeping the grinder was a good idea! Chris, can we use it?” Courtney asked.

“Did you bring it here?” Chris said.

“Well, no but we can go back to the plane!” Courtney said.

“Sorry, but no can do.” Chris replied.

“What!? This is unbelievable!” Courtney said.

“Ugh, I knew we should’ve just thrown that thing out! That’s the first thing I’m doing when we get back.” Heather said.

“If you did do that, I would have tackled you at the spot!” Courtney replied.

“Grr…” Courtney and Heather growled at each other.

“Speaking of rewards, can we expect one at the end of this salmonella challenge?” Justin asked.

“Mm, salmonella.” Owen chuckled.

“Oh, there will be prizes for those who make it down the hill alive. And there will be punishment for one sorry loser on the last place team. Behold, der penalty-hosen. Go, go, go!” Chris said as the teams went to their grinders.

“Guys, I can’t do this. I’m a vegetarian, I can’t be shoveling meat!” Bridgette said as she hurled.

“Ugh, whatever. DJ, you shovel. Lindsay, you stuff. I'll do the grinding. Start believing the impossible babies, 'cause the pig is about to fly!” Leshawna said.

“Yes, ma’am!” DJ said as he went to hold the pouch while Lindsay went next to the meat.

“Ew! Why are we buying raw sausages? I want to buy new clothes or nail polish!” Lindsay grunted in disgust as she shoveled meat.

“Forget it! Shoving meat into the grinder is dangerous. I'm valuable. Who got us the win in New York?” Heather said on top of the grinder.

“If you don’t shut up, we’ll be too late and lose!” Courtney said as she shoveled raw meat.

“Yeah, but I… ugh fine!” Heather said as she continued putting meat in the grinder

“Hey guys, look what I can do!” Izzy said and yodeled on top of the grinder, almost falling in but being saved by Alejandro.

“Eva, Tyler, we need your strength on the grinder.” Alejandro said.

“You got it! My wicked strong fingers are on it!” Tyler replied.

“Just don’t get in my way, jockless.” Eva replied.

“Owen, stuff that casing like your life depends on it.” Alejandro said.

“Aye aye, captain!” Owen saluted.

“Noah, you make sure Izzy doesn't get in the grinder again.” Alejandro said as he threw Izzy on Noah, crushing him.

“And there goes my pelvis.” Noah whined.

“And what about me?” Justin asked.

“Oh, you. Just stand there.” Alejandro replied.

“Hmm… a good idea from you, consider me shocked.” Justin replied as Alejandro replied.

Confessional: Justin

“Maybe Alejandro isn’t that bad, he seems to know the importance of keeping skin silky smooth.” Justin said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“When we lose, he’s the first to leave.” Alejandro said.

Cut to Heather gagging while putting the meat in the grinder. “Um, less yakking, more packing.” Courtney scolded.

“Well, at least I'm doing something!” Heather replied as she pointed at Sierra making a meat Cody.

“Mwah.” Sierra said as she kissed it while Cody looked horrified.

Cut to Team Victory “That's it, keep cranking! Nearly there! Oh no!” DJ said as he accidentally shoveled a bird in the grinder.

“D'ah!” Lindsay said as she saw the bird go in.

“No!” Bridgette said as DJ went to check the pouch to see the bird.

“He's alive! Well, that’s certainly a relief.” DJ said.

“Come on, stop yapping and get packing! We need to win!” Leshawna said.

Cut to Team Amazon. “This is a disaster. Thanks to Sierra, there's no meat left!” Courtney said.

“We could use Meat Cody.” Heather said as Sierra hugged meat Cody, accidentally sending it down the hill.

“Meat Cody! No!” Sierra yelled.

“Phew.” Cody sighed in relief.

“Uh, or not.” Courtney said.

Cut to Izzy carrying Noah. “Cody's got a tiny sausage.” Noah laughed as he saw Cody carrying the pouch with a small amount of meat.

“At least my team has a sausage.” Cody replied.

“What is that supposed to-” Justin replied as he turned to see that Owen ate all the sausages, causing him to bloat.

“So spicy!” Owen groaned.

“Dude, that was raw meat. Not good.” Chris said.

“Ah! Seriously, can’t you control your appetite for even a few seconds!” Eva said as Alejandro growled silently.

“I have an idea. We can ride Owen down the hill!” Alejandro said.

“No way! That's cheating! Forget it!” Courtney said.

“Hey, the guy is stuffed with meat. I say he's fit for sausage duty.” Justin said.

“Hmmm, good point! You can use Owen!” Chris said.

Cut to Alejandro and Eva pushing Owen while Justin, Noah and Izzy sat on top of him. “All aboard Der Veiner Express!” Noah yelled.

“Ha ha, yaw! Giddyup!” Izzy said as they reached the hill while Alejandro and Eva got on Owen as he slid down.

“Ahh!” Owen yelled as he slid.

“Whoo!” Bridgette cheered as Team Victory went down on their sausage.

“Forgot to mention, watch out for the rabid mountain goats! They're super deadly! Ha ha. We brought 'em in special.” Chris said.

Cut to Team Chris and Team Victory sliding down when they saw an angry baby goat eating a bigger one and then growling at them, making them scream.

“Duck!” Bridgette warned as the goat jumped at them.

“No, it's a goat.” Lindsay said as Leshawna pulled her down while the goat jumped at her and was caught by DJ.

“Whoa! Easy, fella. It’s gonna be alright, don’t worry.” DJ said as the goat jumped away from his hands.

Cut to Team Amazon at the top with their tiny sausage. “Way to lose the challenge, Sierra.” Courtney scolded.

“Ooh, I know! Jump on it! Do it!” Heather said as she jumped up and down on the sausage.

“Well, we've already lost. Might as well look like bigger idiots.” Gwen said as they all jumped on it too, flattening it.

“Perfect! Now come on, here's where we make our descent!” Heather said as they used it to slide down while screaming. They were launched by a rock and sent tumbling down in a giant snowball.

Cut to Team Chris sliding on Owen. “Great steering, Al! Ow, Al! Oh, careful, Al! Ow, Al! I'm okay Al! Ow, Al!” Owen yelled as Alejandro steered his face on rocks as they crossed the line only to be followed by Team Victory..

“Whoa! Oof!” Heather grunted as Team Amazon crashed into the finish in their snowball that broke when they crashed.

“Congrats on arriving first, Team Chris is Really Hot. Ha ha ha. Way to use Owen's face as a brake pad, Alejandro.” Chris said.

“Did we won?” Owen asked while dizzy, somehow back to his normal size.

“I think we better send you to the infirmary.” Noah said.

“On to part zwei of today's challenge. Competitors must learn and perform a traditional German dance on this very platform. The mats are rigged to deliver a hilarious and painful jolt every time one of you missteps or I need a laugh. Last team standing wins.” Chris explained.

“Where's the reward you promised?” Eva asked.

“Patience, mein rage-o-holic. Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot, first to arrive, first to get the reward.” Chris said as he tossed Team Chris three metal helmets that were caught by Alejandro, Noah and Justin.

“Ugh. These weigh a ton.” Noah said as he struggled to hold the helmet.

“Yes, they do. Team Victory.” Chris said as he tossed three fur hats to Team Victory that were caught by Leshawna, Lindsay and Bridgette.

“Ooh, these are all the rage in Paris!” Lindsay said.

“And in last place, Team Amazon.” Chris said as he tossed Sierra and Heather green hats.

“Maybe it's reverse psychology. The losing team gets the best reward?” Sierra said.

“Whatever lets you sleep at night. Now, since Team Elusive Victory is down by two, let's even it up. Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot, three dance, four sit out. And Victory, three dance, one sits out. Meanwhile, since Team Amazon were last, they have two dancers while three sit out.” Chris explained.

“I’ll sit out, I’m kind of tired from all the grinding.” DJ said.

“I don’t dance.” Eva said.

“Uh, me neither!” Tyler said.

“Well, I guess Owen also needs time to relax.” Noah said as Owen mumbled something while dizzy and spat out a sausage.

“Dude, ew.” Justin said in disgust.

“Me and Heather can do the dancing!” Sierra said.

“Fine. But next time, don’t speak on my behalf.” Heather said.

“And before I end up forgetting, which member of the losing team must wear Der Penalty-hosen?” Chris said as he held up a hosen.

Confessional: Cody

“Man, I’m glad I didn’t have to wear that German bikini thingy. I tried to make Sierra wear it for revenge but…” Cody said.

“Those hosen would look really... hot on you.” Cody told Sierra while gulping.

“Pick me! Me! Me! Me! Ho-ho, me!” Sierra gasped.

“Funny. I was gonna make you wear them. But now that you want to... Heather, congratulations.” Chris said as he tossed it to Heather.

“Ugh! No!” Heather complained.

Cut to everyone on the dance platforms. “How are the hosen treating ya?” Noah laughed.

“Ugh, it feels like someone gave my wedgie a wedgie!” Heather complained as Chef blew a horn.

“That's German for shut up! Follow my lead and nobody gets hurt! Yet. Right knee up, left arm swings, thump, hop, slap your thighs, kick your butt, jump and clap!” Chef said as he danced.

Confessional: Sierra

“My grandparents are German. Schnitzel! So, I'm like a tenth generation slap dancer! It's what kept me alive on the school playground. And probably why I didn't make any friends. But who needs friends when you have a Cody?!” Sierra laughed.


One, two, three, slap my knee, My husband to be, his name is Cody! Four, five, six, kick up sticks, my heart won't tick without my Cody fix! Seven, eight, nine, straighten your spine, spin to see Cody, looking so fine! Ten, eleven, twelve, nothing rhymes with twelve! Chicks want Cody, but his butt's mine!

[She sang as she danced while Cody looked horrified]

Leshawna danced badly as Heather laughed at her. “Ignore those who do not know fabulous dancing when they see it. Truly, you are fabulous. You mustn't hold back any longer!” Alejandro told Leshawna.

“Know what? You're right! Clear the way! This dance train is leaving the station!” Leshawna said as she continued dancing.

“I'm disappointed, Heather. You're above petty teasing.” Alejandro replied.

Confessional: Heather

“No, I'm not. Ugh! I would like to smack that arrogant jerk right in his strong, sexy che- his ugly face!” Heather said.

Confessional: Leshawna

“Alejandro’s actually a pretty good motivator! I could dance already, but with his encouragement, I just went from Janet to Beyonce! Whoa!” Leshawna said as she danced and tripped.

“What's with you and Leshawna? Giving the enemy a pep talk? Not cool.” Noah told Alejandro.

“Very perceptive, my brilliant teammate. I'm working an angle that'll benefit our team.” Alejandro replied.

“Hmph, by benefit do you mean sabotage? We need to get rid of you!” Justin said.

“Perfect time to test this baby out.” Chris said as he pressed a button, electrocuting Justin.

“Hey! Watch who you’re zapping! Hey, this actually got rid of some dead skin!” Justin said as he looked at his arms and legs.

“One girl to another, watch out for Alejandro. He is not who he seems.” Heather told Leshawna.

“Ha! You jealous he's paying attention to all this?” Leshawna replied as she pointed at herself.

“What? Ugh, I hate that guy! As if! Ow!” Heather grunted as she got zapped.

Confessional: Leshawna

“Heather obviously likes Alejandro, so him talking with me and ignoring her is probably driving her nuts. Hah, that bitch is getting what she deserves.” Leshawna said.

“It's challenge time.” Chris said as he zapped everyone, causing them to groan in pain.

“Ah... I feel I just went from medium to well done hot steak…” Justin mumbled.

“Last person standing on the platform wins the challenge for their team. This is gonna be fun.” Chris said as the platforms were highered. It was Lindsay vs Sierra, Bridgette vs Alejandro, Justin vs Heather and Noah vs Leshawna. While they danced, they ended up slapping each other as Chris and Chef laughed.

Noah slapped Leshawna which upset her. She kicked him back full force. “Ahh! Oof!” Noah grunted as he was launched off his platform.

“Noah! Buddy! No!” Owen yelled in concern.

“Come on Bridgette, you can let me win right?” Alejandro told Bridgette.

“Sorry, but no.” Bridgette said as she tried to hit Alejandro but her arm was caught by him.

“Alright then.” Alejandro said as he made Bridgette spin out of control.

“Ah, ah! Oof!” Bridgette grunted as she fell off her platform and crashed into Cody.

“Cody!” Sierra gasped and turned back to Lindsay growling, then kicked her in the stomach.

“Help!” Lindsay grunted as she was launched off her platform.

“Not the left cheek! Not the right either! Oof!” Justin said as he was slapped by Heather twice then got zapped and fell off as Heather looked shocked.

Cut to Alejandro on the platforms against Sierra while Heather was against Leshawna. “Smash her Alejandro!” Eva cheered.

“Come on, Sierra! Don't burn out now!” Courtney cheered.

“You can do it Heather!” Cody cheered.

“Stay on the platform, Leshawna!” DJ cheered.

“I'm not going anywhere!” Leshawna said.

“That's it! Seize the day!” Alejandro said.

“Ugh! She's not even on your team!” Heather complained as she slapped Leshawna.

“Ow! I'm gonna seize the you! You've had this coming for a long time!” Leshawna said as she slapped her off the platform and then jumped off and continued slapping her to the point where she lost a tooth.

“Leshawna, no!” DJ said in shock.

“Stop!” Bridgette said as she and DJ went to separate them while Lindsay looked happy while Alejandro watched.

“Ay! Oh!” Alejandro said as he faked falling while Sierra slapped him.

“Team Amazon wins again!” Chris announced.

“We won?! Oh, I won?! I won! I won! Oh, ah!” Sierra cheered as she fell asleep to be zapped by Chris, but then fell asleep again.

“Are you insane!? What the hell was that for!?” Heather angrily asked Leshawna.

“You know what it was for!” Leshawna replied.

“Leshawna, you jumping off cost us the challenge!” Bridgette told Leshawna.

“Yeah, and I also don’t get why you did that.” DJ said.

Confessional: Leshawna

“Alright, I guess I might have went too far. It’s just that Harold awakens something in me and finding out Heather used him, and me too kinda, just ticked me the hell off.” Leshawna said.

Confessional: Heather

“Ugh, I thought Leshawna said we were friends!? I didn’t even do anything this time! I swear, there’s something suspicious about this and it’s probably about that jerk…” Heather thought.

“Dude, seriously, what happened?” Noah asked Alejandro as he and Justin approached him.

“Heather sacrificed herself to distract me and her brilliant plan worked. I'm most disappointed in myself.” Alejandro said.

“Whatever, good job on costing us the win!” Justin said as Noah looked suspicious.

“Oh yeah, I totally planned that. Mm. Ow.” Heather mumbled in pain.

Confessional: Gwen

“Guess Heather kinda helped us win. Ha ha. Can't think of a better way for her to take one for the team.” Gwen said.

Confessional: Noah

“This might be jumping to a conclusion, but Alejandro’s pretty suspicious. He talked with Leshawna a lot before she went on a crazy slapping fest, and his whole fall looked kind of suspicious. I’m going to keep an eye on him from now on to see if I can find anything.” Noah said.

“Team Amazon, fresh baked strudel awaits you in first class.” Chris said.

“Yes!” Gwen cheered.

“You're welcome!” Heather said.

“Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot, once again, you're in not winner, not total loser purgatory. Team Opposite of Victory, you're voting someone out.” Chris said.

Confessional: Heather

“There is no way Sierra could've knocked that rock-hard, walking prime rib of a-- jerkface, off the platform. But why would Alejandro take a dive for me?” Heather told

Cut to Alejandro in the dining hall when he was approached by Heather. “I think you took a dive back there and I wanna know why.” Heather said.

“And I think you took one too many slaps to the head.” Alejandro replied.

“Ha! I know you're up to something!” Heather said.

“Do you know how great you look with that missing tooth? It really brings out the anger in your eyes.” Alejandro said as he held Heather’s head.

“You... that is so... ugh!” Heather grunted as she walked away. Meanwhile, Owen was eating sausages next to Noah.

“Uh... tell me those aren't the same sausages you spat out.” Noah said as Owen looked nervous.

Cut to the elimination ceremony. “I have two barf bags full of the finest peanuts never to be handed out on commercial planes due to allergy induced lawsuits. Time to vote who gets them.” Chris began the ceremony.

Confessional: DJ

He stamped a passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

She stamped a passport.

Confessional: Lindsay

She stamped a passport.

Confessional: Leshawna

She stamped a passport.

“Okay, the votes are in. Leshawna…” Chris said as Leshawna gasped. “You may or may not get a bag after I give the first one to DJ.” he said as he tossed the bag to DJ while Leshawna sighed.

“Yes!” DJ cheered as he caught the bag.

“Next is Bridgette.” Chris said as he tossed her a bag.

“Yay!” Bridgette cheered as she caught hers.

“Dumb Blonde, you’re just kind of useless in challenges and also as dumb as a brick. Pretty good reason to send you packing.” Chef called out Lindsay who looked confused.

“Loud Girl, the longer you stay here, the less teeth remain in Nasty Girl's mouth. Pretty good reason to keep you here.” Chef called out Leshawna who looked nervous.

So, the last bag goes to…

































Lindsay!” Chris said as he tossed Lindsay a bag.

“Phew!” Lindsay sighed in relief as she caught in while Leshawna sighed.

“I guess I kinda deserved that after I cost us. Sorry guys.” Leshawna said as she got a parachute Chef gave her.

“It’s alright Leshawna, no hard feelings.” DJ replied.

“We’ll see you later, hopefully at the finale!” Bridgette said.

“Well, keep fighting! Don't let this losing streak keep you down!” Leshawna said.

“Oh look at that, we're out of time! So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, goodnight!” Chris said as he opened the door while Leshawna was sucked out but held onto it to see Alejandro smirking evilly behind a pole.

“You! You tricked me! Ugh, no!” Leshawna yelled as she was sucked out.

“Can Team Victory really keep calling themselves that? Really?” Chris said.

“Aw…” Lindsay, DJ and Bridgette sighed.

“Find out next time on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris sang as the episode ended.


Confessional: Leshawna

“I vote Lindsay. Same reason why I voted her before.” Leshawna said as she stamped Lindsay’s passport.

Confessional: DJ

“Sorry Leshawna, you made a mistake today.” DJ said as he stamped Leshawna’s passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

“Why the hell did Leshawna do that?” Bridgette said as she stamped Leshawna’s passport.

Confessional: Lindsay

“Leshawna beating up Heather was cool to see, but she did cost us.” Lindsay said as she walked in the confessional and left when she saw Leshawna’s stamped passport.


Leshawna's Drop of Shame

“Alejandro is evil? That handsome fool played me! Man, so I slapped Heather for nothing? Ugh, stupid! I bet he was the one who got Harold out anyway, how could that nasty bad boy take advantage of him!? I swear, when I get my hands on his silky smooth-- ugh! Here again? Ugh, could this get any worse?” Leshawna said as she landed in the yukon then saw a baby goat which made her scream and cause an avalanche.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
16. Leshawna
17. Harold
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
Sorry Leshawna fans but I couldn't think of a way to make her go farther than this. The way she lost originally sucked tho, she, in my opinion, had the worst downgrade out of everyone aside from Ezekiel. The whole slapping thing was just awful, and later she acts like she was in the right for slapping Heather while she did nothing and flirts with Harold like she didn't ignore him for Alejandro. I never got her simping for Alejandro anyway since she's never been the simp type so I made him just manipulate her into thinking Heather caused Harold to get eliminated to give her a reason to slap Heather. She also realizes that she was in the wrong later instead of being proud of what she did.

Leave your guesses on who goes next in the comments!

Chapter 8: The Am-AH-Zon Race


The campers travel through the amazon (Amazon)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Germany. Here, our competitors encountered the glorious Alps.” Chris began the recap. “As fun to go up as they are to come down. They also learned why Germany is world-renowned to the care they put into their sausages. From this day on, however, Germany will only be known for one thing: its traditional dance. Specifically the Slap Heard Around the World. There's an even dozen left, but not for long on Total. Drama World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to economy. “Going down... Engine failure…” Owen mumbled in his sleep.

“Will you pipe down already?” Alejandro angrily said.

“Crash position…” Owen mumbled and then woke up screaming and accidentally punched Alejandro’s eye, making it swell.

“Hah! How does it feel when your eye gets deformed!” Justin laughed.

“Whoa. What a terrible dream. Al, what happened?” Owen asked.

“Nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix.” Alejandro replied.

“Cool. Wait, did you say revenge?” Owen asked.

“Of course not. Off topic, do you have any serious allergies?” Alejandro asked.

“Uh, let's see now…” Owen thought.

Confessional: Owen

“Sometimes I get the feeling Al might slightly not totally like me. Punching him in the face? Probably didn't help. Unless he likes that kind of thing. Heh, fingers crossed.” Owen chuckled.

Cut to Chef putting an eyepatch on Alejandro. “There. Now no one will see it, happy?” Chef said as he left.

Noah was snoring when a rat fell in his mouth, making him choke. “Ah! Ugh. Stupid economy class.” Noah mumbled.

“Why do I smell rotten pee?” Eva said as she sniffed.

“It’s probably that leaky thing. Who knows what’s coming out of that thing.” Justin said as he pointed at a leaky pipe.

“Being back here has some perks.” Tyler said as he waved at Lindsay who waved back.

“Next time we get on this plane, we better be back in first class.” Alejandro said.

“Seriously, after getting those massages, I don’t think I can live without them anymore!” Justin said.

“Yeah, cool! Let's be a team! A team that gets along. All of us, with everyone forgiving anything that might've ever happened by accident. Or whatever. Yeah!” Owen said as he hugged Alejandro and Justin.

“I feel bad for voting off Leshawna. She might have cost us the challenge but she was trying to help before. We’ve all caused some losses too…” DJ said.

“Every day I just feel like it’s getting less likely for us to win.” Bridgette sighed.

“Cheer up, guys. If the three of us work together, anything can happen. Maybe we'll become the best team ever!” Lindsay said.

“Here's the best team ever... is exactly what I'll say when I get to the first class compartment.” Chris said as he passed by them as he entered first class while DJ sighed as Lindsay and Bridgette patted him on the back.

Cut to first class. “Uh... whatcha doin'?” Gwen asked Sierra.

“I'm on the internet. You can check your email when I'm done writing my blog if you want.” Sierra said as she used a pizza box as a computer and a rat as a mouse.

“Uh, yeah, that'd be… No. No, I'm good actually. Yeah, no.” Gwen said as Sierra ate a pizza from the box.

Heather sighed as she looked at her bruised face with a mirror. “Lookin' good.” Courtney mocked.

“Oh, shut it.” Heather angrily replied.

Confessional: Heather & Justin

“My face is completely hideous thanks to Ms. Crazy Slapper, especially the missing tooth! Ugh, why does it take so long for these stupid bruises to go!?” Heather said as she covered her bruises with make-up.

“Now you know how I feel, do you have any idea how many wet towels I had to use to restore the beauty of my face after last season?” Justin said.

“Ugh!? What the hell are you doing here, creep?” Heather angrily said.

“Hey, don’t go making any wild accusations! You forgot to lock the door.” Justin replied.

“Brace for landing! We've arrived at our next destination, the Amazon! But the runway's a little short.” Chris said from the PA.

“Team Amazon in the Amazon? That's gotta be a lucky sign.” Gwen said.

“Whenever a team predicts good luck, they always lose!” Sierra gasped.

“But I didn't... I-I just meant I…” Gwen tried to say but was shushed by Gwen.

“Gosh, I hope none of the Amazons said this might be lucky for them. That'd be disastrous!” Chris laughed from the PA.

“Nice job, Gwen.” Heather mocked.

Confessional: Gwen

“Of course the one thing I say to motivate the team just ends up bringing us bad luck.” Gwen facepalmed.

Cut to the plane crashing into a forest.

Cut to everyone in the forest. “Welcome to Peru. Birthplace of the mighty Amazon River. This challenge is called the Am-AH-Zon Race. Teams must hike along an ancient Inca trail through the Peruvian jungle all the way to Machu Picchu. Hidden somewhere among the ruins of Machu Picchu, a golden treasure awaits discovery. Find the treasure to win first class passage to our next destination. Last team to arrive in Machu Picchu will have to send someone out the elimination door. And be warned, the jungle contains many vicious insects.” Chris said as Cody and Noah raised their hands. “Yes, twink duo, the legal department made me well aware of your deathly allergies and insisted we supply an EpiPen.” he said as Cody and Noah tried to get the epipens but couldn’t due to Chris holding them away. “Wouldn't make sense to give it to the person who has the allergies. What if you need an injection when you're unconscious?” he said.

“Can’t they just find it on our unconscious body!?” Noah said.

“I’ll take it for Noah.” Eva said as she shoved Chris and got the epipen.

“Oh, oh, me! I can take it for Cody!” Sierra said.

“Ugh… who can we get to carry this?” Chris said as he got up.

“Oh, Chris, Chris!” Sierra said as she jumped while Cody looked at Gwen with pleading eyes.

“I'll take it.” Gwen sighed.

“What?! No! I'm the only one who knows what sends Cody into anaphylactic shock! Black ants, brown ants, red ants, poggio beans, wolf spiders, Katydid crickets, the clear-winged cithaerias pireta butterfly, and goat saliva!” Sierra said.

“Goat saliva? Must make dating a little tough, eh, Cody? Here you are, Gwen.” Chris said as he threw the epipen at Gwen, hitting her in the forehead. “Also in the jungle are the Zing-Zings, a native tribe who have never encountered modern man, and they're not about to, so if you spot a Zing-Zing, do not make contact. They–” he explained as Chef played a drum. “Will you stop that?” he angrily said.

“Oh come on, it’s fun.” Chef replied.

“How far is it to Mucky Pitchet?” Owen said.

Machu Picchu is a hop, skip, and a jump from here. Plus eighteen hours.” Chris said as everyone sighed.

“Pfft, that’s nothing! I once climbed up an entire mountain for two days!” Eva said.

“Very interesting. The jungle is too dangerous to travel at night, so teams will have to break at dusk and camp along the trail until sunrise.” Chris explained.

“And I assume there are no tents?” Alejandro said.

“Correctamundo. Now, because the playing area is so vast and dangerous, each team will have a walkie-talkie in case of emergency. Teams, I wish you good luck. Or at the very least, a lack of death.” Chris said.

Cut to Team Victory and Team Chris in front of splitting paths. “Wow! Splitting paths!? Fun!” Izzy said

“Eenie, meenie, miney... left?” Lindsay said.

“Well, might as well give it a shot.” Bridgette said as she, Lindsay and DJ went left.

“Whatcha think? Left? Yeah, eh, left. Left is definitely good.” Tyler said as he went left.

“I’m not in the mood to argue with him at this point.” Eva said as the rest of Team Chris went left.

Confessional: Tyler

“If Lindsay says left, it’s left! She’s so pretty that she can never be wrong! …Actually that doesn’t make a lot of sense.” Tyler thought.

Cut to Team Amazon in front of splitting paths. “Maybe we should go right.” Gwen said.

Sierra: No, left. Even if it's wrong, at least everyone will be wrong.

“Yeah. Safety in numbers. Just thinking of you ladies. Ha ha.” Cody said as Sierra gasped.

Confessional: Sierra

“When Cody agreed with me in front of everyone, I swear I heard wedding bells!” Sierra chuckled.

“Let's let Gwen decide. She's the one who's feeling "lucky".” Heather said.

“I said I was sorry!” Gwen replied.

“If you're right, you're a hero. If you're wrong, we know who to eliminate.” Heather replied.

“Your parents must love this show, gets you out of the house. We’re going right.” Gwen said as they went right while Heather blew a raspberry at her.

Confessional: Heather

“I’d normally go the left path, but hey, can’t ignore an excuse to get Weird Goth Girl out.” Heather said.

Cut to Team Victory at a zipline stand. “Welcome, Tiny Victory. I'd say team, but you're more of a trio. But hey, first is first, so... you get to cross this water hazard using the T-bar. Everyone else will have to take the line hand over hand.” Chris said as Lindsay clapped.

“Yes!” Bridgette cheered.

“Sweet!” DJ cheered.

“First place!” Lindsay said as they ziplined down with the T-Bar.

Cut to Team Amazon walking in the forest. “Hey, thanks for taking my EpiPen. You know how to use it, right?” Cody told Gwen.

“Not a clue.” Gwen replied.

“This may sound weird but, I get bit, you jam the needle into my naked butt cheek.” Cody explained.

“What!? Yeah. good luck with that.” Gwen said as she gave Cody the epi-pen.

“Kinda expected that.” Cody sighed.

Confessional: Gwen

“Why does it have to be his butt!? Can’t they just make it his arms or kneecaps or something!?” Gwen said.

“Ugh, bug off. Uh… Ah, ah!” Cody yelled as he was grabbed by a giant bug who dropped him from mid-air into Sierra’s arms.

“I'm the only one who will always be there for you, Cody! Always!” Sierra said as she caught Cody.

“Great.” Cody sighed as Sierra walked away with him.

Confessional: Cody

“I'm doomed.” Cody said.

Cut to Team Chris at the zipline. “Huh, where's the... hanging-on-thingy part?” Tyler asked.

“"Hanging-on-thingy"?” Chris asked.

“Ugh, you know, the riding stick. The grabby whatchamacallit. Ugh. The zipper buckle handle!” Tyler said.

“Why are you like this!?” Eva facepalmed.

“Getting colder.” Chris said.

“We need no T-Bar! We are Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot! Arriba!” Alejandro said as he ziplined down with his belt.

“Hmph, I could do that too! Whoo... ah-ha-ha, ow! Ah! Ow ow ow ow ow ow!” Justin said as he slid down with his belt too, but it slid off, causing him to fall and be attacked by piranhas as he swam to shore.

“Oh yeah. There may or may not be piranhas in this water.” Chris chuckled.

“Could have warned me before!” Justin angrily said.

Confessional: Noah

“At what point is this stuff too far!?” Noah said.

Cut to Team Amazon walking in the forest when they saw some tribal guys. “Zing-Zings. Shh. We can't make contact. Stay still and…” Cody said as saw they were in front of them as he screamed while they raised their spears.

“Well, well. Lucky us.” Heather angrily told Gwen.

“Chris? We need help. Chris? Chris?! No batteries.” Gwen said as she looked at a remote.

Cut to Chef in a hot tub playing video games with batteries next to him. “Yah! Eat that, ghost! Eat it!” Chef said as he gamed.

Cut to Tyler using his jacket as a T-Bar. “This should be interesting.” Chris said.

“Yeah, hoo! Zipli-- uh-oh. Ah, ooh. Piranhas!” Tyler yelled as the jacket caught on fire, causing him to fall as he swam to shore while being attacked by piranhas.

“He's got good vertical.” Noah said.

“For a guy leaping out of water, yeah.” Eva replied.

“All right, who's next?” Chris asked.

“I’ll go.” Eva said as she slid down with her hands, ignoring the rope burn that was happening as she reached the end. “Hah! that’s how you do it!” she boasted.

“Sorry none of us are as immune to pain as you are!” Justin angrily said.

“Well, anyone have any ideas?” Noah asked Owen and Izzy.

“Izzy has a plan! Ha! Yah, ha-ha, come on!” Izzy said as she put a backpack on Noah and slid down with her teeth while wearing it on her back.

“That’s great and all but you forgot me!” Owen angrily said.

“Sorry Big-O, you’re too heavy! You’re gonna have to find another way down!” Izzy said.

“Oh, alright heh, well, here goes! Ah! Great whipped cream look out!” Owen said as he swung down using the zipline rope and crashed into Izzy, Noah, Eva, Tyler and Justin at the end.

“Well, that’s one way to do it…” Justin mumbled.

Cut to Team Amazon tied to a tree. “The batteries from my flashlight should fit into the walkie-talkie, but I can't reach my back right pocket.” Cody said.

“I can do it! I can reach!” Sierra said as she tried to reach toward Cody but only reached Heather who was in between them.

“Ow! Quit it. Gwen, you're closest.” Heather told Gwen.

“You are not allowed to enjoy this.” Gwen said as she searched Cody’s pants.

“I’ll try, heh…” Cody blushed.

“Creep.” Courtney said.

“Hey, I think you’d blush if a hot guy was searching your pants!” Cody replied.

“Killer Casanova kissing mints? Hair gel, Saw body spray, x-ray glasses?” Gwen said as she threw away some stuff from his pants.

“I’ll have you know, those are very important to look manly!” Cody said.

“What color are Cody's undies?” Heather asked.

“Uh, I don’t think you should-” Cody tried to say as Gwen looked at him with the glasses to see him naked.

“D'ah!” Gwen said as she panted while throwing the glasses away.

“Who wears undies in the Amazon?” Cody chuckled.

“Uh, could I borrow those glasses?” Sierra said.

“Why do you have that anyway!?” Heather said.

“Something about movies.” Cody replied.

Confessional: Gwen

“Everyone! That's who wears undies in the Amazon! Everyone!” Gwen angrily said.

Confessional: Cody

“Uh, that was awkward. The sad thing is, that’s probably the first time a girl aside from my mom ever touched my butt.” Cody said.

Confessional: Sierra

“When I win the money, I'm going to get my arms extended. Next time, I will reach Cody's pocket.” Sierra said.

“Uh, I think I got it! Ow!” Gwen said as she searched Cody’s pocket and accidentally stabbed herself with the epi-pen

“You'll be okay, I swear. It's just like a big shot of adrenaline.” Cody said.

“How big?” Gwen asked.

“Uh… kinda like overdosing.” Cody replied.

“What!?” Gwen said in shock.

“Maybe try searching the other pocket!?” Courtney said as she looked at Cody’s other pocket to find the flashlight.

“Oh. Back left. My bad.” Cody said.

Cut to Team Chris walking in the forest at night when they stopped. “Dusk. We can make camp here.” Alejandro said.

“Finally, we get to sleep while laying down instead of just sitting!” Justin said.

“I’ll get sticks to set up the fire.” Eva said as she left.

“Need rest. And water. Oh, nachos would be killer right now, eh?” Owen chuckled.

“Sure. All we're missing is chips, beef, tomatoes, cheese, salsa…” Noah replied.

“Hey, slow down! Guys, I'm making a list.” Izzy said as she wrote on a list.

Cut to Team Victory in the forest when ten ran into Chris. “Chris! Tell me you have food! 'Cause we're starving!” DJ said.

“Can it be something that’s not meat?” Bridgette said.

“Victory triplets! You're still in first, and this is your reward.” Chris said as he cut a rope, dropping a crate full of bananas.

“Whoa!” DJ said in shock.

“All the bananas you can eat!” Chris said.

“Nice!” Bridgette said when suddenly Chris got a message through his walkie-talkie. “Chris, Chris, Chris, it's Gwen! The Zingies caught us by the tree and tied us up with my hands in–” Gwen said over the walkie-talkie.

“Wow, she sounds like she's really in trouble. I should pick this up.” Chris said.

“--Cody's pants. This trouble is big!” Gwen continued.

“After the break.” Chris said as the scene faded to black.

Cut back to the forest. “Chris, Chris, Chris, it's Gwen!” Gwen said from the walkie-talkie.

“Walkie-talkie are for emergencies only.” Chris replied.

“The Zingies caught by the tree tied us up with my hand in Cody's pants. This trouble is big!” Gwen said from the walkie-talkie.

“Way to go, Cody!” Tyler said from the walkie-talkie.

“Uh, thank you!?” Cody replied from the walkie-talkie.

“Scared, rope, Zoogles, help us!” Gwen said from the walkie-talkie.

“Gwen EpiPenned herself. We need help.” Courtney said from the walkie-talkie.

“Wow. That sounds interesting.” Noah rolled his eyes as he said to the walkie-talkie.

“E-mer-gen…” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“We are being held at spear point by the Zing-Zings. Help. Us. Now!” Heather said from the walkie-talkie.

“We're in first place! Hi, Tyler!” Lindsay said.

“Hi babe!” Tyler said to the walkie-talkie as he waved, not realizing that she couldn’t see him.

“Uh, you do realize she’s not here, right?” Justin said to the walkie-talkie.

“Okay. Team Amazon, remain calm. And…” Chris said as a music icon popped up.

“You must be joking.” Heather said to the walkie-talkie.

“Do we have to sing backup?” Owen said to the walkie-talkie.

“Nope. This one is all Amazons. But let's make it end with a little solo from Heather. And... begin.” Chris said as the song began.


We should've just gone left, we wouldn't be in this mess!

[She sang while tied to the tree]


I said so too, but then Gwen used Cody's EpiPen!

[She sang while tied to the tree]


Now if he gets bitten!

[She sang while tied to the tree]


My obituary's written!

[He sang while tied to the tree]


Oh, what would I do then?

[She sang while tied to the tree]


Tied up, rope is no joke, spears in our face, get us out of this place! Ain't havin' the luck that I anticipated, probably means I'm eliminated. Yeah, I'm out!

[She sang as she hallucinated]


Out, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah!

[She sang while tied to the tree]

The Zing-Zings noticed Heather’s tooth gap and said something to each other. “Is my missing tooth that hideous?” Heather asked.

“I think they think you're a god of some kind. Which means the rest of us... are expendable!” Cody said as they approached them.

Cut to Lindsay and Bridgette sleeping in the forest while full due to the bananas they ate. “Uh, DJ, what are you doing?” Bridgette asked as she woke up to see DJ covered with stuff.

“I'm covered in bugs!” DJ said as he smacked the things off his body.

“Wow. Those bugs look exactly like tiny adorable baby monkeys.” Bridgette said as she opened the flashlight to see that they were monkeys.

“What? Oh no! They must've been attracted to the bananas!” DJ said.

“They should have asked, we would have totally shared!” Lindsay said.

Confessional: DJ

“Okay, this is getting old at this point! Why do we keep getting hindered by animals!?” DJ said.

Cut to Team Chris in front of their fire when they suddenly heard a growling noise. “Is that coming from the fire?” Owen asked.

“Fires rarely growl.” Noah replied.

“Al helped Eva build it. Maybe Spanish fires growl.” Owen said.

“Or Amazon fires.” Justin said as the growling noise came again.

“What is that?” Alejandro said as Owen and Eva blew at the fire to make it bigger, revealing some giant bugs behind them. They screamed as they were attacked.

Cut to Team Amazon where Heather was untied on a chair as the Zing-Zing did something.

“Ow! Ow! No! No! That's right, back off!” Heather said as the Zing-Zings backed off, showing she had a gold tooth in her mouth.

“The gold tooth? Crazy or what? I mean, it's crazy right? It can't just be me thinking it's crazy. It's crazy, crazy, crazy.” Gwen said.

Confessional: Heather

“Even as a child, I knew that some day, a large group of people would worship me. I knew.” Heather said and smiled, showing her gold tooth.

Cut to the monkeys bandaged. “Well, that was the last one.” Bridgette said.

“I think they're gonna be okay. Shh, let's get moving.” DJ said as they tried to sneak away, but Lindsay stepped on a twig, causing the monkeys to attack them as they screamed.

Cut to Team Chris waking up while covered in bug bites. “Daybreak. No time for head counts. We've got to get to Machu Picchu and find that treasure. Hurry!” Alejandro said as they ran.

“Ugh, my skin is ruined!” Justin said.

“Pretty sure I’m allergic to this.” Noah said.

“Here.” Eva said as she gave Noah the epi-pen which he jammed into his butt.

“That’s… weird.” Justin said.

“I didn’t make the damn thing, tell that to the guy who did.” Noah replied.

Cut to Team Victory arriving at Machu Picchu. “The Victorious Threesome! Somehow, you two are still in first place. Find the treasure before anyone else, and you'll leave Peru in first class.” Chris said.

“What? We’re still in the lead?” Bridgette said.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Lindsay said.

“What happened to you?” Chris asked after seeing that they were covered in bruises.

“Same old story. Attacked by miniature monkeys.” Lindsay said.

“This is just getting old at this point.” Bridgette said.

“Why do animals hate our team so much!?” DJ said.

“But this time, the animals didn’t slow us down! We're still in first place. Maybe for once, the person going home won't be from our team!” Lindsay said.

“Well, you’re right! Split up! We'll cover more ground!” DJ said as they went different ways when Team Chris arrived.

“Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. You can't start searching until the whole team is here.” Chris said.

“Oh no! We forgot Owen!” Tyler said.

“Ugh, I knew we should have checked! This is your fault!” Justin told Alejandro.

“You never said that. You're making up the rules as we go.” Alejandro told Chris.

“And this surprises you because...?” Chris replied.

“Ugh, who’s going to get him?” Eva asked.

“Fine. Allow me to search for our beloved teammate to make up for my mistake.” Alejandro said as he left.

Cut to Team Amazon where Gwen was now sleeping. “When epinephrine wears off, it knocks you out good.” Cody said.

“Her snoring is making me crazy!” Sierra said.

“I think you mean crazier. Heather, make them untie us.” Courtney told Heather who was sitting in a chair and being fanned by the Zing-Zings.

“What if I ask and it makes them angry? Angry enough to sacrifice one of you? You don't want that.” Heather replied.

“She's got a point.” Cody said.

Cut to Alejandro walking in the woods when he saw a giant cocoon. “Owen!” Alejandro said as Owen popped his head out by ripping the cocoon.

“Al!” Owen said.

“What happened to you?” Alejandro said.

“You saw! You watched the caterpillars drag me away!” Owen said.

“I don't know what you mean.” Alejandro said.

“The others were asleep, but you... you had your eye open, I saw you!” Owen replied.

“Obviously, you're wrong. The others went ahead without you. I refused to move on until I found you.” Alejandro replied.

“So... you're my only real friend?” Owen asked.

“It would seem so, Owen.” Alejandro replied.

“Wow, I've never been so scared of a friend before. Ow! Thanks.” Owen said as Alejandro freed him.

“That's what friends are for.” Alejandro replied.

Confessional: Owen

“Man, was Al right about what he said? I don’t want to believe it, but he was the only one that came to help me… not even Noah or Izzy were there! I can’t even trust my friends!?” Owen thought.

Cut to Team Chris waiting. “Tick tock, tick tock.” Chris said as Owen and Alejandro came.

“We’re here! Let's find that treasure!” Alejandro said as he went toward the site.

“About time!” Justin said as he followed him.

“Yay! Big-O is back!” Izzy said as she approached Owen.

“You ok, big guy?” Noah asked after he saw Owen looking upset.

“Oh, uh, sure! Let’s… find the treasure!” Owen said as he went toward the site.

Confessional: Noah

“Something’s not right. Owen’s not as energetic as usual. It kind of makes me feel… bad?” Noah said.

Cut to Tyler and Eva holding a blue gemstone. “I found it!” Tyler said.

“You mean we!” Eva replied as Chris came.

“This is weird. Hey guys? Whatcha doin'?” Chris asked.

“We got it. The olden treasure.” Eva replied.

“Great. Except we're looking for golden treasure.” Chris said.

“What!?” Eva said in shock.

“I found it!” Lindsay said as she, DJ and Bridgette found a golden gem.

“Like that! Finally, Victory for Team Victory!” Chris said.

“Woohoo, yeah!” DJ cheered.

“Finally!” Bridgette cheered.

“Best team ever!” Lindsay cheered.

“Did he say "golden"?” Owen said as he pulled a gem out of the ground, causing the ground to shake as it absorbed energy from the sun.

“Run!” Chris said as he ran away.

Cut to Team Amazon when Chef game. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” Chef said.

“Chef!” Sierra, Cody, and Courtney said in shock.

“No, it's okay! If you wanna get on their good side, you should kneel before me. I'm a bit of a god to the Zing-Zings.” Heather said.

“Those aren't Zing-Zings. They look like local Peruvian teenagers.” Chef replied as he cut the rope tying the other Amazons.

“But the outfits.” Cody protested.

“The spears.” Sierra protested.

“You're... actors? In this year's Shakespeare in the Jungle production of Macbeth?!” Heather said as they shoved her a poster.

“We play the porters.” The guy who showed it replied.

“Off-bit actors put a gold tooth in my mouth. Ew!” Heather said in disgust.

“Guess you aren't a god after all.” Sierra said.

“And you lost the challenge. Y'all gotta vote someone off.” Chef said as an ant bit Cody’s finger.

“D'ow! Oh no. I just got bit by a red ant.” Cody said.

“No! W-We don't have another EpiPen. Oh, I'll try to suck the poison out! Yeah, oh.” Sierra said as she sucked Cody’s thumb.

“If only there were someone we could blame for all this. Morning, Gwen.” Heather said.

“Did we win?” Gwen yawned as she woke up while everyone glared at her.

Cut to Team Victory in first class. “Man, I can’t believe what we've been missing out on!” Bridgette said as she was given a massage.

“I know, right? More freshly baked cookies? Don't mind if I do.” DJ said as he ate a cookie.

“Would it be okay with you if I-” Lindsay tried to say but was interrupted.

“Asked Tyler to come join us up here? Sure.” DJ said.

“Sure, I don’t mind.” Bridgette said.

“Thanks guys! Tyler? Tyler!” Lindsay said as she kissed DJ on the cheek and left.

Cut to Gwen and Courtney talking at the dining table. “Well, you did lead us to disaster, but uh, I still have Heather. I’ll join you in voting her.” Courtney told Gwen.

“Thanks for that, I hope she gets thrown off the plane today.” Gwen said.

Cut to Heather and Sierra in a hallway. “We’re voting off Gwen, right?” Heather told Sierra.

“Of course! I don’t like how close Cody is with her, she needs to take her hands away from my man!” Sierra said.

“Good. After this, it’s Courtney right?” Heather asked.

“Well, sure!” Sierra replied.

Confessional: Sierra

“Heather doesn’t know what she’s getting into! After Gwen and Courtney are gone, it’ll be her vs me and Cody! And Cody would obviously side with me so we can get her out.

Confessional: Cody

“The girls are arguing on who to vote, but I knew who I’d vote for if we lost for a long time.” Cody said.

Cut to the elimination ceremony when Alejandro came. “Oh great. It's Pirate Pablo.” Heather rolled her eyes.

“Ah, Heather. Cheer up. Your departure will make the game a whole lot easier for me.” Alejandro said.

“I know you messed with Leshawna. And Harold too, probably. You are just lucky you didn't try anything on me.” Heather replied.

“Ah. But with the temptation of a kiss, even you couldn't resist me forever.” Alejandro said.

“I... would... have... crushed you!” Heather angrily replied as Alejandro left while Chris came.

“All right, Amazons. Are you ready to find out who you chose to eliminate? Whatcha think, Cody? You give that a big, fat thumbs up?” Chris asked Cody who had a bandaged hand.

“Creepy Girl, you jinxed your team and knocked yourself out with an epi-pen!” Chef called out Gwen who looked upset.

“Nasty Girl, C.I.T.ney and Creepy Girl seemed to have ganged up on you!” Chef called out Heather who was glaring at Courtney and Gwen.

“Dork Boy, you wasted time with your allergies and didn’t wear any underwear! The hell is wrong with you?” Chef called out a nervous looking Cody.

“Finally, Stalker Girl. You’re just creepy.” Chef called out a confused Sierra.

“Let's take a look at who you all voted for. Just for fun.” Chris said.


Confessional: Gwen

“I vote for Heather. And Chris, there's ten dollars in it if you forget to give her a parachute..” Gwen said as she stamped Heather’s passport.

Confessional: Courtney

“Goodbye, Heather. Ugh, I hope she goes, I don’t want to deal with her anymore.” Courtney said as she stamped Heather’s passport.

Confessional: Heather

“I vote Gwen. Annoying freak.” Heather said as she stamped Gwen’s passport.

Confessional: Sierra

“I vote for Gwen. I used to say that in my bathroom mirror all the time. And now, here I am doing it. Ah! This is so awesome! With her gone, Cody will be all mine!” Sierra said as she stamped Gwen’s passport.

Confessional: Cody

“I... vote for Sierra. She's like the stalker girlfriend I always thought I wanted... until I got one.” Cody said as he stamped Cody’s passport.

“There. All done.” Chris said.

“Ugh, why did you show that!?” Cody said as Sierra cried.

Confessional: Sierra

“He voted... for me? President of his fan club? After all I've done for him? Foot rubs, secret hair collection, I mean, it's just so... Cody!” Sierra cried.

“Let's just get this over with, in what tiebreaker do I need to kick Weird Goth Girl’s butt?” Heather said.

“I’m going to enjoy wiping that grin off your face.” Gwen angry replied.

“I guess this would be a good time to watch you two duke it out too see who falls off the plane, you know, if this had actually been an elimination round. But it's not. Surprise!” Chris said as he blew a party blower while they all gasped.

Confessional: Heather

“Whatever, I can get rid of the freak later. They fear me. And so they should. I will make those two pay for what they tried to do to me, and then... I'll crush Alejandro for dessert!” Heather said.

Cut to the co*ckpit. “Ooh. Heather's mad. Tune in for the fallout next time on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris sang as the episode ended.


Nighty Night Chef

Chef was sleeping with a teddy bear. “Whoa. I didn't know this about him either!” Chris said as he came to Chef’s room to see him sleeping with stuffed toys.

“Night, Sergeant Cuddly. Night, Officer Snuggle Bear. Night, Colonel Bowtie. Huh? Get out! Get out!” Chef mumbled as he saw Chris then shut the door on his face.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Justin, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
16. Leshawna
17. Harold
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
Non-elimination! Reduced Heather's plot armor here. Cody was such a creep here, he really needed to be toned down. Aside from that, there's gonna be more done with Owen's mistrust.

Leave your predictions on who goes next in the comments! I'm pretty excited for the next episode.

Chapter 9: Can't Help Falling in Louvre


The campers search for puzzle pieces in the Louvre (Paris)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Last time on Total Drama…” Chris began the recap. “The contestants experienced every pitfall Peru put forward. They visited some ancient landmarks, hung out with the locals, and DJ kept his animal curse alive by whacking some wee-wee monkeys. Someone's feelings were hurt, and something really weird happened. Team Victory had a victory. Ten contestants, two million dollars, loads more exotic locales to destroy, right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to Lindsay and DJ relaxing with face masks. “Wow, I'm so relaxed. I think my brain is even asleep. Ow!” Lindsay said as she spilled tea on herself. “Yep. Totally asleep. This is great. And the best part is, I can't wait to see–” she continued.

“His name's Tyler.” DJ replied.

“I know. I remember. Ew, what is that smell?” Lindsay said as a walking egg passed by her.

“It's my meatless bacon and eggs-alike breakfast. Like I said multiple times, I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.” Bridgette said.

“Uh, so you're a me-gan? Cool!” Lindsay said.

“Not vegan, just vegetarian.” Bridgette replied.

“Well, if you are vegan don't tell mama. She says vegans are chicken-loving chickens.” DJ said.

Cut to economy. “I'm glad that Lindsay's team won the last challenge and everything, but her being up in first class and me being back here? Oh, it sucks.” Tyler sighed.

“Uh… yeah. I-I know exactly what you mean. When I'm uh, away from Izzy for too long, heh, I get really–” Owen said.

“Happy because your girlfriend is a complete and total nut job? And I'm not talking tiny peanuts. That girl is a Brazil nut-sized nut job.” Justin said.

“She is a bit… explosive at times.” Noah agreed.

“Hey, where is Izzy anyway?” Eva asked.

“I saw her go to the co*ckpit to talk with Chef.” Alejandro said as everyone gasped.

“Oh no!” Cody said as the plane started shaking.

“What's happening?” Courtney said.

“We're going down!” Tyler said.

“Don’t let my face get hurt!” Justin said.

“No one gives a sh*t!” Noah replied.

Meanwhile, Izzy was pressing random buttons in the co*ckpit. “Oh, what does this button do? Oh, and this one?” Izzy said as she pressed buttons.

“Girl, stop that!” Chef angrily replied.

“Ooh, blue button!” Izzy said as she pressed a button that made the plane fall and then stop.

Cut to economy when the shaking stopped. “Having some trouble controlling your team, Alejandro?” Heather mocked Alejandro while Owen and Tyler were hiding in the cargo hold, Noah had his had stuck in a birdcage and Justin was covering under a seat.

“Your attempts to insult my team are cute.” Alejandro replied.

“Whatever. My girl power team is going to win. We don't get distracted by anything. Especially boys.” Heather replied.

“Uh, you might want to rethink that.” Justin said as he pointed at Sierra who was crying and eating ice cream.

“Get it together!” Heather angrily said as she pulled Sierra away.

“All clear!” Alejandro said as Cody peered his head out of a cargo hold.

Confessional: Alejandro & Cody

“Chris is the one who played the video of me trying to vote her off. So why do I feel like such a schmuck? All I did was vote, which I had to do.” Cody said behind Alejandro.

“How long are you gonna keep this up?” Alejandro asked.

“I'm done. Did you know you have a little rip on the seam there just a–” Cody said as she showed his head.

“Out, Cody!” Alejandro angrily replied.

“Ugh, she just wont stop crying.” Heather said as she came back without Sierra.

“I can’t believe I regret a single decision this much! Has she ever stopped crying since yesterday?” Cody asked.

“No. I’ve barely been able to get enough sleep and it’s killing me!” Heather replied.

“Ugh… I’m doomed…” Cody sighed.

Confessional: Heather

“If I could help Cody with his Sierra problem, I could get him to ally with me to vote off Courtney and Gwen. Besides, him having to deal with that creep kind of makes me feel bad.” Heather explained.

“You and I have a similar problem.” Heather told Cody.

“Really? Which escaped mental patient do you have to deal with?” Cody replied.

“All I mean is that sometimes when you're too nice to somebody, they get the wrong idea. Happens to me all the time.” Heather replied.

“Are you even ever nice to anyone?” Cody said.

“You get my point. Just tell her that you will never, ever be a thing. Ultimately, it's going to be doing her a favor.” Heather replied.

Meanwhile, Noah approached Owen. “So, uh, anything you want to talk about big guy?” Noah asked.

“Uh, huh, hi Noah! I just… need to go poop!” Owen said as he ran away.

Confessional: Owen

“Man, ever since yesterday, I’ve felt all alone! I want to believe that Noah and Izzy still care about me, but they didn’t even try to help me when I got caught by giant caterpillars! Did they ever care about me at all!?” Owen said.

“Did you do something? He’s been avoiding you like the plague since yesterday.” Eva told Noah.

“My guess is as good as yours. Something must have happened to make him this upset.” Noah replied.

“Hmph, maybe he realized that you’re just a whiny loser.” Justin replied.

“You’re the one to talk about people being whiny.” Noah replied.

“Ugh, whatever. I’ll make a deal with you, if I can find out what upset Owen, you’ll promise you won’t vote me if we lose.” Justin replied.

“Eh, not really anything against that. But if you don’t find it out, I’m definitely voting for you.” Noah said.

“I can deal with that.” Justin replied.

Confessional: Noah

“I don’t want to blindly team up with Justin, but I’m really worried for Owen. Something’s clearly bothering the big guy, and I need to learn why so I can help him.” Noah said.

Confessional: Justin

“Maybe, if I make it look like Owen’s strange behavior is because of Alejandro, everyone will vote him and I’ll finally get rid of him for good! I only need to find a way how to…” Justin thought.

Meanwhile, Alejandro was outside the confessional and overheard what Justin said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“I have been ignoring Justin due to him barely being a threat, but after that I think it’s best if I get rid of him soon. He’s trying to get people against me, and that’s not even mentioning how annoying and useless he is.” Alejandro said.

“Ahem. This is your captain speaking. If you look out your window, you'll get to see what happens when a plane does a somersault!” Izzy said from the PA.

“G-Gimme that! Uh, y'all might wanna hang on to something heavy!” Chef said from the PA as everyone screamed and tried holding onto Owen as the plane crashed into water while Izzy was ejected with her seat and hit the top of the plane as she fell in the water.

“Whoo!” Izzy laughed as she sank.

“You said we were landing at the Eiffel Tower.” Chris said as he came into the co*ckpit.

“And you said you was gonna replace that curtain with a locked door!” Chef replied.

Cut to everyone in front of the Louvre. “I didn't exactly get a chance to prep my introduction, what with the unexpected water landing and all. I'm just gonna give the highlights. France, City of Love, art gallery, filler, lots of artwork, priceless, priceless artwork.” Chris explained.

“Paris! There's only one guy I wanna share this with. The guy I've been dreaming about since we've been apart. Where's my Tyler?” Lindsay said as Tyler came.

“Hey, Linds. What’s up?” Tyler asked.

“Are you sure that's you? 'Cause you look slightly different in my head.” Lindsay replied.

“Everything looks slightly different in her head.” Alejandro whispered to Noah who chuckled.

Confessional: Noah

“He might be shady, but his sense of humor is at least decent.” Noah said.

“Do you always wear a track suit? Oh, it doesn't matter. Because us being in Paris together means only one thing.” Lindsay said.

“I know. I love–” Tyler tried to say but was interrupted.

“Shopping! I can pick out new clothes for you.” Lindsay squealed.

“I was gonna say… nevermind.” Tyler said.

“There's no time for shopping. The first challenge is about to start! Everyone, inside the Loavre!” Chris said.

“Uh, I believe you mean Louvre?” Courtney said.

“Whatever. Go already!” Chris replied.

“Wait, isn’t Lindsay banned from here?” Justin said.

“Well, I don’t care! This show has done tons of illegal stuff before anyway.” Chris said.

“You do realize you just admitted that on live TV right?” Noah said as Chris realized what he said.

Confessional: Chris

“You saw nothing. Can someone edit that out?” Chris said.

Confessional: Tyler

“Now that we’re in the City of Love, I hope me and Lindsay can go on a date after the challenge!” Tyler said.

Cut to everyone in the Louvre. “Challenge time, kids!” Chris said.

“Phew.” Chef sighed in relief as he came with statue pieces and put them on the ground.

“Each team gets their very own famous sculpture. Team Victory, yours is Rodin's The Thinker. Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot, you guys get The Venus de Milo.” Chris explained.

“Ah, Venus. Such beauty.” Alejandro said.

“Hmph, she pales in comparison to me.” Justin boasted.

“Calm down, lover boys. Amazons, you ladies get The Statue of David. Here's how it works. It's up to you guys to find your statue hidden somewhere in the Loaver-uh-riu.” Chris explained.

“Well, that shouldn't be too hard, the statues are big. Plus, I'm amazing at reading brochure maps.” Courtney said.

“Bla, bla, bla, no one cares.” Heather replied as Courtney looked upset.

“About that... Chef has broken the statues into pieces and hidden them. First team to find their pieces, race to the Pyramid Court, and reassemble them wins.” Chris explained.

“But The Thinker isn't located in the Louvre. And The Statue of David isn't even in France.” Alejandro said.

“How did you even get these statues anyway? Don’t these cost like… more than the amount of fingers I have?” Justin said.

“Well, we're not using the actual statues. Those are priceless. Chef made some fake ones, right?” Chris said.

“Uh… I gotta do something.” Chef said as he ran away.

“I almost forgot the twist twist. Here's your motivation.” Chris said as a truck came and dropped Sasquatch, a bear and an angry baby seal.

“Aw, look, DJ. It's that baby seal you accidentally ran over in the Yukon!” Lindsay said.

“You ran over a baby seal!?” Bridgette said.

“It was an accident I swear!” DJ said as he jumped in Lindsay’s arms, crushing her.

“I'd start running.” Chris said as everyone ran while screaming.

“I don't wanna be yeti poop!” Owen said as he, Eva and Noah ran away from Sasquatch.

“I can take on that thing!” Eva said as she turned.

“No, I have a better plan! I got your ginormous back, big boy! Watch this! Totally works on my dog! Who wants the ball, Who wants it? You want it, don't you? Go get it!” Noah said as he pretended to throw a ball as Sasquatch chased after it.

Confessional: Noah

“I had no idea if that would work. I guess Sasquatches evolved from dogs or something?” Noah shrugged.

“Well played, Noah. Now onwards!” Alejandro said as they ran away.

“You guys helped me?” Owen asked Eva and Noah.

“Of course? Why wouldn’t we?” Eva said.

“Yeah, I thought you’d know that you could trust us big guy.” Noah said as Owen looked deep in thought.

Cut to Team Amazon. “Come on, guys. There's no way I'm gonna let the boys beat us to the Pyramid Court. We have to find the rest of these things fast.” Heather said as she held a piece while Sierra cried when they suddenly saw the bear with a chainsaw.

“Ah!” Cody said in shock as the Amazons all screamed.

Cut to Team Victory where Lindsay and Bridgette were carrying a lot of pieces while DJ carried only one. “These are heavy.” Lindsay said.

“Ugh, tell me about it. DJ? Shouldn’t you be carrying more?” Bridgette said.

“Yeah, cuz, you're just so big and strong, so maybe you should…” Lindsay said.

“What? Oh, sorry guys. I'll carry 'em for you.” DJ said as Lindsay and Bridgette gave him some.

“Oh, good. Because after we win, I was also going to ask you about carrying all those cute stripey boxes you get when you go shopping in Paris!” Lindsay said.

“One, I don’t think they’ll let us shop. Two, you’re banned from this country. Three, do you even have any money with you?” Bridgette said.

“Hey, don’t be such a downer! I can totally still shop even with the things you said!” Lindsay said.

“Whatever you say.” Bridgette rolled her eyes. “I don’t think we’re going to win anyway, with how our luck has been with animals I’m sure we’re going to get attacked by Chris’s beasts soon.” Bridgette said.

“Well maybe… an Egypt exhibit? Wait, I think I know what’s going on here!” DJ said as he saw an Egypt exhibit.

“Uh, what’s on your mind?” Bridgette asked.

“Remember when I crumbled that mummy puppy in Egypt?” DJ said.

(Flashback) “Hey there, little buddy. Wish I had a biscuit to give you.” DJ said as he pet the mummy dog, accidentally breaking it and causing the pyramid to shake and explode.

“Okay that did not happen!” Bridgette voiced over.

“How would we all even be alive if the pyramid blew up?” Bridgette said.

“Hey, I just tried to make it more dramatic! The pyramid just shook as scarabs fell, and after that we’ve been hindered by animals all the time!” DJ said.

“I remember us being slowed down by monkey attacks in the Amazon.” Lindsay said.

“Exactly. Terrible! I think that dog thing might have cursed me.” DJ said.

“Normally, I’d say that’s impossible but with how things are going, I think you might be right.” Bridgette said.

“Yeah and I think this might be the answer.” DJ said.

“The Egypt bandage gauze can carry my shopping?” Lindsay asked.

“No, the answer to my animal-hurting curse. I got it in Egypt, so maybe there's an anti-curse in all this Egyptian stuff.” DJ replied as he gave back Bridgette and Lindsay the pieces and went toward the exhibit.

“O-Okay. I guess I'll keep looking and you'll meet up with us later?” Lindsay said as she held the pieces.

“He’ll be fine, let’s go!” Bridgette said as they continued walking while Team Chris passed by and saw the exhibit.

“Hmmm, I think there may be a piece in there. Only the most useful and hot teammate would be brave enough to go in there.” Alejandro said.

“Me! I’ll go!” Justin said as he ran in while Alejandro smirked.

“Well, we’ll wait to see if he comes back. You've all been brave and courageous, but we need to pick up the pace. I-- Izzy! We're doing a challenge!” Alejandro said as Izzy came with her head through a painting.

“Oh!” Izzy said as she blew a raspberry.

“You must focus. Izzy, would you– Guess what? We're playing Sculpture Piece Bingo! And Chef's winning. We can't have that, can we?” Alejandro said, trying to hide his frustration as Izzy looked upset.

“Look out, Cheffy! Yeah!” Izzy said as she tore off the painting and ran away.

“Great, with her gone we’re now missing two teammates! Why isn’t Justin back already? I swear when I see Justin I’m going to beat the crap out of him for leaving in the middle of a challenge.” Eva said.

“Can I join you? That guy's a jerk! He flirted with my Lindsay when we were together!” Tyler said.

“You two do that later, for now we need more pieces. Justin and Izzy will find us later, we can waste time waiting for them.” Alejandro said as he, Tyler and Eva went away. Owen tried to follow them but was stopped by Noah.

“Okay, dude, is there something wrong? You’re normally the first one to laugh at her antics and you didn’t even giggle once.” Noah told Owen.

“Well… it’s just that… I want to trust you guys but Al told me that you and the others were fine with leaving me behind in the Amazon and that he was the only one who cared. I don’t want to believe it but he was the only one who came to free me!” Owen replied.

“Huh? That’s what you’re talking about? We didn’t realize that you were gone and Alejandro himself offered to go to find you!” Noah replied.

“Really? So you don’t hate me?” Owen replied.

“Of course not! Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Alejandro about this.” Noah replied.

“Aw, I’m sorry for ever doubting you buddy! I should’ve known that I could trust you after everything that happened!” Owen said as he crushed Noah with a hug.

“Ugh… no problem…” Noah whimpered.

Cut to Izzy running into Chef. “There you are Cheffy!” Izzy said.

“What the hell do you want girl!? I’m busy trying to avoid lawsuits here!” Chef replied.

“You’ll wish you had to deal with lawsuits when I’m done with you!” Izzy said as she ran toward him.

“Oh, it’s on!” Chef said as they started exchanging blows. Izzy yelled as Chef lended a hit on her, knocking her back.

“Argh! I’ll-” Izzy tried to say but was stopped by Eva grabbing her.

“Come on, we have no time for this Izzy! We need to find more pieces!” Eva said.

“Ugh, fine! This isn’t the last you’ll see of me!” Izzy said as Eva dragged her away and bumped into Alejandro and Tyler.

“Found any pieces?” Eva asked.

“Nope, sorry. I feel like a failure…” Tyler said.

“Maybe because that’s what you are.” Eva said as Owen and Noah came.

“Finally, what took you two so long?” Alejandro asked.

“Al, why did you tell me that everyone else didn’t want to look for me? Noah said that you offered to go without anyone else!” Owen said.

“What? Uh… you must have misheard me. I said that I was the only one who came, not that the others were not concerned.” Alejandro said.

“Well, I might have misunderstood. Didn’t you also say that you were my only friend.” Owen said.

“No, I said that I was your friend. I did not say that you didn’t have any other ones.” Alejandro replied.

“Ohhhh. My bad. Guess this was just a misunderstanding.” Owen told Noah.

“Seems like it.” Noah replied.

Confessional: Noah

“I was suspicious before but this just confirmed to me that Alejandro is up to something.” Noah said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Well, thankfully that went without any major problems. Hopefully that idiot doesn’t mess up the plan or I might be screwed.” Alejandro said.

Cut to Team Amazon screaming as they were cornered by the bear when it’s chainsaw suddenly stopped as it tried to get it to work while Sierra cried.

“Cody, remember what I said? You need to tell her what you really think, or else things will just be worse!” Heather told Cody as she dropped him.

“Alright… Um... there, there.” Cody said as he reluctantly pat Sierra on the back.

“Ugh, I can't stand this crying anymore, join us when she stops!” Gwen said as she, Heather and Courtney walked away.

“Ugh… Ah! Okay, Sierra. Snap out of it. Snap out of it!” Cody told Sierra as she continued crying as the bear joined her while Cody dragged Sierra away. The bear looked at a photo of him with a girl bear as it continued crying.

Cut to Team Chris in front of lasers. “How do we get our last piece from behind those security lasers?” Alejandro said.

“I thought Justin was searching for one in the Egypt exhibit?” Eva said.

“I guess there wasn’t one there after all.” Alejandro said.

“Then shouldn’t he have come back already?” Noah said.

“Yes, this is very strange indeed.” Alejandro said as Noah raised an eyebrow.

“Well, I can get that piece! Guess who was captain of his gymnastics team at kinder-gym? It's Tyler time! Oof!” Tyler said as he rammed into a wall while Eva facepalmed.

“Noah, you will have to move through the lasers. Owen's girth, Eva’s abs and my muscled chest will not fit.”

“Fine, let's just get this done! I don't think my imaginary ball trick will stop the Yeti a second time.” Noah said as he imitated throwing a ball while he heard yeti noises.

“Oh, oh, oh, a ball! I'll get it, I'll get it!” Izzy said as she ran away.

“Okay, I just move and-- ow!” Noah said as he touched a laser, scorching his finger.

Cut to the security room. “Looks like things have taken a shocking turn for our contestants. Electrifying, wouldn't you say?” Chris told Chef.

“Uh…” Chef replied.

“Too cheesy?” Chris asked.

“Mais oui.” Chef replied.

“We'll be right back.” Chris said as the screen faded into black.

Cut to Cody and Sierra. “The thing is, I only voted for you because I couldn't keep pretending not to be annoyed by-- okay. That's coming out wrong. Forget the apology. I'll get you whatever you want.” Cody told Sierra.

“Hmph, I don’t think I want anything from you.” Sierra replied.

“Hi. My name is Chris, and I'm the host of the show. Hey, did you know you're on it... right now? And supposed to be doing a challenge?” Chris said as he came.

“Sierra's mad at me.” Cody replied.

“Aw... don't care.” Chris replied.

“I have to get her to stop crying.” Cody said.

“Still not caring.” Chris said as the music icon popped up. “Hey. Know what that means? Time to sing. Or you're off my show!” he said.

“No. Chris, please. She won't–” Cody tried to say but was interrupted.

“I'll sing. For Chris.” Sierra said.


I love Paris in the springtime! Je t'aime Paris in the fall!

[She sang as she went through multiple paintings]

“That's great Sierra, keep going!” Cody said as he walked by.


It's the City of Love in the summer, but now it's just a bummer, 'cause… Cody broke my heart and chewed it up and spit it out, And then stepped on it and threw it down a sewer, called it names and then laughed!

[She sang as she drew on a Cody painting while he looked upset]


Oui, my friends, you must never trust a boy! Oui, my friends, they will likely treat you like a toy! Oui, my friends, they will... aw…

[She sang as she went through multiple paintings]


Break your heart and chew it up and spit it out, And step on it and throw it down a sewer, call it names and then laugh!

[She said as she broke the head of a Cody statue with a hammer and then threw it away]

“Wait up! Sierra!” Cody said as he was hit by the piece.


Oui, my friend, you are going to make it through!

[He sang as Noah went through the lasers]


Um, non, my friend, that thing just burnt off my shoe.

[He sang as he got hit in the groin by a laser]

Chef was dancing in front of Gwen, Courtney and Heather when Sierra and Cody came.


Oui, my friends, all I did was love him true!

[She sang sadly]

“Cody, what are you doing?!” Heather asked.

“I'm trying!” Cody replied.


Oui, my friends, now I'm stuck telling you… If you fall in love with a boy on TV, and then make fan blogs about his show and then stalk him to find out things about him and try to interview him, then finally get on his show due to a bus crash, and be nice to him, and do nothing but kiss up, you will still… We end up in Paris! Oui, feeling despair-us! And the boy won't even take you outside!

[She sang as she glared at Cody]

“Ugh, Cody just tell her what I said! Do it outside if she wants it that way!” Heather said.

“Ugh, okay, I’ll do as you. Let's go, Sierra.” Cody said as he went outside while Sierra reluctantly followed him.

Cut to Team Chris and Team Amazon walking toward each other. “All right, quickly now! Put all our pieces here!” Alejandro said.

“Let's move it, girls! Those boys won't know what hit them!” Heather said as Team Chris and Team Amazon put their pieces at the same place, causing them to get mixed up.

“Hey! You got some of your Venus in our David!” Courtney said.

“More like you got some of your Venus in our David!” Tyler said.

“Ah! You did that on purpose.” Heather said as the two teams argued while Bridgette and Lindsay came with their pieces.

“Linds, you okay? Where's DJ?” Tyler asked.

“Um, Egypt, maybe?” Lindsay asked.

“Hey, that’s where Justin was going!” Tyler said.

Cut to DJ and Justin in the Egypt exhibit when they ran into each other. “Hey, what are you doing here man?” DJ asked.

“I’m looking for one of the team pieces. And you?” Justin asked.

Confessional: Justin

“Okay, I lied. I was searching for something that’s help me get Alejandro out.” Justin said.

“I’m looking for a mummified dog. I think I got cursed by one in Egypt.” DJ said.

“Uh? I never took you for the superstitious type. I think it’s there.” Justin said as he pointed at a mummy dog on a shelf.

“That’s it! Okay, little fella. If I can get you to that pyramid in Egypt to replace the mummy dog I destroyed, I can kiss my curse goodbye.” DJ said as he grabbed it but then saw an angry Sasquatch with a shadowy figure on it alongside the bear and the baby seal all glaring at him and Justin.

“Uh… what are we gonna do?” Justin asked.

“Only one thing. Run!” DJ screamed as they ran away outside. while the shadowy figure got on a kart alongside the animals and chased after them as the two ran into different directions. He decided to follow Justin.

Confessional: DJ

“Okay, my logic may have been a little thin considering I had no idea where in Egypt to return the mummy cat. Or how to get back to Egypt. Or how to get out of the museum. Or…” DJ said.

Cut to Team Chris trying to put their statue together. “Put the middle piece under the wide part, then rotate the thingy straightwise. No no no, under-over.” Tyler said.

“Those aren't even words!” Eva angrily replied.

“Ooh, would you look at that! Oh, looks yummy. Mm, acrylic.” Owen said as he ate a painting.

“Let me try!” Izzy said as she ate alongside Owen.

Confessional: Noah

“You know, I never thought I’d miss Owen being goofy until he stopped being goofy.” Noah said.

Cut to Sierra and Cody at a table in front of the Eiffel Tower. “Look. Isn't this romantic? Great view, all your favorite foods. Well, my favorites, but I saw you eating this stuff off my plate before. Ooh... sorry.” Cody said as he opened a bottle to accidentally make the cap hit Sierra.

“It's no fun 'cause you're only doing it 'cause you have to.” Sierra said.

“Well, I, um... gah! How am I gonna fix this?” Cody said as they were crushed by a painting, showing that they really weren’t in front of the tower.

Cut to the Louvre. “I don't think this is right.” Courtney said as Team Amazon looked at their off looking statue.

“What gave you that idea?” Heather rolled her eyes.

“Perfect.” Noah said as he looked at Team Chris’s off looking statue.

“Noah, I think you might wanna look at the photo. You have a few too many limbs.” Alejandro said as he showed Noah a photo.

Meanwhile, Bridgette and Lindsay were still making their team’s statue. “The others are behind, we can still win!

“Really? We’re gonna win again! Yay!” Lindsay said. Suddenly, a cart being driven by a shadowy figure with Justin being beaten by animals on it came.

“Ugh, stop it! I can’t take this much pain anymore!” Justin said as the shadowy figure ran over Team Victory and their pieces with the cart, breaking them and then crashed into Team Chris’s while they rebuilt it. Once the impact cleared, Justin, Sasquatch, the bear and the baby seal were shown laying in the ground

“What the hell are you doing!? You messed up the statue!” Eva angrily told Justin.

“I-I didn’t do anything! There was this shadowy guy, he ran into me with a cart alongside the animals, then the shadowy guy drove the cart into the statue!” Justin said.

“Yeah, likely story! How gullible do you think we are?” Tyler said.

“You gotta believe me! This probably has something to do with Alejandro! He’s playing you all!” Justin said.

“I understand you’re upset, but there is no need for baseless accusations.” Alejandro replied.

“Come on Noah, you know what’s up, right?” Justin told Noah.

“Sorry, no clue. Oh, and I already found out what happened with Owen so consider yourself gone.” Noah replied.

“Guys, are you alright?” DJ asked Bridgette and Lindsay as he came.

“Ugh, I can’t feel my bones… is the statue alright?” Bridgette asked.

“No, it’s broken! Ugh, at least the mummy dog is still here.” DJ said as he saw the mummy dog on the ground before it got grabbed and smashed into the ground by Izzy.

“Whoo, yeah! Izzy rules! Touchdown, ha ha ha!” Izzy laughed.

“No!” DJ said in shock.

“There. Done.” Heather said and high fived Courtney and Gwen as they finished their statue.

“And The Amazons have it! The other team's statue pieces are destroyed, so we need to find a different way to see who doesn’t lose.” Chris said as DJ lowered his head in shame.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt? Or are you just sad that we lost again?” Lindsay asked.

“Chris, what happens if one of Team Victory goes today?” DJ asked.

“What?” Bridgette said in shock.

“Well, then Team Victory will be officially dissolved and the remaining two will be put on the other two teams.” Chris said.

“Well, there are only three of us. So if I quit, I get to go home to my mama's warm embrace and you two get a chance to be put on bigger teams to win easier!” DJ said.

“Sorry, no can do bub. The contract you signed states that if you leave of your own volition, you owe us a million dollars!” Chris said.

“Huh!? I quit before! You even let Duncan quit this season!” DJ protested.

“Oh, you can quit if I’m fine with it. But keeping you here means more fun.” Chris replied.

“DJ, you’re being ridiculous! You can’t leave!” Bridgette said.

“Sorry, I’ve been a hindrance this whole time. Let’s just throw the challenge and then we can all vote me off.” DJ said.

“Well, for this challenge. I've decided to do something special. Since we're in the fashion capital of the world, I declare that it's a walk-off, people! It's a walk-off!” Chris said.

“Aw, man, I hate walking.” Owen said when suddenly Cody and Sierra came.

“I thought you’d get her to stop whining.” Heather said.

“Look. I don't know what she wants.” Cody said as Sierra cried. “Enough! Sierra, put a sock in it! Can’t you understand that I’m not your boyfriend? I’m not obliged to do what you want! You’ve been harassing me all this time and it’s just annoying as hell! I’m sick of this! You can’t just cry and expect people to give in!” he said as Sierra stopped crying. “Look… Sierra. I like you, okay? But there are some people that you like, like... like. A-And then there's some people you like, like... more than like. Eh, you feel me? We can be just friends.” he said.

“Aren't we just a little more than friends? Just a teensy bit?” Sierra asked.

“Uh, sure. We're uh, best friends.” Cody replied.

“Yes! I knew it! Shut up! Just shut up! You had me at "sock" new BFF!” Sierra said as she hugged Cody as the animals clapped.

Confessional: Sierra

“Well, I was pretty upset when Cody voted for me but I’m kind of over it now. And he called me his best friend! That’s almost as good as girlfriend!” Sierra said.

Confessional: Heather

“I was oddly proud when Cody told Sierra off. Weird. Whatever, with those two, I have two allies in this game.” Heather said.

“Now that that’s over… One volunteer from each team will pick a model from Team Amazon to dress up.” Chris said.

“Justin volunteers.” Eva said.

“I do?” Justin said.

“Yes. And if you lose this, you’re done.” Eva threatened.

“Fine… I guess I'll pick Cody.” Justin said.

“Try to make me look hot!” Cody said.

“Team Victory?” Chris asked.

“I’ll volunteer! Um... I'll go with... Gwen.” DJ said as he saw Heather and Gwen posing, Sierra pulling her eyelids and Gwen looking annoyed.

“What?” Heather said in shock.

“I second that. What?” Chris said.

“Nothing personal, but I hate models. And getting stared at.” Gwen said.

“You'll be perfect.” DJ replied.

“All right. Each designer has to come up with a costume for their models to wear. Then yours truly plus two contestants will do the judging. The designer with the best design keeps a team member..” Chris said.

Cut to Justin giving Cody terrible hair styles. “No. Just... no.” Cody said.

“Dude, I could use some support. I’m gone if we lose.” Justin said.

“I know you’re trying, but come on. When the jerks at my school see this, ugh, it'll be ugly. I’ll get 5 wedgies in one day instead of 3!” Cody said.

“Ugh, fine, we'll keep your hair the same. Let's just move on to wardrobe. Do you think this one looks manly?” Justin said as he showed a picture of a goofy outfit.

“This isn't gonna get better for me, is it?” Cody said.

Cut to DJ drawing something. “Nothing too foo-foo girly. Come on, lemme see!” Gwen said as she took the sketchbook from DJ to see a drawing with him and his mom.

“I'm trying to lose.” DJ said.

“You don't say.” Gwen replied.

“Well, when I’m gone you can get Bridgette on your team? You two are friends, right?” DJ said.

“I guess. Still sucks to see you like this, Deej.” Gwen replied.

“Sorry, but me staying just makes things worse. I don’t really want the two million two much anyway.” DJ said.

Cut to Chris, Heather and Owen on judge seats in front of a stage. “First on stage, Justin Couture, as worn by that poor sucker, Cody!” Chris said as Cody walked on stage shirtless while wearing colorful pants and sunglasses with water lillies on his ear and abs drawn on his stomach.

“Yay, whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!” Justin cheered as Alejandro, Noah and Eva laughed while Cody looked upset and fell off the stage.

“Ah, oof!” Cody grunted as he crashed into the ground.

“And here comes Gwen, wearing an original from DJ's Designs.” Chris said as Gwen walked onstage wearing DJ’s beanie and tracksuit.

“Ugh!” Gwen said as she fell off the stage like Cody did.

“Mama, I'm comin' home! Mama, I'm comin' home! This is the end of our losing streak 'cause mama, I'm comin' home!” DJ sang as he got on stage and danced.

“Okay... what do you think, judges?” Chris asked.

“I don't know what Justin was thinking. He wore less clothes than he did before. And the pants? All that surrealism made me wanna barf.

“I'd have to say that Justin’s design just made me hungry. There were pictures of pheasants and I think some fruit on his pants? Uh, yeah, hungry. Definitely hungry and obsequious. And those fake abs reminded me of that time where I advertised-” Owen said.

“I can't picture myself wearing water lilies. I mean, ha ha, I've worn them, but I don't like it.” Chris said.

“This is perfect. If Justin’s design sucked, mine will totally bottom suck. Home, here I come.” DJ said.

“And what about DJ's work?” Chris said.

“Dry, dull, uninspiring, not a hint of effort with the presentation. But enough about Gwen, the tracksuit was a ten.

“I agree. Model sucked, tracksuit good. I'd wear it.” Chris said.

“Well, I would have to say that I didn't realize there would be two models, so I wasn't paying attention. But I really like DJ's tracksuit. Owen out.” Owen said.

“Victory to DJ and Team Victory! Team Chris, you’re sending someone home.” Chris said.

“What? I... I won? No!” DJ yelled.

Cut to the elimination ceremony. “Team Chris, we all know why you’re here.” Chris began as everyone glared at Justin.

“Pretty boy! You cost your team a statue by running over it, then blew the tiebreaker!” Chef called out Justin.

“Hmph, those judges wouldn’t know fashion if it hit them in the head!” Justin said.

“Pretty boy 2.0.! Pretty boy 1.0. made some accusations against you. You think you’re safe after that?” Chef said.

“I’m sure I am.” Alejandro said.

“Now, in this ceremony, we won’t be handing out barf bags. We ran out. Instead, we’ll be reading the votes! Creates more drama, you know.” Chris said.

“Ugh, anything for the drama.” Eva rolled her eyes.

“First vote… Justin.” Chris said as he read a vote while Justin looked nervous.

“Next vote… Justin.” he read as Justin’s nervousness increased.

“Alejandro.” he read as Alejandro rolled his eyes.

“Justin.” he read as Justin bit his lower lip.

“Alejandro.” he read as Alejandro looked shocked while Justin looked hopeful.

“Justin.” he read as the hope disappeared from Justin’s face.

“Last vote… Justin. Five votes are enough, you must go.” Chris said as he gave Jusitn a parachute.

“Hmph, whatever. At least I won’t have to deal with my face being brutalized anymore. Just… I’ll always be the hottest! And be aware of the shadow guy!” Justin said.

“Whatever, just go away!” Eva said as Justin tripped and fell off the plane.

“May I ask who voted me? Aside from Justin.” Alejandro said.

“No idea.” Owen said.

“Me neither.” Noah said.

Confessional: Noah

“It was me. I knew Justin would still go so it didn’t matter, but it was worth seeing the look on that eel’s face. He’s going down after the trick he did with Owen, I’m sure he was behind what happened with Justin today as well. Never thought I’d believe Justin of all people over someone else.” Noah said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“That could have gone smoother but I can't complain about getting rid of that annoying guy. Next target, whoever voted me.” Alejandro shrugged.

Cut to the co*ckpit. “That's one more teen off the plane. Will next week be this insane? Find out next time on Total. Drama… World Tour!” Chris sang as the episode ended.


Confessional: Alejandro

“He was a massive hindrance anyway.” Alejandro said as he stamped Justin’s passport.

Confessional: Tyler

“He won’t be missed!” Tyler said as he stamped Justin’s passport.

Confessional: Justin

“Ugh, I can’t believe I fell for that guy’s trick!” Justin said as he stamped Alejandro’s passport.

Confessional: Noah

“Something’s up, I know it.” Noah said as he stamped Alejandro’s passport.

Confessional: Owen

“Sorry Justin, you’re hot but you made us lose.” Owen said as he stamped Justin’s passport.

Confessional: Eva

“Goodbye, sleazebag.” Eva said as she stamped Justin’s passport.

Confessional: Izzy

“Haha! Izzy loves voting him all the time!” Izzy said as she stamped Justin’s passport.


Justin’s Drop of Shame

Justin was tangled by his parachute into a fence when he saw a mime. “Uh, hey there. Sorry to impose, but could you direct my pretty face to a phone? Yes, exactly, a phone, thank you. Okay, why are you doing what I do? Why won't you talk to me? Stop doing what I'm doing! Stop it! I know I’m hot but you won’t be while imitating me!” Justin angrily told the mime as it mimicked what he did.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
15. Justin
16. Leshawna
17. Harold
18. Ezekiel
19. Duncan
Sorry Justin fans, it was his time to go. He helped Alejandro and Noah's rivalry develop more alongside the Owen thing here but he didn't have much to do after here. For Sierra, she still cries but at least Cody has to tell her off here instead of apologizing and she learns to back off. (Basically just added some scenes from EP 20 and 25 to here.) For DJ, he wants to quit for his teammates, is less whiny and has an actual reason on why he can't quit. Hope you enjoyed the plot here.

As always, leave your predictions on who goes next!

Chapter 10: Newf Kids on the Rock


The campers row a boat through water and compete in a three part railway (Newfoundland)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Previously on Total Drama World Tour…” Chris began the recap. “the competitors were exposed to a little culture as a field trip to the Louvre sent them scavenging for the world's most important works of art while someone... had them chased by a bear, a yeti, and a seriously ticked off seal. When someone… told Sierra that Cody had tried to vote her off, dude had to spend every French moment trying to get her head back in the game. DJ's inability to shake his Egyptian curse left him eager to get out of the game. Look out beasts of the world. But it was Justin who was trying to get rid of Alejandro, who ended up getting the kiss-off. But now, it's time to dump the kids in yet another mystery location. Will they survive? Will the world survive them? Find out right here, right now on Total. Drama. World Tour!

(Theme song)

Cut to first class where Heather entered a vent at the roof. “What is she doing?” Gwen asked.

“Beats me.” Courtney replied.

“Unless she suddenly turned into Izzy and is looking for elves, it's probably got to do with Alejandro.” Gwen said.

“If I didn't know better, I would think Heather liked him.” Courtney said.

“Ew! That's like The Grinch having a crush on somebody.” Gwen said.

“I know, yuck! Picture her dried up, black little heart thawing out, lighting up with love.

“Ow! I am not in love! I am thinking about our team. I'm trying to sneak back into loser class to eavesdrop. With Team Victory back there with him, Alejandro has free reign to make an alliance.” Heather said from the air vent as she bumped her head.

Confessional: Heather

“Five of us on my team, six of them on his team. And then there's three on Team Victory. Make an alliance, and you could add them to yours. We’re currently at a disadvantage but if we ally with them, we’d have two members on them.” Heather said.

“Ugh! Why did we have to win in dumb Paris?” Heather complained in the vent.

“Sorry. We can stop trying.” Gwen replied.

“Ew, gross! What is this doing in here?” Heather said as she showed a toothbrush from the open hatch.

“Omg, is that Cody’s new toothbrush? I love the pink on it!” Sierra said.

“Aw, come on, Heather. That was my ninth and final one, I was hiding it from Sierra. Well, I guess after yesterday I don’t need to worry anymore.” Cody thought.

“Okay, Heather. I think maybe you need to consider chilling out.” Courtney said as Heather went back in.

“Maybe you need to shut your trap for once!” Heather said.

Confessional: Heather

“Those two are so annoying, it’s gotten to a point where I hope we lose so we can get rid of one of their asses.” Heather said.

Cut to economy. “I don't know what to say to him. I've always been the alliancee not the alliancer.” Owen whispered to Noah.

“It's like asking someone out. Only it’s an entire team.” Noah whispered back.

“Oh. Uh, hey DJ! Hey. Uh, you wanna go for hot dogs with my buddy Noah? He said your legs are nice.” Owen whistled as DJ and Bridgette looked confused.

“Yeah, because that's exactly what I told him to say.” Noah said.

“One cannot blunder into an alliance, friends.” Alejandro said.

“If you don’t make an alliance with us, I’ll crush you to bits!” Eva threatened Team Victory.

“Why did you try to lose!? Do you want Lindsay gone!” Tyler angrily told DJ.

“Threats and anger also doesn't help.” Alejandro said.

“Look, I just don’t wanna be here anymore okay? I’m not having fun anymore and I’m just hindering our team with a curse! You only have to put up with me for one more day.” DJ said.

“Uh, DJ, what do you mean by that?” Bridgette asked.

“We’re losing the next challenge.” DJ replied.

“What? Ow!” Heather said as she fell out of the air vent.

“What have we here?” Alejandro said as Heather accidentally smelled Owen’s socks.

“Ew!” Heather recoiled in disgust.

“Doing a little spying, are we?” Alejandro said.

“Tsk, tsk don’t you know that eavesdropping is bad?” Noah mocked.

“I-I-I just uh, dropped my pen. See? No scheming, just scribbling. Owen, I am issuing you a ticket for fashion crimes. Your socks reek.” Heather said as she wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to Owen.

“Oh, am I wearing socks? Ha, I can't even see my feet.” Owen said.

“Get out before I punch you in the face!” Eva threatened as Heather ran out.

“DJ, are you sure you just want to lose? You’re giving up a shot at two million!” Bridgette said.

“I know, I know. But with the way things are going, I’d rather get out now before things get worse.” DJ said.

“But we’ll miss you if you go!” Lindsay said.

“Sorry, it’s for the good of everyone.” DJ said.

“If you say so…” Bridgette sighed.

Confessional: Bridgette

“It sucks to see DJ like this. We’ve kept losing challenges all this time, and I feel like some outside force is the reason behind the “curse”.” Bridgette said.

Confessional: DJ & Heather

“With Team Victory only being three people, I-I'm having a hard team seeing how I could possibly win this thing. Plus, I have a bit of a cold. And let's face it. I've never had a killer instinct. And if I’m gone, Team Victory is dissolved, the losing curse is over and Bridgette and Lindsay now have a higher chance of winning on a bigger team.” DJ explained.

“DJ! Make an alliance with my team and we'll help yours win!” Heather said as she showed her head from the top hatch, making DJ scream.

“Whoa! W-What are you doing? Hey, it's a good thing I wasn't doing my business in here.” DJ said.

“I did have to wait a while for you to show up. FYI, Izzy likes to sing "Pop Goes the Weasel" when she... ugh.” Heather said.

Confessional: Izzy

“Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle, That's the way the money goes, Pop! Goes the weasel! Ahahaha!” Izzy laughed. The footage of what she was doing is unable to be shown.

Cut to first class where Sierra was watching the plane bounce on the water. “Why are we landing in the middle of the ocean? Oh, no we're not. Why are we landing in the middle of the-- oh, no we're not.” Sierra said.

“FYI, I get sick on log flume rides, so if you don't want me barfing, break!” Courtney said as Chris and Chef laughed in the co*ckpit.

“Attention all Total Drama passengers, in accordance with emergency landing procedures, you will now be shown the nearest exit.” Chris said from the PA as Chef pushed everyone but Heather out of a door and laughed. He saw Heather holding onto a cushion and then threw her out with it, causing her to bounce in the water as she screamed while he laughed.

“Ah! Help!” DJ said as he flailed in the water.

“DJ, catch!” Heather said as he threw him to cushion and he held it to stay afloat. “Care to join me in an alliance?” she asked.

“You're asking him that now?” Alejandro said.

“You're just jealous because you didn't think of it.” Heather replied.

“Actually, I'd've asked him before delivering the cushion. But you do what's right for you.” Alejandro said as Heather looked shocked.

Confessional: Heather

“Oh, he is good.” Heather swooned and then immediately realized what she said as the screen went to static. “I want the tape. Give me the tape! How do you open this thing?” she said as she tried to get the tape out.

“Hey there, you gowdy eingy shores. Ever been to sea?” Chris said as he came with a boat.

“What with the who now?” Cody asked.

“It must be Newfoundland! Chris is originally from Blow Me Down Highlands.” Sierra said.

“Aye. It's a funny homecoming for Buddy McLean. Canada's beautiful East Coast!” Chris said.

“Birthplace of Canada's beautiful-est host.” Sierra sucked up.

“Aw, thanks. It's just a hop and a skip that-a-way.” Chris said as he pointed far away. “First part of the challenge. Swim over to your team's boat and start paddling. To keep this interesting, Victory, since you're a team of three, your boat has been set up with an outboard motor.” Chris said.

“What? Come on!” DJ said.

“Well, we don’t have to use it.” Bridgette said.

“Okay, listen up, Amazons! If we swim in a V formation, like geese, we'll be faster!” Courtney said.

“Fine. Any objections?” Heather said.

“Courtney is bossing us around and you don't have one?” Gwen asked.

“Only to losing. Let's go, people.” Heather replied as she swam away.

Confessional: Gwen

“You know, Heather really shouldn't let her obvious crush on Alejandro get in the way of the game. Having a relationship with Duncan really screwed things up for me last season. Trent! I meant Trent. Just a slip of the tongue. Heh.” Gwen corrected as the screen went to static. “I want that tape back. Gimme the tape! How do you open this thing?” she said as she tried to get the tape out.

“I'll take the point!” Courtney said as they arrived at the boat

“Okay, let's not get too crazy here. I've got the point.” Heather said.

“Look, I'm a very experienced swimmer. I was a synchro captain. I coached minnows. I am a C.I.T.” Courtney replied.

“More like a B.I.T.C.-” Heather tried to say but was interrupted.

“Guys, let's get going.” Gwen said.

“DJ, are you alright?” Bridgette asked as she and Lindsay swam to DJ.

“I'm okay. I just have to float here long enough to lose and they come back and save me and I go home to mama.” DJ replied.

“Excellent work, my little porpoises. Here, allow me.” Alejandro said as everyone except Owen got on the boat. “Izzy, the fishing net, if you please.” he told Izzy as she gave him one which he threw, catching Owen.

“Oh-ho, you're quite the catch, Big O. Welcome to my cruise!” Izzy laughed as they pulled Owen on the ship with the net.

“What about Team Victory?” Owen asked.

“Patience, my friend. Patience.” Alejandro said.

“Someone get me back to shore, Hallelu-- hey!” DJ sang as a killer whale popped under them, carrying them on it’s back.

“A killer whale?! Ugh, here we go again.” Bridgette sighed.

“Please let us go Mr. Killer Whale! I don’t wanna be here!” DJ said.

“Maybe if we-” Lindsay said as she grabbed the cushion from DJ and stuffed it in the whale’s water hole.

“No! Whales breathe through that hole!” Bridgette said.

“Oh no! I'm sorry, whaley. I'm sorry.” Lindsay said as the whale threw them on to boat and breathed hard to blow out the cushion with water.

“Ugh…” DJ mumbled in the boat.

“Hi there, contestants. Ready to row, row, row your boats? The first two teams to get their dories to the shore will take part in the final challenge. Oh, and if you land some seafood along the way, you'll get a special reward. On your marks, get set… Now go!” Chris said as he honked a horn.

“See you on land!” Alejandro said as Tyler and Eva rowed their boat away.

“Makes sense that the two strongest members are rowing!” Tyler told Eva.

“More like the strongest and the weakest.” Eva replied.

Confessional: Tyler

“Oh come one, weakest!? I have wicked strong fingers! I’m an athlete! I’m definitely stronger than Noah and uh… I’m stronger than Noah!” Tyler said.

“Wait. Stop.” Heather said as Sierra and Cody stopped rowing.

“Why?” Courtney asked.

“He might be prepared to let opportunity pass, but I am not. DJ will be mine. Courtney, you're in charge!” Heather said as she jumped in the water and swam away.

“Ha! Always. All right, guys. I'm a very experienced rower. A three-time co*ck swing and a C.I.T., so–” Courtney said.

“Just go!” Gwen said as Sierra and Cody rowed.

“Ooh! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Up two and two! Faster!” Courtney bossed them with a megaphone.

Meanwhile, Izzy caught a lobster on the Team Chris boat. “Ho-ho. Hey, Snappy. Welcome to the Izzy Cruise! Tell your friends. Whoa. Hey, hey, hey, Snappy. Ha ha.” Izzy told the lobster she caught as it tried to attack her.

“Does anybody have any butter?” Owen asked as he got the lobster from Izzy.

“Do not even think about it, friend.” Alejandro said.

“Can I think about tartar sauce?” Owen said as Alejandro glared at him. He turned around and licked it anyway.

“Who's gonna make it to the rock and who's going to the chopping block? Find out after the break there, b'y.” Chris said as the screen faded to black.

Cut to Heather entering Team Victory’s boat and revving the motor. “Heather? What do you want?” DJ asked.

“Oh no! Are you sabotaging us?” Lindsay said.

“No you idiot! I am not letting you quit, DJ!” Heather said as she continued revving the motor.

“All I wanna do is just drift along peacefully and lose. I'm sick. I have a cough.” DJ said as he coughed.

“Come on, can’t you at least let him quit like he wants?” Bridgette said.

“You can thank me later.” Heather said as she continued revving the motor.

“So are you helping us or sabotaging us? I don’t get it.” Lindsay said.

“Look, I don’t wanna stay here anymore, okay? I just wanna go home to end the curse.” DJ said as the music icon popped up. “Nuh-uh. No way am I singing.” he said.

“You know you're out if you don't sing, right?” Chris replied as he came with a boat.

“Wait a minute, you're right. If I don't sing, I'm going home. Please start the song.” DJ said as the song began while the scene cut to Team Chris.


We're heading down to Newfoundland, that rocky Eastern shore!

[He sang as he played the accordion]


I'll have the shrimp, mussels, cod, and the lobster thermidor!

[He sang as he read a menu and then tap danced]

Cut to Team Amazon.


I can't get a thing to bite so we better get there first!

[She said as she tried to fish]


Row harder, faster, both of you, for the win, work up a thirst!

[She sang to Sierra and Cody with a megaphone]

“Stroke, stroke, stroke!” Courtney yelled as Cody and Sierra looked anxious.

Cut to Team Victory.

[Bridgette and Lindsay]

No luck finding fish, guess we’ll lose again!

[They sang as fished]


It's a sea shanty and it's darn catchy!

[She sang as she finished revving the motor]

“Yes! Go on, DJ, your turn!” Heather said as DJ shook his head.

Cut to Team Chris.


Izzy, you're a nut bar but you sure can catch a fish!

[He sang as he rowed]


Thanks there, b'y, you're right kind to my partner, he's Irish!

[She danced as she held a fish while Owen clapped]

“And if you want the next drill, he's all yours!” Izzy said.


Quit the banter and get back to work!

[She sang badly as she rowed]

Cut to Team Amazon.

[Cody and Sierra]

Trying our best Courtney, our arms are getting fried!

[They sang as they fished]


Courtney, do you see?

[She sang as she pointed at a pointed at a mountain in the sea with a Duncan shadow on top]


Could it be? Steer hard starboard side!

[She sang as they rowed toward it]

Cut to Team Victory.


It's a sea shanty and it's darn catchy!

[She sang as she danced]


No, you can't catch me with a sea shanty!

[He sang as Heather’s expression lit up with joy]

[Bridgette and Lindsay]

Too bad we can’t catch a sea shanty at this blue sea!

[They sang as they stopped fishing]

“Yes!” Heather cheered.

“What?! Oh no.” DJ said in shock as he realized what he did.

“Oops.” Lindsay said.

“You sang! You're still in the game, you're still in the game, ha!” Heather said.

“Yes. Yes, you are. But maybe not for long. You wouldn’t have been gone anyway, you only get out if I want. Also, might wanna take a wee gander over there, b'y.” Chris said as Team Victory’s boat sped toward an icicle. They screamed as they saw this and Heather pulled the switch to steer them away.

“That was close.” Bridgette said.

“It's about to get closer! Look out!” DJ said as they ping-ponged through multiple icicles and eventually crashed into the shore.

“We're alive. You saved us, Heather.” DJ said.

“Now will you guys be in an alliance with me?” Heather said.

“Uh, I still don’t trust you.” Lindsay said.

“Well played, ambitious one.” Alejandro said as Team Chris arrived.

“We beat you? Oh, we beat them!” Heather said.

“In an out-of-nowhere come-from-behind finish, Team Victory is first!” Chris said.

“The one time I want to lose, we end up winning!?” DJ said.

“Maybe we should try to win instead? We made it this far.” Bridgette said.

“Look, I’m telling you this is for the best! I’m bad news for the team, and you two have a better shot on Amazon and Chris!” DJ said.

Confessional: Bridgette

“Ugh, why does DJ have to be so selfless?” Bridgette complained.

“Heather, on the other hand, seems to be missing her whole team.” Chris said.

“What!? Where are they?!” Heather said.

“Maybe they had trouble catching fish?” Lindsay said.

Cut to Gwen and Courtney climbing the mountain. “Duncan?! Ha, I knew you couldn't stay away!” Courtney said as she climbed.

“Get down here, you jerk!” Gwen said as she climbed.

Meanwhile, Sierra and Cody were in the boat. “You smell like toothpaste.” Sierra told Cody.

“Does that smell manly?” Cody asked.

“I don’t know. But I do know that in season 2, Duncan-” Sierra said as the scene switched to Gwen and Courtney reaching the top to find Duncan.

“Duncan! What the hell are you doing here?” Courtney asked.

“Courtney!? I can ask the same to you!” Duncan replied.

“We’re in the middle of a challenge for the season.” Gwen said.

“Ugh, that show? You’re still competing in McLean’s dumb game?” Duncan said.

“Need I remind you it’s two million dollars!” Courtney replied.

“Guys, relax! So, what have you been up to Duncan?” Gwen asked.

“Ugh. Well, I was waiting for the crew to pick me up but then I decided to go my own way. I ran into a rock band named Der Schnitzel Kickers and became their newest member. We travelled around the world for a while, but we’re currently on break. I came here to get some peace, but it seems I won’t be able to.” Duncan angrily said.

“Do you have any idea how worried I was? Come on, we need to get back. And if you pull anything like that again, things won't end up pretty.” Courtney said as she climbed down.

“So… uh… good to have you back.” Gwen told Duncan.

“Same to you, Pasty.” Duncan said as he climbed down.

Confessional: Gwen

“Okay, I might be looking too deep into this, but Duncan just called me a nickname and didn’t call Courtney one. Is… he into me now? Ugh, stop it, he has a girlfriend!” Gwen said as she slapped herself.

Cut to the shore. “Okay, everybody, it's time for the next leg. Since Team Amazon were the big losers, they're out. They'll have to clean the fish and the lobsters the other teams brought in. And... shuck all these giant clams!” Chris explained as he showed a table with clams.

“When the whole team gets here, you mean, right?” Heather said.

“Yeah, but you're here.” Chris said.

“Not as a team. I'm just here as me.” Heather said.

“And I'm here as a guy who's hosting a swanky beach shindig in a couple of hours. Which he needs some clean and beautiful Atlantic clams for. Shuck 'em up, sister.” Chris said as he threw a clam at Heather’s face, causing grease to get on it.

“Ugh! My team is going to pay!” Heather angrily said.

“I thought the team who brings in seafood gets a special reward.” Alejandro said.

“You do. You get to watch Heather shuck clams. How's that for a special reward, huh?” Chris replied.

“Fair enough.” Alejandro replied.

“Grr…” Heather angrily growled.

Confessional: Heather

“If Chris wants to have a dumb party, he should just hire a caterer. Because I am not it. Perhaps I'll just have to add a few surprises to his clams…” Heather thought.

Cut to Gwen, Duncan and Courtney getting back on the Amazon boat. “It's about time you guys got back. Ugh… hey Duncan.” Cody gulped.

“Hey to you too, dork.” Duncan said as he ruffled Cody’s hair.

“OMG, Duncan’s back!? The fans will go crazy when they see this!” Sierra said.

“How did you even see me all the way up there?” Duncan asked.

“That happens to people whenever they wanna see someone they really like. This one time, I saw Cody riding a white horse outside my bedroom window. And this was before I even knew him.” Sierra said.

“Please, can we stop this story now?” Cody said.

“I ended up picking thorns out of my tushie for like, a week. Because I jumped out the window. To get on the horse. And I landed on a rose bush. Ooh, I have a scar if you wanna–” Sierra said.

“You were dreaming. We weren't. To say that we saw Duncan just because we want to is crazy talk! And Gwen saw him, not me.” Courtney said.

“Uh, yeah. That doesn’t make any sense at all.” Gwen gave a nervous chuckle.

Cut to Team Chris and Team Victory. “Welcome to my traditional Newfoundland kitchen party. In this part of the competition, it's Team Chris is Really, Really, Really Hot versus Team Victory in a screeching-in relay. Screeching in is a ceremony performed by the locals to welcome the newcomers. First, you have to swig a whole lot of apple cider.” Chris explained.

“Doesn't sound so bad.” Owen said.

“Correction. That was supposed to be apple cider vinegar. It'll put hair on your chest. Owen, Izzy, Eva and DJ each must finish a whole bottle. As soon as you do, you can tag Alejandro, Noah, Bridgette and Lindsay who will then have to decipher a local Newfoundland saying spoken by my cousin, Jerd McLean!” Chris said as a short man who looked like Chris with a ginger beard, a yellow coat and hat came.

“How's the cotton there, b'y?” Jerd asked.

“Then, Alejandro and Noah tag Tyler, who will have to kiss a cod. Like he means it. So will DJ. DJ? Hey, where is DJ?” Chris asked when he noticed DJ was not there.

“He doesn’t wanna do it. He’s outside.” Bridgette said.

Cut to DJ sitting outside when Heather approached him. “Oh hey, DJ. Hey, listen. I've been looking for you.”

“I told you, I'm not joining any alliance.” DJ coughed.

“That is not what this is about, I swear. I just wanted to give you this herbal drink for that horrible cough of yours?” Heather said as she gave him a jar.

“Why do you care so much anyway?” DJ said.

“Hey, I saved us from the iceberg, didn't I? I care. Now, you have to chug the whole thing.” Heather replied.

“Man, this cough is getting really annoying. A'ight, here goes nothing.” DJ said as he drank the liquid in the bottle.

Cut back to the shack. “Well, with DJ missing in action, it looks like Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot will get a head start. Let the screeching in begin!” Chris said as Izzy, Owen and Eva drank the vinegar.

“Weak.” Eva said as Izzy wheezed.

“Not bad. Not bad at all. You got anything back there in a balsamic? Maybe a few chips on the side?” Owen asked as DJ came in while choking and coughing.

“He did it! DJ drank a jug of vinegar!” Heather said.

“What!? I thought he wanted to lose!” Bridgette said.

“I do! She tricked me!” DJ said.

“I mean… it’s Heather, what did you expect?” Lindsay said.

“Wow, didn't see that coming. Both teams move on to the interpretation part of the challenge. Ready? Take it away, Jerd.” Chris said.

“Ring them in at the pumphouse.” Jerd said.

“Uh, are those even words?” Noah said.

Alejandro: Are you serious?

“Uh, I have to use the bathroom. I think I had too many snacks on the plane.” Lindsay said.

“Correctamundo.” Chris said.

“What?!” DJ and Bridgette said in shock.

“Jerd asked to use the washroom like a true maritimer. Way to go, Lindsay.” Chris said.

“We just can't lose!” DJ sighed as Lindsay left.

“Looks like you're back in the game. In fact, you're leading. You can now move on to the third and final part. Yo, Chef!” Chris said.

“Gimme that bucket!” Chef said as he came and got a bucket of fish from Alejandro.

“Whoa! I guess it's too hard to say thanks.” Alejandro said.

“All you gotta do is smooch the cod for the win. And remember DJ, like you mean it.” Chef said as he gave DJ a cod while DJ and Bridgette shuddered as Lindsay returned.

“Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot, you better get a move on. Jerd? Another saying, if you would, please.” Chris said.

“The worst thing you can have in your head is a nartoot.” Jerd said.

“Okay, I think he said something about Owen's butt.” Noah said.

“The kid's as smart as a bag of rocks, b'y.” Jerd told Chris.

“Oh. I know. Alejandro? Any guesses?” Chris asked.

“The worst thing you can have in your head is... no teeth?” Alejandro guessed.

“Bingo! And how true.” Chris said.

“Tyler, time to pucker up.” Chef said as he tossed Tyler a cod.

“I don't think I can do this. It's a fish.” Tyler said.

“I can't either. I just wanna lose so I can go home already!” DJ said.

“Ugh, this is getting old.” Bridgette said.

“DJ, oh my gosh, look. It's an Egyptian symbol! It could be some kind of sign. If you kiss this fish, it might break your curse, and you can stay in the game.” Heather said as he pointed at a logo drawn on the fish.

“And why should he trust you after you tricked him into drinking that vinegar?” Bridgette said.

“DJ, my friend, I can stay silent no longer. I'm afraid Heather might be right.” Alejandro said.

“Really?” DJ said.

Alejandro: I'm impartial here. I would like Tyler to kiss the cod so we don't lose, but I’m also concerned for your well being. You must end this.” Alejandro said.

“Well, I guess I... maybe. Aw, never mind that you're just the cutest thing in the world, aren't you?” DJ said as he looked at the fish.

Confessional: Noah

“No wonder my little cousins aren't allowed to watch this show.” Noah said.

“Close your eyes. Look at Lindsay.” Alejandro told Tyler.

“Oh. She’s so pretty.” Tyler said as he looked at Lindsay who was waving at him.

“I know. Close your eyes and act like you’re kissing with the one you love.” Alejandro replied.

“Oh, Lindsay.” Tyler said as he kissed the fish.

“Mm. Oh, fishy.” DJ said as he kissed the fish.

“Is Tyler cheating on me with that fish!?” Lindsay said in shock.

Confessional: Bridgette

“That’s probably one of the creepiest things I ever saw in my life.” Bridgette said.

Confessional: Owen

“I think Noah's auntie is right to block this show. It's way out of control.” Owen said.

“Okay, we've seen enough! It's a tie! A draw!” Chris said as the fish slapped Tyler while Team Amazon cave. “Hey, right on time. Team Amazon, you are today's full-on, big-time, can't get any bigger losers!” he said.

“Courtney, where were you?” Heather asked.

Confessional: Courtney

“Okay, fine. So I did let a guy get in the way of how I played the game. I really can't stop thinking about how Duncan could just abandon me like this and I... I messed up. Did I just say that on air?” Courtney said as the screen went to static. “I want that tape back! Gimme the tape! Oh! How do you open this thing?” she said as she tried getting the tape.

“Well, Chris wanted a fish, so... okay, we didn't catch one, but…” Gwen said as Duncan entered.

“Duncan?” Everyone said in shock.

“You brought me back here? Ugh, where's the stupid exit again?” Duncan said.

“Not so fast, quitter. Thought you could skip out on the game, eh? Thought I wouldn't find you, hm?” Chris stopped him.

“Um, you didn't. We did. Sorry.” Gwen said.

“I guess you did, so as a prize, he’s on your team now!” Chris said.

“And what if I quit again?” Duncan said.

“You can’t, he’ll fine you for a million bucks.” Bridgette said.

“What!? That didn’t happen before!” Duncan said.

“I only do it when I want it. And in celebration of my home and native land, this is a reward challenge only. No elimination. Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot and Victory are tied for a reward. A delicious clam and fish chowder supper.” Chris said as Team Victory and Chris cheered.

Cut to Team Chris and Victory eating in the shack. “Thanks again, Alejandro. It's been two hours and I haven't had a bad interaction with one animal. I'm back in the game.” DJ told Alejandro.

“It was a pleasure.” Alejandro replied.

“Oh, just eat your chowder.” Heather said as she walked by and left the shack.

“Wait... is that…” Alejandro said as he pulled a sock out of hs bowl

“My socks! That's where those went!” Owen said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Malvada Bruja, Malditos incompetentes!” Alejandro said as he furiously brushed his teeth.

Confessional: Duncan

“Ugh, guess I’m stuck with this show again. Well, on the positive side, I did miss Gw-I mean Courtney.” Duncan corrected as the screen went to static. “Okay now to…. pfft… someone needs to teach these chicks how to be a criminal! Someone who’s not me.” he said as he held a tape and saw something funny on it.

Cut to Alejandro outside. “Heather thinks she's clever. But you see, it's all a matter of waiting for your opportunity. Ah, the magic fish. It took me a couple tries. Fish are not the easiest medium for making art.” Alejandro said as he released some fish from a bucket into the ocean. They had marks on them that washed away when they entered the water.

“Wow. This guy is a reality producers dream, and everybody else's nightmare. What will he think of next? Find out here on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris said as he came while the episode ended.


Owen and the Barrel

“Mm, chewy. Uh-huh. Oh, I haven't seen one of those in quite a while. Traditional sea shanties? Oh, I'm gonna have to save that one for later. Ha ha! A chicken hat? Sweet!” Owen said as he pulled out multiple things from a pot. At last, he pulled out a shadowy figure, screamed, and closed the pot with it still in.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ, Lindsay
Eliminated Contestants:
16. Justin
17. Leshawna
18. Harold
19. Ezekiel
x. Duncan
Duncan's back :O Him returning was probably expected but I'm guessing you all expected it to still be EP 13. But no, he's here earlier. You'll see why later. Aside from that, still a non-elim, this was a pretty good episode anyway.

Chapter 11: Jamaica Me Sweat


The campers look for golden necklaces and go bobsledding (Jamaica)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Previously on Total Drama…” Chris began the recap. “Newfoundland showed us a whale of a time. Literally. FYI, we did not set this up in advance. Man's got a gift. For being hindered by animals. Anywho, DJ was bummed about his “curse” and wanted to lose, but this time around, he just couldn't lose because Alejandro and Heather were messing with him every step of the way. 'Kay, that's twisted. In the end, Team Victory and Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot tied for first and the Amazons, with newcomer Duncan, were spared because it was a reward challenge of the lobster kind. Hm-hm. Fiber. Fifteen players are still fighting for a million clams. Who's gonna leaver the fold? And who's reggae gold? Find out now on Total. Drama. World Tour!” he ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to Team Chris and Victory getting facials in first class. “Winning really is everything! Especially now that Lindsay’s here too!” Tyler said.

“Aw, you’re sweet!” Lindsay said next to him as they kissed badly since they couldn’t see.

“Says the guy who frenched a cod.” Eva said.

“And PS, it was a tie.” Bridgette said.

“Eh, who cares? Winning is winning!” DJ said as he held a bowl with the lucky fish in it.

“I thought you wanted to lose?” Bridgette said.

“I did, but after yesterday, I’m a new man! I’m ready to win this whole thing!” DJ said.

“Really? Wow, that’s awesome!” Bridgette said.

Confessional: DJ

“Ever since we won in Newfoundland, I've started to feel like I could win this whole thing thanks to my lucky charm, Irene. Can you believe she lifted my curse? I know, it's amazing. As long as she's okay, I'm golden.” DJ said as he hugged the fish bowl.

Confessional: Bridgette

“DJ’s happier now, which is great! But still, I just feel that something’s off about this whole thing. I just don’t think fish are the cure for losing streak curses.” Bridgette said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Irene. I didn't expect DJ to bond with my handiwork, but the symbol I painted on her is holding up well. And his confidence is blooming, which is tragic and delicious.” Alejandro said.

Owen ate the cucumbers on his face. “Ugh, it's a facial, not a fruit plate.” Noah said in disgust.

“Noah, don't you see? It's both.” Owen chuckled.

“Owen! These chairs are spring loaded! Watch this! Whoo!” Izzy said as she bounced off her chair, accidentally kicking Owen in the kiwis.

“Oh! Why is it always the kiwis?!” Owen mumbled.

“Whoops, sorry Big-O!” Izzy chuckled.

Cut to economy. “Economy can kiss my aching butt. Ugh. I bet Alejandro's in there right now making Team Victory feel welcome. That jerk.” Heather said.

“By the time we win our way back into first, the whole place is going to smell like dude and crazy.” Courtney said.

“I'll take dude over leaks any day.” Gwen said.

“Eh, this place is pretty chill compared to juvie.” Duncan said as he laid down.

“Really? Just how bad is that place?” Gwen asked.

“You get used to it after a while, at first it’s kind of annoying at limiting, but I met some of my best buds there. Hey, maybe we should commit arson or something together Pasty so I can introduce you.” Duncan said.

“Hah, I might think about it.” Gwen replied.

“Stop with the criminal stories! You’re my boyfriend, so you should stop being such a nuisance to society! I’m not gonna date a criminal.” Courtney told Duncan.

“Ugh…” Duncan rolled his eyes.

Confessional: Duncan

“I didn’t wanna be here, but now that I am, I plan to win. And I won’t let Courtney or anyone else stand in my way. Last time, I lost because I was too focused on her crazy ass. Last time I make that mistake. The more time passes, the less interested I become in our relationship.” Duncan said.

Cut to first class. “I've made up my mind. I'm gonna break up with Izzy once and for all.” Owen told Noah and Eva.

“Honestly, I thought you’d do it earlier.” Eva said.

“Finally.” Noah said.

“I still like her, but she's so–” Owen tried to say but was interrupted.

“Completely crazy?” Eva said.

“Nutty? As a ten ton bag of pecans smothered in peanut butter encased in a cashew the size of China?” Noah said.

“Tastes like shoe polish. Ha ha ha.” Izzy said as she ate an airbag upside down.

“Aw, she's happy.” Owen said.

Confessional: Eva & Noah

“Those two have the weirdest relationship I’ve ever seen.” Eva said.

“You’re telling me.” Noah replied.

“Uh, Team Victory has three members left. I know they won’t dissolve until two are left., but we're prepared to welcome them as full-time members of our team if you allow it.” Alejandro said as Chris walked by.

“Looking for a numbers advantage again over Team Amazon after Duncan’s return, eh? No dice.” Chris replied.

“What if they choose to swap teams? Like Sierra and Izzy did in Egypt?” Alejandro said.

“No more swaps and that's final.” Chris replied.

“It's okay. The teams are probably gonna merge soon anyway.” DJ said as he came.

“Wrong. Convo over. Chris out.” Chris said as he left.

“It's okay. We'll survive. My curse is gone thanks to Irene. I even won the last challenge.” DJ told Alejandro.

“Uh, tied.” Tyler said from a chair.

“Exactly! If we keep it up, we might make it all the way to the finale together.” DJ said.

“I would love to see that!” Alejandro said.

Confessional: DJ

“This is the happiest I’ve ever been! I’m on a team with two of my closest friends, and with Alejandro, I've got an ally who's reliable, dependable, and totally trustworthy.” DJ said.

Cut to Chris and Chef in the co*ckpit as the plane started shaking. “Um, are we out of gas?” Chris asked.

“Yeah. 'Cause you spent all our gas money.” Chef replied.

“Ahem. Attention, passengers…” Chris said and then screamed into the PA as the contestants screamed as well while the plane fell.

“We're all gonna die!” Owen yelled in first class.

“Tell mama I love her!” DJ yelled.

Izzy was in front of a door. “Izzy, we need to talk.” Owen told Izzy as he approached her.

“Ooh. You'll have to catch me first! Last one out's a rotten egg! Ha ha ha.” Izzy said as she jumped out the door while Owen was sucked out and crashed into the ground.

“Oh, wha? I'm okay? I'm okay-- oh my spine! Great dobs of Chutney, that smarts.” Owen said as he rubbed his spine while Izzy landed next to him.

“Perfect landing. Not even a scratch. Ah!” Izzy said the plane crashed on top of them.

Cut to everyone in front of the crashed plane. “Two airports on an island the size of a Post-It stamp and he misses both. But somehow, it's my fault.” Chris angrily told Chef.

“You blew our money for the season on Chris World.” Chef replied.

“Chris, Owen and Izzy need help!” Eva said as she and Courtney tried pulling them out from under the plane.

Confessional: Owen

“Ah, no biggie. Just a concussion. Can you parents my phone and worry them not to tell Santa?” Owen chuckled.

Cut to Owen and Izzy being taken away by an ambulance. “Izzy and Owen are gonna be fine. Thanks to travel insurance, help is on the way in six to thirty-eight hours.” Chris said.

“What about the rest of us?” Bridgette asked.

“Well, we're out of gas, plane's busted, and we're broke. But the show must go on. We can't waste any of this footage! Think of the hits we'll get on YouTube!” Chris replied.

“Where are we?” Tyler asked.

“Oh, I know! The beach!” Lindsay said.

“Jamaica, mon. We were supposed to land in Ochos Rios, but since somebody forgot how to glide, we'll have to do the challenges here instead. And fast. Before whoever owns this dump shows up and asks for a location fee.” Chris said.

“Didn't you guys budget for the whole season?” Noah asked.

“Some things cost more than expected. Airplane-ready hot tubs don't grow on trees, you know.” Chris replied.

“You must have an emergency fund!” Heather said.

“Spent it on our last fuel-up.” Chris replied.

“Which went so well.” Noah rolled his eyes.

“Grab your board shorts and meet me at the waterfall.” Chris said.

Confessional: DJ

“Jamaica? Man this place brings back memories. Momma and I used to live here before we moved to Canada. I was hoping to come back someday.” DJ explained.

Cut to Owen and Izzy in the hospital when Owen woke up. “Oh, Izzy! No! It's all my fault! I wanted to break up with her and the plane broke her up! It's like I made it happen with my mind!” Owen said as he saw Izzy unconscious when she suddenly woke up..

“Owen, I've devised a mathematical formula for infinite time travel.” Izzy replied.

“Oh, this is so worse than I thought!” Owen said.

Cut to everyone in their suits on top of a cliff when Chris came in a Jamaican outfit. “Pretty blouse.” Noah laughed.

“It's a dashiki, mon.” Chris replied.

“Yeah, a woman's dashiki.” DJ chuckled.

“What?” Chris said in shock.

“Can we get to the challenge please?” Duncan said.

“I like to call our first challenge "The Treasure Hunt of Death". We were supposed to do this at Dunn's River Falls, but this far more dangerous waterfall will have to do.” Chris explained.

“So, it's another water challenge?” Bridgette asked.

“'Fraid so. Wanna say a few prayers DJ?” Chris asked.

“No need. I came prepared.” DJ said as he took off his shirt and inflated a life jacket under it.

Confessional: DJ

“After nearly drowning in Newfoundland, wearing a life jacket full time just makes sense. Right, teammate?” DJ said as he held Irene’s bowl.

“Your challenge begins with a dive off beautiful Wherever We Are Falls into the lagoon down below.” Chris explained.

“Which is full of what, sharks?” Noah asked.

“Nope. Electric eels and sharks. Players must tag team dive into infested waters for as long as you can hold your breath to search the lagoon floor for pirate treasure. AKA, the gold chain Chef always wears on karaoke night. First team to bring me Chef's treasure wins a major advantage in the next challenge. So, good luck. Especially to Team I Am Super Duper Mega Whopper Hot. With Izzy and Owen out of commish, you'll have to work extra hard to make up for their absence.” Chris explained.

“No problem. Tyler, it's your lucky day. You get to do all the dives.” Noah told Tyler.

“Yeah! Wait…” Tyler replied.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Luckily, I don't need Tyler for his brains. I'm still not exactly sure what I need him for, but it's definitely not brains.” Alejandro explained.

“Whoo! Let's do this!” Tyler cheered.

“I've got it in the bag!” Cody cheered.

“Wish me luck.” Bridgette said.

“Ready, steady, Freddy, go!” Chris said as they jumped in the water.

“Woohoo, uh, oh no!” Tyler said as he fell in.

“Ah crap!” Bridgette said as she fell in while Cody gasped as he fell.

“Go, Cody! You show that shark who's boss!” Sierra said as Cody was beaten by a shark and Bridgette got zapped by eels as Tyler searched around.

Confessional: Tyler

“I don't see well underwater. I guess it's a trade-off for my super strong fingers. This one can bench press eighty pounds!” Tyler said as he flexed a finger.

Cody and Bridgette got out of the water while Tyler emerged from under it. “Whoo! I got the chains! Oh no.” Tyler said as he held an eel which zapped him.

Bridgette tagged Lindsay who jumped as Cody tagged Heather. “You have beautiful form.” Alejandro told Heather.

“What?” Heather said in shock and screamed as she fell and belly flopped.

“Nothing personal!” Alejandro said.

“Grr…” Heather growled as she sang.

“Tag me, come on!” Eva said as Tyler came to the top.

“Best two out of three! Woohoo, yeah! Oh man!” Tyler said as he ignored her and jumped again to find a tire while Heather came and tagged Sierra.

“Yah!” Sierra said and jumped in, causing a giant splash that got Heather, Courtney and Gwen wet and made an electric eel land on Courtney.

“Watch it, fanzilla!” Heather angrily said.

“Ahh!” Courtney grunted as she got zapped by the eel.

“Got it!” Gwen said as she grabbed the eel but got zapped alongside Courtney.

“Ow.” Gwen and Courtney grunted in pain as Lindsay came and tagged DJ.

“Al- Ah!” DJ said as he accidentally knocked off Irene’s bowl and caught it as he jumped in. “Whoo! That was too close! Good thing I'm not cursed anymore! Just gotta… Okay, slip off the jacket. You can do this, DJ. I can't! Okay, there's gotta be a way! I need more weight!” DJ said as he tried to sink in with the life jacket but failed.

“Whoo! I got i-- aw, come on!” Tyler said as he emerged with a grandfather clock.

“You idiot! Try to find the chains!” Eva yelled.

“I think I'm getting burnt. Ow!” Gwen said as Heather came and slapped her, making her jump in. She hid behind a rock to hide from a shark and found the chains. “I got the gold!” she said as she held the coins while she emerged as Team Amazon cheered. Suddenly, she got surrounded by eels and was zapped as Tyler came on top of the cliff with a couch.

“Tag, I'm it!” Alejandro said as he tagged Tyler before he dived and jumped in, coming out while holding Gwen who was being zapped with the gold chains on his neck.

“He's got the chains!” Noah said as Heather ran down.

“Thanks for the delivery!” Heather said as she took the chains from him and ran back.

“Hey!” Alejandro said.

“Nothing personal!” Heather replied.

“I suppose I earned that.” Alejandro replied.

“We didn't!” Noah angrily said as Eva and Tyler nodded.

“Pirate booty, check.” Heather panted as she reached the top with the chains.

“Team Amazon wins round one!” Chris said.

“Woo-hoo, all right!” Duncan cheered.

“Yes!” Courtney cheered.

“Will Owen, Izzy, and Gwen recover? Will Chef fix the plane so we can leave while I'm still young?” Chris said.

“I don't know, did we land in the seventies?” Noah told Eva and Tyler before Chris pushed him off the cliff as he screamed like a girl.

“Find out after the break right here on Total. Drama. World Tour.” Chris said without musical accompaniment this time. “Hey, where's my musical accompaniment?” he asked as Chef threw a boombox playing it at him, knocking him off the cliff as he smirked.

Cut to Gwen being rolled into the hospital with a hospital while being zapped. “Hey.” Gwen said as she saw Owen and Izzy.

“Gwen, are you okay?” Owen asked.

“Nothing a little coma won't fix. Well, at least I'm out of the sun. What about you?” Gwen asked as she got zapped.

“Oh, I'm gonna be fine.The sand broke my fall. And I broke the plane's fall. And when the plane hit Izzy's head, doc says it fixed a blockage in her brain. She's so smart now, it's spooky.” Owen explained.

“Synthesis equals teleportation. Of course. This'll render aeronautics obsolete.” Izzy wrote on the wall.

“Um, was that English?” Duncan said as he entered the tent.

“I have no idea!” Wait, Duncan?” Owen said in shock.

“What are you doing here?” Gwen asked.

“Chris wanted one of us to see if you guys were alright, and I volunteered.” Duncan explained.

“Wow, that’s nice, Duncan!” Owen said.

“I mostly just wanted to get away from Courtney. She’s on about the list thing again.” Duncan said.

“Well, if you don’t like being with her, I think you two should break up. I know from first-hand experience that sometimes it’s better to end things before it gets worse.” Gwen said.

“Hm, I’ll think about it. Thanks Pasty.” Duncan said as Gwen blushed and got zapped.

“Aw, you two would make a c-” Owen tried to say when suddenly an army man came with a rope. “f*ck! It’s the Army!” he said as he hid.

“Say goodbye, Izzy. We're air lifting you home for special treatment.” The army man said.

“Izzy's leaving the competition? For good? Oh, Izzy! Why did I ever wanna break up with you?” Owen said.

“I don’t know, why did you? Adieu, hopefully we can meet again Big-O!” Izzy said as she was lifted by the rope.

“What? Wait! Izzy!” Owen sighed.

Cut to everyone else. “Team Amazon, as winners of the first challenge, you've also won this advantage for challenge number two.” Chris explained as he pointed at Chef who was wearing a helmet.

“Helmets? Great, now what?” Heather asked.

“Oh, just a little something I like to call... The Bobsled of Death! Ta-da!” Chris said and pointed at a giant course and dangerous looking course as Courtney and Cody gasped.

“Whoa! No way!” Tyler said in shock.

“Ah. This one's gonna hurt.” DJ said.

“Uh, is there a risk of breaking anything?” Lindsay asked.

“Yeah. The intern who tested it will be out of commish for... ten months, was it? We can't afford bobsleds, so you're gonna ride longboards in teams of two for Team Amazon and Chris and teams of one for Team Victory, bobsled style, down Chef's track and into the pool. Each team gets three runs. Fastest total time wins. Ready?” Chris asked.

“Ladies first.” Heather told Cody.

“What?” Cody said in shock.

Cut to the infirmary. “Are you okay, Owen?” Gwen asked.

“Yeah, I just miss Izzy.” Owen replied.

“Not like you won’t see her again. Besides, thanks to her, you got sucked out of a plane and nearly died. And that was just today.” Duncan replied.

“I know. You never know what to expect.” Owen smiled as the music icon popped up.

“Oh no.” Gwen said.

“Oh yes! This emotionally demented moment sounds like a song.” Chris said as he came.

“We're in the infirmary, come on!” Duncan said.

“Or don't do a song and take the chopper home with Izzy.” Chris replied as the song began while the artstyle switched.


I miss the way Izzy said hello, by hoofing me in the kiwis…

[He sang as he and Izzy ran toward each other when Izzy launched him by kicking him in his kiwis]


I miss the daytime when Izzy moved so slow…

[He sang as he was flung into the air]

[Gwen and Duncan]

Oh, oh!

[They sang backup]


'Cause other times, she'd get freaky!

[He said as he hit the sun, turning it into Izzy’s head which ate him]


Oh, Izzy! Oh, Izzy! I, I miss you so! Oh, my Izzy! My little Izzy, why'd I ever let you go?

[He sang as he fell while he hallucinated about Izzy and hugged the real one when he saw her]

“Actually, she just got crushed by a plane.” Duncan said as Izzy jumped out of Owen’s arms.


I miss her smile, and the way she liked to bite, on my arm when there was trouble!

[He sang as Izzy ate him when he fell on a plate]

“Which was all the time.” Owen chuckled as Izzy spat him out.


Oh, I miss the way she'd always say goodnight!

[He sang while falling sideways in a garden of Izzys]

[Gwen and Duncan]

Oh, oh!

[They sang as Owen stopped and was approached by two Izzys]


And boot me in the kiwis, double.

[He said as they kicked him in the kiwis]

“Ouch.” Owen said as he fell in a boat from the water.


Oh, Izzy! Oh, Izzy! I, I miss you so! Oh, my Izzy, my little Izzy, why'd I ever let you go? Why'd I ever let you go?

[Owen sang as he fished out mermaid Izzy and then let her back in the water as he sighed while the artstyle switched back as Duncan patted him on the back]

Cut to Alejandro, Eva, DJ, Cody and Sierra at the start of the course. “Ah, DJ. If only we were teammates. With Irene by your side, you'll be impossible to beat!” Alejandro told DJ.

“That's the plan.” DJ replied.

“Why are you being so nice to him? He’s the enemy!” Eva angrily said.

“He's all alone. I feel a certain kinship. I hated to see him suffer. But you've seen how happy he is now. That's because I painted that symbol on Irene. To fool him into thinking his curse was over.” Alejandro whispered.

“Wait. So you mean... he’s still cursed?” Eva whispered back but was heard by DJ.

“What!? No!” DJ said in shock.

“DJ, you weren't supposed to hear that. Sorry, my friend. I was only trying to help.” Alejandro sighed as DJ looked upset.

“Isn't this better than being mad? So we have to wait for a cash influx before we can jet. Great. Make the interns fill the pool and it's a paid vacation, bro.” Chris told Chef as they sat on chairs.

“Eh, it’s not horrible, I’ll say that much.” Chef replied as Owen came running.

“Hey, wait up! Doc says I'm okay to compete!” Owen said as tripped, knocking over Heather, Courtney, Noah, Tyler, Bridgette and Lindsay.

“Owen's back!” Chris said with a megaphone.

“Vacation's over.” Alejandro sighed.

“Round one, Team Victory?” Chris asked.

“DJ, if you are reluctant, maybe you should give up?” Alejandro said.

“Thanks Alejandro but… no. I’ve realized that I let this “curse” nonsense hold me back for too long! I’m doing this no matter what!” DJ said.

“Wait, what!?” Alejandro said in shock.

“Team Victory ready!” DJ said as he slid down the course with Irene, perfectly navigating and landing on his two feet at the end. “Yeah, all right! Oh! Whoo! Woohoo!” he cheered.

“44.37 seconds! That’s gonna be hard to beat!” Chris said with a megaphone.

“Yes!” DJ cheered.

“DJ, that was awesome!” Bridgette said.

“I can’t believe you didn’t crash!” Lindsay said.

“Heh, I guess I got too excited.” DJ replied.

Confessional: DJ

“Did you see that!? Yeah, my confidence is fully back. This curse stuff was all just in my head.” DJ said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“(censor beep), that was not the plan! Whatever, I can still think of something…” Alejandro growled.

“Team Amazon! Ready?” Chris asked.

“I’ve always wanted to go bobsledding!” Sierra said.

“I haven’t!” Cody screamed as they slid down.

“So a military guy took Izzy away?” Noah asked Owen.

“Yeah. Maybe it's 'cause she's so smart now. She said she figured out time travel.” Owen replied.

Confessional: Noah

“I think my brain has malfunctioned.” Noah said.

Cody and Sierra crashed as they reached the end. “47.36 seconds, still behind Victory. Team I Am So Hunky-Dory Dreamy Hot…” Chris said.

“You ready for this?” Eva asked Alejandro.

“Trust your instincts. Ready!” Alejandro said as they slid down and reached the end.

“58.49! Team Victory still leads by a healthy margin! They take this round!” Chris said with a megaphone.

“Uh, we're all here now, you don't need to keep using that.” Courtney said.

“Maybe I just like it! Round two!” Chris said with a megaphone.

Cut to Heather, Courtney, Bridgette, Owen and Noah at the start of the course. “Your lawyers know the show's contracts inside and out. Chris can't really kill us, right?” Heather told Courtney

“Not in my contract. But, who knows what they put in yours.” Courtney replied as Heather gulped. They slid down and crashed hard at the end.

“Ooh!” Alejandro, Sierra, Cody and Eva winced in pain as Heather and Courtney wandered around dazed.

“Let's hear it for the helmets, people! The girls come in at 56.28! Better than the boys' first run! But not by much. Team I Am So Wicked, Wicked Hot!” Chris said as Owen and Noah slid down.

“Woohoo! A-ha-ha! Oh, ouchie!” Owen said as he got stuck in a tube, stopping them.

“Come on, suck it in!” Noah said.

“Okay! Woohoo! A-ha-ha!” Owen said as he did it, freeing them as they crashed to the end.

“55.16 for the men. It'll take a miracle to get out of last place now. Team Victory, ready?” Chris asked.

“Ready!” Bridgette said as she slid down.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I’ve actually gone bobsledding before. Sure, I’ve broken a few bones due to it, but hey, this challenge is gonna be easy due to that experience!” Bridgette said.

“Toast yet again. How's it feel?” Heather asked Alejandro.

“I have no idea. I haven't been toasted yet.” Alejandro replied as Bridgette crashed in the end.

“45.01! Just barely below DJ’s score, Bridgette widens Victory’s advantage even more! Round three!” Chris said.

Cut to Cody, Sierra, Lindsay, Alejandro and Tyler at the start of the course. “Wow, Tyler, can you believe it? Our team will win again! We’re gonna get a winning streak instead of a losing one for once!” Lindsay told Tyler.

“That’s awesome Lindsay! I hope we both make it to the merge!” Tyler replied as Alejandro looked upset.

“Team Amazon, ready?” Chris asked.

“We're our only hope. You and me. It's destiny! Ready!” Sierra told Cody.

“Here we go again!” Cody said as they slid down, crashing in the end.

“53.41 seconds for a three-run combined total of... two minutes and thirty-seven seconds. Good, but will it be good enough?” Chris said.

“Should I trust my instincts like you told Eva?” Tyler asked.

“No! Pull your headband down and trust mine instead.” Alejandro replied.

“Whatever you say, Alejandro.” Tyler said as he pulled down his headband on his eyes as they slid down. Alejandro broke a piece of wood on the way and slid.

“The men are in first place with a total of two minutes, thirty-five seconds. Team Victory?” Chris asked.

“First place here we come!” Lindsay said as she slid down. She was doing alright until she saw the crack Alejandro made as it was heightened by a shadowy figure and screamed as she was launched out of course by it.

“Oh no! Lindsay!” Tyler said.

“What!? We were doing so good!” Bridgette said.

“Incomplete. The men win and Team Endless Non-Victory goes to the elimination room one last time. You know, if one of their members ever makes it back.” Chris said as Owen, Noah and Eva cheered as Alejandro smirked.

“Grr…” Heather growled as Cody sighed.

“Well, I guess this is it for the team.” Bridgette sighed.

“Hey, no matter what happened, I can still say I enjoyed working with you. Thanks for supporting me through all this.” DJ replied.

“Thank you too DJ, you’re the nicest person here.” Bridgette said as they hugged.

Confessional: Heather

“Well, I’m pretty sure Alejerkdro was behind what happened to Lindsiot. Whatever, this just means we get an extra member. I’ll have DJ or Bridgette under my control in no time.” Heather said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Lindsay has Chris to thank for her departure. Not allowed on my team until only 2 left? And no merge on the horizon? Bye-bye. Nothing personal.” Alejandro laughed.

Cut to the elimination ceremony. “Uh, since Izzy's gone, we don't need another elimination tonight, right?” Lindsay, who was now bandaged, asked.

“Wrong. You’re too hurt to continue. Drop of Shame's that-a-way. You can let yourself out.” Chris said as he gave her a parachute.

“Sorry you have to go Linds. I hoped that all three of us could make it to merge, but…” DJ said.

“Don’t worry DJ! You two just kick butt on the other teams, okay?” Lindsay said.

“We’ll be sure to!” Bridgette replied.

“Wait, Lindsay!” Tyler said as he burst in.

“Tyler!” Lindsay said.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” Tyler sighed.

“Don’t worry, this time, you make it farther than me! You can win for us!” Lindsay said.

“Really? I… I guess I can! Oh, and how did you get launched out anyway?” Tyler said.

“It’s weird… there was this plank that was broken, and I was launched off it as I saw a shadowy guy.” Lindsay said.

“Huh? I don’t remember that being there when we sled. That shadowy dude also sounds like what Justin said! Don’t worry, I’ll get to the bottom of that and avenge you!” Tyler said.

“You're nice. Even if you're sometimes clumsy. And I totally hope your hockey team wasn't watching when you kept failing to find those chains.

“At least they saw me with a cute girlfriend for twenty minutes. Ha! Take that, Brent Steves!” Tyler said.

“One quick kiss before I go?” Lindsay said as they leaned in for a kiss but were stopped by Chris.

“It's a half hour show.” Chris said.

“Win for us. Mwah.” Lindsay said as she jumped out, bumping her head on the top and bottom as she crashed on the sand outside.

“It's not the same without the scream.” Chris said.

“Uh… help?” Lindsay said on the ground unenthusiastically.

“Not bad.” Chris said as fire ants approached Lindsay.

“Fire ants!” Lindsay screamed as she saw them and ran away.

“Much better. Will Lindsay get those ants out of her pants? And will we ever get off this island? Find out next time right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris said as the episode ended.


Gwen's Jamaica Time

Gwen and Duncan were still in the hospital. “Well, the electric shocks have stopped. But I still feel so weak. When I close my eyes, all I see are eels, eels, and more eels! But I'm sure it's only temporary, nothing to go home over. Good night's sleep in a real bed is all I need.” Gwen told Duncan.

“Alright then. I’m gonna catch some rays, you can join me later, Pasty.” Duncan winked.

“Hah, no way.” Gwen said as Duncan left. Suddenly, some electric eels slid in as Gwen screamed while she was zapped.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ
Eliminated Contestants:
14. Lindsay
15. Izzy
16. Justin
17. Leshawna
18. Harold
19. Ezekiel
x. Duncan
Sorry Lindsay fans, she didn't have much left to do. She lasted 2 episodes longer at least since I needed Justin out in EP 9. She already made F5 in the previous two anyway. DJ still has stuff to do, and his elimination here was always very underwhelming to me. Stay tuned to see what!

Chapter 12: Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon


The second aftermath


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(WT Aftermath intro)

(Flashback) “Win for us. Mwah.” Lindsay said as she jumped out, bumping her head on the top and bottom as she crashed on the sand outside.

(Flashback) “Hmph, whatever. At least I won’t have to deal with my face being brutalized anymore. Just… I’ll always be the hottest! And be aware of the second hottest here!” Justin said.

(Flashback) “This is not the way Leshawna is leaving this world! Ah!” Leshawna grunted as she let go of her seat but was caught by Alejandro.

(Theme song)

Cut to Geoff and Brody in tuxedos in the aftermath studio as the audience cheered. “Good evening! I'm Geoff, and this is my new most excellent co-host, Brody. We're coming to you live because we need your help to raise money for a seriously-worthy cause” Geoff began.

“I know what you're thinking. "Huh?" O-Or maybe you're thinking "What?" Either way, think back to the last episode, when the Total Drama plane crash landed in Jamaica! A tragedy.” Brody said.

“One that could've been averted if only they'd had more gas. But our host, sadly, had blown the show's budget on decorating his personal quarters. Hey, I get why Chris couldn't resist the gold-lined hot tub. Unless we raise more dough for fuel, our friends could be stranded in Jamaica forever.” Geoff said as the audience gasped.

“Total Drama could be cancelled dudes! We could be cancelled too! That’d be seriously lame. Which is why tonight, we're bringing you…” Brody said.

“Total Drama: The Telethon!” Geoff said.

“The phone lines are open, so please, for the love of Total Drama, call now and donate.” Brody said as a phone number appeared while the audience cheered while Momma DJ, Sadie, Katie, Trent, Harold and Beth sat on phone lines.

“Please welcome our first guests, Justin!” Geoff said as Justin came while the audience cheered.

“Hey, what’s up?” Justin said as he took a seat.

“Justin’s here to auction off a special prize. Every donation tonight earns you a raffle ticket toward…” Brody said.

“A photo of my abs in full 1080p HD.” Justin said as no phones rang.

“Maybe we need to sweeten the deal.” Geoff said.

“Um… two ab photos? I thought everyone thought this guy was hot!” Brody said as no phones rang.

“I am! This show is just too obscure.” Justin said.

“Well, why don’t we get the Drama Brothers to perform!” Geoff said as Sadie, Katie and Beth squealed while Harold and Trent took the stage with Justin and Sasquatch while a song began.


This show you need to save! This show, you gotta tell, this show, that you care!

[He sang as images of the remaining campers were shown on the TV]


Jamaica, they're trapped down in, Jamaica, they can't even ja-party! It's so unfair…

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]


You gotta help now, we're on the brink!

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]


The crew gets fired if this ship sinks!

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]


So make a difference in their lives!

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]

[Geoff and Brody]

Give us cash or this show dies!

[They sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]


Save this show, Total Drama!

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]


Save this show, you know you wanna!

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]

[Geoff and Brody]

Save the show that you love!

[They sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]


Save this show, Total Drama!

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]


Save this show, so call the number!

[He sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]

[Geoff and Brody]

Save the show with love! And five hundred thousand dollars!

[They sang as clips of the show played while the number was shown]

“Save the show, baby. Just give it some dough. Give it some love and some dough.” Geoff said as his face was shown while the audience cheered.

“That's right. You need to give us five hundred thousand dollars in the next half hour. Hi, I'm Blaineley Stacey Andrews O'Halloran. And I'm your co-host.” Blaineley said as she came.

“Uh, weren’t you the roving reporter that tried to take over?” Brody asked as Blaineley looked upset.

“I'm thrilled to be here tonight, co-hosting with Geoff and Brody.” Blaineley said.

“I thought she was going back to her old job at Celebrity Manhunt.” Brody whispered to Geoff.

“She tried. They said no.” Geoff whispered back.

“I'll keep you posted on the total as your calls and your cash pour in. This is the number. Call now. We have gifts.” Blaineley said.

“For a donation of just twenty-five dollars, you'll get a commemorative box of delicious and nutritious Yummy Happy Go Time Fish Tails. Strictly decorative, do not eat, may not be legal in all provinces, keep out of reach of children.” Brody said as the TV showed a fish tail.

“And for fifty bucks, you'll get a special commemorative Total Drama T-shirt! Sure, it looks like a plain tee. But when you get it wet, oh, it's a wet tee!” Geoff said as the TV showed a T-Shirt with TD characters on it that got wet.

“If you get a busy signal, keep trying! You'll get through eventually.” Blaineley said as no calls came.

“If loyal viewers like you don't start donating pronto, everyone here is gonna get canned. And for the gang in Jamaica, the nightmare truly begins.” Geoff said.

“Our goal tonight is five hundred thousand dollars. And thanks to your donations, so far, we've raised a grand total of… Nothing?” Blaineley said as it was shown that they raised no money.

“Oh, come on!” Geoff said in frustration.

“Well, let’s welcome our second guest and encourage her fans to call in dudes.” Brody said.

“Good idea. She didn't recognize her own boyfriend for six episodes and she loves to be called "Her Hotness", it's Lindsay!” Geoff said as Lindsay came.

“Hey, Lindsay. Tell us about the rad gift you brought for those who donate in your name.” Brody said.

“I was supposed to bring presents? Ooh, lip gloss!” Lindsay said as an intern brought a giant crate of lipstick.

“That's right. For a donation of one hundred dollars, you'll receive one of the remaining four hundred tubes of lip gloss Lindsay brought to wear this season. Supplies are vaguely limited, so call now.” Geoff said as the phones rang. “Look at the phones. Lindsay's got a lot of fans.” he said.

“Yeah, Katie and Sadie are talking to each other, and Harold is checking on movie times.” Blaineley said.

“Alien Bonsai 3 is playing around the corner.” Harold said as he answered a phone.

“Which means our new fundraising total is... two hundred and three dollars. And two hundred of that came from Harold's mom in exchange for his promise to clean the garage.” Blaineley said.

“I'm very thorough.” Harold said.

“Extortion? Nice one, bro. But we've got a long way to go, people. Come on, you guys. I need this show. I mean, without it, I'm just an open-shirted, chillaxer in a suit-and-tie world.” Geoff said.

“Well, maybe Harold's on to something bro. Would anybody like to see an episode of Total Drama Fugitives?” Brody asked as the audience cheered. “If you're interested, call now. We won't show you dudes anymore until we got ten thousand in donations.” he said as the TV showed wanted posters of Ezekiel and Duncan.

“Sweet. All you Ezekiel and Duncan fans, keep dialing!” Geoff said.

“Zeke’s still missing in action. Or is he?” Brody said.

“Ten thousand? Look, we just hit ten thousand!” Blaineley said.

“First, the latest sighting of Ezekiel, allegedly on the plane.” Brody said as an image of a shadowy figure with a rat was shown.

“How about our favorite angry punk? He returned but loyal fans have sent in hundreds more Duncan sighting tips from before he was found, so tonight, we're gonna show you the two best ones.” Geoff said.

“If you're a Duncan fan and think these were real, cast your vote with a donation, no matter how small. Our first clip was sent in from a young viewer from Texas.” Brody said. A clip of Duncan walking in a disguise before bumping into a guy, causing his hat to be knocked off as he ran away. “Whoa. That looks way too real.” he said.

“Duncan in a jumpsuit? Nuh-uh. But my clip is for real. Check out Total Drama Fugitives: Italian Style. That's gotta be Duncan!” Geoff said as a clip of Duncan tripping a guy off a cliff into water while wearing a hood played.

“Do the viewers agree, Blaineley?” Brody asked.

“We got hundreds of calls during the Fugitives segments. And their donations have added a whopping... hundred bucks to our grand total.” Blaineley said.

“I guess we can raise more cash with… That’s Gonna Leave a Mark!” Geoff said as the audience cheered while the That’s Gonna Leave a Mark! intro played.

A clip of Team Amazon rolling down in a snowball and crashing into a giant tree played.

A clip of Gwen pulling out a mountain goat from Cody’s pants then getting attacked by it played.

A clip of Justin being punched by the animals in the cart played. They ended up going through the lazer maze and got electrocuted painfully.

A clip of Heather being bitten by a crab while looking at clams played.

A clip of Lindsay being launched from the toboggan course played. She ended up crashing into the Jumbo Jet.

“That helped but we still need more. Well, any ideas on how to raise more cash?” Brody asked.

“Yeah. But you know what people loved about the last three episodes? The curse stuff. If you want to see some angry animals, call in now.” Geoff said as phones rang while he lowered cages of animals.

“Wow. How'd you know that would work?” Brody asked.

“I know what people like.” Geoff replied as the animals growled while the money count increased.

“We're up to fifty thousand! And I know how to get us to a hundred. Beasts of the world, prepare to take your revenge.” Blaineley said as she released the animals from their cages as they got out and started attacking everyone as they screamed.

“Not the face! Ow! Ow!” Justin grunted as he was attacked.

“Ah!” Geoff grunted as he was attacked.

“Whoa! Uh!” Brody grunted as he was attacked.

“We'll be right back. I think. Oh! Remember, give until it hurts!” Geoff said as the camera got knocked over and was attacked by a goat as the screen went to black.

Cut back to the studio where everyone was scratched up and back to their original places. “Have you guys seen Tyler? Tyler, they're stealing my lip gloss!” Lindsay said as she walked by with a monkey punching her.

“What?! We're on? Oh. And we're back. Live.” Brody realized as he bandaged Geoff’s arm.

“Welcome back to the telethon to end all telethons. Time now to check in with Blaineley for our new total.” Geoff said.

“You bet, Geoff. Drum roll, please.” Blaineley said as she got up while the total showed 300,000 as the audience cheered.

“We've cracked three hundred thousand dudes! Whoo! We're almost there.” Brody said.

“Well, except that now that the studio's trashed, we need to raise an extra five hundred grand to break even.” Blaineley said.

“We have to reach a mil now? One million dollars? In ten minutes?” Geoff said.

“Well, maybe the next guest will help raise more cash! Please welcome, Leshawna!” Brody said as Leshawna came while the audience cheered.

“Hey, Harold, baby!” Leshawna told Harold as he got up and clapped.

“Let's see Leshawna's very unique journey to this moment.” Brody said as clips of Leshawna started playing.

(Flashback) “Lost in Egypt. Ain't that a kick in the pants?” Leshawna complained.

(Flashback) “This is nice and all but uh, you gonna put me down now?” Leshawna asked Alejandro.

(Flashback) “Ow! I'm gonna seize the you! You've had this coming for a long time!” Leshawna said as she slapped her off the platform and then jumped off and continued slapping her to the point where she lost a tooth.

“Whoa! That last clip was intense!” Brody said.

“Leshawna, I know it’s Heather, but what pissed you off to the point of knocking a tooth off her mouth? And I thought you two were friends now?” Geoff said.

“Well, you see, that Alejandro jerk tricked me into thinking she was tricking me and caused Harold’s elimination! That just triggered something in me. I was a darn fool for that, I wish I'd smacked Alejandro!” Leshawna said.

“I know right!? He's the worst. He thinks he’s so cool when he’s just a worse version of me!” Justin said.

“I've got to admit I'm kind of relieved I'm not the only dude whose chick got tricked by that Ale-jerk-dro.” Geoff said.

“Let's move on. Gifts and stuff and all are obviously not working, and this season's Total Drama is a musical.” Brody said.

“So if you wanna hear Leshawna sing, call now.” Geoff said.

“I sang enough on the show. Can't I just dance this time?” Leshawna said as she danced.

“No!” Geoff, Brody, and Blaineley immediately said.

“Uh, just 'cause your voice is so great. And I know we'd all love to hear what you'd say to Alejandro if you had the chance. Right, guys?” Geoff said.

“Oh yeah, definitely. Just, just sing.” Brody said.

“Yep, yep, no need to dance.” Blaineley said

“Hah, I’m doing what I want!” Leshawna said as a song began.


You think you got me good? Okay maybe you did. You think you rule the game? I guess. But you don't rule a thing 'cause baby you're a squid, who's gone and made a nasty mess!

[She sang to a microphone]

“Yeah!” Brody cheered.


You lied right to my face, you messed up my head! And ain't that just the way with some men?

[She sang to a microphone]

“Not you, Harold.” Leshawna said as Harold blushed.


I know just how to do it, oh, brother's going down. And won't be getting up again!

[She sang as she cut strings holding a picture of Alejandro]

“Yes!” Geoff cheered.


Sisters, come to together now and take him down! Sisters, come together now and sort him out! Sisters, come together now and make him see what we're all about! Whoa-oh! Sisters, come together now and show what's what! Sisters, come together now, help me strut! Sisters, come together now and make him see what we're all about! Oh, revenge!

[She sang as she danced with Harold and Justin]

“Total Drama-- You'll donate if she stops?” Blaineley said as she picked up a phone.

“Well, Leshawna's gonna keep dancing unless you donate another one hundred grand!” Geoff said.

“What?” Leshawna said in shock.

“No, no.” Brody and Blaineley protested.

“It's the only way. Please, hurry!” Geoff said as phones rang which were awnsered.

“I don't know how much longer I can keep this up!” Leshawna said as she danced.

“Leshawna fans, call in donations so she can stop dancing. The bigger the donations, the sooner this will end! Four hundred thousand dollars! We did it! Now stop her!” Blaineley said as the audience cheered.

“Cut the music!” Justin said as the music stopped as he, Leshawna and Harold stopped dancing.

“You nailed it, Legoddess.” Harold complimented.

“You know it, ginger baby-cakes. Whoa!” Leshawna collapsed.

“What's the official tally update, Blaineley?” Brody asked.

“We're up to 435,000 big ones! Which is less than half of our new million dollar goal.” Blaineley said.

“We're dead.” Geoff sighed.

“Not yet. I have an idea, but you're not going to like it.” Blaineley said.

“If it will raise money, I'm cool with it. I swear.” Geoff said.

“Okay. The only person more popular than Justin with the female demographic is Alejandro.” Blainley said as she played clips of Alejandro shirtless.

“M-More popular!?” Justin said.

“Dude. Is this really necessary?” Geoff asked.

“Uh-huh. Check it out. Audience research tells us that people loved it when Bridgette drooled over Fabulandro.” Blaineley said as she played clips of Bridgette and Alejandro.

“That was only for one episode.” Brody said.

“Keep those donations coming, and I'll keep the drama coming. Woo, you guys have got to see this.” Blaineley said as clips of Alejandro shirtless without his ponytail played.

“Ugh, this is disgusting! You should play clips of me!” Justin said.

“We're up to six hundred thousand dollars already! Oof, the drama!” Blaineley said.

“Kinda expected you to be more upset, dude.” Brody told Geoff.

“Nah, I’m over that whole thing now. I’m actually rooting for Bridge to find out how big of a scumbag he is!” Geoff replied.

“That’s awesome bro!” Brody replied.

“No bromance! Ugh, you ruined all the drama! Well, we tried. Let's see our new tally. $721,000? Oh, so close!” Blaineley said.

“We'll never reach our goal now.” Brody sighed.

“Never give up on my ability to work the fans. Introduce our last guest, and I'll be right back!” Geoff said as he left.

“Okay? Our final guest is the second competitor in the history of Total Drama to get sidelined by injury.” Brody said as the clip of Izzy and Owen being crushed by the plane played. “Ouch! Fresh from intensive care, please welcome everybody's favorite maniac, Izzy!” he said as the audience came, however Izzy did not appear. “Oh. Okay, uh... please welcome, um... Brainzilla?” he corrected as an intern came and whispered something to him, making Izzy come out. She had her hair in a bun and wore glasses.

“Greetings, carbon-based life form commonly referred to as "Broderick".” Izzy said as she took a seat.

“How are you man?” Brody asked.

“Brainzilla's health falls in acceptable parameters, thank you. More importantly, she is making cracking progress on her new time machine.” Izzy said.

“Sounds crazy.” Brody said.

“Brainzilla is also close to patenting a doughnut maker that fits in your purse.” Izzy said.

“No way! That’s wicked!” Brody said as Geoff came.

“It's all good to go. Yo, Izzy! Long time, no party.” Geoff said as came back.

“Greetings, carbon-based life form commonly referred to as "Geoffrey". Your grammar is appalling.” Izzy said.

“Thanks, man. I try.” Geoff said.

“Hey, where'd the peanut gallery go?” Brody said as he noticed no one except Blaineley was on the phones now.

“You'll find out soon. But first, it's time for a brand new Aftermath segment, Brain Blast!” Geoff said as the audience cheered while the Brain Blast intro played.

Cut to Izzy tied to a wheel above shark tanks. “Here's how Brain Blast works. You call in with donations, and I blitz Izzy/Brainzilla with skill-testing questions. The bigger the donation, the harder the questions. And dudes, you're gonna want these questions to be super mega major hard!” Geoff said.

“Fascinating creatures. They can have up to three thousand teeth.” Izzy said as she saw the sharks.

“Uh... man? What are you doing?” Brody asked.

“Giving the peeps what they want.” Geoff replied.

“When did you last feed these cartilaginous beauties, Geoffrey?” Izzy asked.

“It's been weeks. One wrong answer from Izzy/Brainzilla, and her straps will unlock, dunking her in shark-infested water.” Geoff said.

“Wow. Maybe we shouldn’t do that.” Brody said.

“Oh, it may seem a trivial waste of Brainzilla's mind, Broderick, but Brainzilla believes in challenging her enormous gray cells.” Izzy said.

“If you're a fan of violence, sharks, or skill-testing questions, you're a fan of mine. So call now!” Geoff said as the phones rang. “Nice. Give her a spin, dude!” he said as Brody spun the wheel.

“I say! Seventy-eight rotations per minute! Marvelous!” Izzy said as she spun.

“First question, geography. Level of difficulty?” Geoff asked as Izzy stopped.

“Major!” Blaineley said as she held all the phones.

“What's the capital of Uzbekistan?” Geoff asked.

“Please. Tashkent.” Izzy answered.

“Correct! Next question! Currency exchange. Difficulty?” Geoff said as he spun the wheel and then stopped.

“Brutal!” Blaineley said as she held all the phones.

“What's the equivalent of $2,789 in yen?” Geoff asked.

“Elementary. 21,981,55.82” Izzy answered.

“Yes! Next! Math. Difficulty?” Geoff said as he spun the wheel and then stopped.

“Impossible!” Blaineley said as she held all the phones.

“What's the square root of sixty-seven?” Geoff asked.

“Child's play. 8.18535277187245.” Izzy answered.

“Correct! Ho-ho-ho. Wow. Uh, let's go to the next round.” Geoff said as he accidentally spun the wheel too hard, making it roll away and crash backstage.

“Ow!” Izzy mumbled as she came back.

“Are you okay, Brainzilla bro?” Brody asked.

“Who? I heart marshmallow sauce! Okay? Yeah!” Izzy said as she jumped away.

“That sounds like old Izzy! Huh... weird. Could be a problem for the peanut gallery.” Geoff said as Momma DJ, Trent, Harold, Katie, Sadie, Beth, Justin and Lindsay were shown tied to a rope above the sharks.

“Ha ha ha! Neato! Wait, where'd the universe go?” Izzy said blindfolded next to a bomb.

“The rules are simple. Brainzilla, or Izzy, whoever, has to defuse the bomb blindfolded as the peanut gallery are slowly lowered into the shark tank.” Geoff explained.

“Please, dude, you have to defuse the bomb, now! I don’t wanna die!” Brody said.

“Hmm. It's boxy. Ha, better hit it with a hammer just to be sure.” Izzy said as she hit the bomb with a hammer, making it explode, causing everyone to be scattered around the room.

“Ah! Heh. That was awesome!” Geoff said on top of a beam on the roof while phones rang.

“What?! I can't hear you over the ringing!” Brody asked next to him.

“Did we reach our goal, Blaineley?” Geoff asked.

“Uh... g-gimme... gimme the drum roll, ple–” Blaineley mumbled behind a couch as the total was shown to be 1.000.000,01.

“One million dollars and one cent? Who knows the fans best, huh? Me! Me, Geoff! I know them!” Geoff cheered.

“What?!” Brody asked.

“Thanks to your support, we all still have jobs! Even Blaineley! And the show will go on! So be sure to tune in next time for the continuation of the world's greatest reality competition ever. Total. Drama… World Tour!” Geoff sang with the worst autotune ever as the audience cheered.

“What?!” Brody asked as the TV that Trent was on fell while the episode ended.


Team Amazon: Cody, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, Eva, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Team Victory: Bridgette, DJ
Eliminated Contestants:
14. Lindsay
15. Izzy
16. Justin
17. Leshawna
18. Harold
19. Ezekiel
x. Duncan
Not really much to say here, just aftermath. I chose Brody as the co-host since Bridgette is not here

Leave your predictions on who goes next!

Chapter 13: I See London...


The campers search for Jack the Ripper (London)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Last time on Total Drama World Tour…” Chris began the recap. “We had some mechanical difficulties and ended up in hot water, Jamaica style. No problem. Except for Izzy, whose squished brain was a major problem, and led to our second elimination by injury. Stranded and short on gas money, we were forced to improvise. And Lindsay was forced to admit she was a big ol' loser! Two injury eliminations? Ow! So long, Team Victory. But thanks to a rocking telethon that raised a tank load of cash from our viewers, hey, thanks for that, eh, we're ready to get back in the air! Oh man, that's refreshing. Vacation's over. It's time for some more Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris ended the recap.

(Theme song)

Cut to everyone in economy. “Why are you guys in loser class? You won last time. shouldn’t you be in first class?” Heather asked.

“Chris said he needed first class today for a secret special guest.” Owen explained.

“And what Chris needs…” Eva said.

“Chris takes. From us.” Heather said.

“Well, I thought we were gonna be put on different teams?” Bridgette said.

“Maybe Chris forgot?” DJ said as Courtney came and accidentally sat on Gwen’s hand.

“Ah! Sunburn! Ow! Ah.” Gwen yelped in pain as she blew at her sunburnt hand.

“Oops. Sorry.” Courtney said.

“Hey Pasty, what happened to your paw?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah, how do you end up with sunburn on just one hand?” Courtney asked

“Ah. I don't know!” Gwen replied.

(Flashback) Gwen was sleeping under an umbrella while Tyler and Cody played with a frisbee. “Alright, now check this out!” Tyler said as he threw the frisbee.

“I got it, I got it, whoa-Oof!” Cody grunted as crashed into the umbrella Gwen was sleeping under, accidentally tilting it a bit and exposing her hand to the sun.

“Huh?” Gwen mumbled in her sleep.

Cut to Courtney bringing a bucket with a blue mixture in it. “Here. Soak your hand in this.” Courtney asked.

“Uh, what’s in that?” Duncan asked as Gwen put her hand in it.

“It'll cool the burn. It's a special mix of green tea and bird guano.” Courtney explained.

“Ah... wait, guano? Isn't that…” Gwen asked.

“A nicey-nice name for poop.” Heather replied.

“Ew! Ow!” Gwen said as she pulled her hand away, accidentally hurting it.

“Poop that's full of healing ingredients. I learned how to make it a CIT first aid weekend. It's gross, but it helps, right?” Courtney explained.

“Ugh. Yes. Well, thanks for being nice-ish.” Gwen said as she put her hand back in.

“Couldn’t they have taught you to make it without poop?” Duncan asked.

“Hey, just be glad I had a solution. Maybe you should try learning about useful stuff like this instead of wasting your time committing crimes.” Courtney said.

“Please, I bet I learned way more during my time as a criminal than you did in your dumb C.I.T. camp that no one cares about.” Duncan angrily said.

“Wanna repeat that again?” Courtney angrily said.

“Arguing over poop juice? Ugh. Is there anyone sane left around here? That would be a no.” Heather said as she saw Sierra using a pizza box as a computer.

“Tweeter update. Gwen's hand smells like Jamaican bird doodie, Duncan and Courtney are arguing as always, Cody is still cute, uh... sixty-seven characters. Okay. Seventy-three left. What else can I say?” Sierra thought.

“Considering buying myself a life on Fredslist, but having trouble deciding because they are al such a major improvement!” Noah mocked as he pretended to type, causing Owen to laugh and squirt milk from his note which covered him. “Dude, gross.” he said in disgust.

“Did I get some of my nose milkshake on you? Sorry. It's the only think that really cools off a snoot full of Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. Hot. Hot. Hot. Milk!” Owen said as he drank milk and peppers.

“Must learn how to make nose shakes like Owen. That'll impress Cody!” Noah mocked as he pretended to type.

“Oh!” Owen giggled as he spat out a pepper, accidentally hitting Eva in the face.

“Hey! Weak!” Eva angrily said as Noah laughed.

Confessional: Owen

“Aw, my little buddy Noah is like, the funniest guy I know, so making him laugh is awesome. It's like getting an A plus in hilarity. I want to top his honor roll! Did that sound creepy?” Owen laughed.

Owen and Noah were laughing. “Check it out, I'll shoot a pepper out whichever nostril you pick. I mean, juice!” Owen told Noah.

“Yeah, 'cause one nose shake a day isn't enough.” Noah replied.

“Aw, but I'm out of milk.” Owen said as he tried to pour milk but couldn’t.

“Hey, Courtney, how much of that poop juice have you got left?” Noah asked as Owen laughed while Alejandro looked upset.

“Excuse me, gentleman. I have to be... anywhere but here.” Alejandro said as he left.

Confessional: Alejandro

“A nose shake? How many more episodes are there? I can't believe it's only the halfway point!?” Alejandro sighed.

Cut to Alejandro about to enter a room before seeing Chris, Chef and a shadowy figure in a costume in it. “He's half-animal. He'll take them out like a lion preying on a pack of chubby asthmatic gazelles.” Chris said.

“But what if he "takes them out" takes them out?” Chef asked.

“Legal says we're clear, and imagine the ratings. That dip will score major hits online!” Chris replied when the door creaked as the shadowy figure noticed Alejandro as he gasped.

“Did you hear something?” Chris asked Chef.

“Not really.” Chef replied. Alejandro was hiding behind the door when he saw the shadowy figure next to him and screamed.

Cut to economy. “Attention, helpless competitors, we've been denied permission to land, so you're gonna have to jump! And Chef may have miscounted parachutes.” Chris said from the PA as everyone complained.

“Uh, I'm a cook. Not a mathematician.” Chef said.

“So you might wanna light a pepper under your butts and grab one before they're gone!” Chris said from the PA.

Cut to everyone jumping out with a parachute. “Yeah, woohoo!” Tyler cheered as he jumped.

“Look out below!” Eva said as she jumped.

“Life, why do you hate me so?” Noah sighed as he saw a single parachute left while him and Owen were still there.

Cut to Noah and Owen screaming as they fell with a parachute.

Team Amazon and Victory all landed safely. “Ooh, London! Did you know that the City of London is the smallest city in the UK? Or the fact that there's a secret underground mail train?” Sierra explained.

“Ha ha. Cool. Where did we land anyway?” Cody asked.

“I think we’re at the Tower Bridge.” Bridgette replied.

“It's dre-- oof! Oh…” Tyler said as his and Eva’s parachute got tangled in a pole.

“Oh, come on!” Eva angrily said.

“Oh!” Noah and Owen grunted as they landed on a bus, with Owen on top of Noah.

“Well, that wasn't so bad, was it, Noah?” Owen asked.

“Eh…” Noah mumbled.

Cut to everyone in a bus. “Wait. Where's Alejandro?” Heather asked.

“Yes. Where is he? The answer in a sec. But first, gun it, Chef!” Chris said as Chef sped up the bus. “London. Home to loads of wicked stuff. Big Ben, The London Eye, the sandwich stuffed with french fries known as the Chip Buddy.” he explained with a microphone.

“Yes, please!” Owen said.

“I don’t think the challenge is gonna be "who can eat a sandwich the fastest".” Eva replied.

“Aw man…” Owen sighed.

“London's also home to Scotland Yard, the world's biggest crime busting outfit. But there was one case even Scotland Yard couldn't crack. Jack the Ripper. The whacko serial killer who terrorized Victorian London. Today, you'll be tracking that bad boy down. But be careful. Jack's also hunting you. That's why Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot is now short-handed.” Chris explained.

“What?! The Ripper got Al? Not Al!” Owen said.

“Better him than anyone else.” Noah replied.

“Next stop, Tower of London!” Chris said.

“Uh, Chris, weren’t you dissolving our team?” DJ asked.

“Oh, yeah. Well, since Team Victory is now down to two members, I’m dissolving them! Bridgette is on Team Amazon, A.K.A. the girl team.” Chris said.

“The girl team!?” Duncan said.

“You get used to it.” Cody replied.

“And DJ is on Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot, A.K.A. the guy team. Congratulations!” Chris said.

“I guess we’re on different teams now.” DJ told Bridgette.

“Well, don’t expect me to go easy on you!” Bridgette replied.

“Heh, don’t expect me to go easy either!” DJ said as he took a seat next to Tyler and Eva.

“Yeah, DJ! With you on our team, we’re gonna be unstoppable!” Tyler cheered.

“Oh, and don’t even think about throwing any challenges.” Eva said.

“Come on, I’m over that now!” DJ replied.

Bridgette took a seat next to Gwen and Courtney. “Hey guys, glad to be on the team.” Bridgette told them.

“Same here.” Gwen replied.

“Yeah, now that the team is bigger, we have a better shot at winning.” Courtney said.

“Do you think Alejandro is okay? Um, because wow, big advantage for us. Yay!” Heather asked them.

“Yeah. Also, can I just say I know tons about The Ripper. I did a speech on him in grade six.” Gwen said.

“Wow, that's unexpectedly useful of you.” Courtney said.

“The librarian said my fascination was morbid and occasionally offensive.” Gwen replied.

“Should we look for Alejandro? I mean, you know, just in case this is all some kind of dirty scheme of his or–” Heather tried to say but was interrupted.

“Shouldn’t they look? He’s their teammate.” Bridgette replied.

“Get this, my grade six speech? The Tower of London.” Courtney told Gwen.

“Wow. We're like a nerdette dream team.” Gwen replied.

Confessional: Bridgette & Chef

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“The team seems alright so far. I don’t like Heather or Duncan but Gwen and Courtney are my friends. I have a good feeling about this.” Bridgette said.

“Don’t jinx yourself, kid.” Chef said.

Cut to everyone in front of the Tower of London with two toy guards. “Your challenge is to follow a series of clues to the tower complex, all the way to The Ripper's secret lair. Bag the criminal mastermind before he gets you, and you win. Your first clue will be found during the changing of the guard. And when I say change, I mean, change the guards. Your clue is hidden in his uniform. So, one of you has to strip him down to his gitch until you find it.” Chris explained as everyone gasped.

“Whoa. Strip a dude? I'm out.” Tyler said.

“Yeah, no way am I doing this wack challenge.” Eva said.

“Up to you, bro. Two million bucks. That's all I'm saying. And while you're at it…” Chris said as the music icon popped up while everyone sighed.


It's creepy how they stand there! And don't even blink! I don't wanna see his bum, all naked and pink!

[He sang as he approached the guard]


Hey buddy, can we bribe you, to strip yourself down?

[He sang as he begged the guard]


Yum-Yum Happy Go Time Fish?

[He asked as he danced toward the guard while holding a fish tail]

“Don't kill him, you clown!” Noah angrily said as he slapped the tail away from his hand.


No way, I can't strip him. I’m not a freak!

[She sang in concern]


If I did it, Geoff would freak!

[She sang in concern]


And I'm allergic to uniforms!

[She sang in concern]

“Okay, that's just weak.” Gwen said.


I made a vow that Cody's the only man for me!

[She sang as she hugged Cody]

“Well, I don’t wanna do it either. Uh hello? Injury, ow.” Gwen said as her hand was hurt.

“Wait, so I have to do it!?” Duncan said.


If we're gonna find that clue!

[She sang]


There's only one thing to do!

[She sang]


Force someone to strip him down!

[She sang]

[Bridgette, Heather, and Courtney]

And sorry, Duncan, that's you!

[They sang as Duncan sighed and approached the guard]

“Let’s get this over with.” Duncan sighed.


If we're gonna find that clue!

[She sang as she played rock paper scissors]


There's only one thing to do

[He sang as she played rock paper scissors]


Force someone to strip him down

[He sang as she played rock paper scissors]

[Noah, Eva and Owen]

And Tyler, dude, that's you!

[They sang as they pointed at a confused Tyler]


This is seriously screwed, It’s making me look like a creep!

[He sang as he tossed the guards clothes away]


Yeah, we're gonna find that clue!

[She sang]


We're doing what Chris proposed!

[She sang as the guard’s hat landed on her]


Force someone to strip him down!

[She sang as the guard’s moustache landed on her]


And watch as they struggle!

[She sang as the guard’s cravat landed on her]

[Gwen, Heather, Bridgette and Courtney]

'Cause if we don't, we're hosed!

[They sang together]


Totally ho-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-osed!

[She sang dramatically as the song ended]

“Ew, did it really have to be in here!?” Duncan said as he pulled out the guard's boot, revealing the clue.

“Full tot atop a southern spire. Quick, follow me!” Courtney said as she read the clue while they went in the building.

Cut to Team Amazon in a torture chamber. “Okay, this place is kind of creepy.” Bridgette said.

“Oh, my gosh! This is the very room Anne Boleyn lived in before Henry VIII beheaded her!” Courtney said.

“What is with the creepy desk?” Heather asked.

“It's a medieval torture rack. Losing side, tie someone on and stretch.” Chef chuckled as he came in a medieval outfit.

“I volunteer Heather.” Gwen said.

“I second that motion.” Courtney said.

“Well, I guess I’m fine as long as it’s not me.” Bridgette said.

“Hey!” Heather said.

“Who'd like to carry the motion? Cody? Sierra? Um, where'd they go?” Gwen asked.

Cut to Sierra and Cody in another room. “I think we lost our team.” Cody said.

“Who cares? This place looks so awesome! Look at all the paintings of the royals! I wonder if we can find the Ripper here.” Sierra thought.

Cut to Tyler trying to take off the guards socks with his teeth. “You lost rock, paper, scissors fair and square. Stop throwing the game.” Eva angrily said.

“I'm not! You try taking off a dude's pantyhose with your teeth.” Tyler replied.

“Uh, dude? No one said you had to use your teeth.” DJ said.

“The faster you do it, the sooner this is over.” Noah said.

“Hey, Noah. Noah, check this. I say! I'm The Queen! Oh, heavens! I believe that we shall be needing a second royal luncheon! Get on with it now!” Owen said while wearing the guard’s hat as his stomach growled while Noah sighed.

Cut to Cody and Sierra when they heard a noise. “OMG, did you hear that? It sounds like…” Sierra said as they saw the Ripper and screamed.

Cut to the Ripper dragging Sierra and Cody out in a bag. “And then there were six. Will anybody survive The Ripper? And this show?” Chris said.

“Let us out! Let us out!” Cody struggled in the bag.

“Come back after the break, when we'll try and answer at least a couple of these questions.” Chris continued.

Cut to Team Chris. “A pen in his pants pocket, lint in his socks, that's it. No clue.” Noah said as he tossed away some stuff.

“Don’t look at me! No way am I searching his boxers!” Tyler said.

“Stop being a coward and do it!” Eva angrily said.

“I’m with Tyler, we should find another solution.” DJ said.

“We could find another guy to strip. Hey, look! There's a clue in here! Funny, right? Heh. I say. Pip pip.” Owen chuckled as he took of his hat, revealing the clue was there as Noah and Eva looked upset.

“Give me that. Full tot atop a southern spire. Probably wants us to go into the building.” Noah said as he read the note.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Eva said as they went in.

Cut to Heather being stretched on the rack. “You did that on purpose, you (censor beep)!” Heather screamed.

“Every cloud has a silver lining!” Courtney said as Gwen, Duncan and Bridgette laughed.

Confessional: Gwen

“I know. Courtney! I never thought I'd even be able to tolerate her. But she's dealable. We even have stuff in common, which is like, the weirdest thing ever. If I tip over the edge and start making Courtney-type lists, rack me.” Gwen said.

Confessional: Courtney

“I know. Gwen! She's not a completely asocial freak after all. Sometimes, she's even... a good person to have on your team? Sometimes. You know, I wouldn't mind going against her in the final two. Obviously, I'd still win. She's incapable of making a list.” Courtney said.

Cut to Team Chris at another torture chamber. “We need to torture someone for the clue!?” DJ said in shock.

“Are we going to have to play rock, paper, scissors again to figure out who's getting stretched?” Noah asked.

“Ha. I'm flexible to the extreme, bro. Sweaty moksha yoga. Woohoo!” Tyler said as he got on the rack.

“I’ll do the stretching.” Eva said as she went on the stretcher.

“Quick, tie him down before Alejandro shows up and makes me do it just because I'm shorter.” Noah said.

“Why don't you like Al? He's great.” Owen asked.

“I don't trust the guy. He's like an eel dipped in grease swimming in motor oil.” Noah said.

“Dirty?” Owen asked.

“Slippery. Think about it. He's like Heather, only with Justin’s looks and social skills.” Noah replied.

“But, he did help me get over my "curse".” DJ said.

“And voted off Justin with us.” Eva said.

“I was actually the one who voted Alejandro. He’s shown multiple times just how untrustworthy he is.” Noah said.

“Oh, stop! It's too much! Stop! Oh!” Tyler screamed.

“You do realize we haven't started yet, right?” DJ said.

“My bad. S'cool. I'll go silent. Sweaty yoga-ish monk dude styles. Ha ha ha.” Tyler said.

“Buckle up. This one’s gonna hurt.” Eva said as she stretched Tyler, making him whimper in pain.

Cut to Heather being stretched on the rack. “Ah! Stop enjoying this, you (censor beep)s!” Heather angrily said.

“Sorry, sorry, but come on, like you wouldn't do the same?” Bridgette replied as she stretched her.

“That is not the point.” Heather screamed as a slot opened, revealing the clue as Bridgette was taken away by the Ripper.

“There it is!” Courtney said as she, Duncan and Gwen got the clue, not noticing that Bridgette was taken away.

“If your teammate can still use her feet, bring her down for something to eat.” Duncan read.

“The banquet hall! Back downstairs, off the courtyard! Heather?” Courtney asked.

“Please, I'm fine. Ooh.” Heather said as she got off the rock and cracked a bone while the other three laughed. “At least tell me I look taller.” she said.

“Oh yes, you could be a runway model.” Courtney replied.

“That's a stretch.” Duncan said.

“Hey, does anybody know where Bridgette went?” Gwen asked when she noticed Bridgette was missing.

“Ugh, she must have gotten caught when we were too distracted by torturing Heather!” Courtney replied.

“Well, that’s just one less useless teammate to deal with. Let’s go!” Duncan said as they all left.

Cut to Team Amazon looking through a window to see a table. “There's some kind of jewelry case on the table. I-I guess we go in and get it. Can it be that easy?” Courtney said.

“Piece of cake. You’re dealing with a hardened criminal here.” Duncan said.

“You say that like it’s something to be proud of.” Courtney said as Duncan looked upset.

“You three wack-jobs go in. I'll guard the door.” Heather said.

“How is that fair?” Courtney asked.

“I'll show you fair! Have you even seen the rack marks on my ankles?!” Heather threatened as Gwen, Courtney and Duncan went in.

Cut to Tyler whimpering as he was stretched by Eva. “Are you doing that yoga thing where you breathe through your toenails? Aw, that is so cool.” Owen said.

“I think he’s just in immense pain.” DJ said as a slot opened, revealing the clue.

“The clue!” Eva said.

“Yes!” Noah, Owen and DJ cheered.

Cut to Noah, Owen and Eva running in a hall. “Hey, Noah, know what's hilarious?” Owen said.

“We forgot Tyler and DJ!” Noah said as he stopped.

“How is that hilarious?” Eva said as she and Owen stopped too as they went back in the room.

“Sorry guys, but you were just so good at being quiet, that–” Noah said but then noticed they were missing.

“No! DJ! Tyler!” Noah, Owen and Eva exclaimed in fear.

Cut to Heather filing her nails in front of a building. “Ugh, what is taking them so long!?” Heather complained, but then saw the Ripper next to her and screamed as she was caught.

Cut to inside the hall. “Come on, come on, where's the clue? Gold toothpick. Emerald-studded toothbrush? What is wrong with these royals and their dentistry?” Courtney said as she searched the stuff on the table.

“Ask the guard dogs.” Gwen said as they saw some angry dogs.

“Not again!” Duncan complained.

“Hey, got anything round in there?” Gwen asked as Duncan tossed her a gold egg. “That's right. Follow the shiny ball. Now, sit!” she said as she played with the ball and commanded the dogs.

“Aw, so cute! How did you do that?” Courtney asked.

“I taught my lizards obedience. I guess Corgis are just as trainable. And inbred.” Gwen said.

“Nice.” Duncan chuckled.

“Ah, clue! The clue!” Courtney said as she saw another egg with the clue in it.

Cut to Courtney, Duncan and Gwen exiting the room. “Heather, we found the-- oh no!” Gwen said as she saw a nail filer on the ground.

“Four teammates gone. We need to be more careful!” Courtney said.

“Just read the damn clue princess.” Duncan replied.

“The Ripper's most natural place has two levels inside its space. Go use your sack to bring the guy back at the red starting line to the race. Think, think!” Courtney said.

“Gwen, didn’t you write a speech on him?” Duncan asked.

“Okay. The Ripper's natural place. If I remember right from my speech, he did his dirty work in Whitechapel.” Gwen said.

“So we go there, and we look for a two story place. Come on!” Courtney said as they left.

Cut to Noah, Owen and Eva in the hall. “Ah, I got it! I got the clue!” Noah said as he found the clue.

“Nice? What does it say?” Eva asked but was interrupted by dog noises.

“You call that an attack? Hey Noah, Eva, check it! A fur coat for animals lovers.” Owen laughed as he was bitten by corgis.

“Puh. The Ripper's most natural place has two levels that make up the space. Psh, sure. Easy peasy.” Noah read.

“Double decker bus?” Owen asked.

“Yeah. So there is a brain in there. You've been holding out on me.” Noah said as he and Eva left.

“Holding out? I told you I smuggled some wieners off the plane.” Owen said as he showed a sausage which got the dogs interested.

Cut to Gwen and Duncan. “I guess we forgot that most of Whitechapel would be closed.” Gwen said.

“Well, at least there’s that cool punk club. Hey, where’s Courtney?” Duncan asked.

“Crap, we must have lost her! I guess my hunch sucked. Sorry. We are so coming in last place. I feel so terrible.” Gwen sighed.

“Well, at least we got to spend more together. Honestly, I missed you the most when I was running away from the cops with my band.” Duncan said.

“Really? I… feel the same way but. Don’t you miss C-” Gwen tried to say but was interrupted.

“Yeah. I missed you more than her. Ugh, let’s just go back, I said too much.” Duncan said.

Cut to Noah and Owen walking. “Uh, I think Eva’s gone.” Owen said as he noticed Eva’s absence.

“We can look for her later. There’s the bus!” Noah said as they saw a bus and entered it. However, Noah was immediately caught by the Ripper in the bus which was unnoticed by Owen.

“Here, Ripper, Ripper, Ripper. I have a lovely bag for you. Huh?” Owen said and gasped and saw the Ripper throwing Noah into a compartment.

“Ah!” Noah screamed in the compartment.

“Nobody locks my little buddy in the corner! Royal beasts, sick him!” Owen said as he let the corgis out from a pack. “Si-- oh oh, no, no-no, bad Corgis, oh! Ow, my wiener! No! Ha ha, got ya!” he said as he was attacked by the dogs but then threw a sausage which was caught my the Ripper, making the dogs attack him as Owen caught them in a sack.

“All right, Owen!” Noah cheered.

“Who's Jack the Ripper now, huh?” Owen said as he farted on the sack. “Ha ha, yeah! Ooh, I touched cloth. Here, Noah, I'll let you out.” he said as he approached the compartment Noah was in.

“No, don't open the door until the air clears!” Noah replied.

Cut to everyone back in the plane. “Sweet. Everybody's okay!” Owen said as he saw everyone was there.

“Yep. Everyone's fine. You guys were so stupid to be worried. Ha ha.” Heather chuckled as she filed her nails while everyone looked upset.

“Yeah, like you didn’t scream for way too long.” Eva said.

“But it was reassuring to see some were concerned.” Alejandro said as he glared at Noah.

“You were watching everything? Wow, that's awkward.” Noah said.

“Good job on leaving me behind on the rack!” Tyler angrily said.

“Yeah, why was I the only one who tried to help the guy out!?” DJ angrily said.

“I thought we were friends, but you didn’t even notice me getting caught!” Eva angrily said.

“Like an eel dipped in grease.” Alejandro angrily said.

“Ha, where I'm from, that's a compliment! Tough neighborhood. But hey, we caught The Ripper-type guy!” Noah said as Owen dumped the contents of the sack and took off the Ripper’s mask, revealing an old guy under it.

“Old Man Jenkins?” Everyone said as Owen took off another mask, revealing that it was actually Ezekiel. “Ezekiel?” everyone gasped.

“Found him living in the cargo hold homeschooling with the rats.” Chef explained.

“Yeah, that’s right, it was me, eh? I wanted to get revenge on everyone for disrespecting me and voting me! And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling normies!” Ezekiel said.

“Wait, you’re the shadow guy Justin talked about?” Eva said.

“Does that mean you eliminated Lindsay!?” Tyler angrily said.

“I was gonna let him back in the game if he could avoid getting captured, but since he could not…” Chris said as Chef grabbed Ezekiel and a parachute.

“Wait, I have more to sa-” Ezekiel said as Chef threw him out and then a parachute behind him.

“I knew that’d be satisfying!” Chef laughed. However, Ezekiel caught onto a tire as he fell.

“So who did Duncan and Gwen catch?” Heather asked.

“Well, we couldn’t catch anyone. Sorry guys.” Gwen sighed.

“Seriously? You could have at least tried catching something else!” Courtney complained.

“What else could we catch? Homeschool was in a bus, it wouldn’t have mattered!” Duncan said.

“Oh, I’ll tell you. You and I need to have a good talk after what I saw.” Courtney replied.

“Guys, relax! This is getting way out of hand.” Bridgette said.

“Well, since Team Amazon failed to get anything, Team Chris wins!” Chris announced.

“Yes!” Owen cheered.

“Phew.” Noah sighed in relief.

“However, it’s a non-elimination! That’s right, everyone stays to be tortured for another day. Rest well, and see you tomorrow for your new torture!” Chris said as he and Chef left.

Confessional: Noah

“I dodged a bullet today. Alejandro knows everything, and if I don’t do anything, me and Owen are the next to go. This time, I'm in it to win it. No excuses.” Noah said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“So… Noah voted me. That brat thinks he’s so smart, but he’s going down next. Alongside that butterdonkey. No one is going to stand in my way.” Alejandro angrily said.

Cut to Courtney and Duncan in a hall. “This is serious Duncan, how could you say that to her? After how much I missed you, you keep ignoring me and spending time with Gwen! Do my feelings don’t matter?” Courtney angrily said.

“Oh, it’s always your feelings! I’m sick of dealing with your crap all day. You keep trying to make me into something I’m not! I enjoyed our time together but it’s over now. I’m sorry.” Duncan angrily replied.

“Wait, don’t tell me you’re going to-” Courtney replied in shock.

“I’m breaking up with you. I should have done this a long time ago but I guess I just couldn’t let go of our relationship.” Duncan replied. Courtney looked upset and ran away crying. Duncan sighed but then saw Gwen watching them behind a wall. He ran away as Gwen looked upset.

Confessional: Duncan & Gwen & Tyler

“I can’t believe what I just saw. I expected it to happen, but I didn’t realize how serious it was until now. And the worst is, I feel like it’s my fault due to how I feel about Duncan. I don't know how everybody else can sleep. Especially Courtney. I'm still fuzzy, like I drank too much coffee, you know? Oh, my gosh, I didn't lock the door?!” Gwen said as Duncan entered.

“The lock's busted. So, you saw it?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah. I’m sorry.” Gwen sighed as she touched her hair with her sunburnt hand.

“Paw still messed up?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah. This is so stupid. And I'm so glad you're here to mock me about it.” Gwen replied.

“Me too.” Duncan replied as he held her hand.

“Ow! Hey…” Gwen yelped in pain. They looked at each other and then kissed as Tyler peaked in and saw what happened as he backed away.

Cut to the co*ckpit. “Whoa! Now, that's how you get some drama started. Wait until Courtney finds out about this one! Will Tyler tell all? And who's gonna fall? Find out next week on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris ended the episode.


Owen and Chef in the co*ckpit

Owen and Chef were in the co*ckpit. “We won today's challenge! And the reward is phone calls home to the people we love! So I'm calling my mom to tell her about how great the royal luncheon was! I especially enjoyed the extra beefy turkey. Oh, oh, is it hot in here? Ooh.” Owen chuckled.

“I just gotta chill.” Chef replied.


Team Amazon: Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, DJ, Eva, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Eliminated Contestants:
14. Lindsay
15. Izzy
16. Justin
17. Leshawna
18. Harold
19. Ezekiel
x. Duncan
Another non-elimnation, lol. (This is the last one tho aside from EP 25) Gwuncan kiss still happens since I feel that the LT was not a bad idea, just that the three characters were really worsened which I'll attempt to kiss. And it's just a horrid mess in AS. I made Duncan come back earlier for more buildup. Anyway, Noah stays longer (duh) since he now has beef with Alejandro. Why did they immidently boot him after giving him plot???? I'll never get that. Bridgette is on Amazon and DJ is on Chris cuz having 2 people on one team against ones with 6-5 people seemed weird.

Chapter 14: Greece's Pieces


The campers compete in the olympics (Greece)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Previously on Total Drama World Tour…” Chris began the recap. “London, England. Home to royalty, history, and some very hard buses. Crunch! Here, I officially ended Team Victory, putting DJ on Team Me and Bridgette on Team Girl. Heather went through a painful growing period. Noah was caught in his schemes by Alejandro, causing a new rivalry. And last but not least, after Courtney and Duncan’s nasty break-up, Duncan and Gwen had a steamy private moment that wasn't completely private. It's almost as if someone broke a lock on the bathroom door on purpose just so this would happen. But who's got two thumbs and would have done that? We've got nine competitors left and two million dollars on the line. Whose game is getting old and who's strong enough to grab the gold? Find out right now on Total. Drama. World Tour! Opa!” he ended the recap.

“Aw, now that is just embarrassing.” Chef said.

(Theme song)

Cut to economy. “So, uh sorry about what happened yesterday.” Gwen told Courtney.

“Whatever, you didn’t have anything to do with it. I still can’t believe Duncan just broke up with me like that! You’re on my side about this, right?” Courtney asked.

“Uh… sure! He shouldn’t have d-done that!” Gwen replied.

Confessional: Gwen

“Ugh, what am I doing? I’m still trying to be friends with Courntey after kissing her ex boyfriend? Why can’t I just tell her the truth!? And why do I feel like kissing Duncan again!? Ugh! Horrible person!” Gwen slapped herself.

Confessional: Courtney

“Ugh, I knew I shouldn’t have ever dated that punk! Whatever, mark my words, his days are numbered. I’ll be able to get Sierra, Bridgette and Gwen on my side. I was suspicious about Gwen but she seems to be on my side about the break-up. I’m honestly glad I have an actual friend to talk to now.” Courtney said.

“I’m glad that’s settled. Could you imagine if you and me end up in the final two?” Courtney said.

“Huh. That'd be crazy.” Gwen said.

“Yeah. But first, we need to get rid of Duncan.” Courtney said.

“Uh, sure. I’m down with that.” Gwen said nervously.

“What do you think Chris would do to turn us against each other?” Courtney asked.

“Oh, let's not guess. I'd rather it be a surprise. Heh. Hm…” Gwen chuckled.

Meanwhile, Sierra, Heather, Cody and Bridgette were sitting on the other side. “Can you believe Duncan broke up with Courtney like that!? The Duncney fans will be devastated!” Sierra said.

“I can. The toxicity of their relationship was destroying all plant and animal life near them. What I can’t believe is that we lost again!” Heather said.

“Easy for you to say, I’ve only been there twice!” Bridgette said.

“Maybe you "curse"d our team? We were winning before you came.” Heather accused.

“Okay, we both know that’s nonsense.” Bridgette said.

Confessional: Heather

“With Duncan and Courtney’s break up, I’m safer than I ever was before. I was worried about Duncan and Bridgette coming back but the universe sorted that out. This could be a perfect chance to take out Courtney, or maybe a surprising Gwen boot… The possibilities are endless!” Heather thought.

Cut to first class. “Noah! Don't eat the poison stuff, it's poisonous! Ah!” Owen said as he woke up on a chair.

“Whatever the poison stuff is, I assure you I’m not eating it.” Noah said as they saw Alejandro, Eva, Tyler and DJ glaring at them.

Oh... was I talking in my sleep? Sorry. I'll just... go away.” Owen said as he left.

“I’ll, uh, go find him.” Noah said as he left behind him.

Confessional: Noah & Owen

“Tyler, DJ and Al are super tight now, after all that time they spent stuck on the plane in London!” Owen explained.

“Yeah, we could get Eva to vote with us but even she’s pretty mad at us and it’d just be a 3v3. We’re in a pretty bad spot.” Noah said.

“Well, it could have been worse! We could have lost, causing you to get voted out! I wouldn’t know what to do without you buddy!” Owen said as he hugged Noah.

“Me too…” Noah mumbled in pain.

Tyler looked nervous which was noticed by the others. “Dude, are you okay? Did something happen?” DJ asked.

“Uh… Maybe…” Tyler replied.

“You can trust me amigo. If you tell me, maybe I can help.” Alejandro said.

“I saw something.” Tyler said.

“Better be something important.” Eva said as Duncan entered first class. “Ah. Oh, wow, that was a deep sleep. Sleep of the dead. You know what I mean, Tyler? Dead.” Duncan threatened as he went back to economy.

Confessional: Duncan

“Tyler saw me and Gwen kissing, and now he's all freaked out. But I think he knows better than to talk about it. He better know better!” Duncan angrily said.

Confessional: Tyler

“I'm bad with secrets. Well, at least they apparently broke up so he didn’t cheat. That’d just make me hate him more!” Tyler said.

Confessional: DJ

“Something’s up with those two. Man, I just hope Duncan isn’t bullying poor Tyler for no reason. Eva already mocks the poor dude all the time in challenges.” DJ said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Duncan and Tyler. I must figure out what's going on there and use it.” Alejandro said.

Cut to everyone in the dining room. “Prepare yourselves for challenges of an amateur caliber. Because we're recreating the original Olympics. And we're heading to the birthplace of the Olympics right now, in…” Chris said.

“Greece!” DJ said.

“Atlantis?” Bridgette said.

“Mount Olympics?” Owen said.

“Wrong, fictional, and... what? We're going to Rome, Italy!” Chris said.

“Pizza party!” Owen cheered.

“But DJ is correct. The Olympics originated in Greece.” Alejandro said.

“No. They origina–” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“Greece. They're right.” Gwen said.

“I’m saying-” Chris tried to say but was interrupted.

“It’s Greece. Next time be sure to fact check.” Noah said as Chris looked at some papers to realize it.

“Interns! Everyone should probably hang on to something. Everyone except you. Grab this.” Chris said as two interns came and he gave one a parachute before the plane tilted, making him fall out as everyone hid under a table.

“You might wanna find some info on Greece. Quickly. Greece it is. Ha ha, ha ha. Chef! Slight change of plans.” Chris said as he left after the other intern.

“So no pizza?” Owen said.

“Dude, you get pizza in first class if we win.” Noah said.

“Oh. Then I’m ready to win!” Owen cheered.

“No way! I’m not missing out on first class again!” Bridgette said.

“Prepare yourself for battle!” Sierra threatened.

“Child's play. There's now way us athletes will lose an Olympic challenge to a team with such weaklings.” Alejandro said.

“Hmph!” Sierra scoffed as she saw Cody upset.

“Uh, me and Noah aren’t athletes.” Owen said.

“Well, you two are traitors so…” Eva replied.

“Traitor!?” Owen said in shock.

Confessional: Noah

“This might be worse than I thought.” Noah said.

“Hope you look good in silver. I'm great in gold.” Heather mocked Alejandro.

“I'll be happy to lend you one of ours. Since we'll have all of them.” Alejandro said.

“Whatever, prepare to go down.” Duncan said.

“Yeah, Duncan’s right as always. You guys are going down.” Gwen said as everyone but she and Courtney left. She tried to leave but was stopped by Courtney.

“What was that?” Courtney said.

“What was what?” Gwen asked.

“You said Duncan’s right as always. Is he always right?” Courtney asked.

“Uh, no! He should definitely have not broken up with you!” Gwen replied.

“Good, so you still think I’m justified, right? You aren’t lying to me?” Courtney asked.

“O-Of course not! What gave you that idea?” Gwen said nervously.

“Good. Now let’s go.” Courtney said as she left while Gwen sighed.

Confessional: Gwen

“Why is it so hard for me to tell her the truth!?” Gwen sighed.

Cut to everyone in Greece. “Welcome to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. Home to many of the very first Olympians, who, as my interns have informed me, competed naked.” Chris explained.

“All right, time to drop the laundry.” Owen said as he took off his belt while everyone gasped.

“I’d rather you not do that!” Noah said.

“No, no, no! That was just a quirky fact, not an order. There's no need to be a hundred percent accurate. Stay dressed. Very dressed. We only have to resort to nudity if there's a tie breaker. Today we're gonna do things a bit differently. Since Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot is down a man, and Team Amazon is an all-girl team.” Chris said.

“Now you’re just asking to get beat.” Duncan said as he raised a fist.

“In order to make it fair, all of today's challenges will be one-on-one matches. Every victory gets you a gold medal. The team with the most golds wins first class tickets to our next destination. And second place wins a brutal elimination ceremony.” Chris said.

“And silver medals. Right? Second place gets silver?” Owen said.

“There are no silver medals. Just gold.” Chris said.

“Uh, but at the Olympics–” Tyler said.

“Just gold, that's it.” Chris replied.

Confessional: Owen

“As a kid, I always fantasized about being an Olympian. Standing proudly on that podium with my head held high as I listen to the national anthem. How some other country, bringing home another silver for Canada.” Owen puffed his chest and started sobbing.

Confessional: Tyler

“Woo, baby, a sports challenge! Future Olympic goal scorer Tyler is going to dominate this challenge!” Tyler cheered.

Confessional: Eva

“This challenge is just my thing! I’m already pissed from yesterday, and now I’ll crush anyone who gets in my way!” Eva roared.

Cut to everyone in a building. “Our first historic event is a Grecian scavenger hunt. The inside of the Odium of Pericles is filled with maze-like rows of huge columns. Two players from each team must search through this ancient forest of columns and return with the Grecian treasure that awaits you inside. First one to do so takes the gold. So, who's going in? Amazons?” Chris asked.

“Me.” Duncan and Gwen said as they stepped forward at the same time.

“What?” Courtney, Gwen and Duncan said in shock.

“Oh, uh…” Gwen said nervously.

“Maybe not... me.” Duncan said nervously.

“You can go.” Gwen said nervously.

“You can take this one and I'll...” Duncan said nervously.

“Gwen and Duncan it is.” Chris said.

“Wow, heh. That is so... fun.” Courtney said.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Now there's tension between Duncan and Gwen? Perhaps Tyler and Gwen are secretly dating and Duncan is... uh... no, no, no. Patience.” Alejandro said.

Confessional: Sierra

“Did you see those sparks? Gwen's been developing feelings for Duncan since season two. And he's had something for her too ever since he and Courtney’s relationship went haywire. There's a whole fan base dedicated to Gwuncan. I wonder if this year, a new relationship fan base will start for Siody! No, no, Coderra!” Sierra squealed.

“What's the big deal? Just let someone else do this event.” Duncan said as Chef gave them lids.

“My decision is final, Duncan. Who’s going from Team I Am Super Duper Omega Hot?” Chris asked.

“I’ll go. I’m probably too scrawny for anything else anyway.” Noah said.

“That, you are right about. Eva, will you help our "friend"?” Alejandro asked.

“Fine. Better not be too boring.” Eva replied.

Confessional: Noah

“Well, with me being with Eva during the entire challenge, maybe I can get her back on our side! Shouldn’t be that hard, right?” Noah said.

“Oh, any by the way, Chef will be with you to guard you. He’ll whip you with a towel if you refuse to sing when I want.” Chris explained.

“Wow, ooh, a towel! I'm so scared.” Noah laughed.

“You should be. Exhibit A.” Chef said as he wore an ancient outfit and whipped Noah with the towel.

“Ow!” Noah said in pain.

“Shucks. Really should've sung that "ow", bro.” Chef laughed as he whipped Noah.

“Ow!” Noah sung in pain.

“Much better.” Chris said.

“Uh, why do we need these?” Eva said as Chef gave them lids as well.

“These authentic Spartan shields will help you in your treasure hunt. For the treasure you seek is tied to an Erymanthian boar.” Chris said as a bear with a gold medal necklace was shown.

“Uh, I changed my mind, can I do something else?” Noah said.

“Good luck to both teams. Chef, sound the Spartan battle horn!” Chris said as Chef played a kazoo.

“I think it’s busted.” Chef said.

“Ugh... that's the Spartan battle horn? For reals? Just go already! The rest of you, follow me.” Chris said as Duncan, Gwen and Noah went away.

“We're not going to stay? And watch? Closely? At all times?” Courtney asked.

“Nope. Time to flip channels. Just like the real Olympics.” Chris said as they left.

Cut to everyone in front of a wrestling circle. “Pankration is an ancient Greek martial art with no rules. Last man standing wins the gold.” Chris explained.

“As the strongest Amazon, I volunteer to fight for our team.” Courtney said.

“I'm pretty sure I'm the strongest!” Cody said as he flexed his non-existent muscles.

“Yeah, no.” Bridgette said.

“Ha ha, ha. As I was saying…” Courtney chuckled as Sierra looked upset.

“Ugh! That's it! I volunteer to fight Courtney!” Sierra said.

“Um... I need someone from Team I Am Really, Really, Really, Really, Hot to get involved here. Anyone?” Chris said.

“Uh, I think I’d rather do something else.” DJ said.

“Come on, Al, we can take them.” Owen told Alejandro as he looked upset.

“Wait. I was on the wrestling team in grade school.” Tyler interrupted.

“Then we should make an arrangement. I'll give you my spot if you swear you'll repay me the favor down the road.” Alejandro said as Tyler gave a thumbs up.

“We're gonna destroy you!” Owen angrily told the Amazons as he and Tyler looked comically angry.

Confessional: Tyler

“I didn’t know what the favor was, but I just had to compete! I hope it’s not gonna be anything that makes me say "I like girls!"” Tyler said.

“Sold! Into the ring with all of you!” Chris said as they entered the ring.

“My first Olympics. This is so cool.” Owen said.

“Ahh!” Cody yelled as he charged toward Owen. Owen replied by looking angry and hitting him with his gut, flunging him into the air.

“No!” Sierra yelped in fear.

“Yeah. I hope Gwen is doing better than we are.” Courtney said.

Cut to Noah being beaten by the bear. “Oh! Ah! Ah. Ah…” Noah grunted as the bear did push-ups on him.

“Ah, oof!” Cody grunted as he crashed into the bear from the air, knocking it off Noah.

“Ha ha. Way to help me, dork.” Noah said as Cody ran away.

“Did you find the bear? I heard noises.” Eva said as she came running.

“Well, I was being pummeled by it before Cody came out of nowhere and crashed into it. It probably ran someplace else.” Noah replied as he noticed that the bear was now gone.

“Ugh, you’re useless!” Eva angrily said.

“Hey, I was the one who got my butt beaten by the bear! I know you’re still upset about what happened in the previous challenge but we need to work together to win.” Noah explained.

“Fine. What do you say we should do?” Eva asked as Noah whispered something to her.

Confessional: Eva

“Maybe I was too hard on Owen and Noah. They are my friends, and Alejandro’s pretty sketchy. His nice guy shtick bothers me, Noah was probably right about him being bad news.” Eva said.

Cut to the ring where Sierra was choking Owen. “This is for hurting Cody!” Sierra angrily said.

“Get off!” Owen choked. Courtney tried to punch Tyler who only dodged.

“That's it, Courtney. You show him who's boss!” Heather cheered.

“Go, Amazons, woohoo!” Bridgette cheered.

“Dude, stop playing defense all the time! Get on the offense!” DJ said.

“Come on, Tyler, just pin her already!” Alejandro said.

“I don't wanna hurt a gir-- whoa! Ooh, ooh…” Tyler said as he was distracted, making Courtney able to land a punch on him, knocking him into the ground.

“Never fear ladies, I'm back to save you.” Cody said as he came back.

“Just stay out of the way, pipsqueak!” Courtney replied.

“Pipsqueak? That's it! Rah!” Sierra angrily said as she jumped off Owen and attacked Courtney.

“Ah!” Courtney grunted as she was pummeled by Sierra.

“Your team is fierce. But shouldn't they be fighting us?” Alejandro asked as Bridgette looked shocked while Heather facepalmed.

“Respect… the Cody!” Sierra angrily said as she choked Courtney.

“Same! Team!” Courtney said as she choked her back.

“Girls, girls. Oof! Ow…” Cody said as he was smacked by Courtney.

“Cody! You'll pay for that!” Sierra said as she and Courtney fell unconscious due to the choking. Owen shrugged and proudly stepped on this.

“That's two gold for Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really, Hot.” Chris said as he tossed Owen two medals.

“Two?” Bridgette asked.

“Hey, it was supposed to be a two-on-two challenge, but you guys turned it into a three-on two. It’s only fair.” Chris replied.

“Woohoo!” Owen cheered.

“In a world where Owen can win an Olympic gold medal, do the Amazons really stand a chance? Find out when we come back on Total. Drama.” Chris began.

“World Tour!” Owen and Chris sang as the screen went to black.

Cut to Gwen in the maze. “Here, boar, boar, boar!” Gwen said and then accidentally bumped into Duncan.

“Oh, hey, I just…” Duncan said in shock.

“Oh, um…” Gwen said in shock.

“You go first.” Duncan said in shock.

“Sorry.” Gwen said in shock. Duncan and Gwen sighed as the music icon popped up.

“Time for a song. Please continue. This time with music. This is a duet, so you both have to sing. So get to it!” Chris said as the song began with Chef playing a mandolin.


I know what you're thinking, I'm thinking it too!

[He sang as they walked in the maze]


I'm not sure what you're thinking, so maybe that's true!

[She sang as they walked in the maze]


I don't know what happened, but I have no regrets!

[He sang as they walked in the maze]

“For real? Or because you-know-who doesn't know yet?” Gwen said as Duncan looked nervous.


Oh, it's just between us

[He sang as they walked in the maze]


Not exactly, someone made a fuss

[She sang as they walked in the maze]


They sure weren't meant to see! But that locked door, couldn't secure our privacy…

[He sang as they stood in front of a Tyler statue while Alejandro looked at them from behind a pillar]

“Gwen's got such a great voice. I can't make out the lyrics. Speak up!” Courtney said outside the maze.

“Shush!” Chris interrupted.


Fine, let's do it, let's clear the air!

[He sang as they stood in front of a Courtney statue]


Save it for later! Look out for that bear!

[She sang as she pointed at Noah being chased by a bear]

“Ahh!” Noah screamed as he was attacked by the bear.


The pain, the pain! Too much to explain!

[He sang as he was attacked by the bear]


Gotta stop what we're doing. 'cause this is just insane!

[He sang as the bear put


Mr. Boar Bear's got me. And that’s seriously lame.

[He sang in a monotone voice in the bear’s mouth]


That was the plan, time to take that medal!

[She sang badly as she jumped from behind a pillar onto the boar’s neck]


Too bad that won’t work, I guess I win this game!

[She sang as she got the necklace from the bear before Eva and ran out]

“Nice one, Gwen!” Bridgette said.

“Amazons get a medal!” Chris announced.

“Yes!” Gwen and Courtney cheered.

Confessional: Chef & Eva

[co*ckpit Confessional]

“The plan was for Noah to distract the bear while I snuck behind and got the necklaces. Too bad he distracted them near the enemy!” Eva said.

“Next time strategize better I guess.” Chef said.

“How long were you and Duncan alone together before we got here? Did he say anything important?” Gwen asked.

“No, not really.” Gwen replied.

“I’m right here, you know.” Duncan and as he came and glared at Courtney who glared back.

“Next event. Moving on!” Chris said.

“What about Noah? Shouldn't we help him?” Owen said.

“Chef'll do that. Moving on!” Chris said as they left. Alejandro looked at Tyler to see him nervous.

Confessional: Alejandro

“Interesting song. Someone's been very naughty.” Alejandro said.

Cut to everyone except Noah in front of some hurdles. “Welcome to the hurdles event. The ultimate test of speed and flexibility. Two players from each team must leap higher and higher over these hurdles while they race for the finish line. First one across wins the gold. And since Heather, Bridgette, DJ and Alejandro are the only two yet to compete, they'll be going head to head.” Chris said.

“Sorry, but I'm as fast as a cheetah.” Heather mocked.

“And I’m extremely flexible due to all the yoga I do.” Bridgette said.

“Then why didn’t you offer to be stretched on the rack?” Heather said.

“Less pain is always better.” Bridgette replied.

“Uh, If we lose tonight, we're gonna vote out whoever didn't win a medal, right?” DJ asked Alejandro.

“I think we have this in the bag.” Alejandro said as he changed his ponytail with his legs.

“Oh, yeah.” DJ said as Bridgette and Heather looked shocked.

Confessional: Bridgette

“No man should be that flexible!” Bridgette siad.

“That should be me out there! I’ll have you know, In second grade, I competed in a hurdles event!” Cody said.

“Really? What award did you win?” Gwen said.

“Uh… my, of course, the coveted participation award!” Cody chuckled nervously.

“Yeah, I think it’s for the best that you’re on the sidelines.” Gwen said.

“Do you want to get choked like Courtney!?” Sierra angrily said.

Confessional: Cody & Sierra

“Ugh, what does it take for people to respect Cody around here! He’s way hunkier than DJ and Alejandro combined!” Sierra said.

“Okay, let’s not go that far.” Cody said.

Cut to Heather, Bridgette, DJ and Alejandro at the start. “On your mark... get set…” Chris said and blew an airhorn, making the four run as they jumped over hurdles.

“Don't worry, you can borrow my medal if you ever need to look like a winner.” Alejandro said as he started walking backwards.

“Clearly I’m not needed-Oof!” DJ said as he tripped on a hurdle.

“Whoa, oof! Oh come, on!” Bridgette grunted as she tripped on a hurdle.

“Ha ha! Gold, gold, gold, gold!” Owen said as he spun in circles, high-fiving Tyler all the time.

“Dude, come on, come on!” Eva angrily said as Alejandro walked on his hands and did flips.

“Relax my friends. Victory is at hand! Ah!” Alejandro grunted as he tripped on a hurdle. He gasped as he saw Heather pass him then got up and tried to pass her, but couldn’t as she crossed the line first.

“Yes!” Heather cheered as she crossed the line.

“No!” Alejandro said as he skid.

“A gold for the Amazons!” Chris said.

“Yeah! Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!” Sierra cheered.

“Oh come on! I’m gonna lose it!” Eva angrily said as Owen cried and Tyler sighed.

Cut to Noah sleeping in the maze when he was woken up by a bear licking him, making him scream as he backed away. “What the… Aw!” Noah grunted as he was whipped by Chef. “Dude! Is it over? So I should get back to my team? Know where the exit is? Perfect.” Noah asked as Chef nodded at all the questions except the last one as he left.

Cut to everyone in front of the building. “Okay, seriously. Where is Noah?” Owen said.

“Noah will join us as soon as he can. You know, if he's still alive.” Chris said.

“"If"? What does that mean?!” Owen said in shock.

“Can we focus on the game, please? It's time for the dreaded tie-breaker!” Chris said.

“Oh great, what do you want us to do now? Cuz I ain’t doing it!” Duncan angrily said.

“Of course you won’t! You’ve been completely useless this entire time! You better hope we win or you’re gone!” Courtney angrily said.

“Maybe that’s a good thing! I wouldn’t have to put up with you all day long!” Duncan angrily said.

“You are so insufferable!” Courtney angrily said.

“Guys! Come on! We need to focus!” Gwen said.

“Gwen’s right, we need to win this so focus!” Bridgette said.

“Why does Gwen care so much anyway?” Courtney angrily said.

“Uh... look! Wings!” Gwen said as an intern brought two wings.

“Attention, please! Chef spent over one hour building two sets of wings out of wax and the feathers we find in the plane's engine. One member from each team must strap on the wings and take flight. All the way up there. Whoever snags the gold medal out of the sky wins the Olympics and first class passage for their team.” Chris explained.

“Uh... sounds kind of dangerous.” DJ said.

“Not at all.” Chris said as the wings combusted. “We're gonna need some more wax! So, who's going up?” he asked.

“I'll do it if no one else wants to.” Cody said.

“Aw… Cody’s way more mature than the rest of you.” Sierra squealed.

“Team Me? Super Hot Me? Who's going?” Chris asked.

“I'll do it. To the extreme! Hoo!” Tyler cheered.

“And since it's a tie breaker, before you two strap on your wings, please slip into these authentic Spartan battle costumes.” Chris said as an intern came with costumes.

“Costumes!” Sierra squealed.

Cut to Cody and Tyler wearing the outfits with the wings. “He's like an angel.” Sierra gasped.

“Those costumes are not authent–” DJ tried to say but was interrupted.

“Shh! No one cares.” Sierra said.

“Let’s just hope jockless doesn’t screw it again.” Eva said.

“Hey! I’m trying my best!” Tyler said.

“This is gonna be a close one.” Owen said.

“Yes. Too close. Someone needs a distraction to slow them down. Time to pay back that favor. Please tell Courtney what you know about Duncan and Gwen.” Alejandro told Tyler while he approached him as Courtney gasped and growled at Gwen.

“On your marks…” Chris said as he readied a bow with a flaming arrow.

“Now.” Alejandro said.

“Uh, I saw Duncan and Gwen kiss! Oh…” Tyler sighed in relief.

“Excuse me, what!?” Eva said.

“You imbecile! You were supposed to shut your mouth!” Tyler angrily said.

“What?!” Courtney said in shock.

“Oh, that's a load off.” Tyler sighed in relief.

“He said he saw–” Alejandro said as Courtney growled at Gwen while Duncan approached Duncan.

“Get set…” Chris said.

“How could you?! You said you were on my side! I thought we were friend-ish! I hate you! I hate you!” Courtney yelled at Gwen as she was held back by Bridgette.

“Calm down! I’m sure Gwen has an explanation!” Bridgette said.

“Go!” Chris said as he fired the arrow.

“Ugh, Gwen, why?” Cody said as he took flight.

“If we lose again, one of you are so eliminated.” Courtney angrily said.

“They’ve got my vote.” Heather said.

“Agreed.” Sierra said.

“Guys, calm down! This has gotten way too out of hand!” Bridgette said.

“This is all your fault!” Duncan angrily told Tyler who didn’t fly yet due to shock.

“Well, I guess this is too!” Tyler said as he punched Duncan in the face, knocking him down as he began flying.

Confessional: Tyler

“This was my moment! If I won this, I’d finally be acknowledged for the great athlete again and Duncan goes home! There’s no way I could lose this!” Tyler said.

Tyler and Cody flew as their wings began to molt. “Their wings are molting!” Alejandro siad.

“Maybe it's seasonal?” Owen said.

“Come on, Cody.” Gwen said.

“Ugh, why am I hoping that the idiot jock actually wins?” Courtney siad.

Cody reached the top first but before he could get the medal, his wings fully melted. “Oof!” Cody grunted as he fell into the ground.

“Cody!?” Sierra said in concern.

“Nasty!” Chris laughed. Meanwhile, Tyler reached the top and grabbed the medal with his teeth as he fell due to his wings molting.

“Well, at least I lasted through without a scratch. Oof!” Cody grunted as Tyler fell on him.

“Team me wins! And the losers are heading back to the elimination room. For the second time in a row.

“Ugh.” Gwen said and collapsed.

“Did I miss anything?” Noah asked as he arrived.

“Buddy! You’re okay! And we won! Ah, this is the best day ever!” Owen said as he hugged Noah who saw everyone in chaos.

“I’m assuming I missed a lot.” Noah said.

“Way more than a lot.” Eva said.

Cut to first class. “Oh, wow. I had no idea punching could hurt the fist, too.” Tyler said as he looked at his hand.

“Good on you for getting payback man. Duncan’s a cool dude, but his treatment of you was not cool.“ DJ said.

“Yeah dude, I’m really hoping that jerk gets the boot!” Tyler said.

Confessional: Gwen

“The kiss was great. Really great. But was it worth it? I lied to Courtney about the entire thing and probably made her feel like crap due to kissing her ex, and I don’t even know how Duncan really feels about me. God, why did I have to mess everything up?” Gwen sighed.

Cut to Gwen walking in a hallway when she saw Duncan. “Ah! Hey.” Duncan and Gwen said at the same time.

“Ha, I can't believe–” Gwen said.

“You go first.” Duncan replied.

“Okay. The kiss was awesome. Even though I feel like crap and one of us is basically done for. That’s not even mentioning how this just happened after you broke-up so if you've changed your mind about our si–” Gwen said when Duncan suddenly kissed her. “Was that just to shut me up?” she asked.

“Not entirely. I don’t regret kissing you. I would have done it some time anyway, it just happened earlier than I wanted.” Duncan said.

“Why don't we just let things happen? No pressure. No planning. No pooku*ms. 'Kay?” Gwen said.

“See? That there is why I like you. Now let’s go, one of us is probably falling off a plane” Duncan said.

Cut to the elimination. “So, here we are. Let's look at why.” Chris began the ceremony.

“Dork Boy! You volunteered for and lost the tie breaker, which is why you're all here. Plus, you got TKO'd by Fat Kid. Not helpful.” Chef called out Cody who looked upset.

“Surfer Girl! You blew it in the hurdles!” Chef called out Bridgette who looked nervous.

“C.I.T.ney and Stalker Girl knocked each other out.” Chef called out Sierra and Courtney. Sierra looked weirdly normal while Courtney looked angry.

“Emo Duo, we all know what you did.” Chef called out Duncan and Gwen. Duncan looked uncaring while Gwen looked ashamed.

“Puh.” Duncan rolled his eyes.

“Nothing for me? I guess we all know who the best is now.” Heather smirked while everyone looked upset.

“Get voting and I’ll see you here.” Chris said.

Confessional: Gwen

She stamped a passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

She stamped a passport.

Confessional: Cody

He stamped a passport.

Confessional: Heather

She stamped a passport.

Confessional: Sierra

She stamped a passport.

Confessional: Courtney

She stamped a passport.

Confessional: Duncan

He stamped a passport.

“Now, for the votes. First one goes to… Duncan.” Chris read as Duncan rolled his eyes.

“Duncan.” he read as Duncan looked uncaring.

“Duncan.” he read.

“Courtney.” he read as Courtney’s eyes widened.

“Courtney.” he read as Courtney and Duncan glared at each other.

“The last two votes go to































Duncan. Sorry bub, I wanted to keep you for drama, but we had too many non eliminations so far.” he said.

“Whatever. Screw you anyway, I never wanted to come back to this damn show and you did it anyway just for your f*cking ratings crap! Just get me out of here.” Duncan said as he got a parachute and jumped out.

“Will Courtney and Gwen patch things up?” Chris said.

“I hate you!” Courtney yelled.

“And who's going for the next drop? Find out right here on Total. Drama. World Tour!” Chris said as the episode ended.


Confessional: Heather

“Yes! This is great, I bet no one even thought of voting me.” Heather said as she stamped Duncan’s passport.

Confessional: Cody

“I just don’t like him. I need to talk to Gwen.” Cody said as he stamped Duncan’s passport.

Confessional: Gwen

“I feel like crap doing this but what other choice do I have?” Gwen said as she stamped Courtney’s passport.

Confessional: Courtney

“Screw you.” Courtney said as he stamped Duncan’s passport.

Confessional: Sierra

“I can’t believe he’d do that just after he broke up with Courtney!” Sierra said as he stamped Duncan’s passport.

Confessional: Duncan

“Screw you.” Duncan said as he stamped Courtney’s passport.

Confessional: Bridgette

“I get Courtney was terrible to him but that’s no excuse to completely disregard her mental state.” Bridgette said as she stamped Duncan’s passport.


Duncan’s Drop of Shame 2

“I already said what I wanted to say in the first episode. I hate everything about this damn show and I never even wanted to return! I’m glad I got booted! No more singing, No more flying around in that clattering rust bucket, no more masoch*stic McLean mayhem, no more Tyler and no more Courtney! No more cameras in the can, no more creepy couples! I hope Gwen’s fine. Ugh, what the?” Duncan said as he landed in front of a bear that growled at him.


Team Amazon: Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Sierra
Team Chris: Alejandro, DJ, Eva, Noah, Owen, Tyler
Eliminated Contestants:
13. Duncan
14. Lindsay
15. Izzy
16. Justin
17. Leshawna
18. Harold
19. Ezekiel
x. Duncan
Duncan's out! He just came back for the kiss, didn't have anything left to do so I got rid of him. Ik he only properly competed for 2 episodes but would you have preferred him to make F5 again? Also the punch is now badass revenge instead of simpy and petty.

Leave your predictions on who goes next!

Total Drama World Tour Rewrite - BlazingPyro55 (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.